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February 01, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-01

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The Michigan Daily -Thursday, February 1, 1990 - Page 3

'U' lawyers to
'MSA elections

By Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
The University General Counsel
will interview many Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly representatives and
,others involved in the assembly's
bungled December elections, contin-
uing an investigation many MSA
members consider a threat to assem-
bly autonomy.
At MS A's weekly meeting Tues-
day night, President Aaron Williams
announced to assembly representa-
tives the administration's intention
to interview the representatives and
others involved in the elections.
Several representatives questioned
the administration's right to investi-
gate the assembly's actions, and de-
manded to know who was responsi-
ble for the administration's in-
In response to their queries,
Williams replied "according to the
aily, it was [Conservative Coali-
tion Chairman] Jeff Johnson, who
talked to Regent Deane Baker." Nei-
* ther Johnson nor Baker were present,
so Williams refused to comment fur-
Williams listed off the names of
hose who would be contacted for the
interviews, including MSA represen-
tatives Johnson, Williams, Heidi
Hayes, Jennifer Van Valey, Jason
rumholtz, as well as Central Stu-
lent Judiciary Justices Corey Ruben-
tein and Laura Miller.
CSJ invalidated the election after
letermining significant balloting er-
ors had taken place.
Also included on Williams' list
vere former student election directors
:;umeetra Malhotra and Michelle
"utnam. Malhotra and Putnam were
ired after the election controversy
General Counsel Elsa Cole said
he would begin the investigation
Y iith interviews of the student jus-
ces, and report her findings to Uni-
ersity President James Duderstadt.
Reaction from concerned MSA
ps and other officials was mixed.
Laura Miller, Chief Justice of the
SJ, said she was upset at the turn
f events, but said she was
confident that [she] could defend all
f CSJ's actions and decisions."
Miller also expressed concern

over the administration's involve-
ment. "I think that they should have
left it in the students' hands," she
said. "I think that the administration
should have had faith in the MSA
and its courts."
Former Election Director Malho-
tra did not agree with CSJ's actions,
but agreed with her concern over the
administration probe.
"Personally, as a student, I think
that it is dangerous for the adminis-
tration to get involved because of the
precedent it could set," she said.
MSA Rep. Nick Mavrick blamed
Williams for the continuing prob-
lems. "The administration is seri-
ously misinformed in pushing for an
MSA investigation," Mavrick said.
"This is an unconstitutional mishap.
What they should be doing is calling
for Aaron William's recall. If there
is an investigation, I don't know
what it will find, other than
Williams' incompetency.",
LSA junior David Maquera, a
member of the Conservative Coali-
tion, was one of the winners of the
disputed election, but did not receive
an appointment after the results were
'This is an
mishap. What they
should be doing is
calling for Aaron
Williams' recall. If
there is an
investigation, I don't
know what they'll find,
other than Williams'

Begin again
The house, called "Day One" gives homeless people a place to start. The Homeless Action
Committee sponsors the house.
.'U' begins celebrati on
Black HistoryMonth today

may focus
on future
of council
by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter
The future of University Council
- a nine-member policymaking
body of faculty, students and admin-
istrators - is expected to be the fo-
cus of a meeting this morning be-
tween University President James
Duderstadt and members of the dis-
solved council, University Council
members said yesterday.
The council - dissolved last
month when the University's Board
of Regents allowed the bylaw em-
powering it to expire - was work-
ing to develop guidelines that would
regulate the University community's
non-academic conduct.
According to information released
by Duderstadt yesterday afternoon,
the meeting will not be about the
council and has no fixed agenda.
However, members of the former
council said they understood the
meeting's focus to be specifically
the future of University Council o
University Council type body.
"I received various message,"
said co-chair of the former council
and Rackham student Corey Dolgon
"(that) the president would like to set
up a 'U' Council meeting."
University Council's fate has
been the subject of speculation be-
cause at the time of its dissolution,
Duderstadt expressed an interest to
keep the council as an advisory
University Council was unique
from an advisory body because it had
the power to develop and implement
policies with the approval of the re-
The Michigan Student Assembly
passed a resolution Tuesday night to
reject any form of the council which
did not have the powers given it by
former regental bylaw 7.02. Bylaw
7.02 established the council and au-
thorized it to formulate conduct reso-
Any guidelines proposed by the
council had to be ratified by MSA,
the faculty Senate Assembly, and the
Board of Regents.
The council never had any guide-
lines ratified, but prior to its dissolu-
tion the council proposed a set of
protest guidelines to the University's
Though a complete list of people
invited to the meeting was not avail-
able, all members of the former
council and MSA president Aaron
Williams are expected to attend.

by Kelly Gafford
The University community kicks
off Black History Month today with
a nationwide teleconference - the
first in a list of events ranging from
Black history dinners in the residence
halls to a Black film-makers series.
The teleconference, titled "Beyond
the Dream 11: A Celebration of

