OPINION Page 4 Monday, January 29, 1990 The Michigan Daily - - Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. C, No. 81 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Let the people speak A stage prop for democracy: 'U' Council had no choice ON FEBRUARY 25 Nicaraguans will go to the polls in a national election. The election is appropriately being seen as a referendum on the continued lead- ership of the Sandinista government, which came to power in 1979 and was reelected in 1984. But while international observers agree that to date the election prepara- tions have been handled fairly and with respect for an open democratic system, Nicaraguans are not going to the polls without obstacles. The chief resistance to an outcome which represents the will of the Nicaraguan people comes from the United States government and its agents, the contra rebels. Through Congress, the CIA, the Na- tional Endowment for Democracy and other agencies, the United States is spending more than $10 million dollars to affect the outcome of the elections - attempting to sway the people away from the Sandinistas and toward the right-wing coalition of opponents called UNO. The strategy has been conducted on military, economic and political fronts. The United States has been working for 10 years to bring down the Sandin- istas - a party which represents the self determination of Nicaraguans and, subsequently, a threat to the exploita- tive interests of U.S. multinational cor- porations and U.S. economic domi- nance of Central America. When it be- came clear that the U.S.-created and led surrogate force, the contras, could not achieve a military victory, the strategy shifted toward an economic war. The Reagan administration imposed an eco- nomic embargo on Nicaragua which cut off the nation's chief export market and severely hampered efforts to de- velop a healthy balance of international trade. The costs of the war and the effects of the boycott have resulted in the col- lapse of the Nicaraguan economy. Now the Bush administration is at- - tempting to coerce Nicaraguans to abandon the government which brought land, literacy and health care to hundreds of thousands of rural peas- ants by offering a threat: Choose UNO or go under. Bush has announced that the result of the elections - not whether or not the elections are fair, but whether or not the U.S.-backed party wins - will determine the future of the embargo and the war. Above ground, then, the United States is taking an open stand - on behalf of Nicaraguans - in favor of the UNO party. The $10 million the United States has spent on the elections has gone for everything from building video studios to produce commercials for UNO, to funding La Prensa, the opposition newspaper, to giving toast- ers and other scarce appliances to vol- unteers for the opposition campaign. But underneath these overt actions lies the constant threat of further mili- tary and economic action against the country. In 1984 Nicaragua held na- tional elections in which the Sandinista party ran against a wide range of op- position candidates, both to the left and the right of Daniel Ortega and the San- dinistas. The Sandinistas won a signif- icant but not completely overwhelming majority - more than 60 percent of the popular vote - in elections which were declared by countless international observers to be an exemplary model of freedom and fairness. The United States cried foul and declared - alone in the world - that the elections were a fraud. Given the new Panamanian prece- dent, and the history of U.S. support for military overthrow of the Sandin- istas, the threat of military intervention if the UNO party doesn't win is being taken very seriously in Nicaragua. Although this threat alone may con- vince some people to vote for UNO, the majority of Nicaraguans continue tc express support for the Sandinistas. According to some reports, after the invasion of Panama Nicaraguans have become more mobilized than ever to resist U.S. intervention. The Nicaraguan people have shown admirable courage in their continued support for the Sandinista government, while recognizing that the govern- ment's progressive policies have brought on the wrath of Uncle Sam. And they show every indication of be- ing prepared to support their govern- ment again next month. While the elections represent a refer- endum on Sandinista leadership, the real test will be in the reaction of the United States - and that is dependent to a large degree on the action of U.S. citizens who know and understand the Nicaraguan situation. A delegation from Ann Arbor will be among thou- sands of international observers. Stu- dents should take the opportunity that this group and others offer to learn about the reality of Nicaragua, and the tragedy of U.S. policy toward the its people. By Jonathan Rose In its latest battle against protest and civil liberties in the nation's universities, the Duderstadt administration has snuffed out University Council. The Council might have been described as a little flicker of democracy, but such a descrip- tion would have been optimistic. Univer- sity Council, a group of students, profes- sors and administrators, had been formally charged with the power to produce rules of behavior and enforcement mechanisms. But it was constantly reminded that it was externally "mandated" to fine tune the Administration's pre-existing plan for kangaroo court administrative trials for "nonacademic conduct," including acts of protest and speech. The democratic form of legislation-draft- ing was only a stage prop, just as the due process in the Code hearings would be. Students on the Council realized this. Physics professor Jens Zorn, former 'U' Council faculty chairperson, wrote (Daily, 1/23/90) of the Council's failure to get its constituents to approve rules for a