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February 21, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-21

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Bush rewards
new Czech. gov't

The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, February 21, 1990 - Page 3
Bush aware of
terrorist threat
during summit

President Bush gave investment and
trade rewards to Czechoslovakia
yesterday for overthrowing commu-
nist rule but told President Vaclav
Havel the United States wouldn't
retreat from a precautionary "strong
presence" in Europe.
Bush gave a warm welcome to
the first of Eastern Europe's new re-
form leaders to the White House.
He called Havel, a onetime dissi-
dent playwright who went from
prison to the presidency in a year's
time, "a man of tremendous moral
courage, one of the heroes of the
revolution of '89."
The two leaders talked for over 2
hours, in the Oval Office and over
Afterward, Havel said the talks
had been "very warm, very open,
very friendly," and he invited Bush
to visit Prague.
Bush announced a waiver of the
Jackson-Vanik nations that inhibit
Jewish emigration.
The waiver clears the way for
negotiation of a trade agreement and
the eventual award of most-favored
nation trading status, which would
provide Czechoslovakia the most
liberal access possible to American
markets. In return, the Czechoslovak
Parliament would have to enact a
law ending the former communist
government's restrictive emigration

Bush also authorized the Export-
Import Bank to operate in Prague
and said he would support readmis-
sion of Czechoslovakia to the Inter-
national Monetary Fund and World
Bank. Bush authorized sending
Peace Corps volunteers to
Czechoslovakia by autumn to teach
Regarding military forces, Havel
has called for disarmament through-
out Europe and has asked the Soviet
Union to withdraw the 75,000 Soviet
troops in Czechoslovakia. Some
Czechoslovak leaders have called for
eventual dissolution of NATO, along
with the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet-led
alliance to which Czechoslovakia
In his public comments, Bush
said, "I know I can speak for all
Western leaders when I say that the
Atlantic Alliance will continue to
play a vital role in assuring stability
and security in Europe at this great
and historic moment.
"And America will continue to
play its part, including a strong mili-
tary presence for our security and for
Europe's," said Bush, who has pro-
posed that the United States and
Soviet Union reduce their troops in
Central Europe to 195,000 on each
Bush, in the private discussions,
talked at length about a need for
U.S. troops in Europe and portrayed
NATO as a stabilizing factor at a
time of great transition, said Assis-
tant Secretary of State Raymond

Malcom X Speaker urges Blacks
to fight against white supremacy
By Ann Maurer Man uses 'niggers', who he said are
"There is a state of war against people who can't fight for them-
blacks," said Steve Cokely, an ac- selves He exemplified this state-
tivist fighting against white ment with Manuel Noriega.
supremacy. "Noriega was the white man's
Cokely spoke last night at Rack- 'nigger'- when they were through
ham Auditorium as part of Black with him they just spit him out."
History Month or "Black Pain Cokely explained that his job is
Month," as Cokely refers to it. to bring the beast (the White man)
During the two-hour presentation out of the cave, because "you can't
sponsored by the Black Student fight what you can't see." He added
Union, Cokely theatrically explained that White people hate Blacks be-
how white supremacy was involved cause the latter are direct descendants
in almost every assassination and of God.
invasion in the last 20 years, includ- "They (white people) want to be
ing the assassination of John F. the chosen people, but they ain't be-
Kennedy and the invasion of cause you (Black people) are here,"
Panama. Cokely said that the White he said.

The White House said yesterday that
the Secret Service had known there
was a possibility that drug terrorists
had surface-to-air missiles when
President Bush flew to Colombia for
last week's four-nation drug summit.
Ten such weapons were seized by
Colombian police Monday.
"There was intelligence before
we left of various kinds about mis-
siles and rockets and other kinds of
equipment, about people with vari-
ous plans," said presidential
spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater.
But he added that the reports
were difficult to confirm at this time.
The weapons seized Monday in a
raid on Bogota drug hideout were
capable of downing large aircraft.
Two men were arrested.
Bush's meeting Thursday will
presidents Virgilio Barco of
Colombia, Alan Garcia of Peru and
Jaime Paz Zamora of Bolivia in the
port city of Cartagena was held amid
extremely tight security.
Security preparations included
manuevers to lessen the chance of a
missile attack on the presidential air-
Air Force One did not fly directly
into Cartagena, where the approach
would have been over land, but into
a more secure airport in Barran-
quilla, where the approach was over
the sea. The president's helicopter

then flew fast and low into Carta-
gena, accompanied by four other
copters that zig-zagged in a diver-
sionary pattern.
The helicopters took a round-
about route to stay over water as
much as possible.
Bush had brushed aside concerns
of some senior aides in deciding to
attend the summit. The officials ex-
pressed deep relief on the return trip
once Air Force One was out of
Colombian airspace.
Fitzwater, who was asked at his
daily White House news briefing
about the weapons seizure, said
warnings that the terrorists had
shoulder-held SA-7 missiles and
might use them against the president
were not deemed to be "confirmable
"There's intelligence suggesting
all kinds of capabilities that we
could confirm," he said.
"Suffice to say that the Secret
Service was aware of these kinds of
activities there, but I would not
specifically say what we knew and
didn't know, " Fitzwater said.
"We don't talk about security
information because we don't want
others to know how much we know
and how we find it out and how we
work with other governments to get
these kinds of information. For polit-
ical reasons, it does no good to try
and embarrass the host country,"
Fitzwater said.

