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February 27, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-27

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Don't lift sanctions




Baseball team opens season


U Southern hospitality

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Nyr kiuoranleaieo
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. C, No. 102 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, February 27, 1990 The Michigan Na
Ortega losses to Chamorro in elections
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - Opposition leader He spoke hours after it was clear that the electoral
Violeta Barrios de Chamorro defeated President Daniel tide was against him and Chamorro, would be the next
Ortega in a stunning rebuke to 10 years of leftist San- president of this battle scared nation, which has in the
dinista rule in this war-weary nation, election returns past decade become one of the poorest nations in the the
showed. Western Hemisphere.
Sunday's peaceful ballotting - the freest elections in With 82 percent of the precincts counted, Chamorro
Nicaraguan history - was closely watched by thousands had 633,357 votes, or a 55,2 percent of the votes.
of international observers and, with more than half of Chamorro is to take office April 25 and the transi-
the vote in, Chamorro was winning 55 percent. tion could be difficult given the antagonism between the
Ortega assured the world yesterday that the Sandin- parties.
istas will accept the voters' verdict and surrender power "It's going to be a bit harder than the normal transi-
rgafter more than a decade to an opposition alliance tion," said Alfredo Cesar, one of Chamorro's closest ad-
formed only six months ago. visers and a former leader of the contra rebels.
"We leave victorious because the Sandinistas have Under the Sandinistas, Nicaragua became a self pro-
sacrificed, spilled blood and sweat, not to cling to gov- claimed revolutionary state and adopted portions of
ernment posts, but to bring Nicaragua something denied Marxist and Leninist ideology to remake its economic
since 1821," he said in a dramatic dawn speech broadcast and social structure. It won strong support from the so-
nation wide. viet Union and Cuba, and See CHAMORRO, Page 2
Stdet give various
5reactions to elections
by Ian Hoffman Chamorro is the leader of the po- Sandinistas expected to lose."
t *k F ~. /Daily Staff Writer litically diverse 14-party coalition, Vandermeer added, "Clearly the
Some members of the University UNO, that includes both commu- U.S. will continue to be intimately
i ) ®w9 %% i 'p~s 9pcommunity expressed surprise at the nists and far-right wing groups. involved in the affairs of Nicaragua."
'/ t..results of yesterday's Nicaraguan "I was surprised because the polls But others were not surprised by
presidential elections in which oppo- had predicted a Sandinista victory," yesterday's turn of events.
sition leader Violetta Barrios de said biology Prof. John Vandermeer, "I pretty much expected the vic-
Violetta Barrios De Chamorro, right, embraces her running mate, Virgilio Godoy, after winning Nicaragua'sho Chamorro defeated current Nica- who has worked in Nicaragua for the tory," said LSA senior Roberto Fri-
national election early yesterday. The victorious couple celebrates at the headquarters of the United National raguan president Daniel Ortega with last 10 years. "I don't think that sancho, president of the Coalition
Opposition (UNO) in Managua. a 55.2 percent majority. UNO expected to win more than the See REACTIONS, Page 2

by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter

tries to separate

--- IN



The University decided last week
to revoke a permit allowing the Na-
4 tional Organization for the Reform
" -of Marijuana Laws (NORML) to
hold a rally on the Diag April 1.
NORML - which intentionally
scheduled the rally to coincide with
the annual Hash Bash - is intend-
ing to use the April 1 rally to en-
courage students to vote against a

city ballot proposal which would in-
crease the fines for possession of
The University granted NORML
a permit for the rally last November,
but decided to withdraw the permit
because of "criminal activity, no-
tably marijuana smoking and alcohol
consumption by people not of legal
drinking age" during NORML's rally
held in conjunction with last year's
Hash Bash.


"Our concern centered around the
illegal activity that surrounded the
event," said University's Director of
Student Programs Frank Cianciola.
He added that in November, the per-
mit was issued without adequate re-
However, Cianciola said the Uni-
versity is willing to work with
NORML to reach an agreement on
another site for the rally besides the

'ally rrc
NORML's student representative
Rick Engel said he is unsure about
what should be done because he un-
derstands the point of view of both
the University and NORML.
Engel, an LSA senior, said
NORML should stay away from
Hash Bash so it can eradicate the
misconception that the group pro-
motes the use of drugs. On the other
hand, he said forcing NORML to
move the rally at such a late date is

unfair to the group because the rally
has already been publicized and relo-
cation could jeopardize the rally's
NORML spokesperson Rich Bir-
kett said he plans to hold the rally
on the diag with or without the Uni-
versity's approval and added that if
the permit was not reinstated, the
group would take the University to
"This is not just a bunch of peo-

im Hash Bash

ple involved in civil disobedience,
this is a bonafide political rally,"
Birkett said.
Birkett charged that the Univer-
sity was biased against NORML and
said the proposal to move the loca-
tion was a University effort to hide
the rally.
"The diag is the premium loca-
tion for protest in the city, we want
to assure that all groups have equal
See RALLY, Page 2