Univer- sity community. "Perhaps the Council can be reconstituted," Zorn wrote, "under different principles of operation." The statement is made as if the years of student opposition to administrative codes was not genuine. It denies the possibility of no code as a legitimate outcome of the Coun- cil's work. Students on the Council were faced with the threat that "If you don't pass what we want we'll pass something worse," and students in positions of pretend power - but relative powerlessness - can easily succumb, feeling that they saved what could be saved. Student attempts to block Code Several one-year generations of students served on the Council. Most of them were philosophically opposed to any codes of non-academic conduct. The students pre- sented various approaches, including at- tempting to weaken the damage to civil liberties with a set of procedural guaran- tees such as open hearings and right to counsel. (Neither protection survived into the present Codes.) The students, encour- aged by MSA, also presented a bold at- tempt to pass an alternative to the Code which would not use administrative trials. But the University was resolute in its plan to refuse benign alternatives to the Code. To understand the Code, one needs a ba- sic understanding of the "formal" and "informal" legal system as they apply to offensive conduct. The "formal" legal system already ad- dresses nonacademic wrongful behavior that would be addressed by various ver- sions of the Code. Such conduct includes violent behavior, property damage, cases of serious harassment, and cases of Ghan- dian civil disobedience involving trespass. Formal legal options available to those affected or perceiving themselves to be af- fected by these conducts include suit for damages, injunction, criminal prosecution, eviction, and civil commitment to a men- tal hospital. In the "informal" legal system, most cases are resolved by consent, either before a case is ever started or at any time during its pendency. The balance of power While there is a need for continual refin- ing of laws and for increasing access to le- gal information and help, there is no need to create separate private administrative law systems - these are dangerous to the balance of power and civil liberties. Under the public formal legal system, the bal- ance of power is at least relatively intact. SAEWT TIME THEY TORE POWN THAT IIDEOUS WALL... /e A University official may cause a protester to be charged with trespass, but the jury and sentencing judge are not directly under the University's thumb. In a Code hear- ing, the Code itself, the implementation of it, the interpretation of it, and amend- ments to it, are controlled by a private in- terest group - the administration of the University. Decisions over whether to admit evi- dence seized in an illegal search are not controlled by means competent to deter il- legal searches, but are determined by the same ragtag panel that ultimately decides the fact of the alleged offense. This de- stroys the evidenciary exclusionary rule that might otherwise deter random police searches. Random searches are not only a theoret- ical risk. A University housing official at a Rackham Auditorium debate over the Code in 1984 promoted random dorm searches, saying that they would have pre- vented the Bursley murders occurring a few years earlier. (A deranged student killed two other students with a gun which might have been found in a random search). The audience booed. This country has long ago chosen the risk of random crime over the risk of random police searches. Adding insult to injury, the University administration now controls, (over the ve- hement resistance of student government) armed police, responsible to the adminis- trators and not to the democracy. These police and the network of low level admin- istrators who work with them may at any time roam through the campus and bring intimidation or charges against students for various real or fanciful infractions in- cluding acts of protest. No Code Andrew Boyd, a co-founder of the orga- nization "No Code" in 1983, referred to the Code as "a tool of intimidation." The ad- ministrators' principal purpose for a Code seems to have been just that, and to create a deterrent to protest stronger than that provided in the civil courts. University Vice President Henry Johnson, endorsing the Code in 1983, said that the University wants the Code "even if we never use it." The implication seemed to be that the Administration would settle cases in the hall for more serious punishment if there were a Code, or that behavior that is not deterred would be deterred. Ben Cooper, a former University Council student, replied that, "it is the possibility of chilling dis- sent that will chill dissent." "Scholars Against the Escalating Dan- gers of the Far Right" wrote, in an ad in the New York Times on November 2, 1984, of the "military industrial complex" intruding "more and more into our cam- puses," and of the "scent of fascism in the air." At the University, the principal dam- age done by protest is not to people or lab equipment, which are usually meticu- lously protected from harassment by the protesters. The principal damage to the University is the exposure to the press of whatever is protested. Given the millions of dollars in military research funds spent here, and the salaries these funds generate, the motive to prevent embarrassing protest is great, and it appears that it is great enough for the University to create a re- pressive milieu. The push for administratively-controlled conduct codes has taken different turns, but they always include a certain amount of coercion and manipulation. The adminis- trators first tried to sell the codes by say- ing they were necessary to prevent rape, murder and arson. They cited the case of an alleged arsonist on