4 Prage 6--The Michigan Daily -Thursday, November 30, 1989 :CLASIFIED ADDS 764- 0557, TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN Ilt SKct$ g a st - X ads cost $2.10/line for the first day, $.70/line for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication X ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order X ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds FOR RENT 1 BDRM Apt. 1 Block From Law, Busn., Diag/Jan-Aug' kg $500 + Elec. 761-9566. 1 BDRM AVAILABLE in 6 bdrm. co-ed house. Furnished, clean & spacious, parking, wash/dryer, quiet area. 3 m9. walk to cam- pus. $315/mo. neg. Audra 995-1879. i l I BDRM IN 2 BDRM APT. Avail. Jan-Aug. Femn. $280/mo. N. Campus. Call 995-2893. A ROOM OF YOUR OWN in a house near the CCRB. Available January. Call Sue after 5:30 pm at 663-7919. A SINGLE AVAIL. Winter term. Cozy, quiet house 5 min. to central & med. campus. Ldry., $250 (incl. heat). 761-9641. AAAAAAAAAHHHIII II111H... Affordable student living in luxury sur- roundings. Spacious, two bedroom units with over 950 sq. ft., including 1 1/2 baths, two story or garden level apts with separate en- trances. Parking,vlaundry, security system, ,and paid heat. Oversized closets, dishwash- ers, new contemporary furniture, carpet and blinds in decorator color schemes. We are now leasing for January occupanc and tak- ing aplications for Fall 1990. Ge des Hill is read or your commitment to quality living. Call Judy or Heather, Oppenheimer Property Mgt, 995-5575. AFFORDABLE LARGE ROOM. BEAUTI- FUL, CLEAN HOUSE. Avail. 1/90-8/90. Fall option. Female only. Call 662-7786. ATTENTION GRADUATES Moving to Chicago? Want to live in the hottest areas? We have agreat selection of apartments to choose fro New carpeting, hardwood floors, ceiling fans, mini-blinds walk-in closets, and lots more! Studio, 1 and 2 Bedrooms. Call us and let us find you your new home! Planned PropertyMagent Inc. Call toll free: -800752.89 nage ent, A'ITENTION GRAD STUDENTS- Female sublet available in Law Quad. Room & Board price negotiable. 663-5361. AVAIL. JAN. - APRIL 4 bdrm. furnished apt. $1100/mo. + utilities. 663-5609. ,AVAIL. WINTER TERM-2 RMS. IN 6 RM. ~ HOUSE + large attic rm. for 1 or 2. Close to ; campus, arkng. Washer/dryer. 250/mo. + 9 utilities. &30/mo. + utilities for attic. fall a; soonl665-3865. G AVAILABLE FOR WINTER TERM-Bed- room in 3-rson apt. for female. Inexpensive rent, laundry, good location. 995-5071.'t AVAILABLE WINTER TERM- 2 Bdrm. SApt. in hse. Hardwood floors, parking, laun- dry. 2 blocks from camp s on Catherie. (Jan 90 -Aug 90). Call nowt 995-1071. AVAILABLE NOW IBR in a ZBR modern duplex. Nice quiet close to campus. Call Jon at 475-2977 or 517-536-8231. +t BIG 1 BDRM in 2 bdrm apt;pkn ,lots stor- i age, enclosed porch, across Arb, heat, water gincl. $425 neg. Ph. 662-3079. CAMPUS RENTALS LTD. 1335 South University. 665-8825 [ DORM LEASE FOR SALE: Single in Alice Lloyd on coed floor- M or F for Winter Term. Call Susan at 764-6937. EFFICIENCY APT. Furnished. 