Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Friday, November 10, 1989
Continued from Page 1 J
groups, and move towards the Lin-
coln Memorial "in the mood of the
'63 Civil Rights protest, with hun-
dreds of thousands on either side of
the reflecting pool," Radin said.
Speakers and entertainers will
perform at an assembly at 11 a.m.
Sunday at the foot of the memorial.
The performer list was not re-
leased until this morning, but some
of them were known already. Two
students speaking are Julie Ann
Morley, President of the U.S. Stu-
dent Association, and Jeanine Alt-
house, representing Penn State Uni-
versity. Ronnie Gilbert and Pete
Seeger will give two of the sched-
uled performances.
Participants will build a memo-
rial at the Lincoln Memorial before
the rally for the Unknown Woman,
in memory of all women who died
from unsafe and illegal abortions.
Other pro-choice events in Wash-
ington over the weekend include an
effort on Saturday to keep open a
birth control clinic which anti-abor-
tion protesters plan to shut down.
Aside from protesting at clinics,
anti-abortion groups including Right
to Life and the Veterans for Life are
expected to counteract the memorial
for the Unknown Woman with mock
cemeteries in the memory of unborn
Michigan anti-abortion groups.
could not be reached for comment.
A group of American students holds a candlelight vigil yesterday outside the U.S. Embassy in Moscow to
protest what they believe is the U.S. government's attempts to curtail abortions in the United States.
Women's rights advocates will
participate in a joint fundraiser on
Saturday night at the Bayou, a night
club in Georgetown, to support the
NOW mobilization and the Battered
Women's Shelter in Washington,
Ann Arbor's CDAR chapter is
meeting after the rally with groups
performing "clinic defenses" from
across the country to try and form a
national effort to "really rebuild the
woman's movement from the ground
up," Carmouche said. "I think it
could be a very historical meeting."
Continued from page 1
Some of these students also criti-
cized the interim policy's stipulation
that an intent to injure must be
proven before a student can be sanc-
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across from Nickels Arcade,
LSA sophomore Jennifer Van
Valey, chair of the Women's Issues
Commission of MSA, went as far as
to recommend sanctioning those
who use gender-exclusive language.
Gender-exclusive language in-
cludes words such as "fireman" and
"spokesman." Gender-inclusive lan-
guage substitutions are "firefighter"
and "spokesperson."
Mavrick expressed concern that
student discord could hamper stu-
dents' efforts to influence the admin-
istration. "Students are talking out
of both sides of their (collective)
mouth. I just hope the University
doesn't see any of this as a desire for
other codes," such as a protest policy
or a comprehensive code of student
conduct, he said.
Yet another major problem facing
student leaders is the concern that the
University will not take their opin-
ions into account when forming its
The University has pledged to so-
licit student input, and it appears to
be serious, as evidenced by the par-
ticipation of several administrators at
the forum and by University
President James Duderstadt's forma-
tion of a student advisory commit-
But many students have com-
plained that while their advice is
welcome, their decisions will carry
no weight. They argue that the
University will only listen to the
advice to assuage cries for student
After the forum, University
General Counsel Elsa Cole said she
did not hear from students what she
wanted to hear. "What I'd hoped to
hear was histories - people's own
experiences with bigotry," she said.
Cole said a judge needs to know
there is a reason for such a policy in
order for it to stand up in court.
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Continued from page 1
is a co-curator for the current exhibit
of Chilean and Peruvian artworks.
The artwork that was in the van-
dalized cabinet is part of the Univer-
sity-wide Voices of Women of Color
program which runs until November
East Quad Building Director Deba
Patnik said there have been two or
three incidents of vandalism this fall.
Patnick said vandalism in the resi-
dence halls usually consists of graf-
fiti rather than property destruction.
The reason behind yesterday's
vandalism is still undetermined.
"Maybe it's because of the Voices of
Women of Color, or because they
represent abuses of human rights, or
perhaps its just a coincidence," said
The display inside the showcase
included two Chilean arpi lleras.
Chileandarpilleras are hand-stitched
cloth wall hangings made by poor
women. The scenes depicted in them
often represent the economic, social
and political conditions of South
America as well as the artist's expe-
One of the two wall hangings in
the case depictedapoor people cook-
ing together in a common pot in
order to feed themselves. The second
represented the shantytowns of San-
tiago, Chile.
b( irasive and so true.
NytaiyaNegoda (ould be the
clsovery oft he yar.
incetnt ( ah,, N Y I Tite
ILE -VE RA is big nes."
-nhaul ( rl.'.s Imf M agine
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NatalIa Negoda is like Natalie.
Va/xi with a sejne of humor."
-D~avid Mnb,. New.nYorkMg.viine
I recommend LITTLE VERA.
aialya Negoda is brilliant."
