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October 31, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-31

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 31, 1989

Continued from Page 1
Square after dusk to mark the unoffi-
cial "Day of the Political Prisoner"
and mourn the millions who were
wrongly imprisoned or killed under
Josef Stalin.
The hour-long protest, in which
two rows of people holding flicker-
ing candles lined up on three sides of
the building, proceeded peacefully. It
had been organized by the Memorial
Society, which seeks to commemo-
rate those who suffered unjustly un-
der Stalin, and the Democratic
Union, a self-styled opposition to
the Communist Party.
At the end of the demonstration,
a splinter group of about 500 peo-
ple, mostly young men, marched off
in the direction of Pushkin Square, a
favorite rallying site for human
rights activists.
The group was confronted with-
out warning by riot police two
blocks from Pushkin Square.
The white-helmeted police, armed
with long black rubber truncheons,
formed a line, then waded into the
protesters, clubbing at least four of
their leaders to the ground, then
dragging them into nearby buses for

Continued from Page 1
Middle Earth works its way into
the Halloween scene by selling
make-up, wigs, and masks. Cynthia
Shevel, store owner for 23 years,
agreed that the most popular cos-
tumes this year were Batman and the
Joker. She also said political masks
of Khomeini, Bush, Kadaffi, and
Nixon have been popular.
"Halloween's such a fun time. I
think it's sort of disappointing that I
haven't seen more college kids parad-
ing around the streets in costume. I
love costumes. Personally, I always
have an arrow through my head,"
said Shevel.
"I always prefer to see home-
made costumes. They're more cre-
ative because you have to put
thought into it," Shevel said.
Some people shy away from the
typical costume trends, like Kyle
Bettigole, LSA senior.
"Last Friday night I dressed as the
Tooth Fairy for a Halloween party. I
wore pink tights, a tutu, and den-

tures on a string around my neck.
Most people got the idea. It was my
last chance to regress before I enter
the real, evil world," he said, laugh-
Other students plan to regress to
old Halloween activities.
"Believe it or not, I'm going
trick or treating around Ann Arbor
with my friends. It should be pretty
funny," said an LSA sophomore
who was too embarrassed to be
"For Halloween I'm celebrating
my 21st birthday," said Mark Jacob-
son, LSA senior.
University residence halls plan to
celebrate Halloween in their own
way. South Quad is hosting a cos-
tume contest tonight during dinner.
Other residence halls, such as Mary
Markley, are hosting trick-or-treating
in residents' rooms for area under-
privileged children. Bursley is host-
ing a pumpkin carving contest.
"I don't have to dress up, I al-
ready look like a Halloween cos-
tume," said an Engineering senior,
who, for obvious reasons, wished to
remain anonymous.

Continued from Page 1
"For the past 17 years, Robin Ja-
coby has made significant contribu-

tions to The University, first as a
faculty member, and later as an ad-
ministrator," Duderstadt said. "She
has been a key member of my man-
agement team."
"This is a wonderful opportunity
for Robin... With Linda Wilson, she
will provide Radcliffe with a dy-
namic leadership team," he said.
Jacoby was selected from among
65 candidates following a nation-
wide search. Prior to serving as se-
nior assistant to the President, she

The University of Michigan

Continued from Page 1
UMPNC is "always available" for
further discussions.
The council's main concern
throughout the sessions has been the
hospital's policy of mandatory over-
time. Under mandatory overtime, the
hospital can force nurses to work ex-
tra shifts if no one volunteers for
those shifts. Although this policy
has been in place for some time, it
had become a bigger problem re-
cently because of an unrelated nurse
Continued from Page 1
ing profession itself. Barkausas said
baccalaureate nurses are needed "not
because of elitism," but because the
increasing complexity of patient care
requires a high degree of education
only offered through a baccalaureate
degree program.
A report issued by the U.S. De-
partment of Health and Human Ser-
vices statedthat by 1990 there will
be an excess of 368,000 associate
degree holders, and a shortage of
390,000 nurses at the baccalaureate
As a consequence of the decline
in students choosing nursing and the
disputes over the levels of nursing
education, hospitals have been find-
ing themselves with fewer nurses.
Other staff members are asked to
work overtime to cover the shifts,
adding to the stress level in an al-
ready stressful environment.
James Velghe, President of the
Management Science Association, a
Kansas City labor relations consult-
ing firm, said in the March 27, 1987
issue of Modern Health Care
"increasing workload can cause re-
sentment and dissatisfaction among
employees, which can lead to union
The issue of overtime shifts has
been a focal point of the recent con-
tract disputes at the University of
Michigan Hospital. The hospital
wants to insure safe patient care and
enforces the practice of mandatory
overtime so shifts will be covered.
Stoll said the nurses want a
"restructuring" of the current
scheduling policies so on-the-job
stress "won't burn out the nurses
who are practicing."
Stoll also quoted a Health and
Human Services report, published in
late 1988 which called on hospital
administrations to "give nurses more
control of scheduling".
"We want to be treated like the
professionals we are," she said.
Continued from Page 1
vote to appoint three new representa-
tives - two undergraduates and one
graduate - to the Board of Student
Publications. The board supervises
the financial operations of The
Michigan Daily, the Michiganensian
yearbook, and the Gargoyle humor

