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February 26, 1990 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-26

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Sports Monday Trivia
Between the years of 1970
and 1980, only one woman,
one man, one team, and one
non-human, living thing had
the honor of gracing the
covers of Time, Newsweek,
Life, and Sports Illustrated
within a one week span.
Name them.
(For the answer,
turn to the bottom of page 2)

Inside Sports Monday
Griddes 2
Sports Calendar 2
APTop25 2
Fraternity/IM standings 2
Get Rich Quick 3
Q&A 3
More basketball coverage 4
From the Knapp Sack 4
More ice hockey coverage 5
Men's swimming coverage 6

The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday- February 26, 1990

,MSU falls to
red hot Blue
by Ryan Schreiber
Daily Basketball Writer
EAST LANSING - As a rule, first-year players,
especially those that do not start, are not supposed to
steal the show.
However, Trish Andrew not only came off the bench
to shoot the Michigan women's basketball team to
victory over Michigan State, 62-56, but once again she
blocked just about everything in sight.
Andrew connected on seven of her I11 shots for a
game-high 16 points and added to her Big Ten lead in
blocked shots with four to pave the way for the Wol-
verines' sixth win in a row, and their first ever season
sweep of the Spartans (10-14 overall, 6-8 Big Ten).
"I remembered in the last game," Andrew said about
the first meeting between Michigan and Michigan State,
a 71-65 Wolverine win, "Val (Hall) posting up and her
post moves were what really carried us, and I guess I
just realized that if we were going to get anywhere,
that's how we had to play."
In the first half, Michigan (17-7, 9-5) took advantage
of its size and a 60 percent shooting spree to lead, 35-
"I think our biggest weakness when we play a team
like Michigan is size," Michigan State coach Karen
Langeland said. "We got overpowered inside, on the
boards, and at both ends of the court."
After the Wolverines opened a 40-26 margin in the
second half, Michigan State went on a 9-0 run over
After the teams traded baskets, a three-pointer by
junior Eileen Shea cut the lead to 45-42. But Michigan
would turn things around. Two baskets by reserve guard
See MSU, Page 2
ICers conclude
regular season
by sweeping
Miami (Ohio)
9 by Andrew Gottesman
Daily Hockey Writer
The Michigan hockey team used two second period
explosions to pull away from Miami (OH) and give the
Wolverines a sweep of their final regular season series
Friday and Saturday nights at Yost Ice Arena.
Despite Michigan's 6-2 and 7-5 wins, Miami backed
its way into a playoff bid for the first time in five years
when Ohio State beat UIC Friday night.
"It's very exciting," Miami sophomore Craig Fisher
said. "Even the seniors - they've never been in the
The Wolverines (21-11-6 overall, 1611-5 CCHA)
will host Western Michigan while the Redskins (12-22-
4, 8-21-3) will travel to Lake Superior for the first
round of the best-of-three playoffs, which begins Friday
See HOCKEY, Page 5

Vaught, Blue
rebound in
94-69 pasting
Win puts 'M' on right
track before State clash

by Taylor Lincoln
Daily Basketball Writer
The dress rehersal is over, now
the show begins.
Seventh-ranked Michigan came
off of a one week lay-off Saturday
and routed Northwestern 94-69.
The Wolverines (20-5 overall,
10-4 Big Ten) hope the win will be
a harbinger of coming events as they
head into a two-game road stretch
against Michigan State and Purdue
- the two teams which lead them in
the standings
Just as they will have to in the
comingsweek, the Wolverines forced
the issue from the defensive end of
the court. They put the Northwestern
offense in remission early, then used
numerous steals and blocked shots to
create fast breaks to establish, and
stretch, their lead.
Though they trailed 11-9 eight
minutes into the game, the
Wolverines proceeded to score 21 of
the next 23 points to take a 30-13
lead. Northwestern (9-19, 2-14)
fought back withl0 unanswered
points to pull within seven, but
never got as close again.
"Aside from their 10-0 run, it
was as good as we've played

defensively all year," Michigan
coach Steve Fisher said. "Good
defense gets you a lot of early
opportunities. We had ten lay-ups in
the first half."
Northwestern senior Walker
Lambiotte hurt Michigan in the
second half with 15 of his 23 points,
but his efforts were nullified by
Michigan's 70 percent shooting in
the second stanza.
"Lambiotte's a tough player.
See WILDCATS, page 4
Men's Basketball
Big Ten Standings
Team W L
Purdue 12 3
Michigan St. 11 3
Michigan 10 4
Minnesota 10 5
Illinois 9 6
Ohio St. 7 7
Indiana 6 8
Iowa 3 12
Wisconsin 3 12
Northwestern 2 14

Demetrius Calip and Eric Riley fight with Northwestern's Brian Schwabe for a rebound in
Saturday's victory over the Wildcats. Calip scored seventeen points while Riley added
two points in 14 minutes of action.

