The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 29, 1989 - Page 5 Assembly debates protest guidelines Students to select representatives to Board for Student Publications by Josh Mitnick Daily MSA Reporter Besides electing representatives to the Michigan Student Assembly, student voters will have the oppor- tunity today and tomorrow to ap- point two undergraduate and one graduate student to the University's Board for Student Publications. The Board, which supervises the financial operations of The Michigan Daily, The Michiganensian and The Gargoyle, is comprised of three fac- ulty members, three local profes- sional journalists and three students. Seven undergraduates and two graduate students are running for the positions this year. Board hopeful Michael Heilbron- ner said he would like to see the Daily take a more responsible and ethical stance in it its editorials. He said he thought the Board should play the role of an advisor to the Daily's editorial board. First-year law student Peter Mooney said he was familiar with the day-to day workings and staff members of the student publications from his experience working at the Daily and Ensian as an undergradu- ate. Mooney said he served as a sub- stitute board representative in the spring of 1988, has attended several board meetings, and has talked with board members. Since the Ensian and the Daily are making money, the board should look for ways in which it can invest that money to make student publica- tions better, Mooney said. LSA junior Elisabeth Wilson said she wanted to serve on the board because she questioned the creden- tials of the professional journalists currently serving on it. She claimed two board members were not ap- pointed according to the process out- lined in the regents' bylaws. Wilson also said faculty and journalist members of the Board have displayed blatant disregard to the student members. Board candidate Cale Southworth, an LSA senior, said there should be a mechanism by which editors of the three student publications can speak and vote on Board measures. South- worth served as the Daily's Opinion Page editor in 1988. LSA senior Alan Woronoff, an- other candidate, said he would like to see the Board act as a positive influ- ence and intermediary between the campus community and the publica- tions. The other graduate candidate run- ning is Mark Weisbrot, who in the past has been a member of the Daily staff. Other undergraduate candidates include David Maquera, Brian John- son, and Steven Susswein. These candidates could not be reached for comment. by Noelle Vance Daily Government Reporter Debate continued last night over whether the Michigan Student Assembly will compromise with the University and accept guidelines reg- ulating protests on campus. The policy, proposed November 11 by the University Council, would provide guidelines for protests on campus and sanctions for violation of the policy. Neither MSA nor the Senate Assembly of faculty and staff have accepted the policy. There are two views of the pol- icy, said Rep. Corey Dolgon, a Rackham student, at last night's MSA meeting. The policy can be "strict and ag- gressive," or it can be a "statement of principles," said Dolgon, who is also a member of U-Council. MSA has opposed any protest policy, maintaining the University has no right to interfere in student's non-academic conduct. But LSA junior Lisa Schwartzman said, "They're going to pass (the policy) whether we want it or not. We should try to put our in- put into it." There must be a bottom line, Dolgon said. If the policy is passed, U-Council must know what "non- adversarial encounter" MSA would accept as punishment without full due process for the defendant. U-Council has discussed issuing reprimands or conducting informal mediations as an alternative to a lengthy trial process, Dolgon said. "A warning and a formal repri- mand is exactly where I'd draw the line," said LSA rep. Ori Lev, a sophomore. Some representatives questioned whether MSA would be condoning the policy by accepting some sanc- tions without due process. U-Council member and LSA se- nior Julie Murray said compromis- ing may be the only way students can retain input into University policies. But engineering s6nior Michael Donovan said if MSA backs down, the University "will continue to hold (the risk of losing student input) above us." COALITION Continued from Page 1 "Conservative Coalition isn't against Peace and Justice," explained Coalition candidate Heidi Hayes, an LSA senior and assembly incum- bent. "We feel it (the issue) should be decided by the students and not MS A." Despite the fact that party mem- bers label themselves as "Conservative," the Coalition sees itself as a party of change. Hayes said she believed that be- cause of her party's leadership this fall, the assembly is running more efficiently and representatives are able to work better together. MSA President Aaron Williams, a Coalition member, concurred with Hayes and said he thought represen- tatives respected each other's points