OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, November 22, 1989 The Michigan Daily - lr Exploring options to military research: Scientists must be responsible By Matt Green I only work on defensive weapons, not offensive ones. On a visit last year to the Uni- versity Campus, Dr. Hans Bethe noted that the best defense is one that not only makes the U.S. feel secure, but also makes our enemies feel secure. While the Reagan and Bush administrations us the euphemism "Strategic Defense Initiative", it is clear that developing such a defense creates, in the eyes of the Soviets, the possibility that the U.S. could launch a first strike of nuclear weapons, safely pro- tected from counterattack. Even though there is now general agreement that SDI, as originally envisioned, is not feasible, SDI research continues. This research fo- cuses on the development of weapons that would have the capability to surgically de- stroy Soviet weapons on the ground before they are used. In response to the develop- ment of such systems, the Soviets may decide to launch their nuclear missiles be- fore their weapons are obsolete. In short, the current weapons research is very desta- bilizing and creates less security rather than more according to the criteria of Dr. Bethe. It is better to have weapons work done by an enlightened person like me. No matter who does weapons research, the end results are basically the same. As discussed in point 1, weapons research, development and production does not pro- vide any useful product that increases any- one's standard of living. It is a drain on federal resources that could be better spent in other areas. And it has many potentially harmful effects on people and the earth. In addition, most people who try to speak out from within the "defense" estab- lishment are resisted, and lose promotions, money, or even their jobs. In October 1985, Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons scientist Roy Woodruff resigned as head of Livermore's x-ray laser pro- gram. Development of a nuclear pumped x-ray laser is considered a key area of SDI research. Woodruff claimed that misleading information about the laser was sent to high-ranking officials in Washington, and that he was not allowed to correct the mis- statements. The Sacramento Bee provides support for Woodruff's assertion. The Bee reported that as early as 1983, sources at Livermore claimed that weapons researcher Edward Teller was writing letters to White House officials saying the laser was entering "engineering phase." In 1987 Teller was forced to acknowledge that the laser had not even been proven to work. He also refused to deny his alleged quote that the laser was entering engineering phase, claiming only that whether or not he had said this was irrelevant. Two years after resigning, Woodruff was given a new job at Livermore in the area of treaty veri- fication, but only after filing a complaint with the University of California, which supervises the lab, claiming that Liver- more officials had blocked all his attempts to do research. We need the best and brightest in science and technology to maintain our national security. Assumed in this statement is the idea that weapons research and development and the maintenance of a strong armed forces is the best (or only) means to national se- curity. Many people and organizations are doing research which refutes this assump- tion. One example is the work of the Rocky Mountain Institute in Snowmass Colorado. Researchers there have studied the relationship between energy use and national security. They have concluded that the U.S. can promote national secu- rity, avoid conflict and save billions of dollars by eliminating dependence on en- ergy resources located in other countries. Among other interesting facts, they note that if the money spent to maintain U.S. military presence for one year in the Per- sian Gulf were spent on domestic energy efficiency implementation, U. S. imports from the Gulf could be eliminated. In addition, events of the last year throw into question the whole premise that the Soviet Union threatens U.S. interests and is bent on expanding its influence. In light of the need for increased economic devel- opment of our nation in response to the challenge presented by such nations as Japan and West Germany, and the urgent need for a response to the environmental crisis, one must ask where the "best and brightest" really most need to focus their energy. If I don't do this work on weapons, someone else will. This is in many, if not most cases a true statement. However, the rele- vant question is not whether it is true or false, but whether it justifies involvement in defense research. If this statement justi- fies doing weapons research, then one can justify an astounding array of other acts with a similar argument. It offers no guid- ance to a specific individual trying to make up her or his mind about what she should do with her or his life. This statement also ignores the power of collectiveaction. If enough potential weapons researchers refuse to work on weapons, we may be forced to investigate alternative strategies for promoting na- tional security. And finally, the number 10 justification for doing weapons research is: The DOD is the only agency that has money for the work I want to do. Unfortunately, in many cases this is also a true statement. Science and engi-4* neering fields are becoming increasingly dominated by military research, leaving many people with few alternatives. (Recall the statistics about federal budget priorities in item 1, and the statistics concerning employment of physics graduates in item 5.) Even established scientists doing civil- ian research are often forced into weapons work when funds for their research are cut. For example, at Lawrence Livermore the Tandem Mirror Magnetic Confinement Fusion Project, a civilian energy project whose goal was to produce a controlled