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January 11, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-01-11

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The Michigan Daily --Thursday, January 11, 1990 -Page 3



martial law



Back to school
LSA first-year-student Rachel Roth carries her belongings into West Quad upon her return from break.


Downtown Ann Arbor Inn closes



By Amy Quick
Daily Staff Writer

While many Ann Arborites and
students began the new decade by
watching Bo's last game in
Pasedena, the Ann Arbor Inn also
'began the 1990s with an ending.
On January 1, the Ann Arbor Inn
According to Ann Arbor News
reports, banks twice threatened to
foreclose the hotel, which is located
gat S. Fourth Ave. and E. Huron St.
The threats prompted the Inn's own-
ers, Ann Arbor Inn Partners Ltd., to
file for protection from its creditors
in June as provided under Chapter 11

of the bankruptcy law.
Later, Vyquest Inc., which holds
the mortgage on the hotel, demanded
that the Ann Arbor Inn Partners Ltd.
pay $7 million interest in Novem-
ber, which the Inn was unable to
pay. Consequently, Vyquest fore-
The closing may cause several
fraternities and sororities, which
have held formals at the inn, to
change their plans.
"It's closed?" Alpha Delta Pi
member Julie Mathews asked. Math-
ews had planned to call the Ann Ar-
bor Inn to make reservations for her
sorority's upcoming formal. ADPi

has held two formals at the hotel;
Mathews said the inn was conve-
nient, had low prices, and had "a
good working relationship going"
with the sorority.
Tracey Stone, reservations man-
ager for the Bell Tower Hotel, a lo-

versity hadn't done as much business
with the Ann Arbor Inn as with
other area hotels "because of declin-
ing quality."
But Alpha Tau Omega fraternity
had a formal at the hotel in early De-
cember, and member Bill Hamer said

BEIJING, China (AP) - Premier
Li Peng lifted Beijing's 7-month-old,
martial law yesterday night and said
that by crushing pro-democracy
protests, the army had saved China
from "the abyss of misery."
The largely symbolic action ap-
peared intended chiefly to ease for-
eign ctiticism of China's harsh
crackdown on dissent and cue the
World Bank and industrialized na-
tions to restore badly needed soft
Vice President Dan Quaiyle called
the move a "step forward for human
rights" and a dividend of recent U.S.
overtures to China. A White House
spokesperson said there was no
change in the U.S. economic sanc-
tions against China, but hinted that
the United States stands ready to
back World Bank loans for China for
humanitarian needs.
Western diplomats in Beijing
linked Li's action to the December
visit of U.S. National Security Ad-
viser Brent Scowcroft, who sought
an easing of China's crackdown in
exchange for normalizing bilateral
Li, however, sought to portray
the end of martial law as a sign of
its success. He said it proved that
"the Chinese Communist Party, the
Chinese government, and the Chi-
nese people are capable of running
their own affairs well."
Li imposed martial law in Bei-
jing for the first time in 40 years of
Communist rule on May 20, after
more than 1 million people had
filled Beijing streets to support the
student-led pro-democracy
In his 10 minute speech yesterday
night, broadcast on national TV and
radio, Li said martial law was
"timely, necessary, and correct." If
he had not acted, he said, Chinese
"would have again fallen into the
abyss of misery."
"China is now stable politically,
economically, and socially; produc-
tion and lives are in good order....
People live and work in peace and
contentment," he said.
He stressed that the party was not
softening its opposition to efforts to
"attempts to subvert the socialist

The party newspaper, The Peo-
ple's Daily, used even stronger lan-
guage, declaring: "It is imperative to
smash the sabotage of hostile
Beijing streets and college cam-
puses remained quiet after the
speech. Several students said the end
of martial law made no difference,
and noted that tight campus security
would remain.
Asked if any students were likely
to renew calls for democracy, one
student said: "We're about to go on
winter holiday - we've already
bought our tickets to go home."
There was little outward sign of
the lifting of martial law. In Octo-
ber, the government pulled army
Martial law was
'timely, necessary,
and correct.' Without
action, China 'would
have again fallen into
the abyss of misery.
- Li Peng
Premier of China
guards off the streets, although they
remain in and around the city in
walled compounds.
Special armed police who had
guarded the perimeter of Tianamen
Square - the focal point of the
spring protests - withdrew at mid-
night, but others remained at the
flagpole in the square and the mon-
ument to revolutionary martyrs,
both guarded even before martial

The closing may cause several fraternities
and sororities, which have held formals at the
inn, to change their plans.
cal competitor located across from he had not noticed any lack in qual-,
Hill Auditorium, said that the Ann ity. "It was great." said Hamer. "I
Arbor Inn had been "going downhill kind of wish it was staying open. It
lately." was a good place to have a formal."
"The quality was going down," Executives t the Ann Arbor Inn
said Stone. She added that the Uni- could not be reached for comment.



