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November 16, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-11-16

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 16, 1989
Law mandates warning labels on booze

LANSING (AP) - They're hard to find and
even harder to read, but the new warning labels
on booze mark a significant step in changing
American attitudes toward alcohol, alcoholism
experts said yesterday.
"Just as warnings on cigarettes began a na-
tional debate on smoking, we believe the warn-
ings on alcohol will signal that it's time to think
about alcohol as a drug which can have adverse
health effects," said Dr. Robert Sparks, chair of
the National Council on Alcoholism.
Practically all of the national attention fo-
cuses on illegal drugs, but alcohol remains the
No.1 drug used in the United States, said Sparks,
of Battle Creek.
Part of that stems from the fact that alcohol is

legal, but a lack of knowledge about the harm al-
cohol causes, especially during pregnancy, also is
to blame, he said.
"By pointing out some of the potential health
consequences associated with alcohol consump-
tion, the health warning label represents a signif-
icant step in recognizing alcohol as one of our
most dangerous and addictive drugs," he said.
The labels warn that alcohol can cause birth
defects, impair the ability to drive and cause other
health problems.
The new federally required warning labels on
cans and bottles of beer, wine, wine coolers, and
liquor will help educate the public, but the tem-
porary rules enforcing the law don't ensure that
the warnings are large enough and easy to read,

Sparks said.
"We strongly urge the alcohol industry to
comply with, pardon the pun, the spirit, as well
as the letter, of the law," he said, adding that
making the warnings larger will be the next fight
for alcoholism groups.
"Most drinkers are unlikely to notice the fine
print that is carefully embedded on the label of
the bottle they're holding," said Charles Atkin, a
communications professor at Michigan State
He said he favors a requirement that alcohol
companies be required to disclose the health risks
of alcohol with their ads as a way to get the pub-
lic's attention.

Michigan Senate panel RALLY
Continued from page

OKs measure to fight
criminal enterprises

LANSING (AP) - Michigan
lawmakers moved to crack down on
organized crime yesterday as a Senate
panel unanimously approved a mea-
sure to attack criminal enterprises
and a House leader announced his
own proposal.
The target of the action is the
criminal who establishes a pattern of
continuing illegal activity, whether
it be drug dealing, arson, extortion
or any of 28 other specific crimes.
It wouldn't require a link to prga-

nized crime. And it would authorize
the forfeiture of property that can be
shown to be tied to the criminal ac-
"I think it is in pretty good
shape," said Sen. Rudy Nichols (R-
Waterford) and chair of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, which ap-
proved the bill on a 4-0 vote. "This
act is really a model for change
needed on the federal level. We've
bent over backwards to make it a fair

Continued from page 1
.24 hours, but quitting permanently
is a problem," said first-year LSA
student Georgia Howard, who has
been smoking for seven years.
LSA junior Kim Stoll, who
plans to smoke today, said, "Some
people who smoke just want to
smoke. Just one day is not going to
change their minds."
"However, it does work as an in-
spiration for people who want to
quit," she said.
Smokeout activities will be held
today at a few campus locations. The

University Medical Center will be
hosting its second Cancer Prevention
and Detection Day. A series of pro-
fessionally-staffed booths will be set
up in the medical center covering all
types of cancer topics.
In addition, the Main Street
Comedy Showcase, which sponsors
a no-smoking show every Wednes-
day, has moved this week's event to
Thursday to help smokers last
through the day. The cancer society
is offering complementary tickets to
all smokers who plan to quit.
Also, the University's Health
Services department will set up a
display about the effects of smoking
in the Health Services building.

