OPINION Page 4 Monday, November 20,1989 The Michigan Daily Students demand response on El Salvador atrocities: An open letter to Duderstadt This letter was signed by 150 of the stu- dents who entered the Fleming building to meet with President Duderstadt on Friday. President Duderstadt, We are writing to ask that you make a public statement putting both yourself and the University on record as condemning recent events in El Salvador, specifically the murder of six Jesuit priests, their cook and her daughter at the University of Cen- tral America in San Salvador last week, and the aid from the United States that makes this slaughter possible. The priests were targeted by government troops for death because of their open sup- with violence, you saw fit to join with other University presidents around the country in condemning that action. We feel that the situation in El Salvador now is similar and requires a similar action on your part. The situation in El Salvador deserves special attention because the United States government provides more than 1.5 mil- lion dollars in aid to the Salvadoran gov- ernment every day - a contribution greater than that of the Salvadoran gov- ernment to its own national budget. The killings last week were nothing new. In this decade alone the Salvadoran government has killed more than 60,000 which supports human and civil rights and academic freedom. We ask that you add your voice to those condemning U.S. aid and the atrocities which it is used for. We are asking in this manner because you would not agree to meet with us in a public forum. We find it hypocritical that you expect us to attend classes of more than 200 students daily, yet stated to us that an open forum would degenerate into a "circus," making rational discussion impossible. We are also dismayed by the manner in which your staff dealt with us when we presented our demand in the Fleming Building on Friday. We were initially told that all of the University's executive offi- cers were in a retreat on a train and could not be reached. When asked if we could set up an appointment, we were told that your schedule was not known. Yet within an hour you were on the phone seeing when a meeting could take place. That bureaucrats lie came as no surprise to us; that they would do so in such a blatant manner causes us to feel some embarrassment for ing their deaths. Editor's note: Although officials repeat- edly asserted that they could not reach the president, eye witnesses report seeing Duderstadt himself leaving the Fleming building during the protest at his office. - More military -~a for $$ El Salvador. , -gfWHITE Duderstadt should speak out on killings By Jeffery Paige Co-signed by William Alexander, John Vandermeer, Alan Wald, Tom Weisskopf, Bob Hauert, Mary Ann Allen, Nile Harper, Joseph Kohane, Virginia Peacock A 'We find it hypocritical that you expect us to attend classes of more than 200 students daily, yet stated to us that an open forum would degenerate into a "circus," making rational discussion impossible.' port for the poor and marginalized in Sal- civilians in indiscriminate bombings of vadoran society. That the government rural areas, and through death squads. Aid would kill them obviously violates the from the United States equips the Salvado- principle of academic freedom, as well as ran army and U.S. advisors train Salvado- fundamental human and civil rights. ran troops. Last summer, when the Chinese gov- Only through opposition here will our ernment crushed student demonstrations government change its policy to one abi E4fri~u 4~ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 MaynardSt. Vol. C, No. 54 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Suppiort HAC's action: Startingat Day One THIS SPRING, if City Council plans to address the low-income housing cri- are not changed, two downtown homes sis. The opening up of the DDA fund to will be demolished to make room for an build low-income housing would make unneeded city-funded parking structure over $17 million available to address the on South Ashley and William Street. problem. Additional funds could come Last Monday, members of the Home- directly from the City Council budget less Action Committee (HAC) occupied and from the financing plan HAC has one of these houses. The house has proposed. been named "Day One," and is being There are currently 1,000-2,000 used as a center for organizing around homeless people living in Ann Arbor. In issues of housing and homelessness - addition to the pitiful lack of low-in- and is home to several activists who are come housing, Ann Arbor's emergency homeless. It stands as a powerful sym- shelter facilities are also woefully in- bol of the struggle against distorted City complete. Additional emergency shelter spending practices that prioritize profits must be provided particularly in the over people. winter months, but it does not represent City Council has approved the use of an adequate response to the issue of $9 million in Downtown Development homelessness. City council must face Authority (DDA) funds to finance the the housing crisis it has helped create construction of the Ashley-William and take responsibility for the construc- structure. Over $13 million in DDA tion of low-income housing in the funds have already been spent on the downtown district- construction of parking structures. No In the absence of widespread criticism DDA money has been used to construct of its negligence, City Council has con- housing that is affordable for people tinually shirked this responsibility. The with low-incomes. Tonight, concerned emergence of a growing local movement citizens of Ann Arbor will gather at the has begun to force the Council to reex- City Council meeting to protest the amine its priorities. In April, over 100 city's distorted spending priorities and protestors occupied the Kline's lot to to support the Homeless Action Com- demonstrate against the proposed use of mittee's demands. DDA funds to build a parking structure HAC has four central demands. 