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January 24, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-01-24

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Michigan wrestlers hit the mats for
state supremacy

El Salvador is Spanish for Vietnam
8f"..;,"%:2' :kn. C+:.Fe6 ? :'of. t%:' %. ii S ; r::': r ';i:::..:;::. .........

Artists play for Ozone, not ozone

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 78 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, January 24,1990 Thicigan 1ay

Baseball team may face Big

Ten sanctions

by Steven Cohen
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan baseball program, which
has been under investigation for alleged Big
Ten and NCAA violations since August,
1989, appears to be headed towards Big Ten
probation and sanctions.
The sanctions, if imposed, could result in
three years probation by the Big Ten confer-
ence as well as a ban on post-season play
and television appearances, reduced recruit-
ing, and lost scholarships.
It would mark the first time any athletic
program at Michigan has ever been put on
conference or NCAA probation. Michigan
*and Northwestern are the only Big Ten
schools never to have been penalized by the
Big Ten.
rector of the Central Intelligence
Agency told Congress yesterday that
Eastern Europe's tumultuous push a
for democracy has cut the Soviet'
threat to the West and that 'we can
probably expect a continued diminu-
William Webster, in an unusual
public appearance before the Senate
Armed Services Committee, said
that as unchallenged Communist
control comes to an end in the East-
ern bloc, those nations' links to
Moscow have been radically
The result, he said, is a severe
blow to the Soviet Union's certainty Fin
that Eastern Europe will respond to As sti
Moscow's military directives. Pipe
The armed services committee is
beginning work on writing a defense
budget for fiscal 1991 with an
assessment of the Soviet threat to
*. the West.
"Overall, the conventional threat U)
to the United States and our alliance By D
partners in Europe has decreased as a Daily N
result of changes in Eastern Europe Ap
and Soviet force reductions," Web- Studen
ster told the panel. night,
In what appeared to be a plea to tioned
head off budget cuts for the CIA and dates q
other intelligence agencies, Webster The
said the United States must maintain, the on
its intelligence capability. l a
A question-and-answer session bya
with members of the committee was gradua
held in closed session. Mo

John Park, who led the conference invest-
igating team, said the joint report probably
won't be ready until late February or early
March. The report also will be submitted to
the NCAA, Park said by telephone from his
office in Schaumburg, Illinois.
"They may also impose some penalties
or decide the Big Ten penalties were suffi-
cient," Park added.
Clarence Underwood, the Big Ten's assis-
tant commissioner, said he had not yet read
the report, but that the "entire process will
be resolved by May 1. I have no comment
on the report. Michigan continues to
cooperate with the Big Ten in the process."
The alleged violations, which include the
illegal recruitment of high school players,
illegal payments to players, and the misuse

of work-study funds, are said to have
occurred under the tenure of former Michigan
coach Bud Middaugh. Middaugh, who
coached the Wolverines for ten years, was
forced to resign on July 14,1989 by then
Athletic Director Bo Schembechler.
The probe began on August, 1988 when
Big Ten investigators began to question Mid
American Conference and Big Ten coaches

The most serious of the many reported
violations appears to concern the payment of
large sums of money to players. The money
was allegedly granted either in the guise of
scholarship money or for the completion of
minimal amounts of work, most notably the
illegal sale of football game programs.
Reportedly, players who sold the pro-
grams were able to keep the entire sum of

The alleged financial improprieties are so
severe that Middaugh is suspected of paying
up to $70,000 over a period of years, and is
currently the subject of an embezzlement
Robert Pifer, the deputy director of
Michigan's Department of Public Safety and
Security, who is heading the investigation,
refused to comment on the embezzlement
investigation, saying, "I wouldn't care to
comment on it, I don't think it would be
Middaugh, who ran up a record of 465-
146-1 in his ten years at Michigan, angered
some opposing coaches with questionable
procedures involving recruiting and scholar-
ship practices.

'They (NCAA) may also impose some penalties or
decide the Big Ten penalties were sufficient.'
- John Parks
Big Ten investigator

about the Michigan program, after several
complaints were filed.

money rather

than just a percentage of the

See BASEBALL, Page 12



over probe

al sales
:udents finally settle into their classes, the lines at the book stores are getting shorter. But LSA junior
s Moore makes a last minute sale at the Michigan Union to employee John Simms.
SA appoints grad student to sit
iBoard of Student Publications

By Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
The recent decision by University
President James Duderstadt to infor-
mally investigate last term's Michi-
gan Student Assembly elections has
infuriated many MSA representa-
tives, who voiced their complaints at
last night's MSA meeting.
Also under fire were MSA Presi-
dent Aaron Williams, who met with
Duderstadt in December, and Con-
servative Coalition Chair Jeff John-
son, who later approached University
Regent Deane Baker, in efforts to
overturn the Central Student Judi-
ciary's decision to invalidate the
At last Friday's meeting of the
University's Board of Regents, Baker
suggested an investigation into the
bungled elections. Duderstadt
promised to continue his "informal
investigation," and said he would not
take direct action against the MSA
or its courts.
Junior LSA Rep. Nick Mavrick
expressed his outrage at Williams
and Johnson: "One of Aaron's origi-
nal goals was to resolve the tension
between the MSA and the adminis-
tration," Mavrick said. "It hasn't
happened. Basically, he's become a
puppet of the administration. He and
Jeff Johnson are superceding MSA's
and CSJ's authority, because they
were not satisfied with the decision,
even though the CSJ could have
gone either way."

