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November 20, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-11-20

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'M' Football coverage
'M' Gymnastics preview
NCAA cross-country
championship begins today

An open letter to Duderstadt




The Call looks to the future

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. C, No. 54

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 20, 1989

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from San
(AP) - Rebel guerrillas withdrew
from San Salvador's outskirts yes-
terday, winding down their biggest
0 offensive of the civil war and pulling
back to their mountain strongholds.
Archbishop Arturo Rivera Damas
said that with the guerrilla with-
drawal "a dreadful wave of revenge,
repression and witch hunting may
follow." The attorney general said
Rivera Damas and a Roman Catholic
auxiliary bishop should leave El
Salvador for their own safety.
About 800 mourners meanwhile
attended the burial of six Jesuit
priests and two others who were
slain and mutilated early Thursday at
their residence at Jose Simeon Canas
Central American University.
The United States has pressed
President Alfredo Cristiani for a full
investigation of the killings, and a
U.S. senator warned U.S. aid to El
Salvador could be curtailed if Cris-
Stiani cannot control death squads
from operating in the country.
There was virtually no gunfire in
the capital as troops regained control
of the working-class districts of Za-
camil and Metropolis in the north
side, Mejicanos in the northeast and
Soyapango on the eastern edge of the
Army patrols moved through the
shattered streets, strewn with the
rubble of fighting. On some streets,
several burned bodies could be seen.
Later yesterday, security troops
raided for the second time in week a
See BREAK, Page 2

march in
30,000 denounce police
brutality; 10 arrested

About 70 protesters portray the murdering of civilians by government death squads in El Salvador. In total 300
people protested around downtown Ann Arbor and in front of the Fleming Administration Building Friday
300 A2 marchers protest
U.S. aid to El Salvador

PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP)
- About 30,000 demonstrators yes-
terday denounced police brutality and
demanded that the government and
top Communist officials resign. Au-
thorities arrested 10 dissidents but
left the marchers alone.
The government denied reports
that police killed a student in bloody
clashes Friday, when hundreds were
beaten, tear-gassed and attacked by
dogs in the largest demonstration in
20 years.
Yesterday's rally began with a
few thousand protesters gathering on
downtown Wenceslas Square, but the
crowd grew to 30,000 as demonstra-
tors reached Narodni Street, where
white-helmeted riot police beat
demonstrators Friday.
"We don't let you murder us!" the
crowd chanted. They also chanted
such slogans as "Write Truthfully,"
"Free Unions" and "Jakes to the
Milos Jakes is the hard-line leader
of the ruling Communist Party and
unlike other East bloc leaders, has
resisted reforms orchestrated by So-
viet President Mikhail S. Gor-
Jakes is joined in his intransi-
gence by Nicolae Ceausescu, Roma-
nia's leader.
About 2,000 demonstrators split

away and crossed a bridge over the
Vitava river in an apparent attempt
to reach the hillside presidential resi-
Police did not interfere in the
march but did block access to the
hill. The smaller group eventually
returned to Narodni Street, from
where some 10,000 streamed back
into Wenceslas Square.
Those arrested included Peter Uhl,
a leading human rights activist, who
was charged in connection with the
spreading of news about the alleged
death of Martin Smid at police hands
Friday. The state news agency CTK
said he was charged with "the crimes
of harming the interests of the re-
public abroad and spreading alarming
Uhl, a veteran member of the
Charter 77 group, is associated with
VIA, a dissident news service active
in several East European countries.
If convicted, he could be sentenced to
3 1/2 years in prison.
Protests also took place in at
least eight East German cities yes-
terday and in the Bulgarian capital,
Sofia. As in Prague, the demonstra-
tors demanded democratic reform but
also punishment of recently ousted
leaders - Todor Zhivkov in Bul-
garia and Erich Honecker in East

by Liz Paige
What was originally scheduled as
a Diag rally to protest U.S. aid to
the Salvadoran government turned
into a 300-person march through the
streets of downtown Ann Arbor and
a standoff between student protesters
and the University administration
The protest, sponsored by the
Latin American Solidarity Commit-
tee, was aimed at the Salvadoran
military's bombing of civilians and
the recent murder of six Jesuit