ofview more than in years past. Williams' term lasts until next spring. Coalition candidate James Slavin, an LSA sophomore, said the assem- bly is isolated from students and therefore hasn't been as representa- tive of the student body as it should be. To remedy this, Slavin said, rep- resentatives should be required to go "door to door." Sreenivas said he thought the assembly should get the ball rolling on previously untackled student con- cerns, such as revising University bus schedules and advertising the availability of student loans. In addition, party members said they favored removing the shanties from the Diag. Though Coalition members ac- knowledged they haven't yet been able to achieve their full agenda, Hayes was optimistic for the future. "MSA is definitely changing, there's no doubt about that," she said. "If the students keep the Conservative Coalition Party in power, the changes that will occur will be as- tronomical." CHOICE Continued from Page 1 Mavrick said events such as the forum on the discriminatory harass- ment policy and alcohol awareness week should prove to voters that Choice candidates actually produce results for students. Health Issues Commission Chair Jason Krumholtz said there aren't as many issues in this election as com- pared to past elections. "The election isn't cut and dry. We're dealing with some issues, and (other candidates are) dealing with other issues," he said. Rackham rep. Corey Dolgon said Choice candidates favor continued work on issues concerning minori- ties, women, peace and justice, and student rights. "(Our campaign is) about continuing the progressive heritage of the students at the Uni- versity of Michigan," he said. Dolgon also called Choice a reac- tion by assembly moderates and lib- erals to the ascendancy of the Con- servative Coalition. "We're bound by our opposition to the Conserva- tive Coalition," he said. "We can't afford to splinter our political sup- port." Choice candidates criticized the assembly's Conservative Coalition members this fall for not tackling issues of substance. Krumholtz said the Coalition's claim to concentrate on student is- sues makes no sense because mem- bers spent their time worrying about the "tidbit" issues of MSA such as changes to the assembly's compiled code. Choice candidates expressed con- fidence that the issue of leadership takes precedence over partisanship. "Our record stands for itself; we have the experience," Krumholtz said. "In my opinion, the message is out; we've already done the work." Meet someone iwbo's been Where you re going. Come to Destination MBA. Seminars for Black and Hispanic college students and graduates. Talk to successful MBA graduates. Learn about financial aid. Look into admission requirements. All at the Destination MBA seminar. The Destination MBA Seminar will be held: December 2 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Radisson Plaza at Town Center 1500 Town Center Southfield, MI FLIERS Continued from Page 1 who posted fliers on walls with masking tape. LSA junior I. Matthew Miller, who is running as an independent, said MSA told him one set of rules for posting, but the University acted upon another set in taking" down most of his posters. MSA Peace and Justice Commis- sion chair Ingrid Fey, an LSA senior who is running on the Choice ticket, said the regulations on postings are "pretty vague." She said her signs were taken down, but she understood the University's prohibitions on posting. MSA co-election director Sumi Malhotra admitted an oversight in the compiled code and said the code will be revised for the next election to comply with the University's pol- icy. "In effect, free political speech is being denied to a lot of students," Miller said. "It is not right that the University can dictate the types of places that can be posted and then limit the number of places." University officials maintain that the prohibition of posting on walls is necessary to keep campus build- ings free of litter. But some candidates complained that if the University wants to limit its posting space to bulletin boards and kiosks, it should provide more of them. Miller and Choice candidate Laura Sankey, a Music school rep., pointed out that bulletin boards lo- cated in the Undergraduate Library and Mason Hall have been removed. Find out about opportunities in more than 25 corporations and colleges at the Job Fair which takes place with Destination MBA. To have your resume distributed at the Job Fair call Philip Washington 313-352-9111. ...... -- nlational Society NSHNIBA or flspanic MBAs No Publication without Representation! Novem ber 29 and 30- the MSA Elections! Please vote for graduate and undergraduate student members to the Board for Student Publications. This advisory board helps coordinate the activities of The Michigan Daily, the Ensian, and the Gargoyle. Undergraduate Candidates (2 positions open) Graduate Candidates (1 position open) Michael Heilbronner Elizabeth Wilson David Maquera Cale Southworth Peter Mooney Mark Weisbrot I I ' I