Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 9,1989
Greeks may
go to
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
polls a third time
ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Voters
Monday faced the possibility of
going to the polls for the third time
this year after elections failed to give
any party a clear governing mandate.
According to the constitution,
President Christos Sartzetakis must
call Elections within 30-days if po-
litical leaders fail to form a viable
government that can win a parlia-
mentary vote of confidence.
Constantine Mitsotakis' conser-
vative New Democracy party won
Sunday's elections but fell three
seats short of an absolute majority
of the 300-member unicameral Par-
The Panhellenic Socialist
Movement, or PASOK, led by
former Premier Andreas Papandreou
came in second with 128 places and
the Coalition of the Left and
Progress led by Communist leader
Harilaos Florakis took 21 seats.
The remaining three seats went to
independents, including a leftist, a
Greek Moslem and an environmen-
talist, for the first time in the na-
tions political history.
In the previous Parliament elected
in June. New Democracy controlled
145 seats. PASOK 125 places and
the Coalition 289, with tow seats
going to independents. New Democ-
racy and the Coalition governed to-
gether for three months following
those elections with the sole inten-
tion of investigating scandals in-
volving the Papandreou government.
The political impasse froze deci-
sions on how to solve the country's
economic crisis and negotiations on
the continued presence of U.S. bases
in Greece.
A Greek-U.S. defense accord ex-
pired last year and negotiations on
renewing it were suspended in June.
AP Photo
Car fire
Rescuers put out a fire caused by the
Beirut's Moslem sector. At least four
others wounded.
explosion of a booby-trapped car inI
people were killed and several
Continued from page 1
by expressing amity toward Blacks,
Jews, or other minority groups, they
will be reaccepted into society.
"They're lost orphans and they
want to be readopted by the white
race," he said.
The sense of adventure also ap-
peals to members. Nazis in the De-
troit area gain reassurance by staging
provocative rallies with their buddies
by their sides, Ezekiel said.
While they appear to have a vio-
lent intent, "what most of them are
doing is propaganda," said Ezekiel.
He said the crowd's anger and re-
sponse reassures the members that
they are alive.
"Viscous hatred" is another fac-
tor, but it is not universal to all
members, Ezekiel said. He said
members often do not realize what
they say is vicious.
"They are very, very ignorant
about the lives of other people."
Ezekiel does not know if there are
any organized Nazi groups on cam-
pus. "You don't have to be a mem-
ber of a group to have the bright idea
of painting a swastika," he said.
However, Ezekiel has been told that
Ohio organizers are trying to spread
the idea of white power among Ann
Arbor skinheads.
Continued from Page 1
victims become pregnant each year,
he said, using as an example a 14-
year-old Wayne County teen who
became pregnant after being raped
first by a stranger and then by her
cousin when she confided in him
about the rape.
The two lawmakers said they be-
lieve the mood of the nation regard-
ing abortion has changed since the
July 3 Supreme Court decision per-
mitting states to impose more regu-
lations on abortion procedures and
that shifting mood increases the
chances of passing the measures.
Gubow denied the measures were
an effort to alter the will of voters
who approved the Medicaid funding
ban, which did not allow for the
rape, incest of AIDS exception.
"I don't think it will be viewed as
an end run but an attempt to take
care of the poor and downtrodden of
our state," he said.
But Barbara Listing, president of
Right to Life of Michigan, said
lawmakers should let the voters' de-
cision stand.
"I think the public has not only
dealt withit, but the Legislature has
dealt with it. I don't know how
many times we have to vote for it
before it is finally settled," she said.
Continued from page 1
Hours of council meetings have
contributedto the council's latest
Social Work Prof. Tom Croxton,
a council member, said the board
would not include a permanent legal
counsel to determine whether a vio-
lation occurred. He said the policy
coordinator would probably not be a
full-time position.
Croxton said he was pleased with
the council's stress on mediation. "I
think the processes try to bring in a
sense of equity and equality into the
community." He added that the sug-
gestions were "nothing terribly
unique or innovative."
McLaughlin said the provision
providing for pre-protest mediation
could be key in easing conflict. The
provision allows for a group want-
ing to protest an event and the
event's sponsor to meet and discuss
ways to make the protest appropriate
and allow for the speaker's rights.
The policy, which was drafted by
the Civil Liberties Board and passed
by the University's Board of Regents
in July, 1988, attempts to balance
the rights of a speaker with the
rights of groups who may wish to
protest that speaker.
Regental bylaw 7.02 provides for
a nine-member University Council
of students, faculty, and administra-
tors to create conduct rules. How-
ever, the council effectively dis-
banded two years ago because its
members could not agree on a stu-
dent non-academic conduct policy.
Student University Council
members said at that time they
would not accept such a policy in
any form. Administrators then criti-
cized the students for their unwill-
ingness to compromise.