2 blocks 4 from Med campus. Jan-Aug. w/ fall option. $370/mo. Keith 936-2039, leave message. FOR I OR 2 PEOPLE. Quiet High Ceilings, Full Tiled Bath. Available Mid December. Contact 665-8825. GREAT 2 BDRM. APT. ON E. KINGSLEY W/ 1 BDRM. available. Female only. Cozy, modern, outdoor deck. Michelle 769-0500. ' HOUSEMATES--Pr-f/grad M/F. Great loca- tion 275+1/4 Jim 663-2048. Mike 769-4500. r LARGE TWO BEDROOM in A Four Unit w Historic House. Division And Kingsley. Fur- nished Or Not. Heat, Water, Cooking Gas In- cluded. Moder Management 668-6906. FOR RENT MUST SEEI 2 rms avail 2 blks fr/UM cam- puslaundrypkn ,,all util exc elec,call 668- ,930-2 vmess),Jan-Aug. NEED A PLACE TO STAY? ROOM FOR RENT IN A huge apt. Rent neg. Heat, water, cable. Price neg. Call Jen 761-8019. NEED A ROOM NEXT SEMESTER? Sin- gle room available with 5 irls in great loca- tion. Call Leigh - 995-1365. OWN ROOM IN 2 BDRM. APT. GOOD LOCATION. Parking. $270/mo. 930-6539. Perfect.Apartment For Grad. Law or Mature Student. 'Male/Female at Pine Valley on Packard. Your Own Room Carpet, Close to Everything.3Try $250/mo. bay 973-1440 and Evening 973-9484. RENT MEI This room needs an occupant starting January 1. On Oakland. One block from the Law & Business schools. $285/mo.+util. Call Rick 747-6588. ROOM AVAIL. ON 12/23/89-4/90. $265. Call 764-6459. ROOM FOR FEMALE in 2 bdrm apt with female law student. Avail. 1/90-8/90. eauti- ful furnished apt near cam pus. Parking, laun- dry. $312/mo. Call 769-3994. ROOM FOR RENT: utilities inc. 994-0067. SHIORT-TERM LEASE - 2 rms. avail, in house. Now thru April. New paint & carpet. Shared common areas. Near campus, Green- wood & Packard. Call 665-6226. SPACIOUS BDRM in 6 bdrm co-ed historic house. Furnished. Near cam pus. Parking. Jan- Aug $250/mo neg. Nancy 761-6097. VERY LARGE BEDROOM in 2 bedroom pt. located at Glencoe Hills. Call evenings, 67-4084. $305/month. Avail. in IDec. WANTED TO RENT: reliable family needs one-week furnished rental or sublet, Dec. 12- 20. Call 446-5203. WANTED TO RENT: Single room for Jan. and Feb. Call Shelley, 994-0881. ANNOUNCEMENTS INTERESTED IN NYC GOVERNMENT? Presentation on Fellowship & Summer In- ternships in NYC open to Undergrad & Grad Students-Thurs. 11/30, 5 m, Career Planning & Placement ConferenceRoom. ARTISTS! WRITERS! Expression magazine needs stories poems, essays and ilustra- tions. Send SASE to Box 2429 Mesa, Ari- zona 85214. Subscriptions $14 for 4 issues. CHEAP DATE lotsa fun. Bowling at Colo- nial Lanes. 1956 S. Industrial Hwy. MASS MEETING Student Book Exchange JUST SAY "NO" TO BEING RIPPED OFF BY BOOKSTORES Thursday, Nov. 30 7:30 P.M. Welker Room Michigan Union CONCERNED STUDENTS: Vote for MICHAEL IIEILBRONNER for the Board for Student Publications if you wish to see The Michigan Daily move in a new direction. Hie wants: 1. The Daily to represent the student body, not alienate them. 2. The Daily to cover both sides of every is- sue. TODAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!!! Z.; 25th Annual UM Ski Team Ski Swap Dec. 1 Equipment Drop-off Time:4-10 Dec, 2 Sale (X-Country/Alpine) Time: 9-9 Dec. 3 Equipment Pick-up Time: 12-4 UM Sports Coliseum at Hill & 5th. ANNOUNCEMENTS Interested in helping design & pilot test a peer education program on dieting & eating disorders? Winter semester 1990. Call Lon Weiselberg U. Health Service for more info. 763- 320before 12/6/89. JUNIOR ENGINEERS- Looking for a 'ob? Chem;Civil;EE;ME & want to work in NYC this summer - attend MCE info session at 1226 EECS Bldg., Thurs. 