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February 06, 1990 - Image 1

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Social Security finances
deficit spending






Slammin' around town

Women's BB ends long road drought

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 87 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, February 6, 1990 The MhigeDOv

a id cuts
by Christine Kloostra
Daily Government Reporter
University students may find ob-
taining financial aid more difficult if
President Bush's budget cut propos-
als for the 1991 fiscal year are im-
plemented by Congress.
The proposed cuts could result in
a $4.8 million reduction in available
financial aid for University students,
said Thomas Butts, University gov-
ernment relations officer.
Bush proposed cuts or freezes on
a variety of financial aid programs
supported by the federal budget.
"President Bush has met nearly
every student aid program with either
a butcher's knife or a yawn," said Ju-
lianne Marley, president of the
United States Student Association, a
national student lobbying organiza-
The President's most drastic pro-
posed cuts are the elimination of the
Perkins Loan program and the State
Student Incentive Grant program.
The elimination of these programs~
would result in a $1.8 million loss
in financial aid for University stu-
dents, Butts said.
Bush's proposals also include
freezing the maximum Pell Grant
award at $2300 for the third consecu-
tive year and freezing the funding for
work-study programs and Supple-
mental Educational Opportunity
Assistant Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Robert Holmes ex-
pressed concern over Bush's pro-
posed cuts.
See CUTS, Page 2

Party must

MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail
Gorbachev declared yesterday that
Communists must surrender their
unchallenged right to rule the Soviet
Union to the tide of democratic re-
form he has unleashed.
The Soviet Communist Party
chief, in an historic speech to the
party's Central Committee in the
Kremlin, tacitly acknowledged the
growing power of the pro-democracy
movement that has swept away
Communist regimes in Eastern Eu-
rope, set several Soviet republics on
the road to multiparty politics, and
on Sunday drew a huge crowd of
protesters in Moscow.
But his move was unlikely to
bring about the disintegration of the
Communist Party, and Gorbachev,
who is also head of the government,
did not address the possibility of the
party losing power.

The party wants to remain the
leading force in society but must
prove its worthiness, Gorbachev
In the future it "intends to strug-
gle for the role of ruling party, but
do it strictly in the framework of the
democratic process, rejecting any
kind of legal or political advantage,"
Gorbachev said.
Political reform that has
strengthened the Soviet government
at the expense of an all-controlling
party apparatus, "has been accompa-
nied by a growth in political plural-
ism," Gorbachev said, presenting a
draft platform to the 249-member
Central Committee. "This process
can lead to the creation of parties at
some stage."
Central Committee sources said
Gorbachev told the closed meeting
See SOVIET, Page 2

After the party
Those who attended an athletic department function held at the University's art museum were awed by the
sculptured ice decorations adorning the room. Afterwards, however, the sculpuures were left outside for the
public's view.

MAC calls for input in student services changes

by Mark Katz
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Members of the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly's Minority Affairs
Commission voiced concerns to As-
sociate Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Mary Ann Swain that the
administration will make structural
changes in student services without
involving students in the process
from the initial stages, yesterday at
the commission's weekly meeting.
"If your goal is to improve the

environment for people here, you
have to let those people play a role,"
said Delro Harris, former MAC
chair. "The only way there can be
any serious progress in this is to get
student involvement. We have to
create a mechanism where students
can formulate these plans."
Swain will assume the position
of Interim Vice-President for Student
Services March 1. In her new role,
she will evaluate whether the Uni-

versity should maintain a Vice-Pres-
ident for Student Services separate
from Academic Affairs.
Dr. Henry Johnson was Vice
President for Student Services for 17
years. He will become Vice Presi-
dent for Community Relations - a
newly created position - in March.
Swain, who will meet this week
with administrative officials to dis-
cuss the dynamics of her new posi-
tion, said she hopes to "get more

discussion on what (University Pres-
ident James Duderstadt's) model (of a
multicultural University) is going to
look like."
"We don't do a very good job of
introducing people to (the Univer-
sity)," Swain said. "It's very clear
from what I hear that this is a hos-
tile place for students to come to -
especially students of color."
Swain said that upon taking the
post, she will solicit student input

in the form of a committee. "I can't
imagine functioning as Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Services and not
having a student advisory commit-
Students at the meeting stressed
the need to incorporate people of
color in the process. "There is a feel-
ing of deep dissatisfaction about the
quality of input (people of color)
have been allowed," said Thomas
See MAC, Page 2

Egyptians capture
bus attack suspect

.Lebanese fighting
flares up again
Gen. Aoun's troops hammer
z aLebanese Forces on two fronts

