OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, November 21, 1989 The Michigan Daily 91 The top ten justifications for doing weapons research (refuted): Taking By Matt Green This is the first in a two-part series. I would like to state openly that my ac- tions are not completely consistent with the arguments presented here. For exam- ple, I still teach introductory physics. However, I do think a lot about the conse- quences of my actions and decisions. I hope that others are as disturbed as I am about the increasing militarization of. science and are moved to consider seri- ously the consequences of their own career choices -and to take action accordingly. Most of the information for this article is compiled from Career Information for the Socially Responsibility Physicist, by Charles Schwarz; Publish and Perish, by Paul Selvin and Schwarz, Science for the People, Vol 20 #1, Jan/Feb 1988; and an article by Stanton Glanz and Norm Albers, Science, vol. 186, 1974, page 706. The top ten justifications for doing weapons research: I am just a scientist doing my job; I stay out of politics. "" V Doing weapons research is in it- self a political statement because weapons research has a significant effect on our so- ciety. The end product of weapons research is not useful to anyone in their daily life. Instead, weapons are produced which, at best, are never used, and at worst cause money human suffering and death. In addition, there is a mounting body of evidence that weapons research, development and pro- duction pollutes the earth and poisons our own citizens. The radioactive emissions from plutonium processing plants are just one example of this. By doing weapons research, you place yourself in a position in which your job security, financial well-being, and career advancement depend on continued and in- creasing funding of military projects. If you don't directly lobby for such in- creases, others will do it for you. For ex- ample, in 1978 after Lawrence Livermore National Lab Director Roger Batzel and Los Alamos National Lab Director Harold Agnew persuaded President Carter not to sign a comprehensive test ban treaty, Ag- new claimed, "There is no question in my mind we turned Carter around... It was ob- vious we had an impact." If you are involved in weapons research, you are acutely aware that your job and your salary are threatened if you speak out against building, designing and testing new weapons. In a democratic society, si- lence on these issues makes you an ac- complice to whatever decisions are made. Between 1980 and 1989, the federal government has increased military spend- ing by 44 percent and cut domestic spend- ing by 22 percent. During this time, the for better bombs Housing and Urban Development Budget was cut by almost 80 percent. A shift in priorities during this time would have severely curtailed the present homeless problem. What were all of the "a-political" weapons researchers doing then? I take Department of Defense (DOD) money, but I am just doing basic research, not work on weapons. The end use of my research is out of my control. I am fooling the DOD by taking this money for my research, which they would otherwise spend on weapons. I am doing the work I want to do, not what the DOD tells me to do. According to Selvin and Schwarz, "The Pentagon has an extensive and sophisti- cated organizational structure to determine what areas of science are of most benefit to the military and which particular re- search projects will further specific mili- tary goals." Further, Glanz and Alber's write, "Both the National Research Coun- cil's (a civilian advisory board) determina- tion of scientific merit and the military lab expert's judgement of relevance must be affirmative or the DOD will not fund the proposal." If you take DOD money, you can be quite sure your research is of direct relevance to some specific weapons sys- tem. Whether or not your interests lie in weapons development, you are supporting weapons research by working on DOD projects. I don't use DOD money, the De partment of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) fund my research. According to a NSF report, in 1985 the DOE spent 43 percent of its research and development budget on weapons research while only 46 percent of its budget was spent on energy. This figure for weapons research was up from 36 percent just two years before and has probably been increas- ing ever since. This trend is also noted by Glanz and Albers, who also remark that the NSF, DOE, NASA, and DOD regu- larly consult, coordinate, and even trade and share project funding. As well, a 1982 report by the Defense Science Board says, "Research and Development in Uni- versities is supported by many sponsors, each relying on complementary funding from the other sponsors to leverage its own expenditures." While the DOE and NSF do fund civil- ian research, their names do not guarantee that their projects are not part of an effort to develop weapons. It pays to research in detail the possible applications of your work if you are concerned about avoiding weapons research. I don't have any government research funds. I'm just a physics teacher. You may not be doing military research, but you may be helping to train students who are likely to end up doing weapons research. A 1986 NSF survey reveals that 48 percent of physicists who received their bachelor's degrees from 1983 to 1985 are involved in "defense" research. Since 1986 this figure has probably increased. In addi- tion, it is likely that a comparable or even greater percentage of engineering students will become involved in weapon's re- search. Dr. Robert Rosenzweig, former vice president of Stanford University and cur- rent president of the Association of Amer- ican Universities, was called to testify be- fore congress concerning appropriations for the Department of Defense in 1986. When asked how a young Ph.D. engineer could best contribute to the Department of Defense, Dr. Rosenzweig responded: "If he. is ... good enough, we would like him to go back on university faculty." Rosen- zweig's implication is clear. Because of a national shortage of engineering profes- sors, an engineer contributes more to weapons research by training new engi- neers that by working directly on DOD weapons research. Matt Green is a graduate student in the physics department. 