Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 15, 1990 w ate thit-~al EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 t( f ! f r I+.' ., ARTS NEWS OPINION 763 0379 764 0552 747 2814 PHOTO SPORTS WEEKEND 764 0552 747 3336 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. 0 I !j , -~ tK ...,..:mss,.. - ?-"..,''S' r L_, t (t .. ^ _ V f } r. ' , //!/ t + (( ( l f, Phi A !f t i e y a 7 t ~.. . 1 vrltlL y° Education Financial aid cuts prove Bush's rhetoric is hollow "I want to be the education presi- dent." - Presidential candidate George Bush, 1988 In his proposed federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year, President Bush fell far short of the promises he made to improve education during his election campaign and State of the Union ad- dress. His $1.3 trillion budget for the nation includes $24.6 bil- lion for education. The $500 million increase is slightly, less than half theT increase needed to keepup with the rate of inflation. So in real terms, the "edu- cation president" is cutting federal funds for education. It is true that state and local govern- ments have to take much of the respon- sibility for educa- tion funding, and it is also true, as Bush said, that "real im- provement in our schools is not sim- Mr. ply a matter of spending more, it's a matter of expect- ing more." But the federal government does have to lay out financial aid for disadvan- taged students who want to attend the nation's colleges and universities. In- stead of recognizing this need, Bush proposed a budget which would kill the State Student Incentive Grant program and cut funding for the Perkins Student Loans and the Stafford Loan program. And though Bush did propose to in- crease Pell Grant funding, his proposal Defense falls short of the level needed to keep up with inflation. It is ironic that the self-proclaimed "education President" fails to provide adequate funding to assure that educa- tion is a right, and not a privilege of the rich. By cutting funding for financial aid, Bush would limit the number of students who can afford a college edu- cation. University Government Relations Officer Tom Butts said Bush's pro- posed cuts would result in a $4.8 mil- lion reduction in available financial aid for University of Michigan students. If financial aid is di- minished, economi- cally disadvantaged students will be shut off from higher edu- cation. Financial aid cuts will create a lack of motivation for poor high school students, who know they have no way to pay for college. Bush's budget also contains a new tax law that would lucation? deduct social secu- rity taxes from pay- checks students receive from universi- ties. The proposal would result in a loss of $1.5 million from students' pay- checks, making it more difficult to pay for a college education. Instead of cutting financial aid, the Bush administration should move to- ward an ideal of making it possible for everyone to get a college education, regardless of their ability to pay. Until education is available to everyone, Bush's fantasy of being the "education President" will be just that - a fantasy. -_,., ' l bow t UCAR :0 Noble aims, misguided efforts By Carey Brian Meadors According the United Coalition Against Racism, "the dictionary was writ- ten by racists." They maintain that racism must be seen in the context of a power structure, and is defined by the pain it causes. Since whites dominate the struc- ture, racism can only flow in one direc- tion, from whites toward minorities. Webster's New World Dictionary ob- jectively defines racism as "... the practice of racial discrimination." In other words, making judgments because of race is racist. Unfortunately for UCAR, their defini- tion collapses under scrutiny. Slurs against blacks are racist because the slurs are backed by a power structure, according to UCAR. In strict keeping with UCAR's definition, hurling slurs at a deaf person would not be racist, since no pain is in- flicted. Similarly, as long as blacks do not hear racist language, it does not matter that such language has been used, again because it caused no harm. UCAR does not like to acknowledge that their definition allows such abuse, although it does. The definition is reac- tionary; it does not take an objective view of racism. In fact, the slur is racist in it- self. This is not merely a matter of seman- tics. Rather than attacking the root of racism - racist individuals - UCAR be- comes fixated on "institutionalized racism." Rather than recognizing individu- als' actions or attitudes as racist, UCAR Meadors is a junior in Nuclear Engineer- ing charges the establishment as a whole with racism, thus