OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Monday, January 15, 1990 The Michigan Daily Vol. C, No. 71 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of tne Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. University capitulates to student demand: MLK Day honored TODAY IS Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, and in a radical depar- ture from its previous position, the University administration has even agreed to acknowledge the holiday by name this year. Though MLK Day was named a national holiday in 1986, until this year the administration has rejected student demands to close the University on the third Monday in January in honor of MLK and the struggle for African-American civil rights. The administration's long overdue consent to do so this year marks a victory for the anti-racist student movement. History of struggle Two years ago, students and profes- sors boycotted classes in protest of the administration's denial of the holiday's significance and refusal to give stu- dents and staff the day off to celebrate it. Last year, in an attempt to recoup its losses in public opinion (the New York Times, the Ann Arbor News, and the Detroit Free Press had all done stories on the student protests against institu- tional racism at the University), the administration cancelled classes on the third Monday in January, but insisted that it was not in honor of what the rest of the nation was celebrating on that day - MLK's birthday. Instead, President Duderstadt created "Diversity Day," on which the University com- inunity was presumably supposed to celebrate and educate itself- not about -African-American history, or the Civil Rights Movement - but rather about that elusive, undefined, and vague con- cept, "diversity." The Black Student Union protested that "the University contradicts its stated ends by half-heartedly admitting - that it is not willing and/or able to take the necessary step that most public in- stitutions throughout the state have taken and recognize the third Monday of January solely as "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.... [G]ood intentions aside, 'diverisity' can evolve into an administrative code-word for 'let's re- :ruit a few more faces of color to quell student demand."'"(Daily, 1/17/89). The United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) argued that "to designate this holiday 'Diversity Day,' is offensive. We might be celebrating diversity on ~'this campus if we had 12 percent Black enrollment and equally high numbers of Latino, Native American and Asian American students and faculty. Or if - people of all races and classes had equal access to the University... But none of these things are true." (Daily, 1/13/89). The Daily also received nu- merous letters from individual students expressing the same or similar senti- ments. Administration bows to pressure Faced with students' skepticism about its motives and growing anger at its attempt to turn MLK Day into a University publicity stunt, the admin- istration this year has finally conceded to student demands for the day off and for acknowledgement of its rightful name and purpose. Indeed, the University has even come out with a 12-page brochure list- ing the events sponsored by the Office of Minority Affairs and the Univer- sity's various schools and academic departments. Though it is scheduled bright and early at 8:15 a.m., students should be sure to hear Cesar Chavez, President of the United Farm Workers' address at Rackham Auditorium. Ali Mazrui, a University professor of So- ciology now on leave, will be speaking at 4 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. B. UCAR will show the film, "The Mur- der of Fred Hampton," about a coura- geous Black Panther activist assassi- nated by the Chicago police at 2 p.m. in Angell Hall, Aud. C. Workers denied day off Though this year's planned celebra- tion of MLK Day is a step forward for the administration, its refusal to give University workers the day off casts doubt on its professed commitment to honoring King. King fought and died for working class people of color. He was involved with the Poor People's Campaign, and he was in Memphis supporting the sanitation worker's strike when he was shot. The people stuck working on MLK day are lower-paid employees, a dis- proportionate number of whom are people of color. Surely this most ex- ploited sector of the University com- munity has as much right as the fac- ulty, students and administration to cel- ebrate MLK Day. Instead, the admin- istration has decided the workers should come in and clean up after the day is over - as they do every other day of the year. The decision not to give workers the day off flies in the face of the goals of economic justice and equality for which King and the Civil Rights Movement fought. Until it allows workers to cele- brate the day with the rest of the Uni- versity community, the administration has failed in its commemoration of MLK Day. Students take the lead Students were some of the most im- portant leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, challenging the move- ment's leadership (including King) to include a wider range of social and economic issues. The Student Non- Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organized