fu- sion reaction, was eliminated at the same time Livermore received several million dollars for an SDI project. Workers were forced to find a new job or do SDI re- search. However, despite the truth of statement 10, it is not an excuse for doing military research if you plan ahead. Become aware of the military applications in you field of study and find out what the job market in your field is really like. Think about your political and philosophical beliefs. Only then can you make a decision to follow a career that supports these beliefs. Mike Green is a graduate student in the0 Department of Physics. irebigaUj Michigan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Hillel just offers guidance Vol. C, No. 56 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ITTQ n a c!PTT IRA FRUSTRATED IN ITS attempts to deny women the right to safe abortions through legislation, the U.S. government is now trying to ignore new developments which would make hbortions more accessible. *RU 486, the so-called abortion pill, Is an antiprogesterone steroid which ;an safely terminate pregnancy up to three weeks after a missed menstrual period. It has already been approved for use in France, China, Sweden, the Netherlands and Britain. There are no plans to introduce the pill here, and the government plans to keep it that way. . RU 486 was developed in France, where the constitution guarantees the light of legal abortion for all women, regardless of income. The French gov- ernment funded the research on RU 46, supervised testing of the pill, and now oversees its distribution. ':-Since its development, RU 486 has .ben used inclinical trials by more khan 4000 women in 20 countries, a larger sampling than the FDA would iiquire for the drug to be approved in tbe U.S. To date, all of the research :s shown the drug to be effective in ;terminating pregnancy only in its earliest stages, up to six or seven Weeks after the onset of the last nenstrual period. After eight weeks the drug has virtually no effect. The U.S. government has refused to sponsor research on RU 486 because of its declared anti-choice stance. A threatened National Right-to-Life Committee boycott has forced other research institutions to shy away from private testing. RU 486 would give a woman a safer, less traumatic and less expensive way to terminate an un- wanted pregnancy. Abortion, law- makers need to be reminded, is legal; the government has a moral responsi- bility to acknowledge and promote new scientific advances, just as it would for any other medical procedure. Critics of RU 486 contend that it would make abortion "too easy." Yet abortion should be easy, women should not be forced to endure personal trauma and humiliation in order to have reproductive control of their lives. Those who seek to make abortion inaccessible, and who think it should be a frightening process, seek to limit women's rights to choose. Testing on RU 486 must start im- mediately so the pill can be released into the market as soon as possible. All women in this country have the right to affordable, safe, abortion on demand. While the government slowly chips away at the accessibility of usual methods of abortion, making them a privilege for only the rich, RU 486 could offer-an alternative. By Benjamin Baskin Benjamin Mordechai Ben-Baruch's arti- cle, "Organized Zionist groups control de- bate" (Daily, 11/13/89) makes a number of questionable assertions about Hillel, the pro-Israel groups affiliated with it, and their involvement with the Daily. As an active participant in a number of Hillel groups, including a pro-Israel group, and as one who is presently working on be- coming a member of the Daily Opinion Page staff, I feel I'm in a position to re- spond to his article. The notion of this gargantuan Jewish organizational machine directly influenc- ing Hillel, and through it Jewish students, is simply not true. To start with, how Hillel works. One is usually not a member of Hillel, but rather of one or more of the many groups that are affiliated with it. Hillel itself is not present as an entity and a voice on campus so much as the groups that receive support from it are. The Israel group I am involved in, Union of Students for Israel, is a centrist grouping seeking to educate its members and others about Israel and Zionism. We are fully aware that Israel's present situa- tion is far from any sort of Zionist ideal; we grapple with the issue of how two peoples' aspirations can be met. Our group has its share of those who are very critical of Israel, and there is yet another Israel group that can be considered further to the left of us. The help we get from Hillel amounts to the use of their building, some funds (though nothing to brag about), and advice if we ask for it. Hillel does not interfere with the views we have or with the way we desire to express them, provided they are not racist or otherwise offensive. Far from obstructing our efforts to learn about what is happening in Israel and with Zion- ism, Hillel helps us. There is no dearth of journals in the Hillel building that criti- cize Israel. Last year when the Jewish publication that Ben-Baruch speaks of featured an arti- cle about the similarities between Israel and South Africa (an idea vehemently op- posed to by many Hillel members), Hillel in no way tried to obstruct it. Similarly, when the same journal pondered legal ac- tion against the Daily for an alleged unau- thorized reprinting of one of their articles, the action was entirely their own and not a machination of Hillel's. Hillel, along with many of the affiliated groups, though not all, most certainly did react strongly to Marc Ellis' article "In the service of the state." It was clearly stated by these groups that they are not at all opposed to criticism of Israel, but in this case they felt that the presentation of El- lis's article in the Daily was wrong. Call- ing an action of the Daily "anti-Semitic" is