sro rCT Brent Lang: Michigan's Olympic swimmer Le Bon Mot on Copeland 'M' basketball defeats Northwestern OPINION 4 Cokely's statements are offensive ARTS Love thy Enemies 8 Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, February 26, 1990 CopyrightO 1990 The Michigan Daily ... .. .. .. . .... ... .. .. . Bill would require 'U' Copeland suspended indefiniteli to report IV crime stats by Mike Sobel Daily Crime Reporter Universities and colleges are not required by law to publish or report their crime statistics, and this may lead to a feeling of false security say supporters of a Congressional bill that would require universities to make their crime statistics available to students, faculty, applicants and the FBI. The bill, called the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1989, states that "out of 8,000 postsecondary institutions participating in Federal student aid programs, only 352 colleges and universities voluntarily provide crime statistics through the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Report." Rep. William Goodling (R-PA) introduced the bill in September and modeled it after a series of state bills recently passed in Pennsylvania, Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, and California. The bill has been referred to the Education and Labor Committee and it is still unclear when it will come to a vote before Congress, said Karen Baker, spokesperson for Goodling. Goodling lobbied for the Pennsylvania bill (passed in May, '88), after he was approached by the parents of Jeanne Clery, a Lehigh University first-year student who was beaten, raped and murdered in her dorm room in1985. Clery's attacker got into the dorm because a pizza box was propping the main door open, and Clery had left her room unlocked. Clery's parents sued Lehigh for $2,000,000,. claiming the school had not properly educated students about campus crime. They used the money to lobby for state and national campus security legislation. Baker said the bill would require universities to distribute copies of campus security policies and proce- dures and report their crime statistics to the FBI as well as make them available to all students, faculty and applicants. Referring to a recent report of a sexual assault in her residence hall, West Quad Building Director Mary Ramirez agreed students should be more aware about crime on campus. "Residents think there is a big wall around the dorm," Ramirez said, "some students don't give two shakes about safety or about crime. They think, 'it v n't happen to me."' University Campus Security Director Leo Heately said the bill is a good idea because there is a "false sense of security on campus." He stressed education as a means to combat campus crime. "Historically we have been more of a reactive department," he said,' See CRIME, Page 2 by Andrew Gottesman and Noelle Vance Daily Staff Writers University President James Dud- erstadt has indefinitely extended ice- hockey player Todd Copeland's sus- pension for misconduct, said Hockey Coach Red Berenson Friday. The suspension will continue un- til the president can "investigate the matter formally," Director of Uni- versity Relations Walter Harrison said yesterday. Berenson suspended Copeland from four games after the player was accused of starting a fight and dam- aging the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house Feb. 7. Copeland pleaded "no contest" to two counts of malicious destruction of property under $100 in thel5th District Court February 14th. Athletic Director Jack Weiden- bach and Duderstadt discussed Copeland's case several times last week over the phone. Friday after- noon, Duderstadt called Weidenbach and told the athletic department to continue the suspension, Harrison said. Duderstadt has not asked anyone to formally investigate the case, Harrison said. "The AD (athletic director) was Copeland directed by the president's office to continue the suspension indefi- nitely," Berenson said after Friday night's game against Miami of Ohio. Berenson said he was instructed by athletic director Jack Weidenbach to extend the suspension Friday afternoon. Neither Copeland nor Weiden- bach would comment on the matter. Sawing contest AMY ay As part of the Paul Bunyan Ball sponsored by the School of Natural Resources, graduate student Shereen Rothman tested her skill at sawing wood on the Diag. Economics 202 enrollment drops by Jennifer Hirl Daily Staff Writer The demand for introductory macroeconomics appears to be dropping, and the changes in microeconomics course structure could be the reason, say economic students and teaching assistants. Enrollment in macroeconomics (Econ. 202) has dropped by 153 students this semester to 719 students, according to figures supplied by the Economics department. Last fall, 872 students were enrolled in econ 202. The average enrollment in macroeconomics for the past five semesters has been 816 students. The drop, according to several TAs, is related to format changes