Update I f v 0 4 MIRLYN AT MICHIGAN MIRLYN (the Michigan Research comprised of many volumes, this repre- Library Network) is moving up in the sented a considerable portion of the world. Beginning in Fall term, the UM Library's five million volumes. (The Library's computer system will not only Library holds a total of 2.3 million titles.) contain information on the library's Recently, the Library added over collections, but indexes to journal articles 300,000 of its older records to MIRLYN. in many disciplines. MIRLYN is already MIRLYN now includes over half the titles accessible through the libraries, campus included in the card catalog totalling about computing sites, offices and homes: in the two thirds of the library's volumes. future, MIRLYN will serve as a gateway A project to convert the remainder of to a wider range of information sources the card catalog is underway. The including state and national libraries and a endeavor, partially funded by the W.K. variety of bibliographic and other data- Kellogg Foundation, will be complete by bases. the Spring of 1990. When finished, the MIRLYN contains any of the informa- UM Library will beone of the few tion one would expect to find ina standard libraries its size that has been able to add card catalog. In addition to this, the on- all of its older materials to its on-line line computer system displays information catalog. regarding how many copies of a title are While the citations included in owned and in which campus library they MIRLYN are growing, the following can be found. For serials (i.e. newspapers, materials are completely, or almost com- journals and magazines) MIRLYN pletely covered by MIRLYN right now: indicates where particular volumes are -All books published in the Roman alphabet held. By January, MIRLYN will display cataloged since 1975 (including microfilms); circulation information (items checked -Most journals and other serials (including out, due dates, etc.) and by next year, microform serials); ot, duetatesnomainabueroi Transliterated records for materials In non- more detailed information about periodi- Roman alphabets cataloged since the late cals and materials that are on order. S1970s; To be sure, some titles may now be -Chinese, Japanese and Korean materials located only by searching the card catalog, cataloged since 1983; As a rule of thumb, however, itsis safest to -Musical scores that have been cataloged say that most books published since 1975 since the late 1970s; are contained in the database. Most of the -Maps cataloged since 1976; university library's serials have also been -Manuscripts and manuscript collections added. cataloged since 1980; As MIRLYN was unveiled last summer, :Records of ICPSR data files. the database included 935,000 titles. 'Over 10,000 microforms cataloged as part Because "titles" such as journals are of Research Libraries' Group preservation Becaus "tites" sch asjournls ar In addition to the above, a number of other subject areas are near completion. Those areas include psychology, English language and literature, mathematics, ge- ography, physics, the arts and art history, and certain areas of history (including that of Britain, the United States, and much of Western Europe). By the end of 1989, 80% of the medical and health science collection will be on-line. Until the con- version is complete, however, library users should remember to check the card catalog for any title older than 1975 not found. By late September, MIRLYN will contain databases that have information equivalent to many printed and electronic indexes to journal s. Among the first to be loaded onto MIRLYN will be the Humanities Index, the Social Sciences Index, the General Sciences Index, the Art Index, the Busi- ness Periodicals Index and the Applied Science and Technology Indexes. Psy- chological Abstracts and the Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) will be available through MIRLYN atla later date. Database searching will be the same as MIRLYN: By author, title, subject or key words. The Library will provide instruc- tional handouts concerning their use. Index loading is a first step toward making MIRLYN much more than an electronic card catalog. As MIRLYN grows, it will continue to become an in- creasingly valuable source of information to the University Library system and the University of Michigan as a whole. "- Volume 5, Number 11 Special Edition Fall 1989 University Library Update INSIDE A Guide to Services and Collections Branch and Divisional Libraries, Page 9. Courses offered by Library in Fall term, Page 13. Faculty Delivery Service, Page 8. Film and Video Library, Page 3. Graduate Library, Page 4. MIRLYN continues to grow, Page 16. Online Search Services, Page 6. Undergraduate Library, Page 7. User Services for people with disabilities, Page 3. From the Library Director For newcomers to the campus, welcome to the Library. For those already here, you know that it is one of your mostuseful resources during your stay at the University of Michi- gan. This supplement will highlight the services provided by the library. In this infor- mation age, the University Library will be your single greatest source of information at the University. Itis one of the largest libraries in the country and one of the principal factors in making this a great university. In these pages you will find an overview of the various libraries across campus and information on the various special services offered, such as the Peer Information Counseling program, and the 747-FAST document delivery service for faculty. Each individual library also has brochures or leaflets introducing its particular collections and services - look for those and ask the library staff for any questions you may have. The Library has always played a pivotal role in the life of the University of Michigan. The very first appointment made by the Board of Regents in 1837, at their first meeting, was that of the University Librarian. The continuing central focus on this institution has made the University of Michigan Library one of the greatest collections in the country, staffed by some of the very best librarians, who serve, certainly, one of the finest academic communities in the nation. Welcome to the University Library! Robert M. Warner Interim Director, University Library and Dean, School of Information and Library Studies. Library Preservation Division Helps Protect and Restore the Collections I %, I' , How to Use MIRLYN: You can search MIRLYN by author, title, suject, or keywork. To obtain more detailed information about searching, type a, t, s, sm, or k and press either Enter or Return. You may begin a MIRLYN search at any time and from any screen. Just begin your search with one of the following commands: To Find Type author a=holmes oliver (return or enter) a=plato (return or enter) title t=urban econ (return or enter) t=great gatsby (return or enter medical sm=neoplasms return or enter sm=auditory percep (return or enter) keyword k=microcomputer (return or enter) k=nuclear or atomic (return or enter) To shorten, or truncate a search term, type only as much as necessary to make it distinctive. Example: s= luna would retrieve: 'Luna, Alvaro 'Lunacharski, Anatoli Vasailevich -Lunar basins .Lunar craters ***For more detailed information, handouts are available at all libraries. See page 15 for information about MIRLYN workshops for students, faculty, and staff. Questions about MIRLYN may be referred to any library, to 764-9373, or by MTS message to MIRLYNINFO. f ROTTEN TO THE CORE! That phrase describes the condition of approximately 1.5 million volumes in the UM libraries. Yes, books are rotting, here at the University of Michigan and in libraries around the world. This large- scale deterioration of books has become a crisis which seriously threatens the documentary records of our past. The major culprit in this crisis is the acid in paper used to produce books since the mid-19th century. Research has shown that books printed since the 1850s have a useful life of fifty years or less. By that time, the paper in these books is often so brittle that pages snap off as they are turned, rendering the books virtually unusable. In addition, many newer books suffer damage through normal use - for example, being handled, photocopied, and carried in backpacks. Minor catas- trophies - like being dropped, getting wet in the rain, or being mauled by a pet - also take their toll. UM LEADS IN PRESERVATION Dealing with brittle paper, normal wear, and accidental damage to library materials requires a significant commit- ment of staff, money and time. Only a few of the nation's libraries have been Continued on page 2