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February 28, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-28

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Abolish the army

Free expression from East Germany

Women's tennis team remains undefeated

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom


* Vol. C, No. 103

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 28, 1990

The Michigan Daily






Former coach Bud Middaugh
arraigned for embezzlement

Big Ten levels two-year probation sentence
against baseball program for rules violations

by Steven Cohen
and Matt Rennie
Daily Sports Writers
Former Michigan baseball coach
Bud Middaugh was arraigned yes-
terday in Ann Arbor on charges of
embezzlement of University funds.
Middaugh pleaded innocent to the
charges before Fifteenth District
Court Judge Samuel J. Elden. Elden
scheduled a preliminary hearing of
Middaugh's case for March 14 at 9
a.m. in response to defense attorney
Michael Moran's request for more
time to review the evidence against
his client.
Middaugh left after the arraign-
ment free on bond, which Elden set
at $1,000.
The charges brought against
Middaugh stem from his alleged
misuse of university funds generated
from the sale of football game pro-
grams between September and No-
vember, 1987.
Assistant prosecutor Lynwood
Noah stated that Middaugh kept none
of the money for himself, giving all

of it to the players.
The warrant does not specify the
amount of money allegedly taken,
but a baseball report released later in
the day estimated the amount of
money which Middaugh paid out at
over $50,000.
Though many of his infractions
were violations of Big Ten and
NCAA guidelines, they were not
punishable by law. But after an in-
house investigation uncovered sev-
eral checks from Middaugh's account
made out to players, it was revealed
that Middaugh may have embezzled
from the University.
Middaugh, in directing the sale of
programs, was responsible for the
hiring of vendors and the retrieval of
the money earned. It is alleged that
Middaugh diverted a large percentage
of the program revenues as a means
to compensate baseball players who
were not on full scholarship.
Middaugh resigned on July 12,
1989, in the wake of the in-house
investigation. The University hired


former Wolverine and Tiger standout
Bill Freehan as his replacement.
The charges of rules violations
against Middaugh were confirmed
yesterday in a report released by the
athletic department yesterday (see
accompanying story).
Middaugh, if convicted of the
embezzlement charges, could be
sentenced to up to 10 years in prison
and fined a maximum of $5,000.
Neither Middaugh nor Moran
would comment after the arraign-
ment on what the March 14 inves-
tigation would reveal.

by Steven Cohen
and Matt Rennie
Daily Sports Writers
The Michigan baseball program has been placed on
probation for the next two years by the Big Ten for
NCAA rules violations which occurred during former
coach Bud Middaugh's tenure.
The results of the joint investigation between the
University and the Big Ten conference, which began
January 30, 1989, were released at last night's Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics meeting. The report
lists 43 alleged rules violations, ranging in subject from
recruiting misdeeds to unethical conduct.
In serving the two years probation, the Michigan
baseball team will be barred from post-season play and
from appearing on television. Originally the bans were
to last three years, but the Compliance Committee later
shortened the duration of the penalties.
Committee chair Robert A. Stein stated, "Because of
the outstanding cooperation by the University of Mich-
igan in investigating these violations and instituting a
number of self-imposed penalties, the compliance com-
mittee has reduced the penalties which would otherwise
be imposed."
The University further levied its own restrictions on
the program, which the Compliance Committee ac-
cepted as adequate.
The most serious of the violations listed concerned

transgressions of Big Ten and NCAA recruiting leg-
islation, the payment of players by Middaugh, and
violations of Big Ten travel squad limitations.
Michigan president James Duderstadt and athletic
director Jack Weidenbach met with Big Ten officials in
Chicago on Monday to review the report. Other
members of the Michigan athletic administration who
were present included former athletic director Bo
Schembechler, assistant to the director Jeff Long, and
faculty representatives Gwen Cruzat and Doug Kahn.
Middaugh allegedly paid at least $51,762 to players
in extra benefits. A large portion of this money stems
from the violations involving the excessive com-
pensation to baseball players who sold football
programs during the 1987 seasons.
Although all were aware of the investigation, the
magnitude of the findings was somewhat unexpected.
"I think we were surprised at the extent (of the
allegations), once we started investigating," Cruzat said.
This surprise raised the question of how much the
athletic department actually knew about the illegal
"The report does say that a lack of administrative
control was a major part (of the violations)," Weid
enbach conceded.
Duderstadt released a statement yesterday in which he
expressed his own concern See PROBATION, page 10

Groups call for
ratification of
ClRean Air Act

Secret Service
raids Bursely
by Mike Sobel licenses sold to "100 to 150 individ-
Daily Crime Reporter uals."

by Catherine Fugate
Daily Staff Writer
Those who passed through the
Diag yesterday at noon heard a mass
of people demanding their right to
breathe freely.
"What do we want?...CLEAN
"When do we want it?...NOW!"
In observance of the National
Clean Air Day, about fifty men and
women donned filter masks and en-
circled the "M" on the Diag. At the
given signal, each participant re-
moved their mask and fell to the
ground, gasping for air, symbolizing
death by air pollution.
The "Die-in," sponsored by the
Earth Day 1990 committee along
with PIRGIM, is a part of the week
long celebration of Earth Day. Simi-
lar events were held in twenty other
states. said Mark Bangela.
The purpose of the "Die-in" was
to "grab people's attention in hopes
that they will start to get involved
with the issues, because what we
face is a bad situation," said Mark
Bangela, publicity representative for
Earth Day 1990.
Michigan is the sixth worst state
in the country foi toxic air pollu-
tants, according to an Earth Day