'U' prof. to serve on Smithsonian board

by Ruth Littmann


University of Michigan Physics
,Professor Homer Neal was honored
,with an appointment to the fifteen-
member governing board of the
Smithsonian Institution in Washing-
,ton D.C.
Neal's nomination to the board
was approved by a joint resolution
-of Congress and ratified by President
eBush on Dec. 7, 1989. He will at-
,tend the first meeting of his six-year
term at month's end.
a "I have long been an admirer of
.the Smithsonian Institution. I've
admired the universality of the
-Smithsonian Institution's activities
,and the breadth and quality of its

programs," said Neal, who will help
guide the Smithsonian's major pol-
icy decisions.
Listing the National Air and
Space Museum, the National Zoo,
and the National Portrait Gallery as
three programs representative of the
institution's scope, Neal said he
would not be partial to those pro-
grams which deal with his field of
expertise: the physical sciences. "I
am equally interested in the Art Mu-
seum and other operations," he said.
Asked about his ideas for the fu-
ture of the Smithsonian, Neal said
he would prefer to reserve comment
until later: "It might be a little pre-
mature for me to be indicating the

direction I'd like to see the Institu-
tion take. I haven't been to the first
meeting yet."
Neal began working at the Uni-
versity in 1987 and now serves as
chair of the University's Department
of Physics. Before working at the
University he served as dean of re-
search and graduate development at
Indiana University and as provost of
the State University of New York at
Stony Brook.
"I have overseen several muse-

ums, fine art centers and research in-
stitutes, and have participated in sev-
eral initiatives in science education,"
he said. "I hope to draw from these
experiences in helping the Smithso-
nian chart its course in the years
Gary Krenz, Neal's administrative
assistant at the University, said
"Homer Neal has been a real leader
of physics in this country. Every-
body is the physics department is
just delighted."


Police report two

cases of attempted
murder off campus

-by Mike Sobel
R Daily Crime Reporter
Aside from a series of break-ins
and a' car chase, Ann Arbor police
reported one armed robbery and two
incidents of attempted murder off
'campus this week.
On Monday night, three men
%wearing stockings on their heads en-"
- tered the Atlas Oil Company, a gas
station and convenience store on W.
Stadium, and threatened the cashier
at knifepoint. They fled on foot with
$146.00. Although no arrests have
been made, Detective Robert Winter
of the AAPD said he has "some
In both cases of attempted murder
the perpetrator assaulted someone he
knew with a knife.
After a verbal and physical fight,
Ann Arbor Resident Ronald
Williams stabbed his uncle, Michael
Williams, in the left abdomen at a
laundromat on S. Industrial Tuesday
night. Ronald Williams fled the
scene but was arrested yesterday
morning at 11:45. He had two out-
standing warrants for possession and
manufacturing of cocaine.

At yesterday's arraignment,
Williams was charged with assault
with intent to murder and is to ap-
pear in court on the January 17th.
His bond was set at $10,000.
AAPD Det. Michael Schubring
said the fight began "over a long
standing feud." Michael Williams is
at the University hospital and in
"fair condition," Schubring added.
Ann Arbor resident Chris Rezak
is also at the University hospital re-
covering from stab wounds, said
AAPD Det. Mary Smith. At 4:00
yesterday morning, Rezak was knifed
in front of his home on E. Jefferson
by Ehab Haddah, an Ypsilanti resi-
dent. Smith said the attack was trig-
gered by a "dispute over borrowod
money," and that "other persons
were at the scene," although she did
not comment further.
Haddah was arraigned yesterday in
Ann Arbor, charged with attempted
murder and released on a $10,000
bond. He is to appear in court on
January 17, Smith said.

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