'it d £e idigja tilg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Frightening conclusions Vol. C, No. 55 420 Maynard St- Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. FRAPwNN 'IIGtOW Is' 5GROFS OR.UNS, 1HEY_ NEVER NTHIONED PIEISTS. *'A CD- *- What are you; afraid of. Duderstadt? 4 Meet student demands LAST THURSDAY, according to Reuters, CBS, CNN and numerous eyewitnesses, the government of El Salvador murdered six Jesuit priests, one of their servants, and that servant's daughter. This is the same government that the United States supports with over $1.5 million dollars a day - 74 :--percent of which is either officially or tmnofficially used for military aid. On Friday, one-hundred fifty stu- s ents - half of those participating in a -: Latin America Solidarity Committee rally against U.S. support for El Salvador's murderous government - -went to the Fleming Administration Building asking for Duderstadt to con- lemn the killings and support the demonstration's indictment of the U.S. government that made them possible. But the students were met with a con- temptuous silence and a series of lies rather than an accountable president and a fruitful dialogue. First they were told Duderstadt was unavailable for the Iay. Subsequently, when the demon- 8trators refused to leave the building, Duderstadt magically became available over the telephone - though Assistant to the President Shirley Clarkson claimed that Duderstadt had called in while Vice President for Government Relations Richard Kennedy claimed that the office had contacted Duderstadt. t Clearly lied to and obviously .s.tonewalled, the students called for Duderstadt to meet with them in an ppen forum with media present. 2 S " . ..ny **t ~ irinnt* # n *t # * m-,4nn All of these lies from an Administration professing accountabil- ity is bad enough. The hypocrisy ac- companying those lies is worse. Last summer, Duderstadt, joined a number of other U.S. university presidents in speaking out against the Chinese gov- ernment's brutal massacre in Tianenmen Square. Duderstadt was all too willing to grandstand over China, a country that neither the United States nor the University of Michigan can do much to influence. But he continues to maintain a steadfast silence on the University's and the United States' role in supporting the Salvadoran govern- ment's violence. Here at the University, U.S. Defense Department contracts have helped de- velop the napalm and chemical weapons to which the Salvadoran population has been subjected in almost daily bombing raids for almost a decade. And here at the University, a sister university relationship exists between the students at Michigan and those at the University of El Salvador - a complex which the U.S-trained Salvadoran military has repeatedly in- vaded. Last week, that same govern- ment bombed it out of existence. Apparently, Duderstadt is more con- cerned about Defense Department money than about students - either here or in El Salvador. He refuses to meet with one group or speak out on behalf of the other. Perhaps his own ties to Defense Department money - through his research on lethal laser ,j,'rarnrc fnrhe IT C A irfrr - By Mike Sobel This is the last of a four-part series. I have proposed in this series that HIV- 1 has no likely progenitor among the many known retroviruses; that it came neither from monkeys nor from any other anima' virus. I have also proposed that AIDS appeared after the discovery of rDNA technology at a time when the mili- tary was most likely using this technol- ogy to conduct experiments in biowarfare. In this part, I would like to point to some anomolies among the retroviral genomes, and specifically in HIV-1, which might independently suggest that certain retroviruses have been manipulated in vitro - the end result of which was the synthesis of AIDS. First, there are truncated transmem- brane proteins in clones of HTLV-IV and STLV-III. As mentioned in part II, the pathogenesis of HTLV-IV, a human retro- virus isolated in healthy Senegalese, is still under debate. STLV-III is a simian retrovirus, found in African Green Mon- keys. In his 1987 article published in Na- ture, Arya says that "Kornfield et al. have also noted that HTLV-IV and STLV-III may not be independent virus isolates but result from transmission of the same virus to different cell cultures in the laboratory." This indicates that a monkey virus may be related to a human retrovirus, not by natu- ral mutation, but through laboratory transmission. Second, in his 1987 article published in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, McClure re- ports that a protease-like gene segment lo- cated between ribonuclease H and the en- donuclease genes of visna and EIAV (two animal retrovirus which, like HIV-1 is of the lenti category but do not seem to be its progenitor), was related to a different region in the simian retrovirus type 1 group (SRV-1). McClure believes that a horizontal transfer of newly acquired ge- netic information took