HAC ere
by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter
The Diag is no longer the only
site in Ann Arbor where political
statements are made by constructing
shanties. City Hall now has a shanty
of its own..
The Homeless Action Committee
(HAC) erected a shanty yesterday on
the corner of South Fourth and
Huron St. in front of City Hall. The
shanty was built to symbolize the
poverty of the city's approximately
1,000 homeless people.
The construction of the cardboard
shanty is yet another move by HAC
to pressure city council into reallo-
cating money for the construction of
low-income housing units.
For almost two years, HAC has
been calling for a halt in the con-
struction of downtown parking struc-

cts city ha
tures in favor of creating public
housing to accommodate the city's
homeless population.
HAC member Laura Dresser said
the shanty is intended to dramatize
the discrepancy between the parking
structures the city is currently con-
structing and what the homeless are
forced to build.
Two HAC members, David
Davis and Heather MacCallister, said
yesterday evening they planned to
sleep in the shanty last night.
According to a statement released
yesterday by the Homeless Action
Committee, the shanty will stand
until the city takes steps towards
ending homelessness in Ann Arbor.
The demands of HAC include:
Construction of 1,500 units of
low-income housing.
Halting the erection of new

all shanty
city parking structures until the
needs of the homeless are met.
Requiring multi-housing unit
developers to set aside 30 percent of
their space for low-income housing.
Requiring downtown develop-
ers to contribute 30 percent of the
cost of their construction to low-in-
come housing.
Adding additional transitional
housing for homeless who are mov-
ing into permanent housing.
"I don't think (the shanty) serves
any purpose at all," said Ann Arbor
Mayor Gerald Jernigan at last night's
city council meeting. "The city is
doing everything we can, we're not
ducking the issue."
Jernigan said he wanted to see the
shanty taken down.
Councilmember Larry Hunter (D-
1st Ward) said he was continuing to
communicate with individual HAC
members. He added that the Demo-
cratic Caucus is meeting with hous-
ing experts to search methods to
solve the city's low-income housing
entists yesterday reported developing
the world's first genetically
engineered trees, poplars designed to
be grown on large plantations for.
energy production.
A mutant gene from a species of
bacteria that commonly causes food
poisoning was introduced to the
trees, making the poplars resistant to
the widely used weedkiller
glyphosate, which is marketed as

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

New shanty on the block
A passer-by pauses before a shanty contructed in front of City Hall by the Homeless Action Committee.


UM Hellenic Students ---
meeting 8 p.m. Union Pendleton
Philosophy Club --- meeting at 7
p.m. Philosophy Commons
Room, 2220 Angell Hall
UM Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Club --- beginners welcome 8:30-
9:30 p.m. Martial Arts Room of
the CCRB
UM Taekwondo Club ---
beginners welcome 7-8:30 p.m.
2275 CCRB
East Quad Social Group for
Lesbians, Gay Males and
Bisexuals --- for students in
residence halls 9-11 p.m.; call
763-4186 for more information
UM Asian Student Coalition
(UMASC) -- general meeting at 7
p.m. in 2413 Mason Hall
Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) ---
membership meeting at 7:30 p.m.
in the Union Pond Room
"Los Escritos de Silviano
Santiago Jose Cardoso Pires y
Manuel Puig" --- Francisco
Lopes speaks at 5 p.m. in the 4th
Floor Commons of the MLB
Philosophical Reflections on
Medicine and Profit --- David
A. Jones speaks at noon in the
South Lecture Hall of Med Sci II
"A Polish Artist Speaks About
hi. Ciln t a.. OI. ___Cr.

"The Liberated Territories:
Israel's Key to Survival" ---
Ray Curtis speaks at 7:30 p.m. at
Free tutoring - for all 100/200
level math, science and
engineering courses in UGLi 307
from 8-10 p.m.
Northwalk - the north campus
night-time walking service runs
form 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in Bursley
2333 or call 763-WALK
Safewalk - the nighttime safety
walking service runs from 8 p.m.-
1:30 a.m. in UGLi 102 or call
ECB Peer Writing Tutors -
peer writing tutors available for
help on papers 7-11 p.m. in the
Angell/Haven and 611 Church St.
computing centers
Avant-Garde Film Series --
Oskar Fischinger's Program II and
V screened at 7 p.m. in Angell
Hall Auditorium C
Career Planning and
Placement --- resume writing
lecture 12:10-1 p.m. 1256 CCRB;
job search lecture 12:10-1 p.m.
CP&P Conference Room; IBM
Corporation noon-5 p.m. EECS
Bldg. Atrium; Ivy League Torah
Study Program 4:10-5 p.m.
CP&P Conference Room
UM Faculty and Staff Blood
Drive --- 7 a.m.-7 p.m. in
Towsley Center Dining Room
(G1320) and 11:30 a.m.- 5:50
p.m. in the Michigan League
Hussey Room; call 936-6325 for

red trees may be future fuel source

Growing poplars on plantations
has been difficult because the young
trees can be crowded out and killed
by weeds. Weedkillers often kill or
damage the poplars, said Bruce
Haissig of the U.S. Forest Service
laboratory in Rhinelander, Wiscon-
Ability to withstand herbicides
would lower the cost of producing
the trees, which grow rapidly and
could be burned to provide energy or
converted into ethanol to run auto-

mobiles, he said.
The trees will survive anywhere
in the United States. A demonstra-
tion project has shown that they can
be grown in India as a potential
source of energy for the Third

World, Haissig said.
The research has been partly
supported by the U.S. Department of
Energy. Scientists in Minnesota are
working on the feasibility of energy

MILES B1owog"c
Plasma Collection Facility
s * 40 million hospital patients
$ rely on PLASMA industry pro-
ducts each year.
" 20,000 hemophiliacs in the
United States rely on PLASMA-
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concentrate daily.
" 2,000 infant deaths have
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Immune Globulin prepared from
* 120,000 burn victims, 200,000
heart surgery patients and shock




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