0 M ih 'Million-dollar clubhouse' remained that way through the '40s. It had its down times during the war but it really was the central place," Cianciola said. A central place, that is, except for women. The club was organized around male students who paid membership fees automatically through their tuition bills. Upon graduation, students could pay to become lifetime members. "You have to take into account when this all happened," said Cianciola. "The men at the time thought the women's needs were taken care of in Waterman Gymnasium... and this was something they addressed to men's needs. Women didn't, fortunately, buy that story and started their own program which then brought on the Michigan League in 1929." "The Union was always a more lively place than the League," said 1963 alumna Linda Benson. She recalled many big bands coming to the Union, including Duke Ellington and Johnny pointed out, the Mandate elevates style over substance. At the level of an idea, Golmon says, "it can mean just as much as 'we're not going to step on each other's toes.' There are no criterion measures of what needs to occur." While Harrison calls the Mandate's goals "monumental," Golmon sees no evidence of a movement toward structural change, especially in the ad- missions process, which she contends operates on "a whole series of assumptions that I've been in disagreement with for 30 years." Golmon, an educational psy- chologist, is particularly con- cerned with the continued use of national standardized tests, which are required for admission. "A good score on those tests indicates to some extent people who are competent to do a certain kind of academic work," she says. "But if someone scores poorly on those tests, you don't know anything." More than anything else, the tests measure the ability to "handle poorly-presented in- formation, and the way that's likely to be handed back. It is a learnable thing - doing poorly isn't a measure of anybody's brain." Clearly, if students can drastically improve their sAT or AcT test scores in a short tutorial, their relevance to real education may be questioned. Still, Harrison does not claim that the University has or is necessarily yet-prepared to institute structural changes to alter the nature of the institution. Some changes have been introduced in the recruitment program, several committees have been created (among them the recently-formed task force on minority recruitment and retention), but the administration has made it clear it has no plans to rush into anything. In response to pressure for more immediate action to bring minority enrollment into line with state and national population averages, Duderstadt last year called for patience. "I strongly believe we will achieve our goals," he wrote, "only if we keep our eyes firmly focused on the prize ahead and resist calls for an immediate reactive stance..." Ironically, the Mandate itself was a reaction. "I don't think the University would ever have picked up on this issue if not for major student protests," says Liz Anderson, an assistant professor of philosophy and a member of the group Concerned Faculty "That's always the way changes have been brought about." Flipping through an Economics 408 textbook in Barnes & Noble recently, Donna Bacolor knew she was in over her head. But she didn't know how deep. For the bookstore, located in the basement of the Michigan Union was, until 1967, a swimming pool. In 1904, the University's male population undertook the Olympic size project of creating the Michigan Union. Originally a "men only" organization, the Union has changed with the flow of time and drifting student needs while holding onto a surprising amount of tradition. "The important thing to understand about the Union is that it, in fact, is an organization," said Frank Cianciola, director of the Union. "The building is really a conduit by which the organization exists." The motivation behind the Union, Cianciola said, was to bring the independent students and fraternities on campus together. The building that currently houses the Union was erected in 1919. It was initially referred to as the "Million Dollar Clubhouse" because as Cianciola said, students and organizations "enlisted the support of the Regents, president, faculty as well as a number of students. It was predominantly a student issue. They set their goals, they went out and privately raised about $1 million." When it opened, the building included a bowling alley, billiards room, barber shop, hotel rooms, and dining facilities. Due to lack of funds, the swimming pool was not completed until 1926. "The Union immediately became the hub of social life and v, 0 Mathis. As odd as it sounds today, "women frequented the Union but they were brought in as escorted guests and had a side entrance," Cianciola said. A guard ensured that women did not pass through the front door, a tradition that ended in 1954. "When I was a student, there were still places women could not go, like the pool room and the bowling alley," said Benson. Women were barred from the Billiards and Games Room until the late '60s. "When I started working here," said Bill Paradise, an employee in - the billiards room for over 24 years, "no women were allowed into the room. Parents would come in with their sons and I had to escort the mothers out. I felt like a real jerk." Instead of changing . along with the campus and the students in the '60s, the third oldest college union in the nation directed its services and programs U N C And Harrison concedes: "I will admit that - I wasn't here so I'll say ucAR [the United Coalition Against Racism] but it could have been lots of people - the role they played in bringing all this to national attention to begin with was the catalyst that got a lot of this started." The trend since the inception of the Duderstadt administration has been toward image building, which - along with a heightened awareness on the part of student groups - has brought the debate to the attention of the national media. Harrison knew what he was getting into. Before Harrison agreed to exchange his consultant status for the new PR position, Duderstadt "kept talking