Copeland decisi
Sweeping Michigan State in hockey is big. So is
the Wolverine team qualifying for the NCAA playoffs.
Having the University president make a personnel
decision for the Michigan hockey team is, however,
nothing short of unprecedented. -
That is exactly what happened Eric
before the Michigan hockey team's Lemont
series last weekend with Miami of
Ohio. The athletic department, act-
ing under a directive from University
President James Duderstadt, told
Michigan head coach Red Berenson
to continue Todd Copeland's suspen-
sion indefinitely.
Berenson had suspended his
senior defenseman for four games,
mandated appropriate apologies and
curfews and incurred undisclosed
internal team discipline as '


on by president
punishment for Copeland's recent off-ice misconduct.
Copeland had completed serving the punishment
Berenson levied on him when the coach received
Duderstadt's request for an extended suspension.
Copeland was charged February 14 with two counts
of malicious destruction of property for throwing bricks
through windows and damaging the interior of the
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house.
Last year, Copeland and three other hockey players
were convicted of sexual harassment.
Did an open letter to the Daily by a witness
graphically describing an enraged Copeland biting and
throwing people bear on the president's decision? Did
the fact that it was Copeland's second offense in the
past year enter the picture?
Athletic Director Jack Weiden-bach refused "to talk
on any issue involving players and discipline."
The president did what he felt was necessary - he
sacrificed Berenson's autonomy over his team in order

stirs questions
to save the University's integrity.
The president couldn't afford to let Copeland, with
two criminal charges under his belt, play out the
season. Allowing Copeland to play hockey wearing a
Michigan uniform would have been to condone his off-
ice behavior.
Obviously, Berenson considered his discipline strong
enough to deal with Copeland's conduct. Just as
obviously, Duderstadt did not. But does he have the
right to overrule the athletic department in disciplining
Michigan players? Should sport purists be wary of
school presidents and officials flexing their muscles in
tackling decisions once reserved for the athletic
The case of Copeland is sticky because he occupies
two roles at once. As a player, Copeland represents the
University and must uphold its standards. As a student,
See LEMONT, Page 5

4M tO s
'M' ops
loses to
by Jeff Sheran
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan wrestled to a split
decision this weekend as it
completed its conference dual meet
season with a 22-16 victory over
Wisconsin yesterday, and a 20-18
loss to Ohio State Saturday night.
In each meet, two closely-
matched teams counted on their
stronger half of the lineup to bolster
their scores, and for the Wolverines,
it was the latter half. Ohio State (19-
5 overall, 4-3 in the Big Ten) won
the first five matches and jumped to
a 17-0 lead, while Wisconsin (10-8-
1, 3-4-1) won four of the first five.
Michigan (9-4, 6-2) rallied back
in each match, relying on wrestlers
such as Larry Gotcher and Fritz
Lehrke to erase the early deficits.
Gotcher, who moved up to 158
pounds because of the injury to
standout Sam Amine, notched a 3-2
virptn~rv an n inirv defaul~t ait 1,4

by David Schechter
Daily Sports Writer
Brent Lang, curled his toes over
the edge of the starting blocks,
arched his back, dangled his arms a
bit, then pierced the water's surface.
And after all the races were run that
day, he resurfaced victorious in all
five of his events.
Nothing unusual for Lang. Even
at eight years old.
Lang, 6'6", is the fastest man
alive when he swims the 100 meter
freestyle, and one of the premier
swimmers in the world. His
Olympic gold medal in the 100 is
testimony to that fact.
To him being the fastest in the
world is slightly over-rated. "It's just
a coincidence that my best time and
the best time in the world match
up," Lang says.
Don't let his modesty fool you
though. He's still proud. His eyes
light up when he talks about his
gold medal. Still, he prefers not to
dwell on past achievements because
there are other goals to achieve.
And the fastest man alive has
another goal on the horizon - to
get faster.
"I think I have a lot of
improvement left," he said. "I'm
still learning things about my
stroke, I'm still getting stronger."
The swimming world might take
some solace in the fact that Lang's

A gold medal and
world record do n

stop Brent Lan

see that there's a lot of other things
that I want to do that swimming
will get in the way of."
That's not a statement people are
used to hearing from a true
champion. Usually the priorities are
reversed but Lang refuses to put
swimming above the other facets of
his life.
"Variety to me is the key to
everything...I've always been able to
keep other things going on in my
a life. I always looked at swimming as
something I enjoyed doing, not
something I had to do."
C)ex tyinr he'll complete a degree
s engineering (his GPA is
3.7), and then apply for a Rhodes
scholarship. After that he'd like to
return to school to get his MBA.
Swimming might get in the way.
"I don't have this tie that says
SI've gotta to keep swimming,
because I don't have anything else to
do," Lang admits.
His other interests keep
swimming fresh for him. Growing
up, there was no pressure from the
outside to perform. He learned to
motivate himself.
For this independence and his
sustained climb through the ranks he
has some of his best friends to thank
- his mom, his dad, and his
His older brother Eric, 23, is a
major part of the mold that shaped

by Douglas Donaldson
Daily Sports Writer
Larry is on his way to the Big
Ten Championships.
Curly turned in an NCAA
qualifying mark last week.
You, on the other hand, are Moe,
an underclassman swimmer for
Michigan. You've worked hard all
year, cheered your "all-world"
teammates onto victory, . ..but have
seen little action in the pool. You
haven't qualified for the Big Tens or
the NCAAs, and now the end of the
season is near.
So what do you do? Pack up your
speedos, close your locker, and head
to the UGLI to cram for this week's
midterms? Not if your a Wolverine
you don't.
This past weekend, Michigan
played host to the Michigan Open, a
last chance opportunity for the
younger swimmers to prove their
worth, both for their coach and


future aspiration

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