* Gel...or mousse?
Readers respond
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 105
receives full
* power license
ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) - The Seabrook nuclear
power plant won federal permission yesterday to produce
commercial electricity after two decades of protests and
legal struggles that made it a symbol of the national
anti-nuclear movement.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted 3-0 to
grant a license for Seabrook to operate at full power but
delayed issuing it for two weeks - to allow an expected
appeal in federal court.
Two of the commission's five members abstained
from the vote because of involvement in Seabrook is-
sues prior to becoming commissioners.
Opponents have long maintained that people near the
plant would be trapped in a nuclear emergency, and offi-
cials in Massachusetts, with a border just two miles
from Seabrook, said they would indeed take the case to
U.S. District Court in Washington.
Foes also claimed a broader victory, contending that
as a result of the long fight against Seabrook, no utility
would be willing to risk the monetary and other costs of
trying to build and open another nuclear plant.
The commission's ruling ratified recommendations
by its staff and several lower-level boards that the plant
is safe and that evacuation plans would work.
"I would be happy to live within two miles of this
plant and I wouldn't worry abut it at all," said NRC
chair Kenneth Carr.
However, Massachusetts Attorney General James
Shannon said, "We will be in court in the next few
days... There has never been a licensing issue which has
been so legally vulnerable."
See SEABROOK, Page 2
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 2, 1990
CopyrightO 1990o
The Michigan Daily
I ~
Smith's shooting powers MSU
into Big Ten's driver's seat
by Mike Gill
Daily Basketball Writer
EAST LANSING - Michigan's
on again, off again romance with a
Big Ten championship finally came
to a crashing halt last night in the
Breslin Center. Michigan State
proved to be the third party,
divorcing any Michigan hope for the
conference crown.
Steve Smith scored a career-high
36 points, scuffled with an All-
American in Rumeal Robinson and
led Michigan State to a rousing 78-
70 victory over their intra-state
rivals from Ann Arbor.
"Were you unstoppable?" Smith
was asked after his 13 for 21
shooting, including five for seven
from three-point land.
"Somewhat- just a little bit,"
he replied.
The Spartans now own a half-
game lead on Purdue, one and a half
on Michigan, in the race for the Big
Ten championship. Michigan has
three games remaining - at Purdue
Sunday and then at home against
Wisconsin and Iowa. Michigan State
travels to Minnesota and
Northwestern before closing out the
season at home with Purdue.
Michigan coach Steve Fisher said
it would now take "a miracle" for the
Wolverines to win the Big Ten, but
quickly added, "stranger things have
"We're in the driver's seat,"
Michigan State coach Jud Heathcote
said. "We control our own destiny
and we're happy about that."
The Wolverines fought
back many times in the second half
but never led. The Spartans grabbed
a 14 point lead with 7:01 remaining,
but less than five minutes later the
Wolverines narrowed the deficit to
only three.
But the real story was Smith,
who dominated the game for the
Spartans. Terry Mills, who had said
earlier in the week that he worried
about certain Spartans raising their
See SMITH, Page 9
AP Photo
Michigan State guard Steve Smith drives down the floor, chased by Michigan forward Sean
Higgins, during last night's game in East Lansing. Smith tied his career high, scoring 36
points and shooting 13 for 21 from the floor as the Spartan's defeated the Wolverines 78-70.
Fraudulent notes cause
midterm cancellation
by Elisabeth Weinstein
Daily Staff Writers
Students who had prepared to take the
Economics 432 exam yesterday were angered
because the midterm was "cancelled" by
anonymous fraudulent notes which said the
professor was ill.
Three notes on the doors of a second floor
Modern Languages Building lecture hall and
blackboard of the classroom said the exam
was cancelled due to the professor's illness.
About one fifth of the 75 students left before
Professor Daniel O'Brien arrived to adminis-
ter the test.
When he learned why they had left,
O'Brien decided to officially cancel the exam.
"I would have liked to give the exam but I
decided not to. If I had given the test to the
students who were there, I would have had to
make up another exam and I didn't want to.
But many students were angry, and rightly
O'Brien said after spring break he would
discuss with the class when to reschedule the
Students agreed with O'Brien's decision.
LSA senior Jeff Freedman said, "He couldn't
administer the exam twice. The only thing
he could have done was make up another
exam and he didn't want to. I don't blame
LSA senior Keith Radner said, "O'Brien
didn't have a choice. At least 10 to 15 stu-
dents had left."