unfairly implicating its non- racist members. To change an institution, one must change the leaders' attitudes. UCAR is aware of this. It supposedly seeks to convince individuals, through the programs it sponsors, that racism is wrong. In this way, it hopes to transform Such inflexibility pre/ents the aboli- tion of racism. Their McCarthyistic tactics and belligerent attitudes have made the U- M student wary of anti-racism campaigns. Compensation for slavery that comes in the form of special privileges - aid based' on race rather than need, affirmative ac- tion, and. a unidirectional definition of UCAR's goal of eliminating racism is laudable, but its focus is too narrow to be effective. Ed society. The hypocrisy lies in UCAR's rhetoric - it attacks entire institutions, not those individuals who control them. For instance, UCAR provides simple answers to complex problems. Why aren't there more people of color at the Univer- sity? Is it due to poor inner-city educa- tional systems, drugs, economic hardship, and a lack of middle class values among the historically poor? No, that's too com- plex. The U-M Admissions Committee must be racist. UCAR has extended this charge to the lottery, the United States Constitution (14th Amendment and all), all whites, and the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU has been attacked by UCAR for its advocacy of an all-encompassing First Amendment, and because it has defended the Ku Klux Klan. These charges exem- plify UCAR's habit of forcing all contro- versy into the mold of racism. What UCAR ignores is the ACLU's defense of the right, not the group. Thomas Jefferson once said, "If we are so sure we are right, shouldn't we let some- one say we are wrong?" Rather than con- fronting and discrediting racist thought, UCAR seeks to censor it. racism - is in itself racist, because it fa, vors one race at the expense of another. Whites alive today are not responsible for the crimes of their ancestors. Enforc- ing quotas will not end the scourge of racism, because they attack the visible, symptoms, not the cause. Sadly, this idea continues to elude UCAR; last year MSA allocated $19,000 for a UCAR-backed mi- nority conference which barred whites from some events. Such antagonistic dis- plays do not diminish racism on the U-M campus. This isn't the only lack of unity per- petuated by the United Coalition Against Racism. UCAR has been woefully lacking in its support for Chinese, Japanese, Jews, and American Indians - minority groups frequently defend by the ACLU. I have yet to hear a statement from UCAR disap, proving of Louis Farrakhan's gross anti- Semitism. UCAR's goal of eliminating racism is, laudable, but its focus is too narrow to be effective. Open dialogue, equal treatment, and fighting the real causes of inequality are more effective weapons than censor- ship, quotas, and symptom-bashing. Bush should recognize change in East Europe Don't support a Zone of Reproductive Freedom LAST WEEK, THE COMMUNIST party of the Soviet Union voted to give up its monopoly power in favor of a multi-party system. At the same time, there are serious threats to the Soviet Union's territorial boundaries in Ar- menia, Azerbaijan, and most recently in Tadzhikistan. Eastern Europe has al- ready broken from the Warsaw Pact, and the Pentagon has conceded that there is no threat to the Persian Gulf from the Soviet Union. The Bush administration's reaction to these major shifts in international al- liances and the traditional East-West balance of power has been almost nonexistent. Just hours after the Presi- dent congratulated Gorbachev for hav- ing moved towards a pluralist system, he addressed soldiers at Fort Irwin who were about to fight in a mock staging of World War III. Bush's presence at such a hawkish media event sent an adversarial mes- sage to the Soviet Union at a time when it was discussing time-tables with East European nations for a complete Soviet pull-out. Some Soviet troops have al- ready been withdrawn from Eastern Europe, even though firm agreements have not yet been reached. President Bush's unwillingness to acknowledge that the political climate in Europe has changed is clearly reflected ii his recently-proposed national bud- get, which included only an insignifi- cant decrease in defense spending and a proposed $900 million hike in Strategic Defense Initiative spending to almost $5 billion. In explaining continued high de- fense and SDI spending last week, Bush resorted to the weak argument that SDI might be needed to protect the U.S. from Iran, Libya or even nar- cotics gangsters. Bush's unwillingness to make defense cuts is in part a result of the lack of