1) there. City Council members responded That the City Council cancel the pro- weakly by linking a proposal to use posed Ashley-William parking structure $300 thousand in DDA funds for the project and that all remaining DDA construction of affordable housing to funds be used toward building 1,500 the proposal that $9 million be used to units of low-income housing in Ann build the parking structure. Arbor; 2) That any new multiple-unit This $300 thousand was an inade- private housing development must offer quate token compromise in response to 30 percent of its space as housing af- public outcry. However, increased fordable to people with low incomes; 3) pressure from Ann Arbor's citizens That developers of any private venture would force council members, particu- downtown other than housing contribute larly those potentially sympathetic to the 30 percent of the cost of the venture cause, to take a stronger proactive stand toward the construction of low-income and confront the affordable housing housing; and, 4) That the city open crisis. additional emergency shelter and The Homeless Action Committee de- additional transitional housing for peo- serves your support. Support their de- ple moving from homelessness to per- mands at the City Council meeting manent housing, and that the city find a tonight, at 7:15 p.m. at City Hall (Fifth permanent site for the day program. and Huron). The rights of Ann Arbor's Members of City Council have repeat- low income residents have been ignored edly claimed that the city lacks the funds long enough. The Onininn naue is acti~vyrec~ruijting or men- you. These considerations should not detract from the real focus of this letter, your condemnation of the killing of the six Je- 'WiyD.C. ist le M9URDETcapitalof America suit priests and the U.S. role in facilitat- Look for.the last installment of Mike Sobel's . ,. "AIDS wPoss ible Oagin,' on thiswe's Opinion Page. I Dear President Duderstadt, I am writing in behalf of a group of concerned faculty and campus religious leaders shocked and saddened by the mas- sacre of religious and academic leaders of the University of Central America Jose Simeon Canas in El Salvador. I myself hold a Fulbright nomination to the Uni- versity and had proposed to work with the Segundo Montes, head of the social sciences division and one of those killed. we are writing to urge you to make a pub- lic statement placing the University on record as condemning these killings in the strongest possible terms and defending university autonomy and academic free- dom. We propose that some language such as the following might be suitable: On behalf of the University community I condemn in the strongest possible terms the murders of administrators, faculty and staff of the University of Central America Jose Simeon Canas in El Salvador. I call for every effort to apprehend and punish those responsible for this barbarous act to defend and restore university autonomy and academic freedom that it has so grievously damaged. We would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this matter further if you would find it helpful, and we would be willing to assist you in any other appropriate manner. Thank you for your consideration. Abortion By The Pro-Choice Commit- tee of the U. of M. American ; Civil Liberties Union, U. of M. Chapter of Democratic ' Socialists of America, and U. of M. College Democrats. The Supreme Court's recent Webster de- cision has placed women's reproductive freedom in great jeopardy. The anti-abor- tion minority (polls, including a 1988 Harris study, consistently show that a vast majority of Americans believe that abor- tion is a question for a woman and her ' physician to decide) has begun pressuring state legislatures to pass restrictive abor- tion laws. Moreover, the anti-abortion ' forces are assaulting state and federal courts with challenges to the Roe v Wade decision. Rallying around Webster, the anti-abor- tion forces have declared war on reproduc- tive freedom. The pro-choice majority can ill afford to remain silent any longer. Those who support a woman's right to control her body must actively oppose the proposed restrictions on abortion. The first serious threat to abortion rights comes from two cases currently on appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Hodgson v. Minnesota involves the country's most restrictive abortion law for minors. The statute in question re- quires a minor to notify both of her par- ents before receiving an abortion. This re- quirement unjustly inhibits minors from exercising their right to an abortion, and it contradicts established medical practices which require that only one parent be noti- fied in case of a serious medical procedure. In addition, the statute in Hodgson does