priests, their cook, and the cook's
At the rally, LASC demanded a
cease-fire so the Red Cross could
take food and medicine to civilians, a
withdrawal of U.S. troops, and an
immediate end of U.S. aid to El Sal-
The march stopped at four inter-
sections while demonstrators per-
formed a guerrilla theater skit. One
protester, representing the Salvado-
ran government, marched through
the crowd striking a drum. With ev-

ery beat of the drum, protesters fell
to the ground to portray civilian ca-
sualties at the hands of the govern-
The marchers then headed to the
Fleming Administration Building to
demand that University President
James Duderstadt respond to their
"This summer, President Duder-
stadt signed a statement with other
university presidents condemning the
Chinese government's use of force
See LASC, page 2



Affairs' search

fails to find new

by Josh Mitnick
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly's
Minority Affairs Commission (MAC) is in
a "dire situation" because no students have
expressed interest in leading the group, cur-
rent MAC chair Delro Harris said.
"At this point there are no candidates
for either chair or vice-chair," said Harris,
who announced two weeks ago that the po-
sitions would be opening up because he and
vice chair Kevin Ramon were resigning.
Harris, an LSA senior, said it would be
difficult for the commission to continue its
operations without a chair or vice chair, and
speculated that failing to fill the positions

could force the commission to shut down.
However, if MAC fails to recruit any
candidates, no major decisions on the
commission's future will be made until the
end of the term, Harris said.
MAC has contacted campus minority
groups represented on the commission, in-
cluding the University's Office of Minority
Affairs, Minority Student Services, the
Baker-Mandela Center, and the Center for
Afro-American Studies, in its effort to re-
cruit candidates for the position.
Harris cited the large time commitment
required as MAC chair as one possible rea-
son for the lack of applicants. He added that

many potential candidates from within the
commission were ineligible because of a
rule which prohibits the chair or vice chair
from serving as an officer of any other or-
Harris said he could offer no other ex-
planation for the lack of applicants. "I
refuse to believe right now that there is not
one student on campus that is qualified to
do the job," he said.
The commission had expected to listen
to candidates today and make an endorse-
ment next week. Final approval rests with
the assembly.
t See MA C, page 2


.16th annual. Winter

Art Fair

draws thousands to Ann Arbor

by Vera Songwe
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
The University's Track and Tennis
building was one of the most colorful -
and crowded - track and tennis buildings
in the country last weekend.
The building was the site of the 16th
annual Ann Arbor Winter Art Fair, which
drew more than 12,000 people from all
over Michigan this weekend. Artists from
27 different states displayed their paintings,
carvings, sculptures, woodwork, and much
more during the fair.
Thousands of people perused the ex-

hibits, admiring, buying, and criticizing the
work of different artists. Tired people sat
down and listened to a guitarist while
snacking and bracing themselves to con-
tinue the ritual.
"The people in Ann Arbor are educated
in quality art," said artist Audr6e Levy, the
event's organizer. "This is probably one of
the best shows we've had, not only because
of the people but because of the quality of
the artists."
Because of the building's size, Levy
said she accepted only 260 of the 400
artists who applied. Although many of the

artists were from Michigan, Levy said she
did not select people based on their locale.
"I do not give preference to local
artists," she said. "It is the quality of the art
that determines whether they get into the
show or not."
Many of the artists expressed an at-
tachment to their work, but also explained
they performed their crafts for economic
"The work is fun. I enjoy what I am
doing, but I also know that I am doing it to
make a living," said Marci McDonald, a
participating See FAIR, page 2

Little brown jug
Once again, the Wolverines captured the "little" brown jug, displayed here by quarterback
Michael Taylor, when they defeated the Minnesota gophers 49-15. The tradition of
exchanging the jug began in 1905 when it was mandatory for the home team to supply water
for their guests. The Wolverines, fearful that the water would be tainted, brought their own
drinking supplies, but after winning the game, they ran off the field so fast that they forgot
the jug. Since then, the awarding of the jug to the winning team has become a traditon.


. Wargamers take to battlefield in weekend convention

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