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December 04, 1989 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-12-04

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Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 4, 1989

The University of Michigan Union. December 4 to December 10, 1989


Monday-Friday, 11-2
Let's do lunch! At the U-Club, of
Monday-Friday, 4-8
Bring all your friends for Happy
Hour and see
who can eat the most Nachos

_ . Comunity:n
WharoYOURLearn ing Makes
c Dfferenice
This Sarvlca-Loarnlng Pro-
gram &d 30 sItes Is open to all
dnts One of the
~rogamsr in CrimInal
~stio~,and a oteer In the
. .roddick,
.t'!:but h r
~or ics at he County Jail.

Monday Evening
It's...Monday Night Football!
Tuesday Evening
Movie: "A Christmas Story", 9:30
This showing will benefit Toys for
Wednesday Evening
UAC Laughtrack with Norm Stolz
Thursday Evening
UAC Soundstage: First Light
Friday Evening
New Music Night with DJ Tom
Saturday Evening
Reggae Night with DJ Tom
The University Club is a private club for U-M stu-
dents, faculty, staff, alumni and their invited
guests. Only members of legal drinking age may
purchase alcohol. ID required.
Time is Here Again!
Did you know that the Union
sponsors FREE specialty coffee
tasting days once a month at
three locations? This is your
chance to get really alert while
trying something other than
regulation dorm brew.
The December coffee tastings
are being held this week. Each
coffee tasting is from 10AM-
1PM, held in three different
*The Corner Market ip the Union
MUG Eateries and'Commons on
*The NIB Eateries d Com-
mons in the North i"alls Build-
ing on Tuesday
*The North Campus mmons
(The Common Denonator) on

Big room, no windows
He was escorted to my desk and
I introduced myself.
He was reuctant, I was nervous.
His name is Michael
He prefers to be called Michael.
asked Michael what had
brought him here.
He was hesitant, I was calm.
"B&E and CSC."
I pretend to understand and
during the course of our conver-
I do understand.
He showed me a picture of his
Lovely, adorable.
What will she think of her father,
when she is old enough to
I wonder.
Lovely Shamica, the light of
Michael's life.
Shamica has changed him, he
Life will be better
He's been a victim
and nothing is his fault.
He'll show us all, he confides.
Time works against us
Too fast, for a change.
He doesn't want to leave
He wants to talk just a little while
longe r.
Mules are rules are rules, I
Perhaps we will talk again, I
He asks me to escort him out, I
He was comfortable, I was
Feeling almost proud he rejoins
his group
and they gather and whisper.
I return to my desk and quickly
jot down notes-
Oh lichaa, what's a nice guy
ie you_~
"You're next," she yells.
His name is Marvin.
Just Marvin.
He didn't do anything, but when
he ges out
Le willbe better, he swears.
To read more expressions
from volunteers in the Chemi-
cal Dpendency and Criminal
Justice Programs, stop by the
office and get a copy of "The
Chronicle: Coordinators and
Students Write about their
Project Community Experi-
en sRegister now for
W r r90 term. Stop by for
more information at the office,

Work with the Elderly and See Someone Smile
What are you doing next semester? How about sharing your ideas, your enthusiasm, your youth, with an
older person? You only need to spend a few hours a week, but the rewards are great. The Elderly Outreach
Program is part of S.E.R.V.E. and works with six agencies. You can be part of this effort: help improve the
quality of life for each person whose life you touch.
FRIENDLY VISITOR PROGRAM: Volunteers work one-to-one with the homebound elderly and handi-
capped in this Washtenaw County Dept. of Social Services program. You bring social interaction into the
ADULT DAY CENTER: Frail elderly clients who are unable to live independently take part in various activi-
ties during the day in a warm, homelike environment. Sponsored by Child and Family Services.
WOODMONT OF ANN ARBOR: This convalescent center needs volunteers to make house calls to clients
and help with general activities such as crafts, games, and outings.
VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION EXTENDED CARE FACILITY: Volunteer at this facility near North Cam-
pus which rehabilitates clients who have sustained mental or physical impairments while serving in the
armed forces.
writing, drama, art, music, and life history interviewing with clients at 12 long-term care facilities and two
adult foster care homes.
COMMUNITY COUNCILS ASSOCIATION: Volunteers can work in a variety of nursing home settings.
For more information (and to volunteer!) please call the S.E.R.V.E. office at 936-2437, or stop by 2211
Michigan Union.
NOTE: To learn about volunteering at the University Hospital, come to an informational meeting THIS
AFTERNOON from 4-5, Room 2C108, U Hospital.

