Pg e 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursuay, November 30, 1989
Pof. calls IM
math art
by Bob DeMayer
Greek mathematical art is a
"secret weapon," University Prof.
John Onians told a packed Rackham
Amphitheater crowd yesterday.
Onians, the founding editor of
the "Journal of Art History," has
also been a visiting professor at the
University of California-Los
Angeles and Syracuse University.
"The Greeks were obsessed with
warfare," Onians told the audience.
"They valued brawn above brain."
An efficient, well-trained soldier
was considered more valuable than
an intelligent one, he said, which is
one reason why Hercules was the
Greeks' hero.
During the hour-and-a-half
speech, he said math had a military
value to the Greeks. Using math,
they developed the phalanx forma-
tion, a precise linear formation used
for fighting. Each military man
stood a given distance from the other
as the unit marched.
The Parthenon is as mathematical
as the Greek military was
disciplined and controlled. "It is the
pinnacle of Greek architecture," he
said. "It is the most complete
military building."
Its columns represent the young
Greek men of the military, he said
- strong, emotionless, lean, and
powerful. "People should be like
buildings," Onians said.
"(Greek) works of art are
weapons meant to prevent war,"
Onians said. "However, the Spartans
ended up beating the Athenians
because, in the long run, military
weapons win over military art."
Greece was built upon the four
mathematical arts - arithmetic, ge-
ometry, astronomy, and music -
Onians said. These arts are now the
foundation of the Western world's
educational system.
"The United States success in
business and technology is based
upon these arts. Therefore, Greek
mathematical art is a supreme secret
weapon," Onians concluded.
Balloons for Israel
Engineering senior John Blow hands out balloons in the Fishbowl for "Proud to Be a Zionist Day" yesterday, a
Tagar-sponsored event to support Israel.
Panel to analyze Beijing's
effects on intellectuals
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Communist party opposes
Germany reunification
EAST BERLIN - Communist Party chief Egon Krenz joined with
leading dissidents yesterday in calling for East Germany to remain
independent, but West Germany began an international effort to win
support for reunification.
The United States already had given its support to uniting the
Germanys, whose common border is considered the dividing line of East
and West and was established after the Nazi defeat in World War II.
The Soviets criticized the plan yesterday.
East German Communist leaders reiterated their opposition, and a
leading group of dissidents also rejected it.
Krenz used the situation to rally support for his beleaguered
Communist Party by signing a petition circulated by the dissidents, who
called for a national "vote of confidence" in socialism.
The Communist government, bowing to a popular uprising for
reform, already had promised free elections by early 1991 and a
constitutional amendment stripping it of its 40-year monopoly on power.
Officials drops plane search
NARRAGANSETT - A search for eight people missing aboar a
twin-engine commuter plane that disappeared off Block Island the day be-
fore was called off last night, a Coast Guard spokesperson said.
"The results of the search indicated there were probably no survivors
from the crash," said Petty Officer David Jersey, speaking from Coast
Guard headquarters in Boston.
All searchers found was debris and the bodies of two dogs aboard the
aircraft. Jersey said the search was officially suspended at 9:38 p.m. and
the eight aircraft and cutter were told to cease their efforts.
Jersey said the search would not be resumed today.
While earlier in the day Coast Guard officials expressed hope of finding
survivors, veteran islanders said the seas of 5 to 6 feet and water tempera-
tures of about 45 degrees made survival unlikely.
Police release accident data
LANSING - State police have records of 10 wind-related accidents on
the Mackinac Bridge in the last seven years, and only two of those
involved cars, an investigator told lawmakers yesterday.
The data, which covered 1982 through May of this year, indicates there
were 106 accidents total, including 44 that occurred at toll booths, said Lt.
Dan Smith of the Michigan State Police.
A House Transportation Subcommittee was formed after a Royal Oak
woman apparently lost control of her car and it flipped over the guardrail
and into the Straits of Mackinac. Leslie Pluhar died in the Sept. 22 acci-
Smith said that of the two wind-related accidents involving passenger
cars, one driver was arrested for drunken driving after posting a blood al-
cohol level of 0.15 and another driver who complained about wind re-
gained control of that car but a truck behind it lost control.
Mx missile to be located at
Michigan Air Force Base
WASHINGTON D.C. - Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda,
Mich., is one of seven installations chosen as sites for the rail-based
version of the MX nuclear missile, the Pentagon said yesterday.
