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February 05, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-05

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Warren Sharpies:
'M's man between the posts
Men's basketball coverage
The debut of 'Le Bon Mot'

Opinion page announces some


Paul is dead


Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. C, No. 86

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, February 5, 1990

CopyrightO 1990
The Michigan Daily

kill eight
,Israelis in
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -
Guerrillas armed with guns and
grenades attacked a bus carrying
about 30 Israeli tourists in the desert
near Cairo Sunday, killing at least
eight people and wounding 17,
0 officials and news reports said.
Israel's armed forces radio said a
caller speaking to a Western news
agency in Cairo claimed
responsibility on behalf of the
Organization for the Defense of
Oppressed in Egyptian Prisons, a
previously unknown group. The
caller said the attack was to punish
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
and security officials for torturing
Israel's army radio said the bus
was en route to Cairo from Rafah, a
divided town on the border between
Israel and Egypt.
The radio's correspondent in
Cairo quoted a survivor, Miriam
Kadmon, as saying the driver of the
car, a white Peugeot, signaled to the
bus to stop near the town of
Ismailiya, about 40 miles east of
The guerrillas smashed the car's
rear window and opened fire on the
bus. An Egyptian tour guide began
screaming, jumped off the bus and
was shot dead.
Kadmon said two guerrillas got
out of the car, continuing to fire at
the bus, and also threw hand
grenades at it, the army radio
The bus "was lying on its side"
after the attack, said the radio's
correspondent, Adi Talmor, who
arrived at the scene while traveling
to Cairo in another tourist bus.
"Its rear windows were smashed
and blackened by smoke," he said.

Protesters fill
Soviet streets
Thousands urge Communists
to give up power stronghold
MOSCOW (AP) - Hundreds of meant to influence the pivotal
thousands of cheering protesters Communist Party plenary meeting
filled the broad streets of Moscow that opens today.
yesterday to demand that the Com- "This plenum is the party's last
munists surrender their stranglehold chance," declared Boris Yeltsin, a
on power, perhaps the biggest populist Communist leader who
protest in Moscow since the Bolshe- promised to place the crowd's de-
vik Revolution. mands before the 251-member
The huge gathering came on the Central Committee.
eve of a party Central Committee Others, harkening to the revolu-
meeting during which President tion that overthrew the czar in
Mikhail Gorbachev is expected to February 1917 before being swept
propose that other parties be allowed away by Lenin eight months later,
to compete for power, a move likely said a new revolution was under
to spur an intense struggle between way.
hard-liners and reformers. "Long live the beginning of the
The crowd waved huge white- peaceful, non-violent revolution of
red-and-blue flags of pre-revolu- February 1990!" historian Yuri
tionary Russia and held signs warn- Afanasiev told the cheering crowd.
ing party officials to "Remember Some demonstrators at the head
Romania," where a bloody revolt of the rally chanted "Politburo re-
last year toppled the Stalinist regime sign!" Others whistled in derision
of Nicolae Ceausescu. when they passed the Moscow city
The masses stopped next to Red council headquarters on Gorky
Square for a gigantic rally that was Street.

Resembling the day-after-Christmas crowds at the mall, zealous students anxiously await the opening of the
Graduate Library on a snowy Sunday afternoon.

Chicano History Week focuses on culture

by Mark Katz
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
From folk dancing to art and edu-
cation to politics, Chicano culture
will be the focus of a 12-day celebra-
tion of Chicano History Week.
The week kicks off today with
Mariachi and folkloric dancing at
11:30 a.m. in the Michigan Union
Pendelton Room. At 2 p.m. the cel-
ebration will move to room 1219 of
the Union for the opening of a Chi-
cano Art Exhibit featuring William
Mora, a Mexican-American artist
from Detroit.
Katalin Berdy, Hispanic represen-
tative to Minority Student Services
and an organizer of the celebration,

said scheduled events will provide an
opportunity to "share with the Uni-
versity and Ann Arbor community
the history and oppression of Chi-
While the activities will empha-
size Mexican culture, Chicano His-
tory Week will culminate with a
Latino Student Talent Night in
which Latinos from different coun-
tries will perform.
"(All Latino groups) share a
common language and a common
ground," Berdy said. "We all support
each other."
Although Chicanos, who are
Mexican-Americans, compose a ma-
jority of the University's Latino

population, most people do not dif-
ferentiate among Chicanos and Lati-
nos, or Latin Americans, said Chi-
cano student Kevin Ramon, a Trotter
House staff member who helped co-
ordinate the events.
"A lot of people say, 'They're
Chicanos' when people are really
from Puerto Rico or (some other
country), because they look so simi-
lar," he said.
In 1986 the state of Michigan
passed a resolution recognizing his-
torical rights of Chicanos under the
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The
University has celebrated Chicano
History Week ever since, honoring
the political, cultural, and the eco-

nomic contributions of Chicanos to
American culture.

