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October 30, 1989 - Image 33

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-30
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' r Dollars and Sen OCTOBER 1989 " OCTOBER 1989 Li

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Real world Author abroad Booming boxers
North Texas art students A U. of Oregon student Two students manage a
willingly work overtime at makes it easier to tour successful tie-dyed
campus advertising agency. Europe on a tight budget. sportswear business.
Page17 Page17 Page18

Name game
Professor offers advice to
help students remember
names on a large campus.
Page 21

Students create
new music catalog

-01 -ko 0 T-,

By Johnelle Lamarque
" The Daily Reveille
Louisiana State U.
.I recently heard an announce-
ment for a 1969 class reunion that
made me wonder what American
college students were like 20 years
ago, when I was still slurping down
strained carrots and enjoying it.
I thought of a passionate era,
almost too passionate and revolu-
tionary. But a decade that cared. It
seemslight years away fromtoday's
somewhat conservative and utili-
tarian tendencies. Has the passion
and fire of the '60s and early '70s
been quenched?
Some say there areno more caus-
es worth fighting for with such
Others argue that the causes are
in distant countries or social
groups, and don't directly affect the
average Americanacitizen.
It might be that our senses have
beennumbed-or perhaps dazzled
is abetter word-by the dehuman-
izing lure of money, power and
Imet a guy Saturday night whose
goal in life was to be a millionaire
by the age of 35.
His major is International Trade
and Finance, not because he thinks
it will be an exciting and rewarding
career, but because he will make
loads of cash.
I wonder if he even knows what's
involved in that type of work -but
I don't think he cares as long as it
makes him rich. He even said he
had no problem doing illegal things
to make his money.
He saidhe wanted to be amillion-
aire because once you have money,
everything else falls in place - or
so he thinks. The only "thing" he
"What more could you need?" he
I hope this is an extreme situa-
tion, but the point is this poor guy
didn't consider the fact that a
woman could easily marry him in
search of her MRS. degree and for
See MONEY, Page 21

Baseball cards pay
,for his education "
By Jeff Smith "Every year, starting in
The Daily Eastern News the early '80s, we'd
Eastern Illinois U. buy about 12,000
cards, sort them, get
Tad Schmitz has put a new twist on about 15 complete
the old pastime of collecting baseball sets andsellthemfor
cards. about $20 each. I ,-
The Eastern Illinois U. junior trades make about $3 f
the cards for tuition. to $4 per set
Schmitz, who has been selling cards profit."
with his dad since he was five, said the Schmitz
cards pay for half his education. and his
Although he could sell enough to pay for f a t h e r =
all his bills, he chooses to "age" part of have a
his investment for bigger payoffs in the system -
future. that he"
Schmitz turns the cards into bills in calls"card-
three ways: by selling complete sets of liquidity."
cards, individual cards and a combina- "I'll call my dad and MIKE
tion of both at card shows. tellhim Ineed some money to go
The shows, where serious and out, and he'll go and sell some cards to Schmitz keeps his car
lightweight collectors shop for cards collectors in town and put the money in ment where it's cool, be
from among a large group of collectors the bank," Schmitz explained. uninsured and susceptib
and dealers, represent a quick money The two have collected every card The more expensive ca
maker, Schmitz said. made since 1971, and Schmitz estimates 1963 Pete Rose Topps roo
"We sell doubles of old cards and make his entire collection would"fillmore than at $250, are locked in safe
about $400 profit at three to four shows half a dormroom."Itincludes a few cards "I love that '63 card," Sc
a year," he said. He usually sets up shop made by Bowman, a company that print- a Reds fan."
at a couple of shows each summer, one ed baseball cards on the back of cigar and Schmitz said there's on
in the fall and one during Christmas cigarette boxes from 1948-55. "A couple trading cards that's oft
break each year. I found in a shoe box," he said. "That's "When you sell cards, it's
He also sells complete sets of cards. how I started collecting." - no taxes involved."

ds in his base-
cause they are
le to damage.
rds, including a
kie card valued
e-deposit boxes.
hmitz said. "I'm
.e big reason for
en overlooked.
straight profit

