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February 08, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-08

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Basketball team seeks revenge
against Hoosiers


State funds should not pay
for Farrakhan

Next position, please

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 8, 1990 The Mhao

MOSCOW (AP) -- The Communist
Party that for decades swore its red tide
would cover the globe bowed to a different
revolution yesterday. The party agreed to al-
low alternative political parties to compete
for control of the Soviet Union.
The decision amounts to an acknowledg-
ment that new political forces have taken
root and that it is no longer possible or de-
sirable to crush them with the repressive tac-
tics of the past, which ranged from mass
murders under dictator Josef Stalin to the

agree 1
dissident arrests preferred by Leonid Brezh-
The decision by the party's Central
Committee to give up the Communists'
constitutional monopoly on power was a
triumph of political maneuvering by Presi-
dent Mikhail Gorbachev. He packed the
meeting of the 249-member body with more
than 700 other officials, many of them pro-
gressives who took the floor to demand radi-
cal reform.
"Article 6 will no longer be," said Svy-
atoslav Fyodorov, a participant at the meet-

to multi-party

ing, referring to the article in the Soviet
Constitution that guarantees the Commu-
nists a monopoly on power. "There will be
a multi-party system. There will be a normal
"We cannot rule out the emergence of
new parties," Politburo member Vitaly
Vorotnikov said in remarks reported by the
official Tass news agency. "But we Com-
munists are not going to surrender our posi-
tions. Just as any party in the world, we
shall be waging a struggle for our rights."
Vorotnikov added that the Communist

party will negotiate with any political force
that stands for democracy. But he said the
Communist party is the "leading and guid-
ing" force in Soviet society.
Boris Yelstin, a popular party member
among the people, favored a more radical
program that demanded a virtual apology by
the party for decades of totalitarianism.
After leading the Central Committee
meeting to greet U.S. Sectetary of State
James Baker, Foreign Minister Eduard She-
vardmadze told reporters the decision by the
party's policy-making body "moves us

closer to a humane and democratic society."
For three days, Gorbachev's draft plat-
form was strongly criticized from both right
and left at the Kremlin meeting. Some of the
speeches were released by Tass, and partici-
pants also described the struggle in inter-
views with Western reporters.
The Soviets are following the lead set by
their comrades in Eastern Europe, where one
by one, Communist parties have bowed to
democratic pressure and relinquished their le-
gal guarantee of political control.

to Soviet
MOSCOW (AP) - Secretary of
State James Baker set out last night
to measure the power of Soviet Pres-
ident Mikhail Gorbachev to deal
with the United States on world is-
sues as the Communist Party under-
goes major shifts.
* Baker moved swiftly into an
opening session with Foreign Min-
ister Eduard Shevardnadze, his plans
unchanged, a few hours after the
Communist Central Committee
agreed to abolish the party's guaran-
tee of political power.
Baker said on his flight here from
Czechoslovakia he had not deter-
mined what impact the move, taken
at Gorbachev's behest, would have
*on the Soviet leader's authority.
"Why don't you ask me that
question after I spend two days with
Mr. Gorbachev and Mr. Shevard-
nadze, and then I would be doing a
lot more than just guessing for you.
See Baker, Page 2

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Congress fights
civil rights bias
Episcopal church and Coretta
Scott King propose job bill

Lawmakers of both parties joined by
the head of the Episcopal Church and
Coretta Scott King yesterday un-
veiled civil rights legislation de-
signed to reverse recent Supreme
Court rulings and help minorities
and women fight job bias.
The bill launches a counterattack
by congressional liberals and civil
rights activists against a series of
Supreme Court rulings last year. A
newly solidified conservative court
majority limited affirmative action
and narrowed the scope of anti-bias
Hearings in both the House and
the Senate are set to begin within
days. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-
Mass) said approval at the commit-
tee level might be possible within
three months.
The Bush administration has said
there is no urgent need for the legis-
lation. Attorney General Dick
Thornburgh said forecasts of dire
problems involving job bias repre-
sent an overreaction to the court's
Thornburgh has promised that the
Justice Department will monitor the
effect of the rulings to determine if
legislation is needed. Kennedy said
that last year the Supreme Court
"issued a series of rulings that mark

