The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 7, 1989 - Page 3
City may
by Tara Gruzen meeting a
Daily City Reporter State St
at the end of last month, the
reet Area Association of
Despite the recent surge of devel-
opment in Ann Arbor, the city has
not lost all interest in preserving the
historic character of the downtown
area. At last night's city council
meeting, an ordinance was passed on
first reading to establish five new
downtown historic districts.
If the ordinance is passed at its
second reading,tproposed changes af-
fecting the exteriors of preserved
buildings will have to be submitted
to the city's Historic District Com-
mission for approval.
"We can properly mix the old and
the new for an ideal city," said coun-
cilmember Larry Hunter (D-First
Ward). "There are some things in the
downtown area that are worth pre-
However, many people have
complained about the ordinance, say-
AMY FELDMAN/Daily ing they invested their money and
Browsing paid taxes, expecting to be able to
LSA sophomore Gurdrun Thompson browses through the Dawn Treader Bookshop on E. Liberty where students develop their property for a prof-
are often surprised to find books for 95 cents instead of the customary 95 dollars at other bookstores. itable return.
At a city Planning Commission
Merchants and several others ad-
dressed the commission with their
complaints about the proposed dis-
The five districts that have been
proposed include areas on State
Street, Fourth Avenue/Ann Street,
Main Street, East William Street,
and East Liberty.
as Mary Hathaway of the committee
said, "In a way they represent the;
townspeople who were here before
us - who made these buildings or
used them."
The committee also reported that
the districts will be the area's best
way of competing with the various
malls recently constructed.
"These older buildings should be
prized. They give our downtown an
'These older buildings should be prized.
They give our downtown an image and a
reality that the malls cannot imitate.'
- Mary Hathaway
Member of Historic Dist. Downtown Committee
The final report of the Downtown
Historic District Study Committee,
released in October, states that the
purpose of the ordinance is to protect
the "character" of the city and invig-
orate its downtown. The city has
buildings dating back to 1836, and
image and a reality that the malls
cannot imitate," Hathaway said.
Hunter said the historic districts
will not hinder the progress of met-,
chants and that he has received calls
from constituents in favor of the or-.
dinance as well as opposed to it.
Yesterday's Daily misidentified Daniela Gobetti. She is an assistant
professor at the University of Michigan.
44 schools quit reporting test scores
Wh at's happening in Ann Arbor today
by Jennifer Unter
Forty-four colleges and universities around the
country, including the University of Michigan,
are planning to stop reporting the average stan-
dardized test scores of accepted students.
University officials say this decision was
made because they feel scores from the Scholastic
Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College
Testing Program's ACT are misinterpreted by
students planning on applying to the institu-
tions, and the scores are misused by the press.
Rather than releasing the test scores, the col-
leges have agreed to do one of the following: re-
port a range of test scores that cover the middle
fifty percent of students admitted, require stan-
dardized tests, but withhold scores, or make the
tests an option for admission.
Most of the participating institutions are lib-
eral arts colleges.
Officials signing the agreement expressed
concern that students, even if they have a good
chance of being accepted, may shy away from
colleges that list a higher average test score then
the student received.
Ted Spencer, the University's assistant direc-
tor of admissions, said it "doesn't make any
sense for any college to say that these are their
maximum or minimum scores, because in fact,
colleges take many things into consideration
when accepting the student. For example, in-state
scores may be lower, while out-of state scores are
higher; the School of Music has auditions, and
so on."
Spencer said, "We print ranges on the applicA-,
tion, and within this range, the student has -a
chance of getting in. This is something that the
SAT and ACT have been doing for years." ~
"Colleges are getting smarter about this," he
Some of the institutions that have signed the
agreement are Colgate University, Harvard Uni-
versity, and the University of Washington.
Lesbian and Gay Men's Rights
Organizing Committee - 7:30
p.m. (7 to set agenda) in Union
Rm. 3100
Student Struggle for Soviet
Jewry - 6:30 p.m. at Hillel
The Yawp - The Undergraduate
English Association publication;
7 p.m. in 4000 A Union
Michigan Student Assembly -
7:30 p.m. in 3909'Union
Iranian Student Cultural Club
- a non-political group; 7:30
p.m. in room C at the League
Time and Relative Dimensions
- 8 p.m. in 2439 Mason Hall
Students Concerned About
Animal Rights - 7 p.m. in East
Quad Rm. 124
German Club - 6 p.m. in MLB
"Of Tinkers, Turrs and
Treaties: Strategies for Bird
Conservation in the Gulf of St.