11/30, 6:30 pm. VISIT OUR NEW AND EXPANDED art & engineering department. Also: watch The Michigan Daily in December for valuable book buy-back coupon. Michigan Book & Supply, corner of State and N. University. TWO PLAYS FOR THE price of none!! Don't miss "Down in the Basement" and "Sweet Colette" Nov. 30 Dec. 1 & 2 at 5 p.m. ARENA THEATIR in Frieze Bldg. Admission is FREE!. ATTENTION PRE-MED'S: IMPORTANT MEETING!!! Guest speaker: Dr. Theordore Polley, U of M Pediatric surgeon & admis- sions director; come hear about the joys of medicine and learn aboutopportunities to ob- serve surgery at U of M Hospital! It's not too late to Join the club! All pre-meds welcome! Thurs Nov 30, 6:30 pm, 2440 Mason Hall. Questions? Call Jim or Rebecca 747-7456. MSA ELECTIONS- Coming to a pollsite near you. Vote November 29 and 30. GIANT FLEA MARKET Collectible, household, new, used, jewelry, gifts, unusual, junque. 44,000 sq. ft. every weekend 6-10 Fri. eve., 10 am-6 pm Sat. & Sun. 214 E. Michigan at Park, Downtown Ypsilanti 487-5890, 971-7676 HELP WANTED A-1 LAWN CARE INC. ACCEPTING AP- PLICATIONS: full or part-time snow re- moval at night. Excellent job to work around class schedule. Pay ranges around $8-10/hr. Job entails shoveling walks and/or lowing lots with our trucks. Aproximately 5-10 hrs/night. Also himin in lividuals with own vehicles such as Jeep type vehicle with plow at $30/hr. Call663-43. Ask for Bob. AC'TIVISTS Do the Right Thing Work for the Environment over the holidays and beyond. Full Time/Part Time Flexible 1ay Afternoon & Evenin hours. $30- $50)Day. Training and Rapid Advancement. Call Sue 662-6597. ATTENTFION: Excellent Income for home assembly work. Info. Call 504-646-1700, Dept. lP2720. ATTENTION: Earn money reading books! $32 000/year income potential. Details - Call 1-662-838-8885., ext.1Bkl798. BABYSI7ER NEEDED near CentralrCam- pus. For 6 mo. boy weekdays 12-4 or 12-5 end of Jan-June. Own transportation. Refer- ences. Call 665-8257. BABYSITTER WANTED. PATIENT & ACCEPTING. Mon, pm's + misc. for active, fun-loving, tempermental 6 yr. old. 663- 7977. X-MAS MONEY Now filling 17 positions. $8.15 starting pay. May lead to full-time work during holiday break in hometown. Call now to reserve holiday position. 677-2922 BE YOUR OWN BOSS 10 Part-time postions avail. for aggressive, motivated people. If you have the courage - Call our 24 hr. recorded message.351-4462 Business-minded students, do not miss this opportunity! CAMP SEA-GULL, a Northern Michigan summer camp seeks experienced trippers and bus drivers. Must be 21. Please call 855- 5873. HELP WANTED CHRISTMAS JOBS Flexible hours Call Norrell Services 769-0205 COLLEGE WORK-STUDY STUDENT is needed in Internal Medicine Ilcmatol- ogy/Oncology for Winter/Spring 89-90, to assist in financial operations. Math/business background desirable. Microcomputer expe- rience desirable, great pay. Inquire at 936- 5290. DRIVERS (M/F) NEEDED immediately. Vehicle provided -- Good wages, 10-15 hrs. a week, convenient schedule for students, easy work, must have good driving record and proof of insurance. Please call 930-6320 by 12/6. Work is for Winter term but must be able to train one day before break. EARN $15.00 EARN $15.00 Undergraduate black males needed for 1 hr. communication study. The study runs from 11/27 to 12/5. Call 995-5138 or 662-7389. EXPERIENCED HOUSE KEEPER NEEDED. Full or part-time. Call with refer- ences 663-9338. FLEXIBLE, EVENING hours available for bright, articulate, enthusiastic students at Michigan Tlfund. $6.00-8.00/hour plus bonuses. Call 998-7420 or stop by 611 Church Street, suite 304. GLAMOUR ART MODIELS & Illustrators apply at 500 E. Liberty. 