By Theresa Livingston
The Daily Egyptian
Southern Illinois U., Carbondale
Music promotion and marketing have
taken a new turn in Carbondale, Ill.,
where two Southern Illinois U. students
distribute a catalog of independent
artists called The Independent Music
"We're not actually a record label.
We're more of a source through which
independent music is marketed," says
Andrew Schoen, founder of the catalog
and the Home Recording Co-op, the cat-
alog's umbrella organization.
Schoen and his partner in the co-op,
Michael Beck, screen tapes sent to them
from music groups around the country.
Tapes which meet minimal sound qual-
ity requirements are listed and
described briefly. Bands paya $25 fee to
be listed in the catalog. Readers of the
free catalog are then able to directly con-
tact the bands.
Schoen stresses that the catalog
serves as a distributor of information
about independent music, not a cri-
tiquing publication.
"Every tape gets listened to," Beck
says "We don't make judgements on the
type of music that goes in the catalog."
Schoen, himself an independent
musician, started the project about a
year ago with a letter to a columnist at
Home Musician magazine. Schoen's let-
ter asked the columnist whether the cat-
alog idea might be profitable. Instead of
writing back, he printed the idea and
Schoen's address in his column, result-
ing in a quick flow of tapes to Schoen.
"The response is always growing,"
Schoen says. "I recently got a request
Continued from page 12
cessful that some of his students demon-
strated the AudioVisiontechnique at the
Cannes Film Festival in France in May.
Marie-Luce Plumanzille and Jean-
Yves Simoneau, students from Paris,
were chosen from hundreds who audi-
tioned to study description under
After arriving in San Francisco, they
had one week to master the skill well
enough to describe a 15-minute movie
scene to Cannes critics.
For Frazier, the Cannes engagement
represented the culmination of 14 years
of work and brought AudioVision before
a new audience. Since Cannes, organi-

There have been seven editions of the
catalog, which is available from the co-
op, the musicians, and various music
stores and record stores. The catalog is
distributed around the country and pub-
lishes four times a year. A wide range of
styles and genres are featured. Says
Beck, "We have a tape of swing music in
the catalog from a retired dentist who
does music for a hobby."
The October catalog, which had a cir-
culation of about 15,000, listed more
than 100 groups. The quick expansion of
the project recently led the founders to
incorporate the co-op and to hire an East
Coast representative.
The catalog is successful because
recording equipment has become more
affordable, Beck says.
"Forunder $500,you can get the equip-
ment to make a four-track recording on
the same equipment the Beatles used to
make Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band. The technologicalrestraints
are just no longer there."
Part of the motivation for starting the
catalog was to promote independent
music, Beck says. Bands get exposure,
and radio and record companies get a
chance to learn about independent
"With its strict playlist, commercial
radio dictates what's available to the con-
sumer. In the early '70s, the record com-
panies were willing to take a chance on
an unknown artist.
"Now it's more money-oriented. By
making their own mega-stars, the record
companies are allowing a lot of music to
go virtually iguored. The co-op is trying
to change that."
zations from Canada and Spain have
expressed interest in working with the
A feasibility study is being conducted
which may result in AudioVision being
broadcast on Canadian national televi-
"The main thing that came out of
Cannes is that we got international
recognition," Frazier said.
Frazier came up with the idea for
AudioVision while working on his
Master's thesis in Broadcast
Communications at San Francisco State
in 1975.
His class, partially funded by a grant
from the San Francisco Foundation,
meets once a week. Students prepare
narratives of movie sequences, and cri-
tique each other's work.

