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January 22, 1990 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-01-22

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 22, 1990 - Page 5

Diane Cook
Daily Women's Issues Reporter
The University's Center for Continuing
* Education of Women has expanded its pro-
grams to address the needs of women at all
career levels.
Along with the center's broader focus
comes a new name - the Center for the ,
Education of Women.,
. The Center was one of the first of its



kind in the nation and previously offered
counseling services and programs primarily
for women who had been out of the work
force for several years.
"It seemed in recognition of what was
already happening and in recognition of
some new emphasis we needed to modify
our name," said Carol Hollenshead, director
of the center.
"The center has always seen women's

lives as on a continuum and has tried to
take a life-span approach. So it's quite nat-
ural for us to think about women's futures,
whether they're 20 or 40 or 60," she said.
Hollenshead said the center is currently
doing research and holding seminars to ad-
dress an anticipated shortage of employees
in technical fields.
"In coming decades, as a nation, we're
going to find a shortage of educated per-

program's focus
sonnel, particularly in scientific and with educational and career choices (to pla
technical fields," she said. for this)," she said.


"While women represent one-half of the
undergraduate student body, at the graduate
and PhD level women represent only one-
third of the student body," Hollenshead
added. "We still have a state of what's
known as 'the higher the fewer.'"
"We're interested in helping women
think about their futures and helping them

The center provides scholarship pro-
grams, counseling ser vices, and an exten-
sive library. A new lecture series has begun
to address the concerns of women of all
The center is also developing new pro-
grams, including Sumnimrscience, which
brings young women fiout across the state
to attend classes in the s c e s.

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Fewer
officers and fewer dollars are fighting
to keep drunken drivers off Michigan
.roads at a time- when the national
campaign against the crime is also
stalling, state and national experts
The chief of alcohol programs for
the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration said new laws that
provide "swift and sure" punishment
are needed to boost the effort.
* "We've been fortunate to have
made progress throughout the 1980s.
We reduced drunken driving by be-
tween 10 and 15 percent, depending
on which indices you're looking at,"
said James Nichols.
"Unfortunately, it seems to have
leveled out and we aren't making the
same progress we were."
More progress might have been
made if federal funds distributed in
Michigan for police overtime and
other alcohol enforcement programs
hadn't plunged from $2.8 million in
1984 to $145,000 in 1988, said Lt.
Dan Smith of the Michigan State
Police accident analysis unit.
The number of police officers
also fell, to 19,051 in 1988 from
19,577 the previous year, he added.
Nichols told a forum sponsored
by the Michigan MADD chapter last
week that states cut their drunken
driving deaths about 9 percent by
giving police the power to take the
driver's licenses of anyone who fails
i* a blood alcohol test.

Students explore strategies
behind effective leadership

by Jennifer Worick
More than 200 student leaders
from organizations ranging from the
Ethiopian Jewry to the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority met in the Michigan
Union on Saturday to improve their
leadership skills.
The Sixth Annual Michigan
Leadership Conference attracted stu-
dents from the three University of
Michigan campuses and Bowling
Green State University. Sponsored
by the Student Organization Devel-
opment Center, the day-long event,
"Aspirations and Inspirations," con-
sisted of an opening motivational
meeting and three one-hour sessions.
Dayna Eubanks, WJBK Channel
2 news anchor, delivered the keynote
"Everything you learn now -
mediating disputes, delegating work,
organizing your time - you will
take with you professionally,"
Eubanks said.
The conference offered 26 differ-

ent sessions for participants. Facili-
tated primarily by University staff
and students, session topics ranged
from "Women as Leaders," to "Re-
cruitment and Retention: a dis-
cussion on ways to get and keep ef-
fective members."
Jackie Blem, one of three student
participants from Bowling Green,
said, "I got a lot of good ideas. The
students that attended the various
sessions generated most of the ideas
and input."
"From talking to people and see-
ing evaluations at the end of the day,
it seemed like everyone really liked
the conference and hated lunch," said
LSA senior Kevin Hughes, who fa-
cilitated a session on using humor to
enhance leadership skills.
"It is not so much that a lot of
new stuff was taught, but the confer-
ence brought a lot of leaders together
and that was great," Hughes added.
After a closing speech by Visit-
ing Professor of Business Adminis-
tration Fred Kiesner, participants
were invited to a post-conference

party at the U-Club.
"For me, there were several high
points," said SODC Organizational
Consultant Beth Adler. "I thought
Dayna (Eubanks) and Fred (Kiesner)
were excellent and their speeches
complimented each other. The only
thing that went wrong was the
'it seemed like
everyone really liked
the conference and
hated lunch'
- SA senior
Ke vin Hughes
Adler and two student coordina-
tors began planning for the confer-
ence last September.
"From student feedback," said
LSA senior Beth Derman, a student
coordinator of the conference, "past
conferences didn't compare to this


LSA snior Greg Schlax pummels mix-ins into the ice cream at Steve's on
E. Williiams and State St.
a a a4- ,


A foolish
consistenc is
the hobgo un
of littleminds.



And sometimes


b gC
Variety is not only the
spice of life. It's a fact
of life. Yet corporate
hiring often fails to
reflect, or benefit from,
America's diversity.
At Aetna, we're
shaping an employee
population that
mirrors the population
of the country as a
whole. That means
more women, more
single parents, more
minorities, more older
nenIe and dual



P l

e a s e d T o P r e s e n

changing workforce
with a variety of
innovative programs.
Life family leave, flex-
ible benefits, child
and elder care referral
services, a dependent
care spending account,
an employee
assistance program,
child care workshops
for parents and
diversity workshops
for supervisors.

affect the quality of
our present and future
business. If you'd like
to learn how a career
with Aetna can meet
your needs, come to
the Minority Career
Conference Reception,
Tuesday, January 23,
1990, 7:00 to 10:00
p.m. in the Michigan
Union Ballroom and
Pendleton Room.

Monday, January 22, 5pm
School of Business Administration
Assembly Hall-Michigan Room
Presentlion: Careers-fin
Commerdal, Consunmr,
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Investmnent Banking
As Michigan's second largest banking institution with
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Join us for this informative presentation and explore
potential career opportunity in this highly competitive
and profitable service area.
All Business and Liberal Arts students are welcome.
Horsd'eurA esN recntion tofllow

Altruism? Not at all.
It's just solid business o .-

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