made to microeconomics (Econ. 201), the prerequisite for 202. Professors in the department say there are other factors to consider. Last semester, Econ. 201 changed from a one lecture and three discussion format to a three lecture and one discussion format. The changes have had a major impact on student enrollment in Econ. 202, said Chuck Roussel a 202 teaching assistant. "(Econ.) 202 enrollment has dropped, and the new format could be the causation, in fact I'm sure it was the main reason. They cut four sections because of the lack of enrollment. Historically, in the past the enrollment has been about the same," Roussel said. But economics professor Robert Dernberger disagreed, saying the drop in enrollment could be the result of letting first-year-students take the class. Last year, the department permitted first-year-students to enroll in microeconomics during their first semester at the University. Previously, first-year- students had to wait until the second semester to enroll in the course. Economics is a difficult subject for incoming students, Dernberger said. "Students need to get street wise about Michigan before taking economics. Some students don't even know the slope of a line." The department changed 201's format because so many students complained about their TAs, Dernberger said. "While some TA's are good, some are. hopeless and so we want to improve quality with the new format," said Dernberger. But the new format isn't working, Roussel said. . Roussel taught Econ. 201 last semester with the new format. After teaching 202 this semester with the old format, he said he recognizes students in 201 had more trouble understanding the information. "This is difficult material to learn in a 300 to 400 lecture hall. Especially because it is not exciting," he said. The new format has reduced the number of small class discussions, Roussel said. Smaller classes are needed to increase motivation and to enable students to ask and answer more questions, he added. Econ. 202 still consists of 3 discussions, 1 lecture, and students who have taken classes under both formats say they like the old one better. "I see the difference. I feel I am learning so much more in 202. I don't have to rely on the text as much because I learn a lot more in discussion," said LSA sophomore Amy Nehs. Nehs said she never See ECONOMICS, Page 7 Voters flood Nicaraguan polling stations; results still unknown MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - Under the scrutiny of thousands of international observers, Nicaraguans voted yesterday un whether to continue the Sandinista's 10-year rule or hand power to a U.S.-backed coalition. Voters lined up before dawn at some of the 4,394 polling stations and waited for hours to chose be- tween the incumbent president, Daniel Ortega, and his only serious challenger, Violeta Barrios de Chamorro of the United National Opposition, or UNO. "It's very solemn, like a Mass," said former President Jimmy Carter, watching poll officials lay out bal- lots, registration books, ink, and scissors on a table in one of the sta- tions. Carter and more than 3,000 other observers were spread out across the nation to guarantee the election's fairness. About 1.75 million of Nicaragua's 3.5 million people were registered to vote, and turnout was expected to be high. Voters also selected 90 National Assembly members and representa- tives to 146 regional, city and town councils. The lines appeared clearly drawn for voters: a weak economy was the Sandinista's Achilles heel, while re- sentment of the U.S. supported Con- tra rebels was hurting UNO. There were hundreds of people at some polling stations by 7 a.m., but there were no reports of fraud or vio- lence during the morning hours. "I expect that the government of the United States will recognize the results of the elections and work for, peace with Nicaragua," said Ortega, who waged a campaign aimed at at- tracting the substantial youth vote. .Reagan backs phony Iran-Contra letters to Congress WASHINGTON (AP) - Former the l President Reagan repeatedly endorsed that I false letters to Congress in his ago c videotaped testimony for John assist Poindexter's Iran-Contra trial. P The letters, written by former Na- on ch tional Security Adviser Robert Mc- ing ( Farlane and which form the basis of state during video testimony etters or that the Tower Board Reagan appointed three years concluded that North had been ting the Contras militarily. oindexter, facing trial March 5 harges of conspiracy, obstruct- Congress and making false ments, sent responses to "If the information that Robert McFarlane provided to Congress ... contained lies ... would it still be your belief that John Poindexter should readopt those false state- ments?" Webb asked. him or seen him doing anything that was in any way out of line or dis- honest." "Did you ever ... give authority to John Poindexter to make any false statements to any congressional '1 have a great deal of confidence in the man ==-