663-0561. HAVE YOU A FEAR OF BUGS, snakes, dogs or any animal? We need male subjects with such fears for an ex riment on visual perception. Call 763-425. $10.00 reim- bursement. Need Advice? The Doi wants to help. We need letters from you, our reaers to be used in a new advice column. ters cou beobout sociol questions, academic troubles, personol problems, pet cre, auto troubles, decorating tips, East German reforms, or anything you wnt answered in the Dily. Send letters to: Help M! e/ The Michian Daily $ 420 M aynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 "' We're waiting to hear from you. ICR SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP a na- tional marketing research firm located in Ann Arbor, is presently hiring, telephone inter- viewers. Excellent communications skills and the ability to work part-time evenings, and week-ends necessary. No experience needed, full-paid training provided. Pay starts at $5/hr. Scheduling is flexible. Contact Greg Love at 971-28401after 2pm daily. LABATTENDANT- Work-study student needed in Internal Medicine tematol- ogy/oncology. For Winter/S ring 89-90. Stu- dent should have completed at least 1 course in basic chemist r ferably including a lab. Inquire at 936-5 2 MIChIGAN T ASED long distance company seeks mature individuals to market new resi- dential product. Earning potential to $5,000 per semester. Must be hard-workin ora- nized and money motivated. Call 1-800-783- 7283, ext. 4125. NEEDED-Korean translator. Earn big $$$ in a short period. Call 517-536-4945. OFFICE ASSISTANT: temporary through 12/15. F n Thristmas $. Must have at least four 3-hour or longer blocks available, M-F, 8-5. $3.50/hour. 668-8898. ON-CAMPUS SALES REP We a, looking for an entrepreneur-type, re- sponsible student interested in making money selling RAY-BAN Sunglasses. Only ener- getic, serious applicants send resume to: Kevin Green Solar Specs Company I173A Second Ave., Ste. 155 New York, New York 10021 OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000/mo. Summer, r. round. All countries all fields. Free info. Write IJC, PO Box 52-Ml01, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. PART TIME HELP WANTED bartenders, waitresses and floorman. Inquire after 3pm, call 994-6500. PERSONAL ASSISTANTS NEEDED FOR REFERRAL POOL to assist persons with disabilities with cooking, cleanin, bathing, dressing and personal hygiene. Contact the Ann Aror Center for Independent Living, at 971-0277. SAFEWALK/NORTI WALK VLUN- TEERS NEE/ED. Iep keep cam us safe. Volunteer 2 hrs/wk to be part o a team walking service for Central or North campus. Women & men needed. Applications avail- able at 102 UGLi 2333 Bursley, & SAPAC, 3100 Michigan Union. For more info:763- 5865 SECRETARY WANTED 15-25 hours/week. Call 994-6500 from 8 am to 12 noon. Ask for Norm Foltz. HELP WANTED SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male between 21-40 years of age and a graduate student or a professional, 5'10" or taller we need you. Donors are paid $50 dollars per ac- ceptable specimen. For further information, please call 434-4766. SPRING BREAK: Campus rep. to promote our Spring Break trip to Daytona Beach, Fl.1 Earn free trips and money while gaining valuable expenence. Call Kurt with Travel Associates at 1-800-558-3002 during normal business hours. STUDENT MANAGERS are needed for the U of M hockey and baseball teams. If inter- ested contact Ion Dunn at 763-5215. TELEPHIlONE AGAINST TOXICS Make money while making a difference! Contact PIRGIM-Public Interest Lobby's 35,000 citizen members to stop toxic pol- luters. Flex eves. $5.50-6.50/hr. Call Jeremy 662-6597. TYPISTS TIRED OF MAKING MINIMUM WAGE? 