Events are being sponsored by
the Socially Active Latino Student

'(All Latino groups) share a common
language and a common ground. We all
support each other'
- Katalin Berdy
Hispanic Representative to Minority Student

Mary Lou Mason, executive di-
rector of the Commission on Span-
ish Speaking Affairs, will present
another state-passed resolution con-
cerning Chicano affairs Thursday at
the William Monroe Trotter House.

Association (SALSA), Minority
Student Services, the Trotter House-
Housing Special Programs and the
Michigan Union Arts and Program-

Students decry use of MSU
funds for Farrakhan visit

By Josephine Ballenger
Daily Staff Writer
About 30 Michigan State Uni-
versity students and faculty are
protesting university funding of the
Nation of Islam's leader Louis Far-
rakhan's visit to the campus. Far-
rakhan is scheduled to speak at
MSU's Auditorium on Feb. 18.
The protestors picketed outside
the MSU administration building be-
fore the Board of Trustees meeting
Friday, five of whom expressed their
opposition of the allotment of
$5,000 by the provost's office's to
As One- the student group spon-
soring Farrakhan. Farrakhan is a
Black nationalist who has been
called anti-Semitic.
Members of As One were
unavailable for comment.
Eric Gilbert, program director of
MSU's Hillel Jewish Student Cen-
ter, said the Board of Trustees was
not involved in the decision to fund
As One.
Gilbert said Provost David Scott
and Dr. Lee June, the provost's rep-
resentative for multicultural affairs,
did not make it clear whether the
money is to be used by the group in
general, or if it is specifically for the
speaker. "They (the provost's office)
fund particular projects, not groups,
which is in direct contradiction to
what they told us," Gilbert said.
When the protestors brought their
concerns before the board, the

tended for the group to use at its
own discretion and not specifically
for Farrakhan's visit. But "in subse-
quent meetings, when questioned by
the press, they said the money was
given to Farrakhan," he said.
Jeff Block, a member of MSU's
Hillel Jewish Student Center, said,
"My problem as a student of the
University is that the University
gave $5,000 to a group, knowing it
was going to bring a man who has

such a known, documented back-
ground of racial bigotry."
Gilbert said, "I am very pleased
with the Board of Trustees. I think,
at this point, that Farrakhan will
come, but that's better than his be-
ing funded by the university.
U-M Hillel's Chair Steve Gamer
said he didn't object to the speaker's
right to speak, but did oppose spend-
ing public money for someone Hil-
lel considers anti-Semitic.

Ant i-abortionists
seek to change 'bill

Michigan's Mike Griffin fights for a loose ball with Wisconsin's Tim Locum (left) and Danny Jones during
Saturday's Wolverine win.
Wolverine win over Badgers

p Muts Mchigan back in hunt
by Lory KnaP Big Ten mark to 6-3. Considering that Michigan
Daily Basketball Writer While the Boilermaker's loss Wisconsin rather handily, Pu

LANSING (AP) - Anti-abortion
lawmakers are hoping to strip what
they think is a large loophole from
legislation barring girls under 18
from having an abortion without
parental permission.
The bill is expected to be ap-
proved by a committee this week and
advance to the full Senate where pas-
sage is assured.
The Senate also plans to act on
bills which would regulate the trans-
portation and disposal of medical
waste, require gubernatorial candi-
dates to engage in debates, and assess
fines and criminal sanctions against

to permit the medical procedure if it
appears the girl may commit suicide
if she has to carry her pregnancy to
Sen. Fred Dillingham (R-
Fowlerville) and chair of the Senate
Human Resources and Senior Citi-
zens Committee, said the panel
probably will remove that provision
because anti-abortion forces believe
girls or their doctors may abuse that
"I haven't found anything that
works in modifying the suicide
amendment. I think we're going to
strip it," Dillingham said.


After the Wolverine loss to
Purdue last week, many claimed
that the conference title was all but
dni-riQAdThic mwQle it has hernme n

does not drop them in the confer-
ence standings, it does break their
undefeated Big Ten record. It also
nuts Michigan Minnesta and

trounced Michigan, and Purdue beat
Wisconsin by just two points, the
picture becomes muddied.
17,.hp ..n.A the Wiccndn-

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