Lawrence" - Dr. Kathleen
Blanchard of the Quebec-Labrador
Foundation; 3 p.m. in Dana 1046
Visiting Writers Series -
Hilma Wolitzer reads from her-
works; 4 p.m. in the Rackham
"The Chinese Heroin Connec-
tion" - Gerald Posner, author of
Warlords of Crime, 10:30 a.m. in
the Mendelssohn Theater
"Archaeology in the Market-
place: The Consumers of An-
tiquity" - Enzheng Tong and
Karl Hutterer; noon in 1524
"Women Lawyers and the
Quest for Professionalism
Community in Late Nine-
teenth Century America" -
Virginia Drachman speaks at 4:30
p.m. in Hutchins Hall 100; recep-
tion follows
"Engineering Your Major" -
an information session for first
and second year engineering stu-
dents; 7-8:30 in the MoJo Jordan
"The Global Environment Cri-
sis" - Dr. Ray DeYoung of the
School of Natural Resources
speaks at noon at the International
Safewalk - the night-time walk-
ing service is open seven days a
week from 8pm-1:30am; 936-
"Black Support of Black Busi-
ness" - the video will be shown
at 8:30 p.m. in Rm. 126 East
"Let It Begin Here" - a new
Peace Corps movie; 7:30 p.m. at
the International Center
Blood Battle - in the Bursley
East Lounge; 3-9 p.m.
"Preparing for Non-Violent
Action in Our Local Commu-
nity and in Central America"
- the workshop explores the phi-
losophy of non-violent action;
7:30 p.m. at the Friends Meeting
Pre-Interviews - Norfolk Naval
Shipyard; 6-8 p.m. in 1311 EECS
Voices of Women of Color
UGLi film series - presents "Our
People" and "Double Day" at 7
p.m. in UGLi Rm. 212
Black Perspectives - an edit-
ing/assignment session at 7 p.m.
in 611 Church St. Computer Cen-
Northwalk - North campus
night-time walking service, Rm.
2333 Bursley; 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
or call 763-WALK
"Who's in Charge Here, Any-
way?" - Talk to Us, an interac-
tive theater troupe, performs a
scene on the "group process"; 8
p.m. at Hillel
Meal Sacrifice for the Hungry
- if you live in a residence hall
sign-up today to donate your din-
ner meal; money is donated to
Mazon an organization to help the
hungry and homeless
Free Tutoring - for all lower-
level science, math and engineer-
ing classes; 7-11 p.m. in UGLi
Rm. 307; and 7-11 p.m. in Dow
Bldg. Mezzanine
CP&P Career Programs -
Choosing Your Major from 4:10-
5 in CP&P Rm. 1; Marketing
Your Liberal Arts Degree from
4:10-5 in CP&P Conference Rm.:
On-Campus Recruitment Program
from 5:10-6 in Angell Hall Aud.
ECB peer writing tutors -
available at Angell-Haven and 611
Computing Centers from 7 to 11
p.m.; Sunday through Thursday
Coast to Coast: Women of
Color National Artists' Book
Project - features artists' books
of more than 200 American
Women of Color; in the Slusser
Gallery; 10a.m.-5 p.m.
Women of Courage: An Exhibi-
tion of Photographs by Judith
Sedwick - portraits of 55 Black
American women; Grad. Library
North Lobby; 8am-5pm
Arpilleras from Peru and Chile
- distinctive fabric wall-hangings
by women from Latin America;
Residential College; 1-5 p.m.
By Bob DeMayer
"The Star Wars project, which is
the money the United States spends
on nuclear arms, is a hoax, a politi-
cal step backwards, and a great waste
of money."
University physicist Dan Axelrod
made this claim yesterday at the
Technology and Society seminar en-
titled, "Technology and Peace/War."
Axelrod said he is not alone in
this view. Four out of five scientists
agree that Star Wars is a poor idea,
he said.
Star Wars is waste of money
Axelrod said he believes Star
rs is a hoax because it can only
used for defense, even though it
was intended as an offensive weapon.
It will never make anyone more se-
cure, he said.
To prove his point, Axelrod cited
the following example: Even assum-
ing that Star Wars could stop 99 of
every 100 nuclear bombs, if the So-
viet Union were to launch 10,000
bombs, 100 bombs would still be
able to reach the United States.
If the United States could stop
the remaining one percent, he said, it
wouldn't make any long-term differ-
ence because the Soviets would
eventually figure out a way to defeat
the system, he said.
"Science will never stop," Axel-
rod continued. "Star Wars will only
accelerate the arms race. It is, liter-
ally, a war against other people."
Axelrod said that six to seven
percent of the University's outside
funding goes toward Strategic De-
fense Initiative research. The Univer-
sity currently has no guidelines lim-
iting scientific research dealing with
classified material or which may be
harmful to human life, he said.
Star Wars only protects missiles,
not people, Axelrod said, because it
stands in the way of negotiated arms
reduction talks.
"The best way to protect people,"
he said, "is for the nations to simply
agree to develop no more weaponsA
by initiating a nuclear freeze or test
Star Wars funding was reduced in
Congress for the first time last
week, from $4.5 billion to $3.5 bil-
lion. Axelrod said this money should
be spent on more worthwhile in-
vestments, such as applied science
and technology and education.
University physicist Susan
Wright spoke after Axelrod at the
Wright dealt specifically with the
increase in Department of Defense
funding for chemical and biological
warfare research and development.
"Science should be used to cure
diseases and help human life,"
Wright said, "not to create new dis-
eases which will only end up harm-
ing human life."
Be a Daily Arts staffer...
or just look like one.
if you'd lke to write for
theater, books, dance, visual arts, film, or music,
call 763-0379.
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