The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 27, 1989 - Page 3
Lebanese army
CHTOURA, Lebanon (AP) -
Newly elected president Elias Hrawi
said yesterday he will replace Chris-
tian Gen. Michel Aoun with a new
army commander within 48 hours if
Aoun continues to challenge the
fledgling government.
The warning came after Parlia-
ment approved a new Cabinet that
pledged to extend its control over all
Lebanon, including the Christian en-
clave controlled by Aoun.
"If he (Aoun) persists... I must
say with much regret that he will
have to bear the consequences,"
Hrawi told reporters in this Bekaa
Valley town, where he has estab-
lished temporary headquarters while
Aoun refuses to leave the official
presidential palace.
"He still is the general of the
army, perhaps for no more than 48
lours, after which, if he stays, he
will become an officer of this army,"
Hrawi said. "You will know the
name of the new commander of the
army by Wednesday morning."
Some parliamentarians speculated
Hrawi would resort to military
means if Aoun was not forced out by
diplomatic pressure.
"If he (Aoun)
persists... i must say
with much regret that
he will have to bear
the consequences."
- President Elias Hwari
Hrawi, a Maronite, was elected
Friday to succeed Pres. Rene
Mouawad, who was assassinated
Nov. 22, only 17 days into his term.
Hrawi put himself on a collision
course with Aoun by dismissing the
general's military Cabinet before
dawn Saturday and forming a na-
tional unity government with mem-
bers from Lebanon's seven major
Aoun, asked yesterday on French
television whether he would surren-
der territory controlled by his 20,000
troops, said: "No, I will defend my-
During the interview at his
bunker in the presidential palace at
Baabda, Aoun speculated that
Mouawad was killed because he re-
fused to order an attack on Aoun's
He denied responsibility for the
assassination and said he sent a letter
to U.N. Secretary-General Javier
Perez de Cuellar "to help us discover
who is the author" of the killing.
Parliament approved the new
Cabinet during a session in the Park
Hotel in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa
Valley town of Chtoura. Hrawi has
made temporary headquarters at the
Addressing the session before the
vote, Prime Minister Salim Hoss
pledged his government will seek to
"re-establish state authority, law and
order on all Lebanon's territory" un-
der an Arab League-brokered peace
plan endorsed by Parliament on Oct.
Aoun rejected the accord, which
cleared the way for the presidential
election, because it did not guarantee
a timetable for the withdrawal of
Syrian troops from Lebanon.
It was not clear exactly how
Hrawi and Hoss would go about re-
moving Aoun to head off final parti-
tion of the country. Aoun commands
the loyalty of a cohesive army that
stands as the nation's mightiest
may losi
fighting machine.
But his troops are outnumbered
and outgunned by the Syrians,
whose soldiers control 70 percent of
Lebanese territory under a 1976 Arab
League mandate to quell civil war
The consensus among deputies,
who spoke on condition of
anonymity, was that the new gov-
ernment would try to remove Aoun
by political and diplomatic pressure.
If that didn't work, Hrawi would
order a military intervention whichSlt
Syria would support, they said.
Mich. House splits on call
to cut U.k
gan's House delegation split along
partisan lines as violence in El Sal-
vador prompted calls for suspension
of U.S. military assistance to the
Central American nation's right-
wing government.
In one of its final actions before
adjourning for the year,the House
defeated 215-194 a proposal to with-
hold 30 percent of the $85 million
earmarked for El Salvador until April
1, 1990.
In a bitter debate, opponents of
the proposal argued that reducing aid
to the Salvadoran government would
play into the hands of left-wing
guerillas fighting to topple the
they also warned that if the aid
reduction were attached to a foreign
aid bill as proposed, President Bush
would veto the package, delaying ad-
journment of the congressional ses-
Supporters, however, said the
United States should take concrete
action to protest the Nov. 16 mur-
El Salvador aid
ders of six Jesuit priests and two
others at a Roman Catholic univer-
sity in San Salvador.
