Democratic leader calls for
student involvement in party
The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 13, 1990 - Page 5
Democrat calls
for new alliance
by Kathleen Engler ,
Joe Louis Barrow, Deputy Direc-
tor of Communications for the
Democratic National Committee
(DNC), called for student participa-
tion in the Democratic National
Party, in a speech last night at the
Michigan Union.,
"Americans are tired of the status
quo; we need students who care
about the 'we' rather than the 'me',"
Barrow said. "The Republican
'laissez-faire' ideology is harmful to,
the American family as well as the
up-and-coming generation."
Barrow suggested students be-
come involved in the Democratic
Party by working on election cam-
paigns and staffing political organi-
Barrow's speech is part of a 30-
campus college lecture tour.
Barrow criticized President Ge-
MSTV air
by Ruth Littmann
Daily Staff Reporter
Aromas of vegetable fettuccine
waft upwards from the dinner platesi
6f LSA seniors Randy Kaplan and
Jennifer Naiburg as they savor their
first date together at Afternoon De-<
light, a downtown restaurant.
Smiling at Randy, JenniferE
doesn't realize that a dark greent
sprout has wedged itself between her
front teeth..s
Uncomfortably, Randy smilesj
back at her.
"Um, you've got something
stuck between your teeth," he says.
I* This proverbial "first date" em-
barrassment is all too real, right?
Albeit familiar, this dating scene is
orge Bush's call for "a kinder,
gentler nation," saying it was a mea-
ger attempt to make up for the past
nine years of Republican abuse.
"Republicans have created eco-
nomic gains yet the money has not
trickled down to middle and lower
class families. Taxes decreased for
the richest five percent at the ex-
pense of everyone else," Barrow
Barrow said the solution to the
country's problems is to decrease de-
fense spending and upgrade educa-
"The country is not only about
numbers and economics, but people.
What kind of individuals will make
up our competition? We have kids
who can't read, drug wars, a decay-
ing environment," Barrow said.
Barrow responded to questions
from the audience after his speech.
When asked to whom the
Democrats would appeal in the 1992
elections, Barrow answered women,
minority groups, and working fami-
'Americans are tired of
the status quo; we
need students who
care about the 'we'
rather than the 'me'.'
- Joe Louis Barrow
Democratic National
In response to a question about
how the Democrats plan to retain
Jewish support in the face of anti-Is-
raeli statements made by Jesse Jack-
son during his 1984 Campaign, Bar-
row responded, "Every group has
their extremists. Though carrying
seven million votes, he seems a far
more influential politician than he
actually is. Jackson has the free time
to make frequent media statements.
He is not full-time employed."
Barrow concluded "Don't say
Democrats broke the country when
the Republicans submitted the bud-
by Michael Sullivan
It's time for Blacks and Jews to
stop wasting energy fighting one
another and to start to work together,
Deputy Director of Communications
for the Democratic Party Joe Louis
Barrows told an audience of about
forty students last night at Hillel.
In his speech entitled, "My fa-
ther: Boxer and Bridge to a New Al-
liance," Barrows, son of former
heavyweight boxing champion Joe
Louis, offered his father as a symbol
of a historical alliance between Jews
and Blacks.
When Louis beat the German
boxer Max Schmeling in 1938, "he
gave an entire generation of Black
Americans hope, pride and self-dig-
nity. He gave a lot of Jews the feel-
ing there was no Aryan race, no su-
perior race."
Emphasizing the link between
the two peoples Barrows recounted
the story of a man who talked to
him during a radio call-in show. "He
said, 'when I was in those concentra-
tion camps, I knew the Germans
weren't invincible because Joe Louis
beat Max Schmeling. That's how I
survived the concentration camps."'
Barrows said the Jews were in-
strumental in the 1960s Civil
Rights Movement. "Two-thirds of
the kids who went down for Freedom
Summer were Jews. They knew if
they could eliminate racism, they
could also eliminate anti-Semitism."
Now, Barrows said he worries,
that this historical relationship has
been destroyed by "wedge politics,"
because both groups overreact to the
extremes of the other movement.
Blacks and Jews have become ob-
sessed with the Intifada in the West
Bank, he said.
"As long as that preoccupies any
discussion between Blacks and Jews
on college campuses, we're not go-
ing to move forward" he said. "That
issue should be discussed in an iso-
lated context, in a non-disruptive
Instead he said, Jews and Blacks
can "focus on the issues that we can
work together on: homelessness, ed-
ucation, drugs."
Barrows said another stumbling
block for the two groups' relations
is Nation of Islam leader Louis Far-
Barrows called Black anger at
Jews who protested Farrakan's speak-
ing engagement at MSU, "a matter
of freedom for Afro-American stu-
dents. One more time, some people
are telling me what to do. That's the
reality of where these students are
coming from."