Wurtsmith's selection will guarantee the base an important mission
for an indefinite period as improving U.S.-Soviet relations propel
efforts to scale back military spending, said Rep. Bob Davis (R-Mich.).
The possibility of MX deployment at Wurtsmith has divided
Michigan politicians. Davis and Oscoda community leaders have
championed the project, while Sen. Carl Levin and Rep. Dennis Hertel
have fought it.
Davis said the rail garrison will pump $100 million into the local
economy over five years. But Hertel (D-Harper Woods) said the
program's benefit to the Oscoda area had been exaggerated.
by Cherie Curry
A panel of China experts from all
over the country will analyze last
spring's Beijing massacre and how
its legacy has affected the rest of the
world during a University conference
today and tomorrow.
The experts - including Yale
History Prof. Jonathan Spence and
Princeton Economics Prof. Gregory
Chow - will analyze the "Beijing
spring's" effects on science,
economics, and Chinese intellectuals
The conference, sponsored by the
University's East Asian Initiatives
program, is the third in a five-part
series about the impact of the
Tiananmen Square events.
This conference, said Trudy
Bulkley, administrative associate of
the University's Center for Chinese
Studies, "is focusing on the impact
on Chinese intellectuals because
these people have historically been
seen as the best hope for building a
strong, technological society in the
late 20th century. They hold the key
to China's industrialized world."
Continued from page 1
once in a while (the dogs) just run
The Humane Society of Huron
Valley does not let groups of four or
more unrelated adults adopt animals
because "we believe individual ani-
mals need individual owners," said
Linda Reider, the society's director
of education. "We don't want to see
a dog or cat tossed around; animals
need an emotional bond and regular
Each fraternity which owns a dog
has its own method of care. Alpha
Delta Phi and Sigma Chi elect a
member annually to feed and care for
Food Buys
The first two conferences, held
earlier this month, were on the
massacre's impact on research
universities in the United States, and
China's domestic development.
The conference will begin tonight
at 7 p.m. at Hale Auditorium.
Spence will deliver the keynote
address. Two panel discussions will
be held tomorrow at 9 a.m. and 1:30
the house's pet. Neither fraternity
reported problems with dogs running
Everyone at Beta Theta Phi con-
tributes to the care of Buddy, the
house dog. Business senior Mike
Zultowski said Buddy often follows
members to class but "he knows his
way around campus and usually finds
his way back."
Sororities, though, seem to have
less house pets. LSA sophomore
Lori Mireles, a Chi Sigma member,
said, "I don't know any (sororities)
offhand that do... Sororities spend a
lot of money to have their houses
look nice and pets would kind of
mess that up."
Continued from page 1
ers because "they don't read."
Rackham Student Government
will decide whether to redo its own
elections, Putnam said. Five hundred
graduate student ballots were deliv-
ered to the sites, but the distribution
of the ballots to polling sites did not
fit the Rackham voter turnout at
those sites.
Continued from page 1
undergraduate students were only
allowed to vote for the undergraduate
board positions, and graduate
students for the graduate position.
However, MSA provided the
same ballots for all voters, and both
undergraduate and graduate students
voted for all positions.
As of last night, this had not
been remedied by the MSA election
directors, who offered no
explanation. "We can't decide what's
going to happen with any of this,"
Malhorta said. "We don't know -
we're just administrators. Our best
guess is that the CSJ (the Central
Student Judiciary, MSA's judiciary
council) will decide," she said.
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Bah, humbug! Toy
torturers await holidays
GAITHERSBURG, Md. - Even Scrooge, on his worst bah-
humbug days, might have shed a tear at the sight.
What appears at first glance to be a jolly Santa's workshop in this
Washington suburb is actually a torture chamber for Christmas toys
that is worthy of the Spanish Inquisition.
Working behind closed doors in a small room stacked high with
Yuletide goodies, Bob Hundemer, the Torquemada of the toy business,
is gleefully wrenching the nose off a cuddly teddy bear.
He is working in the toy testing laboratory of the U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission, and their tables are crowded with
diabolical devices specifically designed to fold, spindle and mutilate -
or worse.
With extra help for the Christmas rush, Hundemer and his assistant,
Garfield Jenkins, work full-time testing about 900 toys annually for
potential safety hazards to children.
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