Spy ag is 'vicious'

Grad students cite trouble

By Scot Macdonald
U. of Nevada, Reno
Many graduate students at U. of
Nevada, Reno are forced to take second
jobs in addition to their course load and
teaching assistantships. This is a direct
result of a lack of stipend funding,
according to Vice President of Academic
Affairs Bill Cathey.
Mike Kaplen, a graduate student in
history, must supplement his stipend by
working15 hours a week at alocalsuper-
market in addition to his position as a
teaching assistant andnine credit hours.
TAs are supposed to work 20 hours a
week, but Kaplen said, "I definitely work
more than 20 hours a week."
The average graduate assistant
makes $7,500, Cathey said, while the
minimum cost oflivingfor ayearin Reno
is a little less than $10,000.
The Nevada State Legislature passed
a $345 pay increase for graduate stu-
dents at UNR and UNLas Vegas in July.
However, the increase was considerably
less than the $2,445 UNR requested in
order to match the national average,

low stipends
according to Financial Director Ron
Sparks. UNR also was allotted 36 new
assistantships, bringingthe university's
total to about 260.
"We made progress, but not what we'd
hoped,"Sparks said.UNRis"pretty close
to the bottom in the western United
States" in the number of assistantships
they offer, he said.
UNR Graduate Student Association
President Kirk Swanson said the lack of
funding for stipends hurts recruiting.
"We're not competitive with a lot of our
neighboring universities. We have diffi-
culty attracting even the average stu-
Although Cathey thinks UNR is com-
petitive, he said if assistantships are
supposed to support graduate students,
they fail.
Like Kaplen, English TA Gaye
Simmons also works more than 20 hours
a week. She said she runs an entire
course, chooses textbooks, teaches, pre-
paresforlectures andmarkspapers. She
also works part-time at editing and writ-
ing jobs and takes eight credit hours.
"It's akindofslavelabor,"said Associate
Professor Carl Looney.

Students misuse
research service,
UCLA dean says
By Steven Shum
Daily Bruin
U. of California, Los Angeles
Some students complete 15-page
term papers in a half-hour.
This is true of 50 to 70 UCLA stu-
dents who buy theses, dissertations
and term papers each year from
companies which offer research
assistance, overnight delivery and
half-hour service, said Art Stekel,
co-founder of one such company.
The majority of students who buy
papers from firms like Los Angeles-
based Research Assistance are mis-
using the service, according to
UCLA Assistant Dean of Students
Melora A. Sundt. However, Stekel
contends that most UCLA students
buy only sections of term papers for
research purposes.
Sundt estimates that 5 percent of
tigates involve suspected purchased

By Perrin Aikens
. Tulane Hullaballoo
Tulane U.
Perhaps cruel is too generous a word.
The caustic wits who staff Spy maga-
zine, New York's nastiest monthly, are
probably better described as vicious.
Being a target of Spy's attacks is an
unenviable position, as the titles of the
magazine's features attest.
Issues contain stories such as "Why
Shouldn't The Mayor Have His Own
Dominatrix?" and "I Have Servants
Feed Me Like a Circus Animal - Why
Shouldn't You?"
Spy's most frequent victims are the
more pretentious members of the
celebrity kingdom. Brat pack actor Judd
Nelson, for example, has been selected
by Spy as the representative of all that
is evil in the world of fame and fortune.
Their reasoning is logical enough: how
could he play all those obnoxious char-
acters so convincingly if he's not obnox-
ious himself?
And when Nelson and other actors
began riding the crest of the current fad
ofwearingeyeglasses, Spy described the
trend as a prime example of celebrity
Surely, Spy asked, there must be a

rational explanation for why Daryl
Hannah, Rob Lowe, Bruce Willis and, of
course, Judd Nelson, were all forced to
don eyeglasses around the same time.
Spy rather sarcastically revealed that
the trend was not caused by some sort of
visual plague, but by the simple fact that
the stars believed the glasses made them
look more intelligent.
Perhapsthemostvicious section of the
magazine is its monthly "Party Poops,"
series of photos from New York soirees
and clubs complete with descriptive sub-
lowing stars:
Talking Heads'DavidByrne:"Overage
faux-naif... models a white trash aqua-
and-sort-of purple tartan ... beneath the
combination of jumbo head and wee lit-
tle neck."
William F. Buckley and wife Pat:
"Former best-selling right-wing author
and the giantess andsugar mommy with
whom he lives ... reluctantly proffers
her artificially bruised-looking face to
Glenn Bernbaum."
Spy is distributed nationally, and the
$2.95 cover price guarantees a good

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