"I hope the American people will
understand that all Americans in this
body hope that this 10 years of car-
nage and insanity that has been go-
ing on in El Salvador (will) come to
Howard Wolpe (D-Lansing).
Voting no were Reps. William
Broomfield (R-Birmingham); Paul
Henry (R-Grand Rapids); Carl
Pursell (R-Plymouth); Bill Schuette
(R-Sanford); Fred Upton (R-St..
Joseph); and Guy Vander Jagt (R-
'I hope the American people will understand
that all Americans in this body hope that this
10 years of carnage and insanity that has
been going on in El Salvador (will) come to an
end.' m
- Rep. David Bonoir (D-Mount Clemens)
AT&T grant donations help
.revitalize engineering labs
by Marion Davis
Daily Staff Writer
The College of Engineering has
received a $50,000 grant from the
American Telephone and Telegraph
(AT&T) Co. Foundation and an'
equipment donation valued at
$246,700 from AT&T's University
equipment Donation Program.
The grant, which was delivered
last week, will be used to buy
equipment for the Department of
Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sience's Microwave Integrated Cir-
cpit Laboratory, a facility used
'mostly by graduate students and un-
dergraduate seniors who analyze, de-
sign, fabricate and test hybrid mi-
crowave integrated circuits.
The engineering college accepted
the grant earlier this semester.
a UP
EECS chair Edward Davidson
said the grant will help create a mod-
ern instructional laboratory that will
be "about the finest in the country."
"Our entire curriculum in mi-
crowave and electromagnetics is be-
ing revitalized," he said.
Todd Knoblock, an EECS assis-
tant professor, said the equipment
3B2-1000 minicomputers, 15 com-
puter terminals, and a work station.
It will be used to create an environ-
ment for research in software sys-
tems, including programming lan-
guages and computer graphics.
Brian Rashap, an electrical engi-
neering senior and President of the
Engineering Council, said such
an end," said Rep. David Bonoir (D-,
Mount Clemens), the deputy major-
ity whip, who voted to cut back the
U.S. aid.
Also voting to reduce the assis-
tance were Reps. Bob Carr (D-East
Lansing); John Conyers (D-Detroit);
John Dingell (D-Trenton); William
Ford (D-Taylor); Dennis Hertel (D-
Harper Woods); Dale Kildee (D-
Flint); Sander Levin (D-Southfield);
Bob Traxler (D-Bay City); and
Reps. George Crockett (D-De-
troit) and Bob Davis (R-Gaylord) did'
not vote.
The Senate, meanwhile, killed a
similar proposal 58-39. It called for
scaling back assistance to El Sal-
vador until the killers of the six'K
priests were brought to justice.
Sens. Carl Levin and Donald
Riegle, both D-Mich., voted for the
aid restriction.
'Our entire curriculum in microwave and
electromagnetics is being revitalized.'
- Edward Davidson
chair of EECS
Dissident to speak at 'U'
donation will provide students with
state-of-the-art equipment for their
The donation includes two AT&T
%.I. - -
The Personal oiumn
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Philosophy Club - 7 p.m. in
2220 Angell Hall
UM Women's Club Lacrosse -
9-11 p.m. at the Tartan Turf
Michigan Student Assembly
Women's Issues Committee -
6 p.m. in Union Rm. 3909
MSA Peace and Justice Com-
nission - planning for "Art and
Social Change Week"; 7:15 in
Union Rm. 3909
UM Shorin-Ryu Karate-do
Club - 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the
CCRB; beginners welcome
Recycle UM Environmental
Education - 9 p.m. in the Dana
Student Lounge
Jewish Feminist Group - dis-
cusses substance abuse in the Jew-
ish Women's community; 7 p.m.;
call Hillel for location
Anorexia/Bulimia Support
Group - 6:30-8 p.m.; call 668-
"Breaking Waves: Dynamic
Similarity and Remote Sens-
ing" - Prof. O.M. Phillips of
Johns Hopkins U; 4 p.m. in 1017
"Inorganic Functional Group
Chemistry in the Mo/S and
M/S/o Complexes" - Prof. D.
