0 Page 10- The Michigan Daily- Monday, November 13, 1989 The Question of Hu by Jonathan D. Spence Vintage paper/$8.95, "Why have I been locked up?" John Hu asks from an insane asylum in Charenton (near Paris) in 1725. That indeed is the titular inquiry in The Question of Hu, Jonathan D. Spence's historical account of Hu's journey to Europe as a text copier for a Jesuit priest, Father Jean-Fran- cois Foucquet. Why should we want to know about Hu? The author tells us that "the Chinese biographical tradition is rich in the materials it has pre- happy because he's incapable of "performing my worship, entering the church, and hearing the Mass," we have no other reason for Hu's questionable stunts. Hu starts out the journey by telling Foucquet that a vision filled with angels told him it was Hu's special task to seek out the Emperor of China and introduce him to Chris- tianity. Hu thinks the task will not be hard. When staying at the a senior government officer's home in Port Louis, Hu is an ungracious guest, complaining that the room is stuffy and the bed too high. Not only does he sleep with the mattress on the floor, he also inexplicably refuses to eat with the housekeeper. Hu steals a horse, and upon being scolded, he questions, "Why, if a horse is being left unused, may someone else not use it?" When riding in a carriage. Hu incessantly jumps off and runs to the hedgerows, seizes handfuls of unknown fruit and crams them into his mouth. While eating at an Inn, Hu will help himself in the kitchen, taking anything he fancies from the tables and cupboards. Unable to tame or reason with Hu, Foucquet has him locked up. Spence tell the story through Foucquet's account of the journey. This is the weakness in this meticu- lously researched and elegantly writ- ten narration. An acclaimed professor and non-fiction writer from Yale, Spence knows his subject, but The Question of Hu comes out dry. We only see the superficial side of Hu; his bizarre antics somehow mirror his unhappy state of mind that is still left a mystery to the reader. The question of Hu ultimately remains uncompelling and unanswered. -Carolyn Pajor Voices From The Plains by Gianni Celati Serpent's Tail/$10.95 Despite Roland Barthes pro- nouncing the "death of the Author" in the mid-'70s, most of us are still hung up on the notion of the author as Romantic artist/God and as the single omniscient creator of a work. Dissecting a book to find the "hidden meaning" and "artistic spirit" of the writer should have become a superfluous practice by now; what's more relevant is the reader's relation to the text, and that the words we read emerge from social and economic realities, not just the imperial self of an artiste. Italo Calvino is one of the few fiction writers who have dealt with these fundamental issues without being dry, academic, and plain boring. Described -as the "heir to Calvino" by The New York Times, Gianni Celati also reflects on the act of writing, and the "prison-house of language" that cannot quite make sense of the absurd world we live in. Voices From The Plains (Narratori delle Pianure) is a collection of very short stories about life in the Po river valley in Italy. Celati dedicates the book to "those who told me stories, many of which are transcribed here." As the writer, he attempts to efface his authorial presence from the stories; so many of the these tales begin with: "I have a heard a story about...', "This is the story of..." or "I air going to tell you the story of..." In order to further dissolve his authorial voice from the text, Celati deliberately uses a simple descriptive mode of writing that lacks the tyranny of the adjective. These tales are told by the voices on the plains as much as by Celati himself. Many of these quirky and gloomy stories dwell on words and their in- ability to completely grasp experi- ence. "A parable for the disen- chanted" is about a young man moved to writing after reading Knut Hlamsun. He writes prolifically but isn't satisfied with any of it. Ulti- mately, he writes a letter to his girl- friend, telling her how impossible it is to describe experience because "words are made of a different sub- stance." In "the life of an unknown storyteller," a man writes for 40 years but has no luck in getting pub- lished. His stories are "too sedate, sentimental and polite," and finally he's so unused to speaking that he can barely utter words. Again and again in Celati's stories, language is shown to be inadequate. The printer in "what makes the world go on" tries to answer this central question by reading everything he can get his hands on: advertisements, street signs, shop window signs. He won- ders why "the number of words to read everywhere was always grow- ing." Disillusioned, he gives up the search to spend the rest of his time watching soccer matches on televi- sion. The most tragic story of language is "a scholar's idea of happy end- ings," in which a man spends his en- tire life rewriting the ending of every story, novel, or epic poem. He dies after his greatest accomplishment, the last line of a Russian novel. By changing just three words "he trans- formed a tragedy into a satisfactory resolution of life's problems." There's a whiff of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's magic realism in Celati's writing. There's the story of a lonely woman who commits suicide after taping over every orifice that might be polluted by the outside world. In "the commuter children who got lost," a boy and a girl come to the conclusion that all parents are bor- ing. At weekends they go to the big city to find an adult who isn't bor- ing, but they never succeed. Voices From The Plains touches on the pathos of ordinary lives. Beautiful and gloomy, painful and poignant, its stories are as wispy and fragile as life for most of us. Calvino ... ',. . u t served on scholars and statesmen, philosophers and poets and men of unusual moral rectitude," yet Hu is none of these. He is a devout Catholic who had little money and relatives, a perfunctory education and no skills except the copying of other people's texts. The Question of Hu, then, narrates what is really a rub- bing of two cultures and their differ- ent ideas of insanity and faith. Throughout the journey, Hu is unhappy. He complains that he is not being paid for copying Fouc- quet's text, and yet he is barely working. And until the end of the book, where we learn that Hu is un- himself wrote that this book "revolves around representations of the visible world and, more significantly, around that profound shift from an inner toward an outer world which seems to me to be the change that most characterizes the- '80s." Reading Voices From The Plains is as disorienting, as moving, and as sad as staring at a Warhol silkscreen print for too long. -Nabeel Zuberi GE I T ITI EUO TflE .. I -- The NCAA Champions fk$I are hack? Study Abroad with Beaver Study in Britain, Ireland, Austria or Greece. Semester and full- year programs available. If you would like to learn more about Beaver College, come meet our program representative: The Persona Column MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS Get a beautiful tan at en4Jed 5uw' TANNING CENTER . Ph. 747-8844 . 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