Tues. Oct. 31
Thurs. Nov. 2
Fri. Nov. 3
Sat. Nov. 4

USO Halloween Concert
Please note: All tickets have been
given out; none will be available
the night of the performance.
Sorry, no admittance without a
Hill Auditorium, 9 PM
Jazz Combos In Concert
Edward Sarath, director
Three small jazz ensembles perform original
and standard jazz
Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 PM
Concert Band
Donald Schleicher, Jerry Luckhardt,
Music of Hindemith, Shostakovich,
Persichetti, Sousa, Orff
Hill Auditorium, 8 PM
Men's Glee Club
Jerry Blackstone, conductor
Tickets $4, $5, $7; call 764-1448
Hill Auditorium, 8 PM

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Supreme Court to rule on pension
dispute affecting millions
WASHINGTON - Federal protection for 30 million American
worker's pensions could be at stake in a dispute the Supreme Court agreed
to resolve yesterday.
The justices said they will decide what authority the Pension Benefit'
Guaranty Corporation, a federal agency, has to order employers to retrieve
scrapped pension plans.
A federal appeals court limited such authority by setting aside the
agency's order that LTV Corp. and its subsidiary, LTV Steel CO., restore
three pension plans with unfunded liabilities of $2.3 billion.
Government lawyers say the ruling, if not overturned, could make the
agency "an open-ended source if industry bailouts" and spark a financial
crisis similar to the one facing the government's insurance program for
the savings and loan industry.
The justices' decision is expected by July. The pensions case focuses
on the power of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which
protects the pension benefits of 30 million Americans.
S. African gov't says peaceful
demonstration eases tension
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Government-run broadcasting
said yesterday that peaceful demonstrations such as the huge anti-apartheid
rally over the weekend have helped ease political tensions and assisted
"We thank the people for behaving within the norms of democratic
society," Maj. Gen. Herman Stadler, the police public relations chief, said
of the 70,000-member rally Sunday.
It was the largest anti-government event ever, and virtually every
aspect violated security laws.
But authorities approved the event in advance and police maintained
a low profile as African National Congress leaders, released from prison
Oct. 15, endorsed the organization's guerrilla campaign and called for
increased economic sanctions against the white-run government.
Most favor U.S.-Iran deal
NEW YORK - Most Americans favor rapprochement with Iran in
exchange for the release of the U.S. hostages in Lebanon, even though
they see the Islamic republic as a sponsor of world terrorism, a national
poll has found.
Ten years after the Iran hostage crisis poisoned U.S.-Iran relations, 61
percent in the Media General-Associated Press poll said Washington
should offer to resume normal ties if Iran got the Americans in Lebanon
Support was somewhat lower for releasing Iranian assets locked in
U.S. banks in trade for the hostages' freedom, with 50 percent in favor.
And respondents overwhelmingly rejected paying ransom directly to the
captors, with 85 percent opposed.
Eighteen Westerners, including eight Americans, are held in Lebanon,
most by groups believed loyal to Iran. Iran has offered to help free the
captives if its assets held in U.S. banks were released.
Ortega may cancel cease-fire
WASHINGTON - Presidential press secretary Marlin Fitzwater said
President Daniel Ortega was a target of mounting pressure from his Latin
American neighbors not to follow through on his threat to end the cease-
fire between his Marxist Sandinista forces and the Contra rebels.
"The issue pretty much goes back to President Ortega and the
Sandinistas in the sense of he's changed his position a little bit,"
Fitzwater said. "We, obviously, are urging that the cease-fire be
After startling a hemispheric conference on democracy in Costa Rica
by announcing Friday that he would cancel the cease-fire, Ortega modified
his position to say he would decide the matter today.
A senior State Department official, briefing reporters on the condition
of anonymity, said that a decision by Ortega to abrogate the cease-fire
would be merely "a pretext to end the election process."
House Speaker Thomas Foley, (D-Wash.) called Ortega's threat
iPublic service announcement i
As a public service to our readers, we here at the Daily have compiled
'this quick and easy guide to using Daylight Savings Time.
Old New Old New
time time time time
1:00 12:00 7:00 6:00
I2:00 1:00 8:00 7:00I