voter registration drives, and established Freedom Schools to prepare African-Americans for the literacy test they would have to pass in order to register to vote (while protesting the racially and culturally bi- ased test). The current movement on this cam- pus is much smaller than SNCC's, but students at the University must realize that they can and should lead the anti- racist struggle, on and off campus. Although their work is not yet done, students have forced the administration to make important concessions around MLK Day. They must continue the fight to rid the University of racism. U.S. government kills a Black Panther: Fred Hampton's: by the United Coalition city, state and federal collaborated to cover Against Racism up what had happened. Illinois State's At- torney Edward V. Hanrahan, whose office had ordered and carried out the raid, said Formed in Oakland, California in Oc- that the police were attacked by the tober,1966, the Black Panther Party "vicious" Panthers and responded with (BPP) grew to be a nationwide organiza- "restraint." Hanrahan gave the Chicago tion, based in cities throughout the coun- Tribune a photo that supposedly showed try. The Panthers believed that Black bullet holes from Panther gunfire. The liberation would not be achieved until holes were in fact nail heads. there was worldwide political and eco- Had it not been for the efforts of the nomic equality. In order to achieve these BPP and the Chicago Black Community goals, they argued, Blacks in the United the truth of the attack would have re- States must establish alternative institu- mained hidden in the files of the Chicago tions for the Black community, and de- Police Department, the State Attorney's fend themselves against the racist vio- Office, the Federal Bureau of Investiga- lence of existing U.S. institutions through tions, and the Justice Department. armed struggle. In 1969, Fred Hampton In fact, throughout the many official in- was the spokesperson for the Illinois vestigations law enforcement officials per- BPP. The documentary "The Murder of jured themselves to keep the FBI role in Fred Hampton" will be shown today at the murders a secret and to insist that the 2p.m. in Angell Hall Auditorium C. The raid was justified. The deaths of the two film was made immediately after the po- men were formally exposed as political as- lice raid on the Chicago chapter of the sassinations after civil suits were filed BPP. It details the attack, and the Black against the Police and State Attorney's Of- Community's response. fice charging them with conspiracy to vio- late BPP members' civil rights. Just before sunrise, December 4, 1969: Infiltration of the BPP 14 Chicago police busted into a small The case went to trial in 1976 and was westside apartment where nine Black Pan- followed by numerous and protracted court ther Party members slept. The police battles to obtain 25,000 FBI documents q on Hampton and the Chicago Panthers - the federal government initially turned over only 225. hThese documents illustrated the roles of the FBI, their agent William O'Neal (forner Chicago BPP chief of security and Hampton's bodyguard) in conjunction with U.S. attorney and Federal Civil Court Judge Sam Perry, who was hearing the case, in the assassinations and cover-ups. The documentation on the Chicago BPP highlighted O'Neal's activity on behalf of SIthe FBI. The files obtained by the plain- Illinois Black Panther Party chair tiffs noted that he provided lists of Fred Hampton. weapons legally owned by the Panthers, a "carried a sub-machine gun, semi- auto- floor plan of the apartment, as well as the matic rifles and shotguns along with su- $300 bonus he received for his "invaluable perlethal, nonregulation ammunition - assistance" in the raid that resulted in the and none of the usual nonlethal equip- death of Clark and Hampton (Guardian, ment" (Guardian 12/20/89). They also had 12/20/89). O'Neal is believed to have possession of the floorplan of the apart- added secobarbital to Hampton's Kool-aid ment indicating the bed where Illinois the night of the attack thereby preventing Black Panther Party chair Fred Hampton Hampton from defending himself. slept. O'Neal also proposed criminal activities The raid for Party members to carry out and worked The attack ended after 10 minutes of al- to create tension between the Party and most continuous gunfire. Ninety bullets other progressive groups, specifically Stu- were fired by the police. Only one was dents for Democratic Society. fired by the Panthers in self-defense. The court's collaboration After the raid two Panthers lay dead: Judge Perry demonstrated his alliance Mark Clark, initiator of a free breakfast for with the FBI and other government offi- kids program in Peoria, Illinois, killed at cials by "badgering, insulting and even point blank range through the heart, and jailing the plaintiffs attorney's" and by Hampton, shot twice in the head at close keeping FBI files hidden. After an 18 range to insure his death, after previously month trial, the longest in the history of being wounded in the shoulder and arm. federal government, Perry ruled in favor of Governmental cover-up the defense. The police ambush of the Panthers was The verdict was overturned by appeal covered by