Coucouvanis of the Chem. Dept.;
4 p.m. in Chem. 1640
"Strained Aromatics: Adven-
tures in Cycloproparene Chem-
Safewalk - the night-time walk-
ing service is open seven days a
week from 8:00 p.m. to 1:30
a.m.; 936-1000
Northwalk - North campus
night-time walking service, Rm.
2333 Bursley; 8 p.m.- 1:30 a.m.
or call 763-WALK
"Love, Marriage and the De-
sign of the Universe" - free deli
dinner followed by discussion led
by Rabbi Avraham Jacobowitz;
6:30 p.m. at Hillel
Undergraduate English Associ-
ation Peer Counseling- 7-9
p.m. in Union 4000 A
Free Tutoring - all lower-level
math, science and engineering
courses; 7-11 p.m. in UGLi Rm.
Color National Artists' Book
Project - features artists' books
of more than 200 American
Women of Color; in the Slusser
Gallery; 10a.m.-5 p.m.
Photo exhibit of racial violence
in the U.S. - in Rm. 3 of East
Engineering; 10-3 daily
Women of Courage: An Exhibi-
tion of Photographs by Judith
Sedwick - portraits of 55 Black
American women; Grad. Library
North Lobby; 8am-5pm
Arpilleras from Peru and Chile
-, distinctive fabric wall-hangings
by women from Latin America;
Residential College; 1-5 p.m.
Store Front Churches in De-
troit - Center for Afro-American
and African Studies; 200 W.
Engine.; 8am-5pm
Art and Holy Powers in the
Early Chtnn : m.. __- n --Y
grants help the University improve
in these specialized areas and "put
money back into the industry to help
the industry itself grow."
The grant is a part of a national
AT&T program of special-purpose
grants in science and engineering to-
taling more than $2.8 million in
support of 109 projects at 43 univer-
sities in 1989.
AT&T's University Equipment
Donation Program has given more
than $200 million worth of equip-
ment to colleges and universities
since 1984.
Yawp to
by Beth Johnson
"I too am a bit untamed... 1 too am
untranslatable. I sound my barbaric
yawp all over the roofs of the
- Walt Whitman,
"Song of Myself'
Students who have been carrying
their scribbled bursts of creativity
around in their backpacks have until
Dec. 17 to dig them out and submit
them to Yawp, a literary magazine
written, edited, and produced by
University undergraduates.
Work on the seventh annual edi-
tion is now in full swing; the
magazine will be published in the
spring after all submitted materials
have undergone a long review and se-
lection process.
Yawp publishes poetry, short
stories, artwork, and photography.
The magazine is sponsored by mem-
bers of the Undergraduate English
Association, which chooses the stu-
dent works for the magazine.
Eric Petersen, the Yawp's manag-
ing editor for the past two years, said
the magazine is currently actively
soliciting contributions from stu-
dents. Undergraduates can submit
their poetry, prose, or art work to
the Yawp office in the Union.
Yawp provides an outlet for the
many "closet" poets and writers
whose talents deserve recognition,
Petersen said. 'The staff looks espe-
ciall dfor fresh ideas and new out-
by Ruth Littmann
Adam Michnik, a Polish activist and historian who
has served as advisor to Solidarity leader Lech Walesa
since 1987, will make his only United States appear-
ance tonight when he speaks on "The Future of
Socialism in Eastern Europe" at 8 p.m. in Rackham
Michnik is Editor-in-Chief of Gazeta Wyborcza, the
first legal, independent daily newspaper to appear in all
of Eastern Europe in more than 40 years.
A crusader for Polish democracy since age 15 and a
former political prisoner, Michnik will speak tonight
about his predictions for further change in the
Communist system.
"Adam Michnik is the intellectual architect of the
entire philosophy which has dominated the change now
sweeping all of Eastern Europe," said Robert Zajonc; di-
rector of the University's Institute for Social Research.
