w VIq V W" President James Duderstadt Some call it positive, direction from the top. Others label it ere rhetoric: The Michigan W 7 erate diverse views and strive to un- derstand people with different back- grounds. It's a wonderful, grandiose docu- ment, but it doesn't claim to be a "bureaucratic directive." The mandate calls itself an "organic and evolving framework for organizational change that would at-~ tract and reflect the active participa- tion of faculty, students, and staff at all levels of the University." T he mandate doesn't have itsc own budget. LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said,t "Some money has been allocated;I some money we allocate ourselves;I some money goes to the depart- ments."< However, the mandate doesn't necessarily give more money to de-i partments for such initiatives. Fac- ulty or administrators who plan new programs must receive funds through their own departments, and their re- quests will be handled on a case-by-i case basis, said Associate Vice Pres-i ident for Academic Affairs Mary Ann Swain.I Money is also available for fac-1 ulty hiring through the mandate's "target of opportunity" plan. Under this plan, deans search for qualified minority faculty members and find room for them in their departments. In the past, for example, thei English Department chair wouldI search for a Shakespearean literature expert to fill a necessary opening.i Under the new plan, the chair wouldI look for good people and squeeze them in wherever possible. So ifI minority Shakespearean literature experts are hard to find, the English Department can still benefit from a: qualified minority professor.1 The administration says "there's this pot of money," Goldenberg said,i "and when you have a candidate, you come to us." It is in this area, administrators say, that the mandate has achieved its greatest success. For example, Swain announced earlier this year that the University hired 45 new mi- nority faculty. Last year, she said, the University hired 32. By those numbers, taken from a survey of the 17 deans, the Univer- sity has done a formidable job of re- cruiting minority faculty. Those numbers can't be put in perspective, though, because Swain said figures before 1988 aren't avail- able. Other minority faculty figures are available. In the central administra- tion, though, there is some dispute over what constitutes a faculty member. The University's Affirma- tive Action Office and Personnel Department, which publish numbers of faculty every year, follows "the feds' definition," Swain said. By that definition, in contrast, the University retained just 10 fac- ulty members from 1987 to 1988 - a one-year jump of 4.2 percent. This year's statistics have not yet been re- leased. But Swain said the "University operates very differently" than the U.S. government definitions would allow. The University's Board of Regents definitions, she said, are more inclusive than theirs." In other words, the federal classi- fications don't count clinical profes- sors, part-time lecturers, and hired. faculty still awaiting tenure. Swain said personnel would not count fac- ulty who go on leave for a year, but. the deans still consider them active faculty members. aSwain's figures would not in-. clude hired faculty who later left the University - but that only includes three minority faculty this year and four in 1988, said Director of University Relations Walt Harrison. As a result, the personnel figures are much lower than the administra- tion's. From 1984 to 1987, accord- ing to those figures, the number of tenured and tenure-track minority faculty went from 228 to 237, an in- crease of just 4 percent. So it all depends on who's count- ing. The Affirmative Action Office is accountable to the federal govern- ment, but University officials say the government definitions are mis- leading because they don't include significant faculty hires. But whether the figures have gone up in giant leaps or small steps, the University is making marked progress. Student minority enrollment has also gone up. In the last five years, 358 more minority students decided to enroll here, a 9 percent increase. Overall, the University's student body grew 5.8 percent during the same time period. While these numbers indicate significant improvement, many say the progress isn't enough. Blacks currently constitute 6.5 percent of all University students, up from 5.1 percent in 1984, but that figure is still shy of the 1969 Black Action Movement's 10 percent Black enrollment goal. Said SACUA's Ness, "This re- mains very much a 'pale male' insti- tution that's trying to change." Still, "anybody who denies we've made progress has got their head in the sand," Duderstadt said. "There are universities ac- ross the country who would give their eyeteeth to do what the Uni- versity has done. " But for such a decentralized Uni- versity, it's im- possible to de- termine what caused the pro- gress. The man- date seems to have had no prac- tical effect, espe- cially in student recruitment areas. The Business School has seen skyrocketing fig- ures: Minority student enroll- ment has more than doubled from 1986 to 1989, from 164 to 352. The number of minority LSA DeanE business faculty has leapt from 93 in 1984 to 104 last year. All of those increases haven't taken place under the mandate. They were the result of heavy school re- cruitment during the past 10 years. Business School Dean Gilbert Whitaker praised the mandate, but didn't give it credit for the school's success. The school, he said, has been working on dozens of different recruitment programs, including high school and college undergradu- ate outreach programs and national college consortiums which raise money and recruit students. Such efforts aren't easy, espe- cially when the results may not be seen for several years. Each school has its own dilemmas. Music