the loose. But it turned out that the arsonist was on the loose for one reason: he or she was unidentified. A Code would not matter. The student body did not buy this excuse for a Code, and voted in numerous annual campus elec- tions either to have no code, or to have no code that was not approved in its written form by the student body. Failing in its effort to sell the Code to prevent violence, the University argued that it was a "special milieu" or a "family" requiring special rules. The University is not a family, but a community of dis- parate views. A "family" approach to a large community implies a paternalism inherent in attempts to homogenize what is not homogeneous. The student commu-* nity did not adopt the "milieu" argument. Is racist speech a right? In 1987, two students aired some racist jokes on a tiny campus radio station. The community suffered grief and the incident was broadcast around the world. Anti-racist groups gained strength and momentum. The public was educated about racism and racism was on everyone's mind. Construc- tive demands for increased Black enroll- ment and mandatory classes on racism were made and promoted. The two students also felt the grief and offered self-educa- tion, and community involvement in the healing. Their views have since matured humanly, but in the meantime they were held out to dry in the press for the inci- dent. The incident taught us that the First Amendment cures its own abuse. The right to sharply criticize wicked speech is a far better protector than the right to cen- sor it. For the censorship itself creates an immediate set of dilemmas. What is wicked speech is not easily defined. The most enlightened among us are not likely to be the censors. Censorship would grow beyond our worst fears once allowed. Those in control would be the censors, and we would risk censorship of criticism of the government or its policies. The slope is slippery, steep, and sure. Yet in the wake of the racist jokes, the University found some support for the worst of all Codes, a code against harass- ing speech and a code against protest. En- dorsement of the codes by some of the tra- ditional victims of verbal harassment was an error, like shooting a hockey puck into your own net. These endorsers were ma- nipulated in the old ways, by being told that they had no choice but to fine tune the repression that was offered. Increased Black enrollment and a mandatory course were not offered. One student, speaking to a "Presidential Commission" appointed to refine the ha- rassment code, of which he was a member, said to the Commission members: "The President (Duderstadt) said we're gonna have a Code whether you all like it or not. So be realistic, Otherwise we're gonna sit here meeting after meeting de- bating ideology." The Codes will not in the long run re- duce racism or homophobic speech but will increase intimidation, decrease politi- cal organizing, and will divert us from bet- ter methods of reducing racism, homopho- bia, sexism, and other societal ills. The Codes, at best wolf-in-sheep's clothing, should be continually fought by students, faculty and civil-liberties-loving alumni. Protest and civil disobedience do not thrive in a milieu in which homogeneity is enforced. While protesters of the present speak to a mixed audience, time honors rights gained by protesters of the past. I wonder whether Rosa Parks would have protested discriminatory bus seating if she were facing loss of a career rather than a trip to the police station. Say no to drug-testing THIS MONTH the president's commis- sion of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) passed by a vote of 569-111 Proposition 53. The proposition received the most support of any motion at the convention. Prop 53 institutes mandatory, year- round drug testing for all Division I schools. The testing is designed to catch users of steroids and steroid- masking drugs. Steroids were regularly given to players by coaches until the mid-70s, in order to enhance players' size and performance potential. They are now .known to create health problems in- cluding increased heart rate and in- creased risk of heart attack. Although the use of steroids and other "performance enhancing" drugs in college athletics is by no means de- sirable, the route which the NCAA has chosen to deal with the problem is not either. Mandatory drug testing is a violation of privacy, and constitutes an illegal search. Prop 53 further institutionalizes the reality that student-athletes are treated as nothing more than the property of universities and the NCAA. Every class requirements. The majority of players in the money-making sports -'football and basketball - are people of color. At most universities student-athletes of color make up a disproportionate num- ber of the university's total student of color population. Prop 53 subjects these students to a more rigorous set of standards than the student body at large. If student-athletes were not so easily isolated - if university administrations didn't already have the athletes under their collective thumb - drug-testing would never be allowed. Universities could and would not ever consider running mandatory drug-testing on their entire student populations, which are largely white. The NCAA as usual is trying to walk in the footsteps of the NFL. The NFL has drug-tests, therefore the NCAA must have drug-tests. However, if the use of drug-testing in the NFL is to serve as a true example, then the NCAA drug-testing plan will be selec- tively enforced. Several Black NFL players are charging the NFL with selective penal- Jonathan Rose is a Michigan alumnus and former director of Student Legal Ser- vices. ,---, _ ,~ IT WAS A MONUMENT T0 MAN'S ~ TO fELow MAN t/ r1Zw- NO4W * 4TEIMNG A NEW EMA OF FREEVOJM WrTIWE FRONMUDKS s f 1 ! U Z Of > YOV RA H~ii