"Michnik's immense contribution is to put the devel-
opment of Eastern Europe in the most civilized of
"Above all," said Zajonc, who will introduce
Michnik before his speech tonight, "he abhors violence,
lying, and deception. That is, every method that was
used by the Communist government in Eastern
Zajonc compared Michnik's ideology to the beliefs
of Gandhi and Thomas Jefferson and said Michnik's
quest for reform in Eastern Europe influenced the Polish
Solidarity movement.
David McQuaid, a Rackham graduate student, said,
"The kind of issues Michnik is dealing with - i.e.
what kind of socialism does Poland want to have in the
future - are important for all students, whether they
know anything about Eastern Europe or not." '
Michnik was born in Warsaw in 1946 to Polish
Communists. As a high school student in 1961, he was
publicly denounced by Polish Communist Party leader
Wladyslaw Gomulka for founding a revisionist discus-'
sion group called "The Contradiction Seekers' Club."
In 1968, when he was a history student at WarsaV
University, Michnik's participation in anti-communist
student protests led to his expulsion from school and to'
his subsequent imprisonment.
Though he was freed in 1969, Michnik's continued'
pursuit of political reform as a writer and traveling lec-
turer made him the target of police brutality and numr
ous arrests with varying jail terms.
Advocating political compromise and peaceful re-
form, Michnik's writings of the 1960s foreshadowed
many of the current political changes in Eastern Europe
and in Poland.
He has remained a consistent proponent of political
compromise and disagreed with fellow opposition
members when he predicted that Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev would have a vital role in Eastern European
Although Solidarity did not take his predictions seri-
ously, Michnik rightly forecasted last June that
Solidarity should be poised to assume a leading role in
Poland's government. Solidarity is now the dominating
power in Poland's coalition government.
Michnik's appearance is sponsored by the LSA col-
lege, the University's Center for Russian and East
European Studies, and the Copernicus Endowment.
Salvadoran mliary claims
battle victory; rebels disagree
(AP) - The two deadliest weeks of
the 10-year-old civil war have served
only to set the stage for more blood-
The battle of San Salvador - at
least the first one - is over. The
huge rebel offensive that began Nov.
11 failed to achieve its principal ob-
jective of persuading the government
to make significant concessions in
the quest for a negotiated solution.
Indeed, with the administration
claiming victory and demanding
what amounts to the rebels' surren-
der, and the insurgents promising to
finish off "the mortally wounded fas-
cist beast," Salvadorans can only ex-
pect weeks or months more of war-
fare of an intensity unseen since;
early 1981, when the rebels' first
"final offensive" failed.
"This battle against ARENA is a
battle that cannot turn back, a battle
to sweep fascism once and for all
from our country," the rebel clandes-
tine Radio Vencermos said late last
week. ARENA is the Nationalist
Republican Alliance, the governing
1,000 guerrillas were killed.
The figure appears inconsistent
with the relatively few dead guerril-
las seen by reporters who daily com-
pared notes on what they saw where
and when.
Cristiani says the decimation suf-
fered by guerrilla forces has been so
telling that they will be capable
from now on of only "terrorist" ac-
The contention is suspect, as the
president, the defense minister and
every colonel who went on record in
the months prior to the spectacular
push said the same thing: that insur-
gent capacity had been reduced to
isolated terrorist activity.
Cristiani acknowledged in an in-
terview after the fighting waned last
week that the guerrillas "are doing
some things that look more like re-
grouping than withdrawing."
Radio Vencermos on Friday re-
ferred to the 10-day concerted assault
on the capital and several provincial
cities as "the first period of offen-
sive," implying that others are in the
The war began in late 1979, but,
its roots go back much further.
Peasants and workers organized
widely in the 1970s. By the end of
the decade, federations demanding
profound structural reform to more
equitably distribute wealth were reg-
ularly putting tens of thousands of
people in the street. They probably
constituted a plurality of Salvado-
The growing left threatened the:
privileged, who reacted ferociously.
About 30,000 people are estimated;
to have been slain by government
troops or death squads between 1979
and 1984.
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