an abrupt and unfortunate departure
from its historic vigilance in protect-
ing civil rights."
The bill would:
Bar harassment or firing of em-
ployees based on racial bias. The
court invalidated a lawsuit brought
by a North Carolina credit union
worker, Brenda Patterson, who
claimed she had been the victim of
racial harassment on the job. The
high court said Ms. Patterson could
not use an 1866 law to press her
claim, ruling the statute barred only
hiring discrimination, not harass-
ment once a person was on the job.
Force employers to show that
any practice with proven discrimina-
tory impact was prompted by busi-
ness necessity. The court ruled that
the burden of proof belongs with
workers who allege they are the vic-
tims of bias.
Make clear that it is always ille-
gal to use race, ethnicity, gender or
religion as a motivating factor in
employment decisions. The court
ruled that employers have a burden
of proving they did not discriminate
illegally when there is evidence that
bias played a part in personnel deci-
sions, but the ruling was vague
enough to confuse lower courts.

Segal speaks on Middle East conflict

by Gabrielle Durocher
Last night Jerome Segal, founder
of the Jewish Peace Lobby, spoke
about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
before an audience of over 100 peo-
ple at Hillel.
Segal opened his speech by de-
scribing the "moral ambiguity" in
Israel. He said Israel was composed
of "two communities that live on
top of each other" and feel they have
equally legitimate claims to the
same land.
"Jewish people had a right to the
land, but, none-the-less the Pales-
tinians were the victims," Segal
There is no "one truth" which de-
termines who is right in such a con-
flict, Segal said. In:tead, the Pales-
tinians and the Israelis must recog-
nize the extent to which their exis-
tence is intertwined and work out a
Segal said "a sharp crossroads
now exists," and the way towards a
solution to the conflict lays open.
He said the possibility for a solution

exists "because there has been a ma-
jor evolution of thinking accompa-

"fully equivalent response" according
to Segal.
One of the current available
options for resolving the conflict,
Segal said, would be for the Israelis
and Palestinians to move forward
with serious negotiations. "With
Jewish people had a
right to the land, but,
none-the-less the
Palestinians were the
-Jerome Segal
founder Second Jewish
good luck and good will this issue
could be resolved by the year 2000,"
Segal said.
The other option Segal presented
is a continuation of the current situa-
tion - eventually resulting in an
uncontrollable spiral of violence.

Such a situation could only be
brought to an end in. the future due
to internal pressure from the people
of Israel.
Segal's organization, the Jew-
ish Peace Lobby, believes that the
U.S. government can influence the
Israelis and Palestinians to choose
the best option. The JPL actively
supports a U.S. policy which would
lower the level of violence and
spearhead Palestinian-Israeli negotia-
JPL believes American Jews
must become involved and commu-
nicate directly with U.S. policy-
makers. Segal sees his organization
as the missing link which will give
the American Jewish community a
voice in the conflict.
During the question and an-
swer period following the speech,
Segal explained that he no longer
saw the conflict as one which pitted
Israelis against Palestinians, but
rather one in which Palestinian and
Israeli moderates opposed extremists
from both sides.

nied by an accommodation to reality
on the part of the Palestinians."
Palestinians have reversed their posi-
tion on the core of the conflict by
renouncing terrorism and recognizing
Israel's right to exist. The Israelis,
on the other hand, have made no

Red Cross hopes to make up for loss
of. donors during week's blood drive

by Ian Hoffman
Daily Staff Writer
It's time to pump up the volume.
Because of unexpected Detroit
plant closings this week, the Ameri-
can Red Cross is short 1000 pints of
blood it had expected to collect from
weekly Detroit area blood drives.

and branch of Manufacturing Bank
of Detroit were closed for all of this
week," American Red Cross South-
eastern Michigan Rep. Neal Fry
Fry expected the Chrysler plant
to donate 700 pints of blood and the
Manufacturing Bank branch to do-

should be no problem accommodat-
ing all students who want to give
blood, Rabidoux said.
"If enough blood is not donated a
lot of elective surgeries, for example
liver transplants, will have to be
cancelled," Rabidoux said.
The first three days of the drive

counties, uses about 1,200 pints of
blood each day.
According to Dr. Harold Ober-
man, director of the University's
blood bank, one liver transplant can
use up to 100 pints of blood. The
University's hospitals perform about
one liver transplant per week.

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