It's that time of year: time is running out, your shopping list remains untouched, ex
How can you get everything done? Not to worry! You can do most of your holida
classes and right after lunch, and you'll never even have to leave the Union. Why
away malls? Why get parking tickets? Just consider these unique possibilities:
The Sweater- Who would not love a sweater from Greece? Parents, siblings, an(
especially good in Greek sweaters. They are on sale in the ground floor mall of th
10-5 daily. This sale is sponsored by Arts and Programming (they keep the enter
The T-Shirt- Make Dad mod. Make Mom rad. Make your roommate give you ba,
him a shirt of his own. These special U-Club shirts are on sale at (imagine this) th
The Goodies- If you don't know someone's shirt or sweater size, you can be sure
enjoy eating. The MUG Eateries ndommons is selling holiday baskets cramm(
are sure to be low-cal but the re be really fattening, just like goodies should k
The Pistons- Any number of ball tea ,orchestras, and rock bands are available
Just go to the Union Ticket Office and choose the appropriate event for the right p,
teen-age brother LOVE the opera and wouldn't Grandma DIG some heavy metal?
Ann Arbor and Detroit area events are just waiting to be bought.
The Gift Certificate- If you would rather not guess what event Brother and Grande
Ticketmaster gift certificates instead denominations from $5 to $100. They can go
outlet to redeem your thoughtful gift.
The Memorabilia- is your Dad an Old Grad? Is your aunt a Wolverine at heart?1
Michigan Union Bookstore and lay in a supply of Michiganitems such as shoelace
booties (for younger fans), sweatshirts, and mugs. We may even be national char
this year!

Lydia Cleaver, Harpist, In
Concert of the Month
What could be more appropriate
for a December concert than a
harpist? Lydia Cleaver from the
U-M Music School will present a
full-length performance in the
Concert of the Month series
sponsored by The Union
Performance Programs. She will
be joined for some pieces by vo-
calists, a flutist, and a pianist as
they perform works by Benjamin
Britten, Salzedo, and Mozart.
Hear Lydia Cleaver in this free
concert on Tuesday, December
5 at 8:30 in the Pendleton Room.



The intellectual Gift- While in the Bookstore, remember you can actually buy BOOKS there such as best
sellers, reference books, old classics, novels, and make-yourself-over books. For the less frivolous persons
on your list.
So: don't even think of leaving the Union until you have done all your holiday shopping. It's the painless way
to buy!
Woodworks are Wonderful
The very special Tenth Anniversary Woodwork Show continues from December 4th through 8th in the Art
Lounge on the first floor of the Union. This exhibit by the Student Woodshoe celebrates ten years of oppor-
tunity for students to work in this well-equipped cabinet and furniture-making shop. Plan to be there for the
reception and awards presentation on Wednesday at 7 PM.
While you are all inspired (but not very skilled) come to a Woodshop Safety Class sponsored by The
Student Woodshop. Classes are this Wednesday and Thursday from 3-5 PM. They will be held in the
Student Wood Shop: call Kurt Vosburgh at 763-4025 for more information.

Dancers Invade
Pendleton Room

usually a' rts ~ fa,
you can w ItEm the
Dance Dep ' his week
instead. T present some
seasonal rksad studies from
12:15-1 5 on' ursday in the
Pendi n Roo on the second
floor of the Uni6. After some
lunch at the MU or the U-Club,
come enjoy the ancing. It's


Attention all Pool Sharks...
The action begins at 7:30 in the
Billiards and Games Room of the
Union every Wednesday night.
That is when the nine-ball players
gather and the weekly tourna-
ment begins. There is a $6.00
entry fee, and all students are
eligible to play. Rules: race to

Hippy Hip Hop with De La Soul Hippy Hip Hop with De La Soul Hippy Hip Hop with De La Soul
De La Soul is the 60s and the 80s in one, a New York rap trio with "Ban the Bomb" symbols shaved nto their t the dangers of
crack in cadences that are reminiscent of ones from several decades ago. Their hip hop music is un u its I e r undeniably
hippy rhythms, theyhve stunned the hip hop community. De La Soul are truly brothers from an er plan
B sdnou 0gne), Trugoy "The Dove" Dave (Plug Two), and Pace Master Mase (Plug Three s mind being called "the


pies of hip one calls them the hippies of pop. "Our music is really personal and we like to express our feelings through this me-
Thr debut album, "3 Feet High and Rising," is produced by Stetsasonic DJ Prince Paul. Their raps are the standards,
about drugs, a r MCs. But they do it in a way that is absolutely their own. Catch"ye Know," now on the Top 40, or the other songs
from a album" Me," Buddy," "Say No Go" (an anti-crack rap) and "The Magic Number," none of which are exactly your standard


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