not an effort to control - it is an opin- ion. And Ben-Baruch exercised his right to refute that opinion with his article. Submitting that Hillel wants to subvert and control the Daily because it expresses an opinion is ludicrous. I've watched both Hillel and the Daily and there is no con- spiracy to exercise control over student publications. Hillel could not do so if it wanted to. What there is, however, is the ever-present desire to speak up when an ar- ticle in the Daily treats a situation inaccu- rately. A final criticism: Ben-Baruch states that Hillel should focus solely on reconnecting Jewish students with their Jewish heritage,, , "transcending Zionism and affirming Jew- ish values." Many, including myself, though not driven religiously in their Zionism, see strong connections between their Judaism and Zionism. Having a strong consciousness of the Jewish situa- tion is an integral part of my Judaism and I find in Israel and Zionism a potentially better future for Jews. In addition, my Ju- daism and its moral standards dictate that a just solution is reached for Palestinians and Jews. Hillel has provided an atmo- sphere in which I naturally came to the colaclusion that my Judaism and Zionism can, or even must, go hand in hand. Benjamin Baskin is an LSA junior and a member of Union of Students for Israel. .*,*.*.*,* ,*.!*:!!'. .'." !.'.: * :.:i !i.*.i'.i* 1'ii.* .*.: .i i:iiis* ...i: i i i *'.::. *. *. !* iti.i' . !!i. *.'! . .' i . !! "!. . !! .*.. . . .!ni'' :.' :' :ii!. !! ""!i'i!. .ti}'""'":'i: !''r''i!''': '!'i!!i! i!!i!i ::''''!i !i''' .iii!!!!'''"t.!'"'' ""!i"t~!!"t'""''!i!:~ii!tttr tti!i ' ! i ''! ' '.!!~ ! !!'V ' !' iiti' ' '!i:ii i !i' U tL i..e tt.' 'i.'e i..rsi.!.i i . i ..ii... to t 1)0 E dr; . . i'Yri'fi i1".: .i :is s'..: .. ' . .' Giving thanks for what? N 1620, some of the United States' most notorious cultural heroes,. the Puritans, sat down to eat a meal with one of the United States' Native American peoples. Winter was coming on, and the Puritans - far away from England and exhausted after what had been an exceptionally long voyage to North America's rocky northern coast -were without either food or shelter. Confronting starvation, they turned to the region's indigenous population for help. They were provided with ;helter and clothing, squash and corn, medicine and advice. They survived. This is the historical context we commemorate when we celebrate Thanksgiving. But you would never ent peoples. The disparities long evident on every Thanksgiving Day - the fact that "plenty" is enjoyed amidst hunger, that homes are warmed while millions are homeless, and that those enjoying the plenty and living in the homes are dis- proportionately white and wealthy - bespeaks a perversion of community. Moreover, it signals the dominant cul- ture's obliteration of the native peoples whose practices of sharing and giving might have served as a model for the white settlers whose very survival de- pended upon those practices. Instead, the whites massacred those peoples and what came to be known as the United States was founded unon Opinion Page needs integrity To the Daily: Of the several astonishing comments in the opinion by Benjamin Ben-Baruch, ("Organized Zionist groups control debate" Daily, 11/13/89) surely the most ex- traordinary is his assertion that Hillel has organized "a cam- paign against those articulating opposition to the policies of the State of Israel" and that it has "successfully waged a cam- paign to influence the editorial decisions of the Daily." The latter assertion is patently ludi- crous to anyone who still reads this page and has seen Jews and Judaism besmirched, and the very real plight of the Pales- tinians trivialized, by the mind- less - and endless -barrage in these conflicts are complex, . the Opinion Page editors be- lieve that they are simple and obvious, and have decided to protect the University commu- nity from this misperception by presenting almost exclu- sively one extreme side of the question. The Opinion Page is well within its right to take a stance and even, perhaps, to bludgeon its dwindling readership with it. But let the record show that Hillel has been the one arena on campus which has consis- tently been prepared to let peo- ple hear a wide range of views and then make up their own minds. The two publications spon- sored by Hillel to which Mr. Ben-Baruch refers - Considjr and Prospect - have both, on many occasions, published pieces which are anathema to most of the Jewish commu- nity. Amv Harmnn and Daniel the threat of lawsuits, that journalistic integrity means re- specting copyright rules. They know that complex questions require the broadest possible expression of opinion. And they understand that while the sharpest and most critical assessments of any nation's ac- tions are necessary and appro- priate, attacks on a particular ethnic or religious group or the integrity of a religious tradition have no place in any serious discussion. We hope that this sense of editorial integrity will soon return to the Opinion Page of The Michigan Daily. -Michael Brooks Joseph Kohane November 14 Salvadoran military kills Daily reported: "Military planes fired rockets yesterday afternoon into the neighbor- hoods . . . trying to drive out guerrillas. Some rockets struck homes, killing several civilians and wounding others." U.S. Ambassador William Walker does not deny reports that "Salvadoran armed forces helicopters and C47 planes were firing indiscriminately on civilian positions that serve as rebel strongholds" (Detroit Free Press, 11/14). It is the Salvadoran military of the Arena party government that has planes and is dropping the bombs on neighborhoods in San Salvador. Ricardo Alexander Perdomo said the guerrillas gave him first aid. Thus he is a victim of indiscriminate military bombings of civilians by the Salvadoran government, and it is these bombings that must be condemned. When the Daily