'Type for us (75 wpm) and greatly increase your earnings. Flexible, part-time hours, on campus. 668898. WANTED: Enthusiastic students to promote Spring Break sun andski trips. Earn free trips and commissions. Trips include Mexico, Daytona Beach Quebec City and many more. Call Student TIravel Services, #1 in student travel. 1-800-265-1799, ask for Serge Babenko. STUDENT SERVICES **TYPING & WORIDPROCESSING** Fast/IBM-WP/laser/campus/Sandi/426-5217 $1200 INSTANT GOLD CARD! No Credit, Bad Credit. No tumdowns cash advances. 100% ColIc eeapproved. Call (803)750-0022, ext. 9533, 24 hours. ****TYPING byChristine Professional, overm ht or rush. Ilill/Packard Area 996- 9645. Open 7 days & eves fall & winter STUDENT SERVICES Achieve Your Maximum Score with EXCEL - 6 Class Sessions focus on the actual Exam - Video-taped Lessons for Additional Practice * Quality Instruction with Affordable Tuition Classes for the Feb. 3rd GRE begin: Sat. Dec. 2nd Note: no classes meet during finals or semester break. 996-1500 Test Preparation 1100 South University A-1 TYPING and WORDPROCESSING. On cam pus professionals. Rush services. 668- 8898. BC JAMS, DJ Do you love Barry Manilow & vintage Bee Gees? If not - call me. 747-7519. I I 10 BE OVER 40 AND LOVE IT! Kaplarfs LSAT prep course helps more students score "over 40" than any other test prep firm any- where. Call! A KAPLAN STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. FEBRUARY 1990 EXAM Classes begin in Jan. 3rd and 4th ENROLL NOW ! 203 E. Hoover 662-3149 **QUA LITY TYPING & GRA PH ICS SERVICE'** Fast/low rates/freedelivery/996-9189 *FEE PIANOM L 9SSON7. Casio rental available. Mike 994-0371. INTENSIVE CARE FOR TESTTAKERS. Get a healthy MCAT score by taking a test prep course with Stanley H. Kaplan. Our educational review and test-taking techniques are the best in the field. Call! KA MPLAN STANLEY H.KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. APRIL 1990 MCAT Classes begin in January ! REGISTER NOW ! 203 E. Hoover 662-3149 FOR ALL YOUR WORD PROCESSING NEEDS, call Janet at 763-8913. Iloliday Crunch have you in a bind? Call Errands Unlimited... for com plete errand service. Call Rob 747-6589. RESERCH INFORMAUORN Largest Library of information in U.S. - all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD ~ 800-$51-0222 Or rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave #206-A, Los Angeles. CA 90025 VrfW A ATT A T1 V W' TT" -C'* U 6 NuW AVAILABLE TO U of M SrU- DENTS - Professional, Quality Typing by Peggy. Same day service, pick-up/delivery on request. 485-433 5 Start now for the for the April 28 exam. Begin your preparation with our * Science Review Notes & " Videotaped Discussions- Next classes begin Sat. January 20th. and Tues. January 30th. Test Preparation PERFECT TOUCI I TYPING 761-8842. SELF STORAGE - ALL SIZES - LOW RATES U-haul rental trucks - all sizes. Call 971-1400, M-F 8-5, Sat. 8-12. TIOS!! WONDERFUL MEXICAN style food. We deliver. 