LSA senior Amy Shenker shared
Barrows vision. "I came because my
grandfather was really involved in
the Civil Rights Movement and
walked in the south with Martin
Luther King," she said. "That was a
time when Blacks and Jews saw
common goals."
But Shenker was disappointed
more Afro-Americans did not attend.
"In order to have a dialogue you need
to hear both sides."
Donny Ebenstein, LSA senior,
found the speech valuable, but said
"I wish I saw his attitude expressed
by groups on campus."
s lighter s
fictional- staged and televised for
the dating segment on "Michigan
Today," the student-run, television
news show that premiered Sunday on
cable channel nine. It will air again
this afternoon at 3:30 and on Friday
at 12:05 pm and 10:00 pm.
"Michigan Today" was founded
earlier this semester by the creators
of Michigan Student Television
(MSTV). With segments on campus
dating, bands, comedy, sports, and
news, "Michigan Today" emulates
"Entertainment Tonight," exposing
the recreational side of student life.
Touting news coverage that in-
cludes "everything from Shaky Jake
to Duderstadt," LSA senior and co-
anchor Josh Klein described the
ide of student life
show as "a light-hearted counterpart
to MSTV's hard-hitting talk show,
'The Student Forum."'
In the show's first edition, LSA
sophomore Amanda Neuman reports
on "dry rush," the recent fraternity
policy to recruit members at alcohol-
free gatherings.
The show also features basketball
clips, an exclusive interview with
Ann Arbor legend Shaky Jake, the
student comedy troupe "Just Kid-
ding," and the student band "Anne B.
Dating scenes top off the 45-
minute show as Randy Kaplan and
Jennifer Naiburg recreate dating
"dos" and "don'ts" while commenta-
tors and scriptwriters LSA junior
Jonathan Youtt and LSA senior Mar-
ilyn Kitzes inform viewers about
where to wine and dine in Ann Ar-
LSA senior Howard Widra, who
co-produced "Michigan Today" with
Kaplan, said, "I think the show went
pretty well for the first time."
Referring to some audio difficul-
ties, Widra said, "It had some kinks
which we'll work out before the next
Despite sporadic production prob-
lems, LSA sophomore Phil Ahn
said watching the show was an hour
well spent.
"There are a lot of things you see
around campus, but you don't know
much about them," Ahn said.
Continued from page 1
from single family homes on a
monthly basis. Under the proposal,
the program would be stepped up to
weekly collections and would also
include collections from apartment
units and businesses.
"[The proposal] puts recycling in
the big time for Ann Arbor," said
Mike Garfield, Environmental Issues
Director for the city's Ecology Cen-
ter. "For the first time Ann Arbor
*ill have a comprehensive recycling
program, it would be the most ambi-
tious one in the state."
* In addition to handling all the
city's recyclables, the proposed
MRF is expected to process recy-
clable waste from other Washtenaw
County municipalities. Garfield
added that the facility would also be
able to handle the University's recy-
Councilmembers expressedhope
that voters would swallow the tax
increases and favor the solid waste
proposals. "Five hundred dollars a
year is cheap to get ride of the things
we waste," said councilmember Ann
Marie Coleman (D- 1st Ward).
Supporters of the proposal ac-
knowledged that last night's vote
was only a first step and said the city
still has a long way to go before the
plan can be implemented.
"We're not even crawling yet,"
said councilmember Larry Hunter
(D-1st Ward). "What we need to do
is to go out and sell this issue. I
will look the voter in the eye and
say, 'This is what we must do."'
University of Michigan Asian Student Coalition
14 February 1990M *7:00 PM . Mason Hall Rm 2413
Contact Weston Woo at 761-8237 for more information
Breaking the Links of Oppression:
Israel, South Africa, Central America
and U.S. Foreign Policy
7:00pm * Tuesday, February 13, 1990
Room 100, Hutchins Hall, Law School
PLO: Maha Khoury
Counselor-Permanent Obserever at the Mission of Palestine (PLO) to the
United Nations, Executive Committee Member of the Union of Palestinian
Womens' Association in the U.S.
ANC: Mamazani Zulu
Member of the African National Congress (ANC) Mission to the United Nations
Chairperson of the ANC Regional Womens' Committees in the U.S.
FMLN: Arnaldo Ramos
Press Spokesperson & Representative of the Farabundo Marti Liberation
National (FMLN) in the United States
Representatives of the PLO, the ANC, and the FMLN will discuss
their respective liberation movements, the way in which their struggles
are interrelated, and the role the U.S. Government plays in each of the
three regions.
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