-Nick Maverick Black History," will be aired today
MSA Rep via satellite from Fairfax, Virginia

- e

invalidated said he hoped some good
would come from the investigation.
"I'm glad that they're looking
into the elections, and I hope that,
from this investigation, the election
rules will be changed, so that this
sort of thing won't happen again,"
he said. "A lot of people put in a lot
of time and effort, and a lot of stu-
dents, went out to the polls and
voted. In a sense, they got screwed
over worse than I did."

where Vice Provost for Minority Af-
fairs Charles Moody will participate
on a panel dealing with minorities
and education.
The panelists will discuss the
importance of education in the years
from kindergarten through fifth
grade, said Moody.
"It's important to stress the im-
portance of education in today's
youth from the womb to the tomb,"
he said.
The teleconference will also focus
on civil rights and politics, art and
literature, music, business, and eco-
The teleconference sponsored by
the University's Office of Minority
Affairs, will be shown from 1:00 to
3:00 p.m at the following three loca-
tions: Kellogg Auditorium in the
Dental School, Chrysler Audito-
rium, and the Regents' Room in the
Fleming Building.

Black History
Month events:
Feb. 1: Jazz Night, R.C.
Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Feb. 2: Gospel Performance,
R.C. Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Feb. 4: Multicultural Taste
Fest, R.C. Auditorium, 3 p.m.
Feb. 5: African Dance
Workshop, Couzens, 8:30
Feb. 8: Michigan Court of
Appeals Judge Myron Wahis
"Dred Scott Decision," South
Quad Ambatana Lounge, 7
Feb. 10: Bursley Talent
Show, Bursley West Cafeteria
7 p.m.
Quiet Storm Dance, South
Quad Cafeteria, 7 p.m.
Feb. 17: S.I.S.T.E.R. Fashion
Show and African Dance
Presentation, Stockwell Blue
Lounge, 7 p.m.
Feb. 18: Black Jeopardy,
Alice Lloyd Newcomb
Lounge, 7 p.m.
Feb. 20: Black History
Dinners, Stockwell, 4:45 p.m.,
and East Quad, 4:30 p.m.
Feb. 22: Black History
Dinners, West Quad, 4:15
p.m., Alice Lloyd, 4:30 p.m.,
and Betsey Barbour, 5 p.m.
Feb. 25: Tour to Detroit
African Art Museum, Mosher
Jordan, 10:30 a.m.
Rededication of Angela Davis
Lounge, Markley, 4 p.m.

Six well-known Black film-
makers will also visit the University
during the month to present
screenings of their recent films and
works in progress. The first four
'It's important to
stress the importance
of education in
today's youth from
the womb to the
- Vice Provost for
Minority Affairs Charles
films will be shown at 7:00 p.m on
successive Fridays beginning Feb. 2
in Lorch Hall Auditorium.
The United Coalition Against
Racism will sponsor a forum on
"Issues Confronting the Black
Community" on Feb. 11, a forum
on the mandatory class on racism
Feb. 15, a video oral history project
on the Civil Rights Movement, and
a host of other events.
Despite'the University sponsor-
ing events, some still believe that
the University has a long way to go
with improving student life for mi-
norities. "We've made some strides
but as a University commitment to
enriching student life we have quite a
way to go," said Warren Whatley,
associate professor of economics.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Socially Active Latino Student
Association - 7:30 in Angell
Hall Rm. 221
Earth Day Organizing Com-
mittee - 7 p.m. on Union 4th
Tagar Meeting --- 8 p.m. at the
Hillel, 60 Trees
Men's Support Group --- mass
meeting 8 p.m. 3100 Union
Society of Women Engineers
(SWE) --- general meeting 6:15
p.m. 1200 EECS
Amnesty International --- cam-
pus group meeting 6 p.m. Union
Tap Room
Rainforest Action Movement -
-- general meeting and speaker 7
p.m. 1520 Dana Bldg. (School of
Natural Resources)
Diet Choices: A Tool for Re-
constructing the Past" - Gary
Belovsky of the University's
School of Natural Resources
speaks at 4 p.m. in Rackham's
East Lecture Rm., 3rd floor
"Artifacts and Society at
Tikal, Guatemala" --- Hattula
Moboly-Nagy speaks at noon in
the Natural Science Museums
"The Roles of the Chinese
Mass Media Before, During
and Since the June 4th Move-
ment" --- Liu Binyan delivers
the keynote address of a sympo-
sium on America and China mass
media 8 p.m. in Rackham Am-
"An Agenda for the 1990s:
Political and Economic Is-