about how much he felt that imple- menting the Mandate was cru- cial," he remembers. "Honestly speaking, that appealed to me. The chance to do something like that with a university this prominent struck me as a real challenge." For him, the role of media and public attention in the debate on campus has upped the ante. "Part of the mix," he says, "is that we do things, the media reports, peo- ple react in certain ways because of that, and all segments - the administration certainly would, and so do radical students and so for that matter, I'm convinced, do racist students. People are quite aware of what the reverberations of their actions are in the media. "I'm pretty sure that the ad- ministration is doing things be- cause they think they're right," he adds. "But on a sophisticated level there's a real interplay..." he niversity's total *operating budget this year will be $1.6 billion, -according to Harrison. Not including units, like the hospital, which help pay for themselves, the University brings in about $800 million, of which tuition, state funding and federal funding each contribute roughly $250 million. The remainder -. $71.8 million - comes from private donations. Harrison calls the level of private giving "the margin of difference between a great university and an average university. I think that one of the things we have to do in the next decade is radically increase that." How much? "It would be nice to have the private giving equal the other sources. All inclinations are that state appropriations are not going to rise," he adds. "So the more we can raise privately the more we 0 can save the people on tuition." Not everyone buys this logic, however. "Universities are becoming more and more like bureaucracies," says Anderson. "They're growing for the sake of growth. Revenue maximization becomes a goal quite independent from any educational purpose." Further, she says, "A lot of this money is simply going to funding soft positions - research grants instead of teaching positions. Since tuition is needed to pay the teaching aspects, it's not clear that increases [in donations] will have any impact on that." Not to say that all fund raising is wrong, but, "It depends on what you had to do to yourself to raise that money, and how you spend it once it's there. I just think that it's a very open question - whether it's actually going to benefit students or not." "Does the University act more like a corporation than universities did 30 or 40 years ago?" poses Harrison. "Sure. What I do is a good example. If universities had anybody - now I'm talking about 40 years ago - they would have one or two people who cranked out news releases. They never saw the need to be responsive to the press. Now they see that it's very important." But while Harrison argues the University has "good educational reasons" for increasing private donations, Anderson is not convinced. She cites as evidence an increase in the number of non- teaching faculty on the payroll, and a deepening relationship between academia, administration and business. Among the forces consistently driving up tuition, Anderson says, are salary increases for faculty (following a severe slump in the 70s), and also more pay for administrators. "Now, even if they are professors," she says, "they have market alternatives. They could be consultants and make a lot more money. The University is facing market pressures it didn't used to when professors didn't have those alternatives." "I think that does happen," Harrison concedes. "I mean, I'm a perfect case for that. I went from being an administrator at a college to being a consultant and back to being an administrator at a college. 20-30 years ago that path wouldn't have been open to me. But I think that makes better administrators, frankly." But better for what? "The University is becoming more and more like a commercial, bure And com max wou Uni prir A belie w infla muc the high edui incr "I Har The worl whe cons con that Uni hou fron dep Info Con and Re eme som ove to C som serv me stat and by c he also I'm V lon lot I " Fle: hav disc wh< I fin of s A blo "4 by Cianciola. "The Union started experiencing the growth of Ann Arbor. Hotels opened up and offered more competition. The Fleming Administration Building (opened in 1%8) took parking facilities away and the Union began to focus more and more on life members. It became less and less in synch with students." "There was a long period of decline - lack of funds, deterioration of the building, lack of focus on student needs and student attentions - so students began to seek outlets elsewhere," he added. According to Benson, the building was best described as having "lots of plastic and formica." The Union hit its lowest point in the late '60s and early '70s. Orientation tours avoided the building and students, thinking it unsafe, stayed away after dark. But several students believed the University needed a place for students and organizations to see as a focal point for student activities. "Some concerned students put on a campaign and garnered the support of students and Regents to refocus on the original role of the Union," said Cianciola. Their determination paid off and the Regents agreed to a $4.6 million renovation. During the pricey face-lift, facts and relics were unearthed. Touring the building shortly after his arrival, Cianciola found a leather wingback chair, sitting in an otherwise empty fourth floor room. Workers told him that a hotel patron had died in the chair. In the study lounge, he found original scores and photographs of the Michigan Union Opera in a locked compartment built into the wall. The Union is big on tradition, with the Michigan Union Opera evolving into MUSKET (Michigan Union Show and Ko-Eds Too), making it an 85 year old organization. The tower of the building also retains Michigan history, with several societies occupying the locked area. "My father, who is a member of the Vulcans (a secret Engineering society), was given a key to the What's the difference This is the Barnes & Noble book store, currently in the basement of the Michigan Union. Jennifer DunetztweeKeno 12 WEEKEND February 16, 1990 4.