precedent for these cir- cumstances in Europe in the 40-year history of the Cold War. Inertia and a reflexive obedience to our military in- dustrial complex seem to be keeping Bush from a new understanding of the United States' defense needs. While responding to questions on Monday, Bush was evasive regarding the mission of U.S. troops in Europe, and spoke of them as being a "stabilizing factor." Defense Secretary Richard Cheney was far more blunt in an earlier statement, when he said the Soviet Union was the only nation in the world still capable of destroying the U.S. But the communist block has virtu- ally disintegrated, and even the Soviet Union is adopting pluralist systems. As political ideology ceases to be a divi- sive force, President Bush has been presented an opportunity to transform the Cold War era of distrust into a pe- riod of peace and fruitful economic in- teraction. Congress should not allow him to continue running mind-boggling deficits to fund the defense budget when prospects of war are so remote. To the Daily: I would like to respond to the letter by Sarah Schweitzer (2/13/90) and the front page Daily piece on a bill to outlaw anti- abortion activities ("Bill thwarts anti-abor- tion activists," 2/13/90). The narrow cov- erage demonstrates again the Daily's bias in favor of pro-abortion activities. It is important to understand that the abortion issue is not a religious versus feminist issue. The decision to end the life of an unborn child concerns the issue of whether it is right or wrong to take life. If the issue had not become so politi- cized over the years, people would admit that no mother decides on an abortion be- cause she thinks there is a non-existence, non-living "thing" inside her. She has dis- covered life in the womb (by the 21st day of pregnancy the baby's heart begins to beat) and she wants to end that life. Ninety-five percent of abortions in the US are for the following reasons: teenage pregnancy, economics, and inconvenience; fewer than five percent are because of rape, incest, or endangered health of the mother. Over one-and-a-half million unborn chil- dren die from abortion every year. Pro-abortion activists talk about the "choice" that every woman has not to be pregnant, and they are right. But choice comes before pregnancy. As humans we learn that certain actions have conse- quences. If we overeat, obesity is a result; if we abuse alcohol or illegal drugs, there are consequences; andif we have sex with- out using birth control devices, there are consequences. The pro-abortion camp argues that a woman has the right to take care of her What a society we live in. Those who see abortion as the taking of life are often treated as religious fanatics who should not impose religious belief on others. But is it religious belief that tells us that the taking of life is wrong? I remind voters that the Zone of Repro- ductive Freedom Bill, if passed, will not "protect" Ann Arbor from the Supreme Court as asserted in Schweitzer's letter. The Supreme Court has the last word on constitutional issues. Sue Hulett Visiting Research Scholar for the Center for Russian and East European Studies chance to get an education who normally' couldn't afford it. Now the whole system is a farce. Athletes can use college as a, training period for professional sports and use a university for their own selfish and monetary gain! If you can't make the grade point, kick them off campus. When Harlan Hatcher was in Ann Arbor, I thought he was sup-: posed to be the most respected person on campus. Rod Robert University alumnus, class of 1970 Daily misrepresents Hellenic organization To the Daily: The article that appeared in the Daily regarding the formation of the University of Michigan Hellenic Students' Organiza- tion (2/7/90) greatly misrepresented the purpose of our organization. Our organiza- tion was not formed to counter-weight other organizations' influence in the Uni- versity, but rather to acknowledge our her-a itage and relate to the culture of modern Greece. We will attempt to achieve these goals b., Pv.n :- . th uwni--r,.tlttA. t r No free rides for college athletes To the Daily: I was reading Sports Illustrated the other day and came over a quote of Bo Schembechler's that he didn't want college presidents to have too much control over athletics. Now what is that supposed to mean? For example, who is in control in East Lansing? From reading newspapers, magazines, and watching TV, we could get the im- pression that many athletic departments get by general university rules for stu- dents. Athletes can skip class, go on trips, and get out of class legally, get into col- - aJ -