place between an SRV-I virus and one of the lentivirus type. "How the protease-like segment was horizontally transferred from its site of du- plication to a nonhomologous region in an other virus group is open to specula- tion. Classic homologous recombination cannot account for the translocation be- cause the sequence surrounding the extra segments are not at all similar." This time, there seems to have been an enig- matic transfer of genetic information be- tween a monkey virus and a lenti virus. Again, HIV-1 shares the pathogenic poten- tial of lentiviruses while displaying the T4 tropism of monkey viruses. Third, Hauber, in his 1987 article in Proc Nall Acad Sci USA, asserts that HIV-l's tat protein function seems to be related to the "nuclear trans-acting gene products EIA of adenovirus and large tu- mor (T) antigen of simian virus type 40." Adenovirus and SV40 are tumor viruses and not retroviral at all. (In 1973, the Gor- don Research Conference in New Hamp- shire expressed much concern focused on the possible biohazards relative to the use of rDNA in tumor-causing viruses. Fur- thermore, John Stockwell, an ex-CIA agent with whom I spoke to on the phone, mentioned that the CIA had been playing around with SV40. Fourth, HIV-1 seems to have some mechanisms that may be novel in biol- ogy. There are myriad more possibilities in nature for recombination than are available in the lab. Questions regarding how such a sophisticated and lethal virus as HIV-1 could have been engineered, must be left open to speculation as I cannot know what specific techniques were tried or what genes were available. Yet, as I argued in part III, once the probability of intense and careless experi- mentation by the military is accepted, the odds increase in favor of this claim. In his 1979 book, Recombinant DNA and Ge- netic Experimentation, Morgan best sums up this point: "It should be remembered that for an organism to cause an epidemic it must develop an extraordinary selective advantage...evolutionary considerations to suggest that if the military possessed such a virus, they would consider Africa, which in many areas is sparsely populated and underdeveloped, an ideal playground for experimentation. Whether the virus leaked out acciden-@ tally or the CIA was conducting experi- ments on human subjects, I cannot know. Either is possible; the former because of the unpredictable nature of pathogen re- search mentioned in part III and the latter because the CIA has a record of testing po- tentially lethal agents on unwitting human subjects (if the CIA tested psychochemi- cals on U.S. citizens, they would have no reservations about conducting equally- lethal experiments on Africans). If the lat- ter is true, then they underestimated the virus' potential. It was probably not until the spread of the epidemic that they real- ized they had literally created a monster. As I mentioned in the beginning of this series, neither the scientific commu- nity nor the media has touched this claim. The media coverage of the AIDS epidemic, in general, has been abysmal. The scien- tific community's reaction to the epidemic* has been petty, scientifically conservative and often confrontational. I have shown how reasonable doubt can be raised about the virus itself. The possibility that the AIDS virus was genetically engineered must be openly discussed and hopefully re- futed by the scientific community. This university possesses a wealth of research 'This university possesses a wealth of research facilities in ge- netic engineering. It has also contributed to biowarfare re- search. I challenge those specialists to provide convincing evi- dence that AIDS is not a human creation.' make it almost impossible to conceive of a situation where a recombinant plasmid, or an infected host, acquires unwittingly a special advantage. I therefore do not see the case for significant concern, even about conjectured hazards, with recombi- nant DNA technology unless work is car- ried out with known dangerous pathogens." What are some possible scenarios? I believe that if the military was conducting experiments with retroviruses, either by creating hybrids with existing viruses or by adding genes, they probably did not un- derstand the mechanism or full potential of their new pathogen. In other words, the fervor created by the promise of rDNA technology and the relatively careless na- ture of biowarfare experimentation in the past, generates the possibility that the AIDS virus was a product of many exper- iments with viruses, the longterm effects of which could not be known. Because of the history of military ac- tivity in the Third World, it is reasonable facilities in genetic engineering. It has also contributed to biowarfare research. I challenge those specialists to provide con- vincing evidence that AIDS is not a hu- man creation. Ultimately the possibility that HIV-1 was genetically engineered is much less palatable than accepting AIDS as the re- sult of natural and uncontrollable events. In his 1987 article published in Scientific American, Robert Gallo, one of the pi- oneers in HIV research, maintains that the moral of the AIDS epidemic is that the scientific community has displayed hubris in believing that they had conquered infec- tious diseases. He humbly bows down be- fore the awesome power of nature whichO he believes is never truly conquered. I am sure that Gallo would be less willing to bow down to a team of military biowarfare researchers, offering morals like "human abuses of nature will never be conquered," or "humankind has conquered itself." Mike Sobel is a Daily News reporter. . .*..........,..,......1' 411 1tY .,11:.'.":.1 ........ .. ..4. I