Secord pleads guilty to one
count of lying to Congress
WASHINGTON - Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard Secord
pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of lying to Congress in the Iran-
Contra affair, agreeing to "cooperate fully" with prosecutors in later cases.
We thus could become a government witness against John Poindexter,
national security adviser in the Reagan administration and Oliver North's
White House boss. Poindexter, whose criminal trial is to begin Jan. 22,
is accused of conspiracy, two counts of obstructing Congress and two
counts of making false statements.
State officials think of new
ways to improve education
LANSING - Many state officials, stunned at the massive voter
rejection of both school finance proposals, considered the alternates
yesterday as they began work on new ways to improve education.
"I am disappointed but not discouraged," Gov. James Blanchard said in -
a prepared statement on the defeat Tuesday of both Proposal A and
Proposal B.
"The fight for quality education will continue," Blanchard said.
Few lawmakers called for any immediate action. But Blanchard urged
passage of pending school quality legislation, although an aide said
implementation would come more slowly than if either proposal had
State court rules against
mandatory child support
LANSING - Divorced parents cannot be forced to pay child support
once a child reaches 18, even if the child is disabled or still in high
school, the Michigan supreme Court ruled yesterday.
Critics blasted the 4-3 ruling as harsh and predicted it will cause finan-
cial trouble for many parents who rely on child support to care for high
school-age or severely handicapped children.
"What it means is if you get to the point where the child is about to
turn 18 and is unable to be self-supporting, the custodial parent is going
to be stuck with the full support of that child. That's bad public policy,"
said Scott Basset, a Detroit attorney and past chairperson of the State Bar
of Michigan's Family Law Section.
The court majority said lawmakers had apparently intended to bar
mandatory child support for children 18 or older by passing a 1972 law
that lowered the age of majority from 21 to 18.
Senate OKs wage increase
WASHINGTON - The Senate gave final passage Wednesday to legis-
lation to raise the hourly minimum wage to $4.25 by April 1991, the
first increase in the floor wage since 1981. President Bush is expected to
sign the bill next week.
The 89-8 Senate vote came eight days after Bush and congressional
Democrats agreed on the plan to boost the minimum wage by 45 cents
next April 1 and another 45 cents a year later.
The measure, passed overwhelmingly by the House last week, also
creates a new subminimum wage that could be paid to teens for their first
three months in the work force and up to three months more for those in
certified training or education programs.
Kiosks inexplicably ships
students to East Germany
A number of University students were mysteriously transported to
Leipzig, East Germany yesterday as they were reading notices on the4
Kiosk by the West Engineering Building. The panicking students poured
over fliers advertising New Music Night at the U-Club, bicycles for sale,
and free Dianetics movies for an answer to their malady as East Germans,
pre-occupied with internal political problems, ignored their plight.
-by Alex Gordon
Continued from Page 1
blamed their own candidates and
campaign strategists for failing to
hew closely enough to the pro-life
"The lesson that will be learned...
is that pro-life candidates must run
as aggressively on this issue as pro-
abortion candidates," said David
O'Steen, executive director of the
National Right to Life committee.
She referred to Coleman, the Vir-
ginia Republican candidate for gov-
ernor who refused to concede after
the unofficial vote count showed
him trailing wilder by 7,700 votes
out of 1.7 million cast.
Continued from page 1
should have more influence on the
policy than simply an advisory role.
Walter Harrison, the University's
executive director of relations, said
he was impressed with the wide
range of opinions expressed at the
forum. "The more input we get, the
better policy we're gonna produce,"
he said.
Although the University will lis-
ten to student input very carefully,
Harrison said the ultimate responsi-
bility of approving the policy rested
with the regents and administration
because they will be held responsible
by the courts.
informal gathering of
Psychology Faculty & Students
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The University of Michigan
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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Fri. Nov. 10
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Editor in Chief Adam Schrager Sports Editor Mike Gil
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Opinion Page Editors Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon Arts Editors Andrea Gadki, Alyssa Katz
Associate Opinion Editors Phiip Cohen, Film Tony Silber
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News: Karen Akedof, Joanne Broder, Jason Carter, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Tara Gruzen, Jennifer Hirl,
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Opinion: Jonathan Fink, Christina Fong, Deyar Jamil, Fran Obeid, Liz Paige, Henry Park, Greg Rawe, Kathryn Savoie, Kim Springer,
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Sports: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cohen, Theodore Cox, Jen Durst, Scott Erskine, Andy Gottesman, Phil Green, Aaron Hinkin, David
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Arts: Greg Baise, SherrilL Bennett, Jen Biik, Mark Binelli, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Mike Fischer, Forrest Green, Brian
Jarvinen, Mike Kuniavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Mdlitor, Krisin Palm, Annette Petrusso, Jay Pinka, Gregoi Roach, Cindy Rosenthal, Peter
Shapiro, Mark Webster.
Photo: Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Holm an, Jose Juarez, Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore, Samnantha Sanders, Kenneth Smeller,
Douglas Usher.