School Senior Admissions Counselor Laura Strozeski said the college is "instrument-based." In other words, you can't have a dozen Mandate die Golden berg saxophonists in an ensemble. Some- times the school must recruit a harp- player to fill a spot, and minority harp-players can be hard to come by. The mandate, Strozeski said, helps the school's recruiting because it "makes you target efforts and be held accountable for them." Whitaker and others say the mandate fills a much-needed gap on campus: a statement of purpose by the administration. Past University presidents - like Harold Shapiro, who spent most of his time trying to dig the University out of a severe budget crunch - haven't made such a clear statement that minority is- sues are a top priority. Student activists have been wait- ing for that kind of statement for years. In 1969, the first BAM strike nearly shut down the University. Thousands of student, faculty, and staff strikers boycotted classes and dorm meals in a unified demand for higher Black enrollment and more supportive services for minorities. After a 16-hour negotiating ses- sion, University administrators pledged their support for the strikers' cause. By 1973, they planned, the University will have provided enough funds for 10 percent Black enrollment. But many of those goals got lost. For the next 10 years, Black enroll- ment actually went down, and only in this decade has the University be- gun climbing out of the hole. But merely bringing minority students to campus isn't enough. During the last two years, the Uni- versity has attempted to solve cam- pus problems with racial tension. Two years ago, a DJ for campus radio station WJJX broadcast anti- Black jokes over the air. Soon after that, some Black women meeting in a Couzens Hall lounge were shocked The Effects of the Mandate minority representation at the 'U' ROf to dec Bla Bla prc den Tir tior sity Ho cal tion and wh prc wh pe me " on me af, M; clu sit ba ser im plo im ity co pie gro we Th cha ter "di con fec "Is wi ers By Steve Kno per uderstadt calls the Michigan Mandate his personal "commitment to diversity." LSA senior Delro Harris, chair of the Michigan Student Assembly's, Minority Affairs Commission, calls it a "commitment to vagueness." They're both right. The mandate doesn't really do anything. It doesn't allocate money outright for recruitment or retention of minority students or faculty. It doesn't set any specific goals, and it doesn't establish numerical quotas. As a result, it is impossible to assess "with any clarity" the impact of the year-and-a-half-old mandate, said Law School Dean Lee Bollinger, one of the 17 deans at the University responsible for recruiting minority faculty and students. At the Law School, the com- mitment toward recruiting, retaining, and improving the climate for mi- norities is "as strong as it's ever been," Bollinger said. "It's consis- tent with the Michigan Mandate but not caused by it." The highly-publicized mandate broadly diagrams the University's fu- ture. It states, for anyone willing to listen, the central administration's vision of what the University should be. "Institutions change from the grassroots up rather than from the top down," Duderstadt said. "I've challenged groups to work with me to refine this vision." The catch-word in this vision, of course, is "diversity." Duderstadt says faculty, staff, students, and ad- ministrators should be more diverse. In fact, he uses the word "diversity" 55 times in the latest 35-page revi- sion of the mandate document. Diversity can mean any number of things. For English Department chair Robert Weisbuch, it can mean broadening the curriculum so stu- dents read works from women and minority athors, in addition to more traditional authors like Shake- speare and Faulkner. "I don't think anyone woke up one morning and said, 'The president says I have to teach this stuff so I better teach it,"' Weisbuch said. iversity can't be measured, many say - but initiatives can. Harris, for one, believes the ad- ministration ought to outline a list of objectives and appoint commit- tees to carry them out. The mandate, he said, "is only as good as whoever wants to listen to it. There are many people around campus who don't care. The mandate doesn't address many specific areas, Harris said. The Center for Afro-American Studies, the absence of a Native American studies program, and a lack of mi- nority administrators all need im- provement, he said, but Duderstadt's document doesn't proclaim support for any of them. Sociology Prof. Gayl Ness, chair of the faculty's Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, said, "The Michigan Mandate lays out broad goals and says, 'You fig- ure out how to get there."' What happens, though, if a dean or department chair's definition of "diversity" differs from Duderstadt's? What if some unit head decides mi- nority recruitment just isn't impor- tant? "You aren't going to be put in jail," said Assistant to the President Shirley Clarkson, "but you won't get a positive evaluation." Since Duderstadt took office in September, 1987, he has delivered dozens of speeches touting the man- date's ideas. In the 21st century, he says, minorities will make up a ma- jority of the U.S. population. The University ought to reflect those numbers. But that's not all. Students, fac- ulty, and staff members must recog- nize that such an environment will be new to many people on campus. As a result, we must all work to tol- .. WVV -I 5000 0 4000 . S tdent3 ooo - 2000 1000 Fa 1 ty1989Aflue, o not aabl 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 The faculty figures are based on personnel and Affirmative Action Office statistics. These only include part-time and full-time tenured and tenure-track members. CA l Page 6 Weekend/December 1,1989 Page I 6 Weekend/December 1, 1989 Weekend/December 1,1989