rather the sharpening of a process of
continued struggle," said PSC mem-
ber and Rackham graduate student
Nuha Khoury. "This process has
been manifested through the popular,
mass based uprising - the In-
Before the march, demonstrators
paused for a moment of silence to
"remember the 700 lives given to
continue the struggle" in the In-
tifadah, Khoury said.
Asked why she and her four-year-
old son were participating in the
rally, Liz Othman, an Ann Arbor
resident, said, "Last year, we were
confined to our homes. We made
Palestinian flags out of construction
paper, with the fear that we could be
imprisoned for 10 years for doing
so." Othman and her family resided
in Ramallah in the West Bank for
the past two years.
Carrying Palestinian flags and
pennants, and signs reading "No tax-
ation without representation" and
Continued from page 1
The committee said the Univer-
sity "lacks the precedents and history
of procedures to handle the process-
ing and punishment of discrimina-
tory conduct" and states that the pub-
lic court system is better able to pro-
tect the rights of the plaintiff and de-
The committee details what it
sees as problems within the policy;
included are the following:
-a lack of specific, yet diverse,
examples of what falls under the pol-
icy - the committee said the exam-
ples should recognize that "racism
can be directed towards non-minority
and minority students alike";
.disallowing attorneys to actively
participate in the hearing procedure,
unless suspension or expulsion are
potential sanctions;
-the lack of procedures for en-
forcement of sanctions;
*the absence of a definition of
speech that constitutes discussion of
an idea - the policy currently pro-
hibits utterances which refer to an
individual's race, sex, religion, or
other cultural characteristics which
are not a "part of a discussion or ex-
change of an idea, ideology, or phi-

"End Israeli Oppression in Pales-
tine," the crowd marched north on
State St. and west down Liberty
chanting, "Wait and see, wait and
see, Palestine will be free."
Ann Arbor resident Jim Dwyer,
who marchedtin the demonstration,
said, "I'm here today as an American
taxpayer. I resent the use of my tax
dollars to put down the popular
movements of indigenous people
around the world."
On the steps of the Federal Build-
ing, solidarity speeches were deliv-
ered by members of eight groups,
including the Black Student Union,
the Puerto Rican Student Organiza-
tion, Rackham Student Government,
the Arab American Anti-Discrimina-
tion Committee, and the General
Union of Palestinian Students.
"We realize that the occupation of
Palestine is not the only instance in
which settler colonialists snatched
the indigenous lands of a people,
with the support of the Western
powers," said BSU member Danny
Peterson, a mechanical engineering
graduate student.
ACLU campus chapter President
Jim Johnson, a second-year law stu-
dent, said he doubts that the Univer-
sity administration - which is cur-
rently soliciting comment on the in-
terim policy to draft a permanent one
- will pay attention to the docu-
"The administration has a history
of not paying attention to the wise
counsel of those who try to get them
to do their job," Johnson said. "I'm
not holding my breath."
According to the report, by mak-
ing suggestions for changing the
policy the ACLU is in no way ac-
cepting the existence of a policy.
The ACLU chapter will vote
tonight at its weekly meeting on
whether to use the committee's re-
port as the chapter's official state-
ment. Members may propose
amendments for the vote.
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Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Political party seeks to abolish
communist power in E. Germany
BERLIN - An East German political party said yesterday it will
ask Parliament this week to abolish the Communists' 40-year lock on
power, the first direct challenge to their rule, and it predicted an easy
Communist officials spurned Bonn's offer of an economic bailout,
saying they prefer their own recovery course and hinting at reforms to
encourage free-enterprise investments.
In West Berlin, hundreds gathered at the enormous Brandenburg
Gate, hoping the East Germans would break through the Berlin Wall in
front of the 200-year old "symbol of unity." A West German TV
network said as many as 7,000 East German refugees are expected to
return to their communist homeland.
The East German constitution's guarantee of a "leading role" for the
Communist Party will be challenged at Friday's sitting of the
increasingly independent-minded Parliament, said Manfred Gerlach, head
of the Liberal Democratic Party.
Brazil has first free elections
RIO DE JANEIRO - Millions of Brazilians voted yesterday in the
first free and direct presidential election since a contest in 1960 that led
to a military coup four years later.
More than 82 million people were eligible to vote for a succesor to
President Jose Sarney, who was chosen by an electoral college when the
generals relinquished power in 1985.
Twenty-one canidates were in the running, representing parties
ranging from the Communists to one formerly backed by the military,
and none was expected to win a majority. A runoff between the two
leaders is planned for Dec. 17.
"It's a pleasure to vote; I feel like I'm choosing a better Brazil,"
candidate Luis Inacio Lula da Silva of the Workers Party said after
casting his ballot in Sao Bernado de Campo, an industrial suburb of
.o Paulo, Brazil's largest city.
Shamir blames Arafat for
Mideast peace talks delay
WASHINGTON - An apparently friendly meeting yesterday
between President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
failed to break an impasse on Arab participation in Mideast peace talks.
Shamir blamed Yasser Arafat's PLO for the delay.
"There are some obstacles that we have to remove and work out,"
Shamir said after talking to Bush for an hour. "It will be a long
process. It will take time. It's not easy."
The Israeli leader, who came to Washington to register his concerns
that the Palestine Liberation Organization might get a foot in the door
of the talks, blamed Arafat's group for the impasse.
"We need some Palestinians with whom we will have to cooperate
and work together in order to implement this process, including the first
steps," Shamir said.




