a The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 7, 1989- Page 15 With D.C. on his mind, Prof. Tanter ,candidly voices a conservative view by Leslie Perera Daily Staff Writer Displayed on his office wall, where pictures of family and loved ones are generally found, is a large autographed picture of himself shak- ing hands with then-Vice President Bush. Surrounding the picture in arc- like precision are various other framed photographs of himself with influential politicians. All have careful inscriptions: "To Ray, from Ronald Reagan", "To Ray, from Al Haig." A framed invitation to President }George Bush's inauguration hangs on an adjacent wall. The slight greying in the closely cropped hair is the only reminder of the time that has passed since the 0 pictures were taken of the man now sitting behind the computer at his desk. The intense, penetrating eyes and the brilliant, toothy smiles are the same. Political science Professor Raymond Tanter's glory days as a '"staffer" on President Reagan's National Security Council staff are not soon forgotten. His term in Washington from March 1981 to r 'September 1982 helped transform him into an unconventional univer- sity professor. And most people would agree that Tanter is )a "product of Washington." As a result, he feels estranged from the University of Michigan political science depart- ment and has become increasingly controversial among students. "I am a principled person," Tanter says. The brief pause and broad smile indicate that the punch- lne is about to come. "It's just that my principles are all right wing." 'With this he breaks into his charac- teristically loud, animated laughter. Tanter, a professor at the University of Michigan since 1967, has long been controversial because of his personal politics and his out- spoken nature. While both the cam- pus and Ann Arbor are very liberal communities, Tanter is a conserva- tive. And he is not afraid to say so, loudly. This was apparent last year when Tanter was often contacted by the media and asked to offer support for such volatile issues as the selections of Dan Quayle for Vice President and John Tower for Secretary of Defense. He did so gladly because in Washtenaw County, which gave 98% of its support to Jesse Jackson in the 1988 democratic caucus, a vo- cal conservative is hard to find. Tanter enjoys the role of a sort of conservative gadfly, although he be- lieves it may have been forced on him because "so few faculty mem- bers speak out." Tanter's background makes it surprising that he would emerge as such a staunch conservative. Tanter grew up in Chicago where both his parents worked for many years at the United States Postal Service. Tanter describes them as "law and order Democrats." As an undergraduate at Roosevelt University in Chicago, Tanter was an active member of Americans for "I am a principled person, it's just that my principles are all right wing." -Prof. Ray Tanter Democratic Action. However, in what he described as a purely re- alpolitik move after deciding that he could become more visible and have a greater impact on political out- comes, Tanter switched from this liberal opposition group to the Republican Party. After receiving his Ph.D. in po- litical science from Indiana University, Tanter returned to Chicago to teach at Northwestern University from 1964-67. It was dur- ing this time that he met his first political mentor, Donald Rumsfeld and began working on Rumsfeld's early Congressional campaign. Rumsfeld later became White House chief of staff and then secre- tary of defense under President Ford. Early this year during the furor over John Tower's nomination for secre- tary of defense, it was rumored that Rumsfeld may be up for the job. Tanter, who still maintains a close personal relationship with Rumsfeld, was delighted at the time. "If Rumsfeld goes to Defense, so do I," Tanter said matter-of-factly. The confidence and self-assurance of the man are evident in everything he does. Students either find Tanter arrogant and abrasive or they are at- tracted to what they see as incredible candor. Rob Feldman, a former student of Tanter's, said that upon first meet- ing Tanter he was "awed by Tanter's love of self." He does not like Tan- ter's teaching style. He believes that Tanter is too rigid in his political views and tries to impress them on his students. Tanter admits with a chuckle that his classes generally attract students that are "right of center," but he is- adamant in the belief that he does not force his personal views on stu- dents. "My politics are like the web of a duck's feet," Tanter says, spreading the fingers on his hand, and looking at them as if he saw an invisible web. "They are underneath the duck, but always propelling it," he says leaning back in his chair with a grin of satisfaction. He often speaks in. analogies to illustrate his point. Tanter explains that analogies are characteristic "Washington talk," a habit he picked up while on the NSC staff. His unpublished book is laced with analogies beginning with the title, "Who's at the Helm?," a refer- ence to the government as a ship with the President as captain. The book is an account of the Reagan Administration's policies during the Lebanon crisis in 1981- 82. As the Administration's Middle East specialist, Tanter was inti- mately involved in the government decision-making process at this time. Tanter's account of the crisis combines theory and policy, and Tanter believes this to be the reason why it has yet to be published. "Had I written a strictly kiss-and- tell book, it would have already been published," muses Tanter. Not only in his book, but also in the classroom, Tanter combines theory with his practical experience. He sees this as part of the reason for his feelings of estrangement from the political science department. "Some people think that I am not a serious scholar because I strad- dle the line between theory and pol- icy," Tanter says candidly. In April, a political science sem- inar on the prospects of President Bush's foreign policy was given by the department. Tanter was seated in the audience at the back of the audi- torium. Although he says he is too busy to mind, Tanter felt that he was "explicitly not invited" to speak