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November 06, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-11-06

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Vol. C, No. 44

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 6, 1989

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The Micl n Daiy


Teens drown
by Britt Isaly
Daily Staff Writer L I-i t

after car


For two Ann Arbor Huron High
School juniors, the Friday night that
began with parties and harmless
pranks ended in tragedy.
Nora MacAdam and Jennifer Hut-
ton, two 16-year-old students at
Huron, were pronounced dead at the
University's Medical Center early
Saturday morning after their car
plunged into a pond at Northbury
Condominiums on the corner of
Nixon Rd. and Argonne Dr.
Ann Arbor Police Lt. Harold
Tinsey said MacAdam, Hutton, and
Huron junior Tara McGrath were
fleeing in a Ford Taurus wagon after
a "toilet-papering incident" on
Waldenwood Drive. Tinsey said they

Ax "I fIItrtd) al

riday night prank

turns into tragedy
left a friend's surprise party around by the water, but police were unsure
10:30 p.m. whether this hindered Hutton and
At about 11:15 p.m., while MacAdam's escape from the car. Re-
speeding around a curve at Argonne ports also confirm they were wearing
Dr., the station wagon drove off the seat belts when they first hit the wa-
road and landed nose-first in a small ter.
drainage pond behind the Northbury Two of their fellow Huron
Condominium complex, police said. classmates, Heather Wenk and Alli-
McGrath managed to escape from son Brown, were following behind
the sinking car and swim to safety the station wagon and witnessed the
before the car was entirely sub- car accident.
merged. MacAdam and Hutton, how- Ann Arbor Police Officer Peter
ever, were unable to escape. Stipe was patrolling the Walden-
The car had electric windows wagon from the pond at about 1:20
which might have been shorted out a.m.

wood area Friday night when he first
received a complaint about a toilet-
In his report, Stipe said he re-
ceived a second call at 11:16 p.m.
about a car that fell into the pond.
Rescue workers first attempted to
locate the submerged car from a
lifeboat with a 12-foot pole. After
realizing the car was deeper than 12
feet, they requested more assistance
from the Washtenaw County Sheriff
Dive Team.
After searching for the car for
more than an hour, Washtenaw
County Deputy Don Hemming
found the car by touch after diving
repeatedly into the murky water.
Wreckers then hoisted the station

Ann Arbor close


closing budget deficit

by Tara Gruzen
Daily City Reporter
Almost a year and a half after the
Ann Arbor City Council discovered
the city had a $1.6 million budget
deficit, the city is probably close to
emerging from the red, said City
Administrator Del Borgsdorf.
The city eliminated 32 unfilled
positions in an attempt to decrease
the deficit, cutting positions for 14
firefighters, eight police officers, and
10 other city workers. Borgsdorf said
the city's goal was to cut spending
by $1.6 million between July 1,
1988 and June 30, 1989.
Although Borgsdorf said the

numbers have evened out, members
of the Ann Arbor Fire Department
'People still see the
big yellow truck but
they don't realize that
nobody is on it.'
- Ann Arbor fire-
fighters union president
Mike Vogel
criticized the city for not making the
job cuts fairly. They said they are
not able to perform properly with
the sacrifices they have had to make.
"They are asking us to make up

the entire deficit," said Michael Vo-
gel, president of the firefighters'
Vogel said the council is not
presently worried about the cuts be-
cause there hasn't been a major fire
emergency in Ann Arbor, but in
such a case, the department will suf-
"People still see the big yellow
truck but they don't realize that no-
body is on it," he said.
But city councilmember Ann
Marie Coleman (D-First Ward) said
the city administrator carefully
looked at the options and did his best
to even out the deficit.

The next Rumeal Robinson?
Eli Witus, age 8, shoots baskets next to his home on Lincoln St.

"I don't think the city administra-
tor has gone and left the city to burn
down," she said.
Hopefully, she added, the city
See DEFICIT, Page 2



of color
by Marion Davis
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
"Please recognize that as men of
color, you have an obligation that
goes beyond yourselves," said Clin-
ton Jones, the University's Flint
Chancellor, at the Men of Color
Conference in the Michigan Union
"You are among our most tal-
ented," he said. "The nation needs
you. Your community needs you.
Your university needs your leader-
ship. Allow this community to ben-
afit from the uniqueness of your ex-
The public forum attracted about
150 faculty and administrators from
the University's Ann Arbor, Flint,
and Dearborn campuses, and included
four workshops focused on strategies
for success, career planning, net-
working and combating racism.
The conference was organized by
the University's Men of Color Task
Force to provide a forum where men
of color "could get together and say
what they wanted to say and hear
what they wanted to hear," said As-
sociate Director of Affirmative Ac-
tion Jimmy Myers, a member of the
task force. See FORUM, Page 2

painted on
student cars
by Mike Sobel
Daily Staff Writer
Red swastikas were painted on two cars and a
walkway outside of the predominantly Jewish fraternity
Sigma Alpha Mu Friday morning.
A SAM member, who requested anonymity for fear
of further persecution, said he realized his car was
painted with three swastikas - one on the passenger
door and two on the hood - when a friend told him
about the incident at around noon on Friday.
The student reported the incident to the police, but
police officials refused to comment, saying an
investigation may begin today.
"I ran outside," the student said. "I was stunned... all
I felt was anger inside." When the incident took place,
the student's car was parked on Lincoln Ave., across the
street from the fraternity house on the corner of Hill St.
and Lincoln. He added that he felt the vandalism was an
anti-Semitic act aimed at the fraternity.
He also said the report he filed with the police Friday
night was met with apathy. In response to a question
about insurance procedure, he said the first officer
answered, "Do whatever you want - it's up to you"
and told him, "go to the federal government; I deal with
He added that a second officer told him this was not a
racial incident because "Jews aren't another race." The
student also said when he asked for a precinct number,
the officer replied, "We don't have precinct numbers
here. This isn't New York." The student could not
remember the names of the officers he spoke to.
See SWASTIKA, Page 5

Touchdown! DAVID LUBNEDaily
Leroy Hoard (33) raises his arms in jubilation after his two-yard touchdown run put Michigan ahead 35-7. Hoard
rushed for 57 yards in the game, but on only 9 carries, for a 6.3 average. Wolverine ballcarriers totalled 181 yards
on the ground, averaging 3.9 yards per carry and three touchdowns. Michigan went on to beat Purdue, 42-27, in
Michigan Stadium on Saturday.

Students often ignore professors, but not the crossword puzzle

by Jennifer Hirl
Daily Staff Writer


"Some people do the puzzles to kill time
or because they want to meet a challenge,"
Maleska said. "Other individuals find them

through lectures without the puzzle. "When I
pick up the Daily, the first thing I do after I
read the headlines is turn to the crossword

students work the puzzle in class. "I have
always encouraged students to read the pa-
per," said Communications Prof. Joan

Many say the best thing about The Daily

Though many expect Maleska to be a
crossword puzzle expert, he said, "I find am
constantly looking up word snellings and

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