not provide a minor with the option of having a judge exempt her from the notifi- cation requirement. Even in cases where a minor has been sexually abused by her fa- ther, this law requires that the minor ob- tain her father's permission before obtain- ing an abortion. As if the sexual abuse rights attacked were not bad enough, this law would vic- timize a minor twice by requiring her to secure her abusive father's consent. The next case on appeal poses perhaps a more serious threat to abortion rights. Turnock v. Ragsdale involves an elaborate licensing scheme that seeks to impose re- strictions on out-patient abortion clinics. These out-patient facilities perform the majority of this country's abortions. The statute in this case requires clinics to oper- ate emergency facilities comparable to those of a full-care hospital. If upheld, this statute will force many small clinics out of business because they cannot afford to maintain such extensive emergency facili- ties. With fewer clinics, women will have a very difficult time obtaining a safe, af- fordable, and timely abortion. The abortion debate is also raging in state legislatures across the coun- try.Webster has opened the door for restric- tive legislation which would severely jeopardize reproductive freedom. Here in Michigan, three especially threatening bills are pending. The first proposed bill requires women under 18 to obtain written permission from their parents, or a waiver state-run hospitals and would prohibit state-employed doctors from performing abortions. Like the counseling bill, this law would unjustly victimize poor women. While rich women may be able to afford abortions from physicians in private practice, poor women likely have no alter-, native other than public medical facilities. Women should not lose the right to control their own bodies merely because they cannot afford private medical care. As these pending court cases and legislative proposals indicate, the anti-abortion forces have begun an assault on reproductive freedom. If they continue to face little op- position from the pro-choice majority, they have a significant chance of extin- guishing the right to an abortion. Pro-choice supporters, however, can still act to preserve this right. Abortion rights supporters in Florida, for example, have recently won two major victories. The Florida Supreme Court struck down that state's parental consent law, and Florida's legislature overwhelmingly re- jected every anti-choice bill proposed in a recent legislative session. Pro-choice Americans must make their 'While rich women may be able to afford abortions from physicians in private practice, poor women likely have no al- ternative other than public medical facilities.' from a judge, before receiving an abortion. This bill ignores the fact that in many dysfunctional families a minor may not be able to communicate openly with her par- ents, and it disregards the fact that minors may not have the resources to obtain a ju- dicial bypass. The second Michigan bill would ban the use of Department of Social Services funds for counseling on abortion. This law would especially undermine the rights of poor women who do not have access to private counseling. A woman should not be kept ignorant of a fundamental right just because she cannot afford private ad- vice. The last bill would prohibit abortions in feelings known to their elected officials with their voices and their votes. Those who support reproductive freedoms should immediately demand that their representa- tives oppose bills which restrict abortion rights, and they should support groups like Planned Parenthood, The National Organization for Women (NOW), and the ACLU, that actively fight for abortion rights. Moreover, the pro-choice majority must flex its political muscle and elect pro- choice candidates as it did recently in the Virginia and New Jersey governor races. With a little resolve the pro-choice major- ity can protect a woman's fundamental right to control her own body. htly de- the following paragraph he e Opin- stated that, "This 'established though Jewish community' is in cri- portant sis." It is obvious that I am such as not the only one confused but olicies, Ben-Baruch is as well. iust nc- Also. Ben-Baruch is under 1.4"." titi ': }:': i'} jar. .":ti1":. i.".{".".....'. r .'.':'.ti"..':'.'J:":'.:":'.ti :"t.ti{'. !. ti": i." : ' .".' "":.tititiY.ti" iti':': i:": . i.": i::': :ti'::':::': ".v:.".:..:: r. ... .. ... ..r." : : h: ti ":.h".":::.Y::::: is i : " " "::.Y. iY. . is : ":ti":":"::": ti"::ti":ti1' ............... .. . Y.'.': ,y( ti' Y ": '.ti i:'i ::.'i.. ..S.Y .. ... ....". J.. B LLB.'::.:... : V":' "::'"::':::':' :........................... ... . . .. .. ".:i ..1.......8....8. ..L ". ":B.tiB:. tii ' ti'i.'i:.tiB.B tiB B: T." ": '::: ':. '. BBBLBB..BBB.BB B.... B...B.."BBBBB.B..B.B. BBL. L V.L":: Y :............... ." "':::: ".;. ..t .................L::.W.Vi:.L".^:: i' :i ii: iil i i' i . i" BL": A plethora of wrongs To the Daily: After reading Benjamin In the first paragraph Ben- Baruch states that the student groups affiliated with Hillel are attempting to control and dom- inate discussion about the Arab-Israeli conflict. He is cor- rect in savinii that discussion all agree, this issue rigt serves domination on th ion Page. It is not as there are any other im issues to be tackleds apartheid, University p and a minor issue that