O'Brien said he is upset about the inci-
dent. "This shows a lack of maturity, but I
guess we're going to run into that now and
again," he said.
Students were also angered over the
prank. Radner said he was stunned. "In addi-
tion to being unethical, it was inconsiderate.
I am irritated because whoever wrote the note
was affecting my schedule," he said.
"It's probably just some student who did
not want to take the test. I was furious,"
Freedman said. "I think it's sad that someone
has this much disrespect both for the profes-
sor and the students. Whoever did this should
be tossed out of school,"
Freedman also said he felt sorry for
O'Brien. "It was not the professor's fault,
but it makes him look bad."
O'Brien said he would like to know who
posted the note. "There's not much I can do
to find out who wrote it, but if any one
former) confidential."
LSA Director of Academic counseling
Charles Judge said there are no University
regulations concerning an incident such as
'I would have liked to give the exam but I
decided not to. If I had given the test to the
students who were there, I would have had
to make up another exam and I didn't want
to. But many students were angry, and
rightly so'
- Daniel O'Brien
Economics professor
knows who did, I would appreciate know-
ing, and would keep it (the name of the in-
this. "The actions taken are up to the in-
structor," said Judge.
Bush, Senate leaders agree
on strict pollution controls
leaders and President Bush compro-
mised yesterday on future air pollu-
tion controls for automobiles, facto-
ries and electric power plants, en-
hancing chances that a clean air bill
will pass this year.
The agreement, after more than
three weeks of closed-door negotia-
tions, was viewed as a middle ground
likely to attract enough support to
thwart continuing regional opposi-
tion in the looming Senate debate.
Majority Leader George Mitchell
(D-Maine) called the compromise a
"sound and comprehensive" agree-
ment that will substantially improve
air quality over the next decade. He
planned to bring the legislation to
the Senate floor on Monday.
"President Bush is extraordinarily
pleased with the agreement. It is a
milestone, an enormous step for-
ward." said Roger Porter, the presi-
dent's chief domestic policy advisor.
The agreement made some ac-
commodations to regional interests,
especially those concerned about the
local economic cost of acid rain con-
ON that score, the compromise
continues to require a 10 million ton
Midwest had threatened to filibuster
the legislation if some accommoda-
tion were not met to ease their con-
cerns about the high costs of the
pollution controls.
Mitchell said he still could not
discount the threat of a filibuster,
but various Senate sources suggested
that with the compromise, Mitchell
would likely have enough votes to
halt debate.
The breakthrough on the legisla-
tion came Wednesday when leaders
agreed on pollution curbs on auto-
The compromise eliminates an
automatic second round of auto
tailpipe controls, although such
measure s could be put into effect if
more than 11 of 27 cities with
"serious" ozone pollution problems
fail to meet federal air quality stan-
dards at the end of this decade.
The White House had strongly
opposed the second round of controls
as had the auto industry.
Earthquake damage
Danny Robertson surveys the damage done to a warehouse
Calif. The quake registered 5.5 on the Richter Scale.
Automakers happy
w ith clean air bill
by Wednesday's earthquake that struck La Verne,
Ceremony honors
by Gil Renberg
Daily Staff Writer School of Nursing Office of
The University's Women of
Color Task Force honored three
women of color faculty and adminis-
tration members yesterday afternoon
for their contributions to the Univer-
sity in a ceremony attended by Uni-
ity Affairs; and Joyce French, a data
archives specialist at the Institute for
Social Research respectively.
Goodman, a member of the Pres-
idential Minority Task Force Com-
mittee, has has helped to nearly dou-
weekly tutor in a program co-spon-
sored by Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity and the Ypsilanti Schools to
help elementary students with aca-
demic subjects. "It is an invigorating
experience to work with you,"
Moody said as he presented Robin-
air compromise between Senate lead-
ers and the White House is a victory
for domestic automakers, Sen. Carl
Levin said yesterday.
"I believe we succeeded," said the
Detroit democrat, the point man in
industry supporters' effort to negoti-
ate changes in the bill as approved
by a Senate panel last November.
But the industry reacted cau-
tiously to the agreement, which was
still being crafted into a bill for floor
debate and a long way form enact-
ment. It differs markedly form a
House clean-air bill pending before
the Energy and Commerce Commit-
tee, chaired by Rep. John Dingell
(D-Trenton), a staunch auto industry