JERUSALEM (AP) - Egyptian
authorities yesterday arrested a sus-
pect in the desert bus attack in which
nine Israelis were killed and said the
man was a Palestinian who went to
Egypt two weeks ago with his ac-
complices. All the dead were Israelis,
and there were 21 people wounded,
including an Egyptian tour guide.
* Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Shamir demanded yesterday that
Egypt track down and punish those
responsible the attack, even as Is-
raelis were mourning their dead with
silence and screams of anguish.
Israeli leaders said the latest Mid-
dIe East peace efforts should not be
thwarted by public outrage over
Sunday's attack - the worst on Is-
raelis in Egypt since the two coun-
* tries signed a peace treaty in 1979.
Newspaper editorials noted, how-
ever, the incident would almost cer-
tainly boost support for hard-line
views toward Arabs.
Israeli victims flown home by
military jet from Egypt's capital
gave harrowing accounts of the sev-
eral minutes during which two gun-
people on a desert road raked their
bus with gunfire and hurled grenades
"There was nobody who could
protect us, nobody carried any
weapons," said Professor Yigal
Barak, a passenger who was unhurt.
"I felt like a Jew who is facing
the Nazis," said Judith Benjamini, of

Tel Aviv, describing the death of her
husband, Ishachar.
In Washington, the State De-
partment called the attack an
"outrageous act" designed to halt ef-
forts toward reconciliation and dia-
logue between Arabs and Israelis.
I thanked him
[Mubarak] for his
words, but I want to
point out that we view
Egypt as responsible
for the safety and
security of Israeli
citizens who visit
Egypt.' -Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister
President George Bush called
Shamir to express his sorrow,
spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler
Shamir told Parliament Israel
would go ahead with its peace initia-
tive calling for Palestinian elections
but also would try to "liquidate
blood-thirsty" terrorism.
He noted that Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak had telephoned him
at midnight yesterday to apologize
for the attack.
"I thanked him him for his
words, but I want to point out that
we view Egypt as responsible for the
safety and security of Israeli citizens
who visit Egypt," Shamir said.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Gen.
Michel Aoun's tanks brbke into a
stronghold of his Christian militia
rivals yesterday, after a week of bat-
tle, and advanced toward the com-
mand post of Lebanese Forces chief
Samir Geagea, police said.
They said the tanks, with can-
nons blazing, drove to within 300
yards of the Kassardjian militia base
in Ein Rummanch, a working-class
district of Christian east Beirut.
Witnesses in hills above the
Christian sector, reached by tele-
phone from Cyprus, reported heavy
fighting in Ein Rummaneh south of
the Karantina quarter, where Geagea
has his headquarters.
Explosions echoed across the city
as militiamen crouching in alley-
ways fired armor-piercing rockets at
the tanks and their comrades hurled
grenades from rooftops.
Shells hit hospitals, schools, and
churches. They set fuel tanks, power
plants, factories and apartment
houses ablaze.
Fires burned out of control be-
cause pumping stations were
knocked out and no water was avail-
able to fight them.
Several hospitals said they could
not function for more than two or

three days because water, blood,
plasma and oxygen supplies were
virtually exhausted.
Shellfire slacked in some districts
at dawn yesterday, allowing tens of
thousands of civilians to leave
basements and underground bomb
shelters where some had lived for six
In Geneva, the International
Committee of the Red Cross asked
for an immediate truce so it could
help civilians.
Geagea has said the 6,000 regu-
lars and 30,000 reservists of the Le-
banese Forces, the largest Christian
militia, would "resist unto death...
to end the dictator's reign of terror"
in Christian territory north and east
of Beirut.
Aoun, who has been dismissed as
army commander but refuses to step
aside, commands nearly 20,000
Christian troopers and is trying to
gain complete control over the 310-
square-mile enclave, where one mil-
lion Christians live.
Yesterday his paratroopers secured
the key coastal town of Dbaye, five
miles north of Beirut. They seized it
Sunday in a fierce hand-to-hand bat-

'" MOW
A stray shell from fighting Christian Forces in East Beirut knocked down
a two-story house in Moslem West Beirut's Noweiri district yesterday.

Green party endorses Democratic candidates for Council

' by Josh Mitnick
nDaiv C-iv Reporter

Democrat/Green candidates.
u -AnrhnniA rnl .--an am .he re

Marsh said he accepted the party's
s onnnrt hbenue nth hi nlitical

explaining that the Democratic and
Green nintfnrm er vrv imilar

"We're going to help register
vnters-" sid Hunrnn Va11ev Green

However, Ackerman's and
Marsh's snnort cnmes with the nn-

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