3:00 2:00 9:00 8:00 t
4:00 3:00 10:00 9:00
5:00 4:00 11:00 10:00
6:00 5:00 12:00 11:00
All times apply to both a.m. (morning) and p.m. (afternoon).
--- - ----------------f
- by Alex Gordon and Miguel Cruz
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 147-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550






Dance Performance by Soviet THE FABULOUS BAKER BOYS
Artists 12:15.720. 9:25
for ticket information call 763-5460 HALLOWEEN 5 . ,-I
1:00, 7:45, 9:35
Blanche Anderson Moore Hall, School of LOOK WHO'S TALKING
Music, 8 PM 1:573,92
12:20, 7:40, 10:00
For up-to-date information on School of Music Events, call the 12:00,720,9:55.
24-Hour Music Hotline: 763-4726 SEA OF LOVE I






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November 2 -

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All day Tuesday. Due to contractual obliations this
offer can not be honored during the first two weeks
of a First Run Engagement.


Editor in Cief
Managing Editor
News Editors

Opinion Page Editors
Associate Opinion Editors
Letters Editor
Weekend Editors

Adam Schrager Sports Editor
Steve Knopper Associate Sports Editors
Miguel Cruz, Alex Gordon,
David Schwartz
Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon Arts Editors
David Austin, Philip Cohen, Fiim
Camile Cdatosti, Sharon Holand, Music
David Levin Books
Alyssa Lustigman, Theatre
Andrew Mils Photo Editor

Mike Gil
Adam Benson, Steve Blonder,
Richard Eisen, Lory Knapp,
Taylor Linocdn
Andrea Gadd, Alyssa Katz
Tony Siber
Nabeel Zuberi
Mark Swartz
Jay Pekaia
David Lubiner

News: Karen Akedof, Joanne Broder, Jason Carter, Diane Cock, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Tara Gruzen, Jennifer Rd,
Ian Hoffman, Butt Isaly, Terri Jackson, Mark Katz, Christine Kloostra, Kistine LaLonde, Jennifer Miler, Josh Miuick, Dan Poux, Amy
Quick, Gi Renberg, Taraneh Shali, Mike Sobel, Vera Songwe, Jessica Stick, Noeie Vance, Ken Walker, Donna WoodwelL
Opinion: Jonathan Fink, Christina Fong, Deyar Jamil, Fran Obeid, Liz Paige, Henry Park, Greg Rowe, Kathryn Savoie, Kim Springer,
Rashid Taher, Luis Vasquez, Dima Zalatino.
Sports: Jamie Burgess, Steve Cohen, Theodore Cox, Jeni Durst, Scot E'skine, Andy Gottesman, Phi Green, Aaron Hinkin, David
Hyman, Bethany Kipec, Eric Lemont, John Niyo, Matt Rennie, Jonathan Samnick, Ryan Schreiber, Jeff Sheran, Peter Zelen, Dan
Arts: Greg Bais, Sherril L Bennett, Jen Bilk, Mark Binel, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Mike Fischer, Forrest Green, Brian
Jarvinen, Mike Kunavsky, Ami Mehta, Mike Mitor, Kristin Palm, Annette Petrusso, Jay Pinka, Gregori Roach, Cindy Rosenihal, Peter
Shd Jsdo, Mark Webster.
Phiotw. Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Fedmnan, Julie Hdklm an, Jose Juarez, Jonathan Liss, Josh Moore, Samantha Sanders, Kenneth Smoller,


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