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December 04, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-12-04

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Paper Wolverine: Daily writers
join the wrestling team
Men's Basketball team defeats
Iowa State 101-78



Lanois to play the Ark


MSA bungles elections

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom



w Vol. C, No. 62

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, December 4, 1989


The M~Iv







munist leader Egon Krenz and his
entire government resigned yester-
day, and a 25-member panel of re-
formers took over temporary leader-
ship in a desperate effort to rescue
the Communist Party.
The new committee will run
party affairs until a special party
congress Dec. 15-17 and prepare for
that congress. Its role in governing
the country was not immediately
Guenter Schabowski announced

the resignations of the 10-man
Politburo and the 163-member, pol-
icy-making Central Committee by
megaphone to 10,000 cheering peo-
ple who stood outside the Central
Committee building.
"The Politburo accepts the criti-
cism raised by a large number of
party members that the current lead-
ership is not capable of uncovering
the entire scope of serious mistakes
of the members of the former Polit-
buro and to draw the necessary con-
sequences," Schabowski said.

Soviet President Mikhail Gor-
bachev praised the changes under
way in Eastern Europe as he ended
his two-day summit with President
"I think (it) is something we
should welcome because it's con-
nected with the desire of these peo-
ples to enoble their societies, to
make them more democratic, human-
itarian, to open up the rest of the
world," he said.
In neighboring Czechoslovakia,
leaders included the non-Commu-

nists in the government for the first
time in 21 years, but angered oppo-
sition leaders said there were too
many Communist holdovers on the
new Cabinet. They vowed to resume
pro-democracy protests.
The new 25-member committee,
announced yesterday, temporarily
guiding East Germany's Commu-
nists includes the country's former
spymaster, a lawyer for the New Fo-
rum opposition group, and several
well-known reformers.
It is faced with the seemingly

impossible task of rescuing the em-
battled party.
The best known member of the
committee is Markus Wolf, the re-
tired and respected legendary spy
chief, who stepped down in 1987 as
deputy minister of state security.
Wolf has become a major sup-
porter of reforms but also has been
criticized by the opposition leaders
who say he has "too many skele-
tons" in the closet.
The head of the committee is Er-
furt party chief Herbert Kroker, who

was stripped of various duties by
Geunter Mittag, the economics czar
under now-ousted leader Erich Ho-
Another working member of the
committee is Grego Gysi, well
known as the attorney for the
200,000-strong New Forum opposi-
tion group. Gysi drafted the official
petition seeking legal status for New
No prominent members were ap-
pointed to the committee.


results of MSA elections released

Incumbent reps. win big
in non-LSA school vote

LSA and Board
winners unknown

by Josh Mitnick
Daily MSA Reporter
Incumbent candidates were the
big winners in the only Michigan
Student Assembly elections last
week that weren't marred by ballot
problems, as voters added another
year to each incumbent's term.
However, the assembly has not
et released voting results for the
SA college, so the LSA winners
are still unknown.
Unofficial election results for the
Business, Engineering, Rackham,
Physical Education, Education, Pub-
lic Health, Music, and Medical
school positions were released Friday
- a total of 12 assembly seats.
Conservative Coalition candidates
won six assembly seats while the
Choice party secured three positions.
hree independents were successful
in their campaigns.
Judging from the preliminary re-
sults, neither party appears to have
be ginS
by Mike Sobel
Daily Staff Writer
A trial between Ann Arbor's
Selman Sciences Inc. and the
chigan Department of Natural Re-
sources (DNR) over Gelman's al-
leged environmental abuses began
Friday at the Washtenaw County
Circuit Court.
The trial is likely to continue for
several weeks, DNR attorney Robert
Riechel said.
Originally scheduled to begin last
Monday but postponed to give the
wo parties time to reach a settle-
ment, the trial began after out-of-
court negotiations failed.
The DNR case cites Gelman with
pollution of groundwater, surface
water, and soil near its manufactur-
ing plant located off Wagner Road
between Jackson and Liberty streets.
The 1988 lawsuit against Gelman
See GELMAN, Page 2

upset the assembly's liberal-conser-
vative balance. Both the Choice and
Conservative Coalition parties
picked up one more assembly seat in
addition to the re-elected incumbents.
The election for a School of Edu-
cation representative ended in a tie
because only two votes were cast -
one for each candidate.
In addition, a referendum requir-
ing that at least one Law School
student sit on the Central Student
Judiciary - the judicial branch of
the student government - was
passed by a vote of 1,073 to 713.
Coalition campaign coordinator
Leff Johnson said the party was right
on target in terms of the seats they
expected to pick up. However, he
added that he was still waiting on the
outcome of the LSA elections.
"If everything goes as expected,
there will be a working majority of
coalition members on the assem-
See RESULTS, Page 2

by Josh Mitnick
Daily MSA Reporter
Full results from the Michigan
Student Assembly's fall elections
continue to be withheld because elec-
tion directors Michelle Putnam and
Sumi Malhotra left campus for the
weekend and haven't determined if
defective ballots affected the elec-
tion's outcome.
MSA President Aaron Williams
confirmed the election directors' ab-
sence, and added that he didn't know
where the election directors were or
why they left.
Although unofficial results from
MSA elections in other schools were
released Friday, students and candi-
dates still remain in the dark about
the outcome of the LSA and Board
for Student Publications elections,
which have been riddled with