"The Shokaishingo: Japanese
for Diplomats in Seventeenth-
Century Korea" --- Robert
Campbell speaks at noon in the
Lane Hall Commons Room
"Verbal and Nonverbal Be-
havior" - part of the Global
Friendship and Dating Series a
brown bag discussion at noon in
the International Center
Student Forum Talk Show --
MSTV taping show on abortion
7 p.m. Shorling Auditorium
(School of Education)
Music at Midday - Kyra Grant
soprano with pianist Hal Lanier
perform Argento and others
12:15 p.m. in the Union Pendle-
ton Rm.
Fresh Start Quit Smoking Pro-
gram - 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the
American Cancer Society (2500
Packard Rd.)
Black History Month Arts at
Mid-day -- David Jackson per-
forms the trombone at noon in
the Union Pendleton Room
Women's Club Lacrosse - 4-6
p.m. in the Coliseum (5th and
Fine Arts Repertory Company
-- performs "Antigone" 8 p.m. at
the Craft Theatre, Community
High, 401 N. Division
Student Woodshop --- safety
class conducted 3-5 p.m., call
Northwalk --- the north campus
night time walking service runs
from 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. in Bursley
2333 or call 763-WALK
Safewalk --- the night time safety
walking service runs from 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m. in UGLi 102 or

Food Services boycotts California grapes

by Sandhya Rao
On Jan. 16, University officials
began a boycott of California table
grapes in all residence halls to show
support for California farm workers
jeopardized by harmful pesticides
used on grapes grown in that state.
The pesticides have been blamed
for the high incidence of birth defects
and cancer rates in several California
towns surrounded by farms in which
they were used.
Director of Food Services David
Prentkowski sent a memorandum to
Hal Pattullo, manager of University
Food Stores, on Jan.16 stating the
Housing Division's support of "the
request of the United Farm Workers
to boycott the purchase and con-

sumption of California-grown
University Food Stores promptly
stopped ordering grapes from Cali-
fornia at Prentkowski's request.
Prentkowski said any grapes
presently served in dining halls are
grown in Chile, not in California.
The decision to boycott the
grapes was made in response to a
speech made by Cesar Chavez, Pres-
ident of the United Farm Workers
Union, at the Martin Luther King,
Jr. Day presentations. Chavez started
the boycott 10 years ago in order to
end the use of the lethal pesticides
and stop discrimination against
Latino farm workers.
The Food Service boycott of Cal-

ifornia grapes comes after a long
struggle by students to boycott the
fruit in several dining halls across
campus. Last winter, the residents of
East Quad took action against the
harmful pesticides by successfully
petitioning for the boycott of the
grapes in their own dining hall. Peti-
tions made in other halls were not
Although Prentkowski was aware
of the student protests, he said his
decision was based entirely on the
Chavez' speech. "After Chavez
spoke, I got together with Bob
Hughes, director of Housing, and we
decided to stop ordering Californi'i
grapes," he said.
Although excited to hear of the

boycott, some students felt as
though they had been overlooked be-
cause the decision to boycott was
not made in response to long-stand-
ing student protests.
Cristina Barrosl, a member of
Socially Active Latino Students As-
sociation (SALSA), said, "As a stu-
dent, it makes one feel as though his
or her opinion does not count."
Prentkowski said he was aware of
student protests but no petitions
were officially filed. "If there was a
legitimate attempt to follow offici l
procedure ... their voice would hate
been heard."


Burger King
in incident
A group of University students
got into a brawl with a group of
uminthc~ at tha D.Rnr 'V ng nn F

their food, a band of about 10 youths
whom Squires described as "kind of
roguish looking," walked past the
students in single file.
Squires said one of the youths
then threw a cup of ice in the face of
a student and yelled "happy new
year," to which the student replied
by yelling an obscenity.
The group of students then got
up to run as the band of youths be-
gan chasing them. During the ensu-
ing brawl, four students were injured
while the youths, who fled the
scene, remained unharmed, Squires
Both Ann Arbor Staff Sergeant
Tnan f aldtv. l antiA C nr w aulA

ing a police officer.
Squires said the police returned to
the Burger King to have him identify
the group they had just stopped.
Squires said he told the police
that these were not the youths from
the fight, adding, "They (the police)
also picked up one guy who had
been waiting in line the whole
assaulted at

under investigation by the Ann Ar-
bor Police Department.
Strenkoski said he agreed to lCt
his next door neighbor invite sonm
friends to a Super Bowl party he wag
throwing at his house. Althougl
only one of Strenkoski's friends ar-
rived, a group of 10 men, whom his
neighbor had invited, showed up. 9
Strenkoski complained the group
began acting wildly in his house. A
about 10 p.m., he said, the groip
drenched his friend with beer.
When Strenkoski asked the groui
to settle down or leave, one of thg
group then smashed him in the fade
with a mug of beer, slammed hiM

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