PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Friday, September 8, 1989 Page 5 TT9 " G U policy isses the point By The United Coalition Against Racism In the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) case protesting the University's recently adopted racial discrimination policy, a federal court has declared the policy unconstitu- tional. The court indicated that the policy was too vague and accord- ingly too vast in its scope, thus constituting a violation of free speech liberties as guaranteed by the Constitution. Despite such a decision many members of the University commu- i nity still realize the necessity of a policy protecting the right of people of color to exist, study and partici- pate as equal members of the University in an atmosphere free of intimidation and harassment. Implicit in this realization is the un- derstanding that speech is itself a form of action and as such can inflict damage, incite violence and in gen- eral create an atmosphere in which the civil rights, indeed the very Slives, of people are endangered. If we look to legal precedents, the law is clear - free speech is not guaranteed when the welfare of other individuals is attacked. Individuals may not legally yell "fire" in a crowded theater, or state falsehoods which publically attack the character of another person (slander). Policies regarding sexual harassment have *further established a link between speech and behavior, suggesting that sexist and sexually laden speech can greatly contribute to the creation of a negative and abusive environment which women should not be forced to endure. Clearly, the same or simi- lar standards can and should be ap- plied to the area of racial harassment. It is time that we reframe this is- sue from one of an academic exercise about free speech, where ideas are separated from action and behavior, to one in which attention is focused on the violence and abuse perpetrated in the name of free speech. Distinguish for the Black people of South Africa the difference between the "nonharmful ideas" of apartheid, ideas which some would suggest should be protected through free speech, and the violence of apartheid. Explain to Vincent Chin, Michael Griffith and Yusef Hawkins the dif- ference between the protected "nonharmful" ideas of racial hatred and the violent racial hatred that ended their short lives. From scream- ing KKK and neo-nazi mobs in Forsythe County to bat-wielding youth in Bensonhurst, New York to University fraternity members who yell racial slurs at Asian American and Native American students - who can deny the reality of racist vi- olence and hatred; who can suggest that such hatred and violence should be protected under the guise of free speech; and who will deny people of color the right to be protected from such atrocities? We believe that the University has a responsibility to create and main- tain an environment free of such ha- rassment and violence. Since 1987 the United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) has demanded a ra- cial harassment policy which would hold racists accountable, while also empowering people of color through their primary input to and oversight of such a policy. It was only in re- sponse to this demand that the University administration created and adopted a weak, vague policy which gave ample discretionary power to administrators who themselves have no great record of fighting racism and minimized the input of people of ABORTION Continued from page 4 women as incubators, as wombs and not as people. "When people focus on abortion itself or the unborn child, " states Burke Balch of the "Right to Life" Committee, "they tend to become ambivalent and often come to us. On the other hand, when you focus on the woman, it's an obvious and natural thing to say that, 'I know so-and-so who's had an. abortion and she's a good person, and I don't want to condemn her" (NYT 7/21/89). The National Organization for Women (NOW) and the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) have finally realized the importance of grassroots organizing, and local initiatives, as well as the kind of national coordination which expresses itself in marches like the one that took place on April 9, when over 600,000 women of all ages took to the streets in Washington to affirm their support for women's choice. The national leadership is now gathering its forces together, pro- moting not only the legal right to abortion but the obligation of soci- ety to fund abortions for all women. "If we keep a broad agenda," argues NOW's Patricia Ireland, "we can; make progress. We need to talk not; just about abortion and birth control, but also about sex education, teen pregnancy, maternal and child health, the minimum wage and housing. Can you choose to have a child if you don't have the social and eco- nomic basis to make that choice? This is a great opportunity. It's an organizer's dream." (Guardia.; 8/2/89). Camille Colatosti is a member of Solidarity and a graduate student in English. Students confront former LSA Dean Peter Steiner about the University's failure to create a safe environment for people of color on campus. color, who are the direct targets of racial harassment. In the end the lack of a true commitment on the part of the University and apparent sloppi- ness in formulating the current pol- icy led to its demise. Today UCAR stands where it did in 1987 - we call for the develop- ment of a racial harassment policy to hold those who perpetrate racial vio- lence accountable. Implicit in this demand is the belief that people of color must be central in leading the development and implementation of such a policy. Without such a com- mitment from the University, we will most assuredly find courselves on another hopeless road to failure. 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Huron (across the street from Rackam) (Free parking on Ann St.) WORSHIP at 10:30 a.m. Sunday followed by an Open House & Home Cooked Luncheon Questions?--662-3154 Gene Terpstra-Pastor Dan Carlson-Campus Coordinator WE ALWAYS NEED LEADERS The Air Force is looking for pilots ... navigators... missileers ... engineers ... managers and ... more Our posi- tions are important You can get one through Air Force ROTC As an Air Force ROTC cadet, you'll be trained eadership and management practices. You may also apply for our scholarship program that helps pay college epenses, plus $100 per academic month, tax fre. After graduation, you'll have all the prestige and respon- sibility of an Air Force officer You'll discover a new world where you'll be challenged to ecel ... and rewarded for your success Let us give you the details today CAPT VOLKER GAUL 747-4093 ar- - - - w H Leadership Fxreilence Starts Here The Registrar's Office is introducing a computer transaction which permits students to access, in real time, course and sec- tion enrollment information. Following is a set of instructions which permits students to access that information by the com- puter terminals supported by MTS. OPEN COURSE INQUIRY TRANSACTION System Requirements You must have access to the merit network either through an SCP node connection or through a dial-up connection. Your communication software must emulate a PC-VT100 or you must have 2 access to a DEC VT100 terminal. PC-TIE, Kermit, Versa-Term and Procomm will all allow VT100 emulation. Window does not allow VT100 emulation and cannot be used with this system. Availability Weekdays 8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Saturday 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. G UNION Arts & Programming presents a "~4@. *// " " "0 Instructions to Sign-On You access the merit network in the usual way and at the "WHICH HOST?" prompt, you type UM-OASINFO and press ENTER (return). Your screen will display the UM Data Systems Center Public Menu where you should type COURSES and press ENTER (see illustration). Menu Screen Format to Enter Course File t UM Data Systems Center Public Menu NAME COURSES CURIO APPLICATION Course Enrollment Status CURIO: DSC Information STATUS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Friday, 10am - 5pm & Saturday, 10am - 3pm Michigan Union, ground floor & North Campus Commons Directions: Enter an application NAME at the COMMAND prompt. For further directions, enter HELP at the COMMAND prompt. To exit this menu, enter QUIT at the COMMAND prompt. COMMAND---COURSES Message: 1 ' Running the Inquiry to View OPEN Sections of a Course