1990 flier. Last year there were at
least seventy days in which air in
Michigan exceeded federal health
standards the flier also noted.
After staging the "Die-in," partic-
ipants returned to the fishbowl to
encourage passers-by to sign letters
expressing their concern for the pass-
ing of the Clean Air Act. These let-
ters will be sent to Michigan's Sena-
tors, demanding that they attempt to
pass the Clean Air Act.
"The first Earth Day, held in
1970, spawned political force for the
original Clean Air Act," said Jodi
Goldman, coordinator of the "Die-
in." However, "students do not real-
ize that the Clean Air Act expired
ten years ago," Goldman said, noting
that the Act is no longer relevant to
conditions that occur today.
However, for legislators to enact
Clean Air bills the act has to be re-
newed. The renewal process for the
Clean Air Act has been caught in
Congress for the past ten years, the
victim of a filibuster. David Lip-
peatt, Clean Air organizer with
PIRGIM, believes that there is fi-
nally a chance to pass the Clean Air
"We are sending a message to
Congress that our leaders can no

Amidst a mass of police, students
and television news crews, United
States secret service agents yesterday
raided the room of two Bursely Hall
residents whom they believe have
been manufacturing and selling fake
driver's licenses on campus.
The raid, which took place at 4
p.m., is part of an ongoing investi-
gation by the Ann Arbor police and
the U.S. Secret Service. Secret Ser-
vice agents interviewed the two sus-
pects, both first year engineering
students, and confiscated materials
from their room used to manufacture
the I.D.'s.
Ann Arbor Detective Norman
Olmstead, who has been involved in
the three-week-old investigation, said
the suspects, both Ohio residents,
had created a life size replica, or
board, of an Ohio driver's license.
Olmstead said students found out
about the operation "by word of
mouth" and came to the suspects'
room where the studio was set-up.
"The person would stand in front
of it and they (the suspects) would
take a polaroid," Olmstead said.
Special Agent in charge of the
Secret Service's Detroit Field Office,
James Huse, said the I.D.'s were be-
ing sold for about $30 a piece. Olm-
stead estimated the suspects have
made $5,000 from around 300 fake

Olmstead said agents will present
evidence from the raid to a Federal
Grand Jury in March. The Grand
Jury will then decide whether to in-
dict the students for "the manufactur-
ing and sale of false identification
documents," a federal offense which
holds a maximum penalty of
$25,000 and five years in prison.
Huse said the investigation began
after Ann Arbor police noticed"a
number of these (fake Ohio) I.D.'s
appearing around campus." Huse said
the Secret Service built their case by
conducting interviews with students
and sending undercover agents to buy
I.D.'s from the suspects.
Huse explained that the Secret
Service used this evidence to obtain
a search warrant from Detroit's U.S.
District Court.
Olmstead said "there is a good
chance that they (the Bursely resi-
dents) will be indicted."
Although Olmstead would not
comment on whether other students
will be implicated in the scam, he
did say the investigation will con-
"We do know that this is not the
only board in town," he said.
Olmstead also said the use of fake
I.D.'s is rampant in Ann Arbor.
"We got over 270 counterfeit
See ID'S, Page 2

Susan Brown, an LSA senior, wears a filter mask during the Clean Air
Day rally on the Diag yesterday.
longer afford to avoid the issue," said get interested now will want to get
Lippeatt. involved with meetings and events
Through events such as National during Earth Week," Bangela said.
Clean Air Day and Earth Week, Earth Day 1990 cites four
which will be held the first week of "problem areas" targeted for im-
April, members of the Earth Day provement. These include urban
1990 committee hope to increase smog- mainly automobile emis-
student's awareness of environmental sion, acid rain, air toxins and Great
issues. "Our hope is that people who Lakes contamination.

Officials debate legality of
highway sobriety checkpointsS-;

WASHINGTON -- Federal and
state officials told the Supreme
Court yesterday that highway sobri-
ety checks help fight drunken driv-
ing, but an attorney for a group of
motorists argued the checkpoints in-
vade privacy and don't work.
Lawyer Mark Granzotto of De-
troit, representing challengers of
Michigan's sobriety checkpoint pro-
gram, said states adopt such pro-
grams because "they are a very visi-
ble means of showing that some-
thing is being done."
However, he said, "They don't

challenged and was halted by state
courts after it had been in operation
for approximately an hour at one
Of the 126 drivers who were
stopped, two drivers were detained
for sobriety tests and one driver was
arrested on drunken-driving charges.
The rest were given traffic safety
brochures and allowed to drive away.
The average delay was about half
a minute.
Casey told the court that the pro-
gram was intended to alert the public
to the seriousness of the problem, to

Michigan's position, told the court,
"if one were to prepare a list of seri-
ous health and safety problems,
drunk driving would have to be near
the top of the list." Lower courts
have split on the issue of check-
points. Some have upheld them
while others, like the Michigan
courts, have ruled that such police
tactics violate the Fourth Amend-
ment's ban on unreasonable police
searches and arrests.
Outside the court after the cz.se
was argued, Mickey Sadoff of Hurst,

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