Court upholds ban
on homosexuals for
U.S. military service

Students ask 'U'
to ban recruiters
who discriminate

WASHINGTON. D.C. (AP) - The tutes w
U.S. military's general ban of tant ex
homosexuals survived two Supreme tion by
Court appeals yesterday. day."
The high court rejected appeals
by Miriam Ben Shalom, 41, who Ms
has been a sergeant in the Army Re- Army
serve in Milwaukee, and James charge
Woodward of Spring Valley, Cali- acdgo
fornia, who was ousted from active judged
duty by the Navy. . rve
The court's refusal, without in Aug
comment, to review the Pentagon Th
ban leaves open the possibility that "Hom
+ the justices could agree in some fu- with
ture case to review a policy that says "perso
"homosexuality is incompatible condu
with military service." demon
But groups seeking expanded gay in hom
rights said they have a better chance
of getting help from Congress. The
"There are other remedies for us there
to take care of this deeply irrational about
policy," said Peri Jude Radecic of the mance
National Gay and Lesbian Task Army
RForce. "We've had a great deal of cipline
congressional interest in this. fighting
Within the next year, you'll see Wo
some good things coming from in 197
Congress." Naval F
Nan Hunter of the American gram e
Civil Liberties Union said, "The re- "yes" 1
fusal to allow lesbian and gay Amer- whethe
icans to enlist in the military consti- men o
.Soviets start

what is probably the most bla-
xample of official discrimina-
y the federal government to-
. Ben Shalom joined the
Reserve in 1974 but was dis-
.d in 1976 because she was an
,wiedged lesbian. A federal
ordered her reinstated, and she
out an enlistment that ended
rust 1988.
e Army policy says,
osexuality is incompatible
military service," and bars
ns who engage in homosexual
ct or who by their statements
strate a propensity to engage
nosexual conduct."
appeals court, while noting
never had been a complaint
Ms. Ben Shalom's perfor-
of her military duties, said the
acted to protect "morale, dis-
and the effectiveness of our
g forces."
odward was allowed to enlist
2 for a six-year hitch in the
Flight Officer Candidate Pro-
.ven though he had answered
to a questionnaire that asked
er he was sexually attracted to
or desired sex with men.

by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter
Members of the Lesbian and Gay
Law Student Alliance discussed
with University officials last week
the possibility of banning the CIA,
FBI and military from recruiting at
the Law School. The organizations
should be banned from campus, Al-
liance members said, because they
discriminate on the basis of sexual
The discussion with University
administrators was positive but in-
conclusive, said Bill Aseltyne, a
member of the Alliance.
"It was the first indication they
were supportive of our issues," Asel-
tyne said. "But it wasn't entirely
clear what they planned to do."
Members of the Alliance met
with President James Duderstadt,
Law School Dean Lee Bollinger, and
Provost Charles Vest February 22.
They asked the administration to re-
verse it's decision made last year to
exempt public employers from the
Law School's nondiscrimination
The policy prohibits employers
who discriminate on the basis of
age, sex, race, or sexual orientation
from recruiting at law school facili-
ties. But when the policy was im-
plemented, the University adminis-
tration exempted public employers

from the policy, said Daniel
Sharphorn, University assistant gen-
eral counsel, because "There were
some problems with federal
money... and some forms of discrim-
ination have been declared legal by
the courts."
Courts have upheld discrimina-
tion against people with disabiliies
and against lesbian and gay males in
the military, Sharphorn said.
"The policy the Law School
wanted to adopt was in conflict with
existing University policy," Provost
Vest said.
Regental Bylaw 14.06 prohibits
discrimination on campus, but does
not prohibit discrimination based on
sexual orientation and does not indi-
cate whether the policy applies to
non-campus organizations using
University facilities.
Last year, the University prohib-
ited the FBI from recruiting on cam-
pus because of a court case which
found the bureau guilty of discrimi-
nation against Hispanics.
The FBI and CIA have not been
found guilty of discrimination based
on sexual orientation. At least 12
universities across the country, how-
ever, have banned or restricted re-
cruitment by the FBI or CIA because
the organizations allegedly discrimi-
nate against gay men and lesbians.
"(The FBI) maintains it's not in'
_. . . I .r 1

Cookie supply
Angie Bennett, left, and Jennifer Sytkowski sell girl scout cookies near
State Street. The gloves were not for sale.
in Czechoslovakia

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