the Chicago Tribune, but the and in 1983 the Cook County and city of murder .Chicago agreed to settle the law suit and awarded $1.85 million, but the govern- ment never admitted its guilt and the peo- ple who coordinated and participated in the* raid were never punished. Why the Panthers were targeted The Federal Bureau of Investigations perceived the Black Panther Party's "Serve the People" programs and their alliances with progressive groups as a threat to American society. The local Party exposed the criminality of the federal and state governments by providing aid and services to poor, predominantely Black people in. Illinois, while state and federally funded/sponsored social services made promises but provided nothing. They also exposed the innate corruption of the Chicago police department and political machine through the efforts of their Cop Watch Program. Hampton's success in reaching and working with youth gangs, helping to form multiracial youth coalitions, and his role as spokesperson and chair of the BPP made him a target for the government. At the time of Hampton's assassination almost all Party leaders had been jailed on trumped-up charges, or murdered by the police. In 1969 Hampton was imprisoned for three months for allegedly stealing $71 worth of ice cream. Hampton was actually out of town when he allegedly committed this atrocity - however the evidence was never permitted into the court. Fred Hampton lives Fred Hampton's life and death would not be known today had it been left only to revisionist historians. But because of the work of the BPP and the Black commu- nity, Hampton's work and his murder by the Chicago Police, the FBI, and the Jus- tice Department has been documented for us to learn from and pass on. Myths continue to pervade our under. standing of the Panthers. The images in"** the history books depict the Panthers as armed and dangerous, empty of any expla- nations of the tactical necessity of armed struggle. Nor do we learn of their work in the community: breakfast programs, cop watches, assisting the elderly, and Black youth education programs. The Panthers were a threat because through their work they exposed the racist infrastructure of this entire society. The state sponsored terrorism that the BPP challenged continues today. Home- lessness, police brutality, unemployment, unequal access to education, and the sub- version of our history through eurocentric curriculum continues to oppress our community. Our knowledge of historic struggles will enable us to continue those struggle and be better prepared for those we must wage today. Image of the struggle for civil rights: The Newark, New Jersey Uprising, July, 1967 - Blacks confront Na- tional Guardsmen in an uprising against police brutality, and political and economic inequality. During four days of confrontation, the governor declared Newark a "city in open re- bellion" and called out the National Guard. As 4,000 troops patrolled the city, more than 20 Blacks were killed, 1,000 injured, and more than 1,600 arrested. Two whites died during the uprising. 0 : Violence in a different form by Sharon P. Holland A few days ago I was riding in a friend's car and we passed the now infamous Bell Tower near the Modern Language Build- ing. We started talking about racism at the University. The person who was driving alluded to the racially motivated incidents that occurred during the academic year 1986-87. He then laid out his own defini- tion of racism. He believed in a fundamen- tal difference between racism and prejudice - racism being a violent act and prejudice being a form of denied access on the basis of a pre-judgement. When I was in grade school, we cele- brated MLK's birthday in our Church back home. The first thing we were taught was that racism is ignorance. I thought about try's mass media depiction of the Civil Rights struggle. For all practical pur- poses, the violent images of the '60's are the only manifestations of racism that U.S. leadership has acknowledged as his- torical proof of this country's deeper and more serious problems with racism -and classism. Because mainstream America has been told that these are the images that constitute racism, the majority of Ameri- cans have associated these pictures with a de facto definition of racism. If there are no dogs, police men with bully clubs or fire hoses, then there is no racism. Whether we choose to accept it or not, subtle prejudice is racism. But in order to change our perception of racism, we also hn-o in meand nnr nneent,,aizntinn of convictions for batterers are very rarely handed down if the survivor has not suf- fered severe physical injury resulting in hospitalization or disfigurement at the hands of her assailant. Because we have a mainstream media. that delights in the gory details of events, " Americans have a hard time conceptualiz- ing what's not in black and white in front of them. I believe that there are a lot of people out there like Bob. People who would never want to be called racist or per- form what they consider a racist act, but at the same time, people who reserve and harbor prejudices and act upon them be- cause that, after all, is not really racism. Paper thin distinctions like Bob's are@0 honeA Ant nf ignorne. and arrnance .Th I-WIN Omm