11IAM to 11PM. Call 761- 6650. NEW YORK GIANTS FANSI Watch the game at Cubs AC. 1950 S. Industrial liwy. I DA I LY ACROSS 1 Give the eye to 5 Leo, Pius and John 10 Unruffled 14 - bargain 15 Climbing vine 16 Hautboy 17 Melbourne rush hour? 20 Rent 21 Extraordinary person 22 Fed the kitty 23 Act 24 Ingot 26 Hesitant sounds 27 Certify (to) 30 Goddess of agriculture 32 Harbor sight 33 Warsaw emoter? 37 Regulations 39 Part of a GI's address 40 River to the Rhone 41 Hibernian brouhaha? 43 "- Tread on Me" 44 Captures 45 Radii 47 Operated 50 Relatives 51 Talon 52 Coeur d'-, Idaho 54 Boxer Max 55 Former name of Tokyo '58 Tokyo rock garden group? 62 He loves, in old Roma 63 Distributed the CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe 996-1500 1100 South UniversityI 4 Consume 5 Earth, for one 6 Stopped the squeak 7 Matched set 8 Bambi's aunt 9 Antonio or Francisco 10 Maize 11 Lessen 12 - berth 13 Merges 18 Fish eggs 19 Touch gently 23 Abhor 24 Under 25 Biblical lion 27 Dugout 28 Travel 29 Ankle bones 30 Contends 31 Umbra 33 Eucharistic plate 34 "Peter Pan" captain 35" - of Green Gables" 36 NYC nine 38 Unnerved 42 Do a schuss 45 Frozen rains 46 Cut off the rind 47 Rani's spouse 48 San Antonio mission 49 Katmandu is its capital 51 Car or television 53 Cager Archibald 54 Overcome 55 "...ere. I saw -" 56 Whitetail 57 Scandinavian capital 59 Asner and Wynn 60 Red or White 61 Make lace Nuts and Bolts HI ,WHICH ONE OF YOU GENTrLEMEN 15LEO Z AM . ' - S5NIFF o WELL, HOW ARE You \t 1 FELING TOPAf? by Judd Winick W'ELLNOT 5j0 GREAT,D0C. CALLME OCTOuR . .D 50,-YOU'RE A REGISTERED NURISE. W'EL L,NOT (ol1 EXACTLY . NOT EXACTLY:' WNELLW.EARE A LITTLE 514ORTHANOED, I2tUSUAL.LY Achieve Your Maximum Potential Score with EXCEL " Learn to anticipate the exam's thinking. " Improve your reasoning and formal logic skills. . Develop comprehensive exam strategies. " Review videotapes for additional practice. Professional Instruction- Affordable Tuition Classes for the Feb. 10th LSAT begin: Wed. Jan. 10th 996-1500 Test Preparation . 1100 South University THE WORDWRIGHT **Word processing/typing/editing. Papers/reports/dissertations/resumes. Laser printing.* *662-8977. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: WONT HUMOR WRAP HAIR ATONE RI LL ETNA SATIN INTO THANKS HOOSEGOW SALE NUTS C A RE LE SS N A TA NT AGAPE TALCS SIR SLIT M1E LE E ASTA E 0S C A RVE A LA RM S WE DE N D D IT IE S A L DA S ID E A MA H TOR T E A L SO MARE EtA NOSEg 11/30/89 14 I * 'O/ Ot~i. vl 1tt - 6 tsq. ./~~O Q fa~ 't 1 isR t. ER C~iNG o - MEET'TT aKIN~vABOV. I KN MY .5 pOn 7FF NEVE IMOiiffIr W~I. gE WK T~- L r Q.O r - ClVLr*4 1 G s KIND AMP, 5ToR ( 1V t1 T 11 12 13 14 M 1 7 18 f1 14l z 1 lr 10 11 1 YPS WORD PROCESSING PROFES- SIONAL Service on Campus. Oen Evenings & Weekends. Term Papers, Cover Letters, Envelopes. 747-7470. FOR SALE 1981 IBANEZ ARTIST Looks/sounds great. Humbuckers $380w/case Alicia 996-9348 : A COW! A CAR! A COW-CAR '81 AMC CONCORD. Runs well. Price neg. Call 663- 6537. CAMPUS CONDO. 2 bedrooms cheaper than rent. Mid-60's. Call The kichwine Company 761-9766. DEC. 30-2ND VIP HOTEL ROOM on Rose Bowl Parade Rte.- Pasadena. Balcony Holds - 8-10 and puts you right above New Year Eve party/parade. C all 805-948-6483 daytime. 6 people - $290 each, 4 people - $4'35 each. DENON Stereo receiver/amplifier, 50 watts per channel, remote current model bought May of this year,$256. 994-3068. FISHER VCR STUDIO SERIES. Like new, $100, Call 761-2303. Leave message. 17 1 F 35 36 4 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Wattersor WE POW's 'OUR MATMH1 II 7-> [~nr~m~1 1 fry t ! I