Roger ftirt -Sisel& fwirt
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Walesa: upcoming visit to
U.S. of critical importance
GDANSK, Poland - Solidarity leader Lech Walesa is about to make
his first trip to the United States, and he says the prospect leaves him
Simultaneously nervous about leaving Poland for too long and fearful
of disappointing his U.S. hosts with a visit that is too short, Walesa said
in an interview with The Associated Press that he sees Poland's future
hinging at least in part on how he does during seven busy days in
Washington, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
The journey, which begins in Canada and winds up in Venezuela, is
highlighted by two meetings with President Bush and a speech to a joint
session of Congress on Nov. 15, where Walesa will appeal for economic
aid and investment in Poland.
The former shipyard electrician and winner of the 1983 Nobel Peace
Prize will be only the third person who is not a head of government or
state to address Congress.
Aquino, Bush discuss bases
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Declaring "America loves Cory Aquino,"
President Bush welcomed the president of the the White
House yesterday. He said he was confident an agreement will be reached
guaranteeing continued U.S. access to two huge military bases in the
Corazon Aquino, under political pressure at home to shut down the
American bases, remained silent on the issue.
The United States and the Philippines will open talks in December on
a treaty to extend U.S. access to Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Base
beyond September 1991, when the current leases expire.
The uncertainty over U.S. base rights put a question mark over
Aquino's visit. Bush, however, gave her the same kind of enthusiatic re-
ception she received in Washington three years ago after leading the suc-
cessful campaign to depose President Ferdinand Marcos.
Military attack jet crashes
SMYRNA, Ga. (AP) - A military attack jet crashed into an apart-
ment complex in this northern Atlanta suburb yesterday evening, engulf-
ing several buildings in flames and injuring at least seven people, authori-
ties said.
There was no immediate report of fatalities, but Captain George
Brogdon of the Smyrna Police Department said several of the injuries ap-
peared to be very serious. Among the injured was the pilot, who was in'
critical condition.
"Among the seven there's a good possibility of loss of life. I don't
know how many," Brogdon said.
Brogdon added that at least three buildings in the complex were de-
stroyed. He was not aware of anyone trapped inside the burning build-
A Navy Department spokesperson, Commander Mark Baker, said he
presumed the A-7 Corsair attack jet was on a routine unarmed training
Alzheimer 's more prevalent
than previously believed
CHICAGO - More than one in 10 people over age 65 may have
Alzheimer's disease, says a study which suggests the number of'
Americans with the devastating illness may be higher than previously es-
timated by 1.5 million.
Alzheimer's disease, which robs people of their memory and ability to
function, is now thought to affect four million Americans.
A study of 3,626 elderly people in East Boston, Mass., revealed that
rates of Alzheimer's grew rapidly higher with advancing age, soaring to'
nearly half of those over age 85, said researchers at Harvard Medical
Of people ages 65 to 74, 3 percent have "probable" Alzheimer's dis-
ease, compared with 18.7 percent of those 75 to 84 and 47.2 percent of'
those over 85, said the study.
All told, 10.3 percent of those over age 65 had "probable" Alz-
heimer's disease, the researchers said.
Bald is beautiful, baby
Have you looked in the mirror lately and discovered that you are not
like other guys? Is the reason that whereas they have luscious, greasy
wads of hair, your scalp is becoming a barren wasteland where no louse
dares to tread?
Does this bother you? Are you afraid that baldness may affect your
chances of finding a mate or a job? Well, here is a list of famous bald or'
balding people - some of them glamorous sex symbols - who have
gone far without their hair:
Dwight Eisenhower, Steve Balboni, Khruschev, Telly Savalas ,
Popeye, Benjamin Franklin, Charlie Brown, Marvin Hagler, Burt",
Reynolds, Darth Vader, Steven Wright, Ronald Reagan (after recent brain
surgery), Mary Queen of Scots, Joe Garagiola, Charles Kuralt, Sigmund
Freud, Sean Connery, Willard Scott, Gerald Ford, E.T., Johnny Carson,
newborn babies, John Cleese, Ed Koch, Don Rickles, Gallagher,
Frankenstein, Yoda, Woody Allen, etc.
- Gil Renberg
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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Opinion: Jonathan Fink, Christina Fong, Deyar Jamil, Fran Obeid, Liz Paige, Henry Park, Greg Rowe, Kathryn Savole, Kim Sptinger,
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Sports: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cohen, Theodore Cox, Jeni Durst, Scott Erskine, Andy Gottesman, Phil Green, Aaron HiinkIn, David
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Arts: Greg Baise, Sherril L Bennett, Jen Blk, Mark Bineli, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Mike Fischer, Forrest Green, Brian
Jarvinen, Mike Kuniavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Mlitor, Krisn Paim, Anneoe Peirusso, Jay Pinka, Gregcri Roach, Cindy Rosenthal, Peter
Shapiro, Mark webster.
Photo: Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Himan, Jose Juarez, Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kennelh Smdier,
Dougas Usher.
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