Williams disagreed with CSJ's
ruling. "I didn't think (the decision)
was right. Going to the administra-
tion was the only recourse I had," he
said. "Once it looked like Duderstadt
couldn't get the appeal, I stopped
pursuing the issue. It's mainly Jeff
Johnson who's doing the pushing."
Johnson did 'not deny his meet-
ings with Baker, saying, "I talk to
Deane Baker frequently; I consider
him a friend." He said he was en-
couraged by the regents' actions,
adding that he will continue to fight
to overrule CSJ's decision. "I will
be doing all that I can to see that the
Conservative Coalition gets a fair
hearing, and that our people take
their seats on the MSA."
'One of [MSA Presi-
dent] Aaron
[Williams'] original
goals was to resolve
the tension between
the MSA and the ad-
ministration. It hasn't
happened. Basically,
he's become a puppet
of the administration.'
- MSA Rep.
Nick Mavrick
After Friday's meeting of the re-
gents, Duderstadt selected University
General Counsel Elsa Cole to con-
tinue the investigation into the elec-
tion problems.

an Poux.
MSA Reporter
pointments for the disputed seats on the Board for
nt Publications exploded into controversy last
as Michigan Student Assembly members ques-
the validity of the appointments and the candi-
uestioned the validity of the appointers.
eassembly was only able to reach agreement on
e graduate position, choosing to appoint first-year
.udent Peter Mooney to the position. The assem-
led discussion on the appointment of two under-
te positions on the Board.
oney said he was pleased with the appointment,
as confident that he would do a good job. "The

fact that I have a specific agenda will make my position
more effective," Mooney said. "I've worked at the Daily
a long time, and that will lend to my credibility."
His opponent, Rackham graduate student Mark
Weisbrot, said he was very upset with the proceedings,
and said the Campus Governance Committee - respon-
sible for conducting interviews and making a recom-
mendation to the body - was biased. The committee
recommended that the body select Mooney.
He said LSA sophomore Or Lev, vice chair of
MSA's Campus Governance Committee, was biased in
his recommendation because both Lev and Board Chair
Amnon Rosenthal have served together on the Hillel
See MSA, Page 7

d 1T-he following 11 students shared $2,800 as winners of the
Hopwood Awards in Creative Writing for underclass stu-
dents. Their names are listed along with their prize money
and writing category4
Stephanie Chardoul;$200 Katherine Kibbey $250
Poetry (Essay
Brigitta Cieand $200 Peter Meyerhoff $300
iction Fiction
Ma, Gordon....$275 Christopher Prescott $200
Heidi Hedstrom $275 Sara Ryan $250
fiction : >>:......Essay
Kelli Kaufmnn...$50 Michael Weiss $250
Thefollowing 10 sudents won literary contests sponsored
by the Ulniversity's eprtme nt of English. The students are
listed along yw~ith 2th amount of their award or fellowship.
St#phe Adatms $750 Elisa Lichtenbaum $750
fiARo.. Cwden Fe" fllowship Roy W, Cowden Fellowship

Poet speaks to

award. w
by Josephine Ballenger
In traditional fashion, the Univer-
sity Hopwood Program attracted a
big-name writer, Pulitzer Prize win-
ner Maxine Kumin, to speak before
the slew of lesser-known student
award winners, as well as more than
200 other members of the com-
Kumin, who has published nine
selections of poetry, the most recent
of which is Nurture read 14 of her
poems yesterday at the Hopwood
student awards ceremony in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Kumin - who also spoke at the
1979 awards ceremony - has taught
at several colleges and universities
including Brandeis, Bucknell, and
Nicholas Delbanco, chair of the
Committee onn Hopwood Awards. in-

didactic," titled, "Thoughts on Sav-
ing the Manatee," Kumin discusses
the near-extinction of a species of
which less than 5,000 are left
"At one time you could buy
manatee steak anywhere in Florida,"
she said, adding that now people can
sponsor "Boomer or Jo-Jo" from a
protection agency. The poem ends,
"Consider my plan... Let's stop pre-
tending we need them (manatees)
more than they need us."
Kumin reflected and explained to
the audience before reading the sec-
ond in a series of elegies to her late
friend, poet Anne Sexton, "If we
were immortal, we would have no
literature. We would have no reason
to write poetry."
Many of Kumin's poems relate



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