at the seminar. "I know George Bush," Tanter declares incredulously as he points to the picture on the wall. "I was a spokesman for his policies during last year's election." Despite Tanter's personal feel- ings of estrangement, political sci- ence professor Alfred Meyer does not think that Tanter is an outsider in the department. "That may be Ray's own concep- tion -- or misconception," Meyer explained. "The shindig [political science seminar] was organized by area specialists and Tanter is not one. There was no reason he should have been included." As his student assistant gets up from behind the computer to leave, Tanter thanks her for the progress she has made on his book, and tells her to "message him on MTS" about something they are working on. MTS, or the Michigan Terminal System, is an elaborate communica- tion network through computer mes- saging. Tanter prefers this to tele- phone calls. Another student comes unan- nounced into Tanter's office suggest- ing that the constant flow of student traffic is not uncommon. He often leaves his office door open. Tanter likes to surround himself with a vast personal bureaucracy of students and former students. They are arranged in a Washington-like structure with a definite hierarchy and chains of com- mand. This bureaucracy helps Tanter do everything from running his computer-assisted simulation to planting flowers at his home. David Durham, a senior political science major and member of the Reserve Officer's Training Corp, is a "His heart is in Washington and not in Ann Arbor." -Tom Zigoris, a former teaching assistant for Tanter part of this informal bureaucracy. He spends a lot of time helping Tanter with the computer simula- tion, despite the fact that he does not get paid and receives no academic credit. Why does he put in the time? "He is a useful ally and will be able to help me out later," Durham says bluntly, looking directly at Tanter. "He's honest," Tanter laughs, Professor Raymond Tanter possesses a love/hate relationship with his students. While many students like his practice of mixing personal poli- tics and theory, others find that his dogmatic thinking keeps him from listening to any other points of view. seemingly pleased with Durham's answer. "I get a lot of loyalty from students because I put the time in." Tanter is the only political science professor to use computer- assisted simulations as a teaching aid because they are "expensive and time-consuming." The computer game is set up and run by former students and attempts to mirror the government decision-making pro- cess. Every member of the class is assigned to act as a government offi- cial or press person and is expected to act within the bounds of their as- signed roles as various scenarios and crises unfold throughout the se- mester. Despite a diversity of feelings about Tanter's personal teaching style, most students agree that the simulation is a valuable part of his courses. Ed McGlinn, a former stu- dent and simulation coordinator, took all of Tanter's courses: Amer- ican Foreign Policy Process, Arab- Israel Conflict, International Se- curity Affairs and a seminar on the Strategic Defense Initiative or "Star Wars." "I loved doing the simulation. It kept bringing me back," McGlinn said. Many of his students believe, however, that Tanter's first priority is Washington politics and not teaching. "His heart is in Washington and not in Ann Arbor," said Tom Zigoris, a former teaching assistant for Tan ter. "I love to teach and help students grow," Tanter says, but he admits that he hopes to return to Wash- ington. With this admission his thoughts immediately return to the rumored possibility of Donalk CFMa1e4 Rumsfeld for secretary of defense. "He's perfect. He has experienc( and he's squeaky clean," Tanter in sists. A knock on the door cuts Tanter's political predictions short. (And the eventual nomination of Dick Cheney ultimately proved them wrong.) Another student enters his office and immediately comments on the recent addition to Tanter's framed picture and memorabilia collection-- the invitation to President Bush's in- auguration. Tanter begins to talk ex- citedly about the inauguration cere- mony, as the student listens silently. For a few minutes, Tanter is back in Washington. U - PASS IT AROUND I Share the news, History Continued from Page 2 " fills the upper part of the border. Finally, the year the University was founded, 1817, appears at the bot- tom. Angell 1871-1909, often hailed as one of the best presidents the University has ever had, prided him- self on knowing many of the stu- 1825. Over the years it changed The official colors were adopted dents by their first names. His wife r until the present seal was adopted in in 1912: maize and blue. So as not once even made chicken soup for a 1895. to be misrepresented, they are de- student who was sick. The sun shines from behind a scribed as the color of Indian corn While current president James shield on which appears a lamp of and the clear intense blue of the un- Duderstadt may not know your first knowledge standing upon a book. clouded sky. name, he does spend time on campus .Artes, Scientia, Veritas" the In addition to the school colors conversing with students. Most of University motto is inscribed below and seal, there is the president who his time is spent working on his of- the shield. "University of Michigan represents the students. James Burrill fice computer but he does attend some student meetings. His wife probably won't make you chicken soup but if you run into her some- where, she'll more than likely say hello to you. If you ever feel restricted at the University or feel that it doesn't have enough to offer think about what it used to be like. There once was a wooden fence along the edge of campus to keep University cows in and city cows out. But that was then and this is now! THE MICHIGAN BBA A nationally recognized junior-senior program offering: f .q f rr.. % t t " a comprehensive business curriculum * the opportunity to focus on accounting, marketing, finance, human resources, or other management fields Prerequisites: " Junior standing " coursework in calculus, economics, English, and accounting For additional information 11161 1 EN I Al L &JI I Ii-