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Wendy's owner shrinks
R. David Thomas, owner of Wendy's and star of its delightfully clever
advertising campaign, and his daughter Wendy were shrunk yesterday.
Here the team that made the Frosty a national obsession are pictured with
a normal-sized hamburger. Thomas said he wished everyone was this
small because then they would eat less at the salad bar.
-by Alex Gordon
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is amember of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550



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Editor in Chief Adam Schrager Sports Editor hike Gil
Mnagng Editor Stve Knopper AsociateSpots Editors Adam Benson, Stave Bkander,
News Editors Miguel Cruz, Richard Eisen, Lry Knapp,
Alex Gordon, David Schwartz Taylor Lincodn
Opinion Page Editors Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon Arts Editors Andrea Gadd, Ayssa Katz
Associate Opinion Editors Phip Cohen, Camille Colatosi Fim Tony Silber
Sharon Holand Music Nabeel BAWer
Letters Editor David Levin Books Mark Swartz
Weekend Editors Alyssa Lustgman, Theatre Jay Pekia
Aindkew Wris Photo Editor David Lushder
Weekend Staff Jim Poniewozik Graphics Coordinator Kevin Woodson
News: Karen Akedof, Joanna Broder, Jason Carter, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Tara Gruzen, Jennifer .,
lan Hoffman, Britt Isaly, Terri Jackson, Mark Katz, Christine Kloostra, Kristine LaLonde, Jennifer Miler, Josh hinick, Dan Poux, Amy
Quick, Gil Renberg, Taraneh Shati, Mike Sobel, Vera Songwe, Jessica Strick, Noele Vance, Ken Walker, Donna Woodwell
Opinion: Jonathan Fink, Christina Fong, Deyar Jamil, Fran Obeid, Liz Paige, Henry Park, Greg Rowe, Kathryn Savoie, Kim Springer,
Rashid Taher, Lus Vasq~uez, Dilma Zalatimno.
Sports: Jamie Burgess, Stee Cohen, Theodore Cox, Jei Durst, Scott Erskine, Andy Gotesman, Phil Green, Aaron Hinkin, David
Hyman, Bethany Kipec, Eric Lemont, John Niyo, Srah Osbun, Matt Rennie, Jonathan Samnick, David Scheeter, Ryan Schreber, Jef
Sheran, Peter Zellen, Dan Zoch.
Arts Gr g Baise, Sherril L Bennett, Jen Bilk, Mark Binelli, Kenneth Chow, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, hire Fischer, Forrest
Green, Brian Jarvinen, Mike Kuniavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Molitor, Carolyn Paor, Krisin Palm, Annette Petrusso, Jay Pinka egod
Roach, Cindy Rosenhal, Peter Shapio, Mark Webster.
Photo: Jennifer Dunez Amy Feldman, Julie Holman, Jose ,Jarez, Jonatan Liss, Josh Moore, Samiantha Senders, Kenneth Smoller,




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