Natural Resources junior Laura
Miller, chief justice of the Central
Student Judiciary, said she advised
the directors last Thursday not to re-
lease results from the two elections
until they could validate the ballots.
Miller said she was unsure how
validity would be assessed, but sug-
gested comparing the number of de-
fective ballots to the candidates'
margin of victory.
Releasing questionable results
now could distort the outcome if a
re-vote is required, Miller said.
"It's a matter of determining
whether the election results were af-
fected to a significant degree by de-
fective ballots," she said.
However, Miller said she could
not make a decision on the elections
until she reviewed the results with

Nation's students lobby
to end large tuition hikes

by Noelle Vance
Daily Government Reporter
Mounds of ice were discovered
melting in the University of Illinois
Student Union courtyard four weeks
Dumped on the ground by a
group called Students for a Tuition
Freeze, the act was organized to
show support for an end to tuition
hikes. The symbolic gesture was one
more in a growing number of stu-
dent efforts to bring attention to and
halt the spiraling costs of higher ed-
Tuition at public and private uni-
versities across the country has
jumped dramatically in recent years.
In 1988 and again in 1989, the Uni-
versity of Michigan passed tuition-
increases of up to 12 percent for out-
of-state students.
The situation is similar at other
schools. Since 1987, University of
Iowa and University of Illinois stu-
denits have watched their tuition rise
13 to 17 percent each year, while in-
flation rose no more than 6.5 percent
in those years.
Faced with explanations that

At the University of
Iowa, students lobbied
effectively to bring
the rate of tuition
increases down from
17 percent last year
to 3 percent this year.
states are strapped for funds, and
universities must remain competi-
tive, many felt there was little for
students to do but sigh and sign for
another student loan.
But with the cost of a degree
reaching well into the tens of thou-
sands - University of Michigan in-
state residents now spend more than
$12,000 for a four-year education,
while out-of-state residents spend
$44,000 - students are taking ac-
At the University of Iowa, stu-
dents lobbied effectively to bring the
rate of tuition increases down from
17 percent last year to 3 percent this
year for in-state students and 4 per-
cent for out-of-state students.

The one-on-one meetings be-
tween students and state and Univer-
sity officials were "very important"
to students' success, said Pepe Ro-
jas-Cardona, president of the Iowa
Student Association.
"(Students) raised the level of
awareness among legislators, who I
don't think were as aware of (tuition)
as an issue before," said Ann
Rhodes, Iowa's acting director for
university relations. As a result, she
said, "Tuition and access (to educa-
tion) are going to be a real issue in
the campaign for governor this
Students met independently with
members of the university's Board of
Regents, state legislators, and Gov.
Terry Brandstadt.
One of the problems University
of Michigan students face in work-
ing to lower tuition rates is develop-
ing a unified front.
"As it stands now, we've got a
series of different voices," said LSA
sophomore Will Curl, a Michigan
See TUTITION, Page 2

The Dean JULIE
Michigan's Sean Higgins dribbles around an Iowa State player Saturday
at Crisler Arena. The Wolverines gave ex-Michigan coach Johnny Orr
and his Cyclones a 101-78 drubbing. For more, see Sports Monday.

*Alleged Detroit police scam linked to former 'U' researcher

by Katy P. Kowalski
A former Detroit deputy police
chief accused of misdirecting more
than $1 million in confiscated drug
money is also a former University
Ken Weiner, a former senior re-
search associate for the College of
Architecture and Urban Planning,

eluded high-ranking police officials.
Yesterday, The News reported that
Police Chief William Hart's daugh-
ter benefited from the scam. Hart
could not be reached for comment
last night.
On Oct. 6, a Federal Grand Jury
subpoenaed Weiner's personnel
records and project information from

absence," said Joseph Owsley, direc-
tor of the University's News and In-
formation Services. "It was his
choice. He is no longer receiving a
salary from the University."
'Whatever (Weiner's)

police officials would comment on
the investigation.
As a research associate, Weiner
did not teach. He was an employee
;n the Research Association Project
affiliations outside the

ley. "I am as concerned as anyone; I
spoke with (research project heads)
James Snyder and Mitch Rycus and
they spoke favorably of the work he
did in tk; research he was contracted
to do. There were nosigns of irre-
sponsibility on campus."
Rycus refused to comment on the
investigation before it is completed.

No one here ever visited his apart-
ment. We did not even know he had
a residence in Ann Arbor. He gave
us no local address or home phone
number. Maybe that is a little bit
strange; but, he was a consultant.."
Residents of an apartment com-
plex on Plymouth Rd. near North
Campus said they saw Weiner enter-

college, they did not affect his work... I am
as concerned as anyone.'

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