The Michigan Daily -Monday, October 30, 1989- Page 11 Poets awash with ambiance BY JAY PINKA POETS Peggy Moller and Charles Ordowski Will meet on the stormy and serene waters of lit- erary exploration. Ordowski, who sailed among a pod of killer whales in Washington, and Moller, *ho taught at the University of Pittsburgh's "fSemester at Sea," shared ideas at the Falling Water Bookstore writers' workshop. But "Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink" is neither poet's motto. Both Moller end Ordowski often drink from their surround- #ngs, using them in their poetry. Moller, strapped like Ulysses to the mast of a ship, feels the inexorable call of exotic lands like Greece Nvhere she plans to translate Greek poetry into Fnglish. Moller mentioned that Americans are ignorant of the Greek poet who recently won the Nobel prize. Moller wants to make Greek poetry accessible to English speakers; her allusions to i he classics reflect her fascination with the coun- 0ry: "And I follow you with half halting steps/ Through the streets of memory/ With only your ace before me/ Gazing out in serene sleepless- * ess/ Some unforged mask of Agamemnon/ Looking out across years/ Through a hall of mir- (ors." Moller's masters studies focused on ''Wordsworth, Tennyson and the Bardic Tradi- iion." While at the University, creative writing professor Richard Tillinghast encouraged her in Oer work. Her horizons, expanded by her time at *ea, gave her the conviction to cross language barriers. "You get a sense of connection you don't get from maps and globes," says Moller. "The world has never seemed so whole." Moller commented on the community experience she had when she and her shipmates could feel the heat, "the heavy dryness," of Tunisia as they sailed past the coun- try. Moller spends a lot of time studying music as a French horn player in the Michigan Marching Band. Her work with music reflects on her em- phasis on rhythm in poetry. "Auditory quality is just as essential as imag- istic element," says Moller. "Without rhythm, it's not really poetry... there has to be tension." Think of the tale of Echo and Narcissus. Nar- cissus eternally admires his own image in the water, and Echo reflects back whatever is said to her. The rhythm of the echo, combined with the magic of the image, create poetry - and what could be a better title of Charles Ordowski's June-published book than Echoes and Images? The book shows a more intimate approach to writing than Moller's. "I'm drawn to themes of nature and things that happen around me to people that I know," says Ordowski. The poet, who works as a librar- ian for Ford Photographic, also took a workshop at Falling Water on "Finding Your Voice as A Writer." His poems can reveal the beauty of the people around him or encapsulate a moment in nature. In one poem, he caresses the tenderest elements of a friend, who, during a pregnancy, asked him to write a poem about her. This poem, threaded with flower imagery, didactically con- nects being born and giving birth. He concludes by calling the woman a "child of the rose." And Ordowski does his research. "I've never known her to throw flowers away," he said. Ordowski is concise in creating mood through the contrast of the following lines, published in The Writer's Magazine, June of 1988: "it was a night/ in earliest winter/ a film of ice/ sheathed the lake/ its waters beneath/ darkly asleep/ when/ under a moonless sky/ for a mo- ment/ a shadow danced/ on the fragile surface/ alone" Ordowski created this poem in a workshop ac- tivity in which writers' picked phrases out of a hat. Denise Dumars called the pocm minimalist and praised it: "A study in precision... the shadow is the only thing that moves... and even then it only moves for a moment. So the poem can be seen as a still photo until the shadow moves, making it into a motion picture." Ordowski also believes in seeing the largeness of the world. He travels to the rainforests of Washington, and this summer he taped a diary on microcassette of his "cruise" on a "zodiac" boat with 12 people through a pod of spouting orcas. It is often in transit that Ordowski writes, and with considerable spontaneity. "I have written whole poems... in the car from home to work," says Ordowski. He con- cludes with a water metaphor: "The words cas- cade... I have to grab a piece of paper" to write it down. PEGGY MOLLER and CHARLES ORDOWSKI I read at the+ 8:30 p.m. Guild house (802 Monroe) tonight at TIMBUK3 Continued from page 10 ument. And for the irony which im- bues the lyrical twists of MacDonald and partner Barbara K's bleak prairie harmonids with moments of doubt- ing genius, all their predictability is forgiven. Still, stuff like "Standard White Wesus" is the kind of easy-target- bashing which brings on cynical critics with knives sharpened, and MacDonald watches his steps; "Authors and critics," he advises in Count to Ten," "Do your home- work, get the facts/ Before you point ' WANT TO REALLY BLOW THEM AWAY? Send a PERSONAL! The Daily Classifieds 764-0557 the poison pen." Those who do look in deeper will find sympathetic sen- timents running throughout Mac- Donald's portrayal of down-and- outers which suggest a extra mean- ing - a healthy acceptance that he, too, has missed his chance at the "Wheel of Fortune." "Your time's not wasted/ ...Your big invest- ment's/Gonna pay off someday," he pleads the criminal of "Don't Give Up on Me"; one could easily imag- ine an impatient Copeland on the end of the line. While Edge of Allegiance' s sparse, folkish sound is less engag- ing than the funk/blues/hip-hop rhythms and island guitar which spiced the excellent Eden Alley's take on moral confusion in the wake of Jim and Swaggy, the record's lonesome Hank Williams drawl evokes a heartland emptiness which sets an appropriate, if hook-starved, background throughout. This is the MacDonalds' humble home turf, and if they're happy "living on the B- side of life," I'll b content indeed to follow them alang on their blue highway aroundj she pop charts' blaze of glory - wherever it leads. TIMBUK3 performs two shows (7:30 and 10:00 p.m.) tonight at the Ark, 637 S. Main. Advance tickets are $10. Mesozoic Miller flies solo mission He didn't write "King of the Road" and he doesn't do ads for credit cards. This Roger Miller plays keyboards, plays them in ways others are prob- ably scared to. Formerly of Mission of Burma and currently of the exper- imental Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, Miller is heavily into distortion, de- lay and all sorts of other neato effects; he dubs his style "Maximum Electric Piano." Musician magazine called him "the bastard son of John Cage and Jimi Hendrix". He'll play tonight at the Heidelberg - things* should get started at 10 p.m. or so. 11 SOCIAL WORK DAY Friday, Nov. 3, 1989 3-6 PM Amphitheatre, 4th Floor, Rackham Building Alumni, professors, and administrators will speak on career opportunities in social work and University of Michigan programs 14th Ant. vesary " Masters in Social Work *Ph.D. in Social Work and Social Science FOR MORE INFORMATION 764-5330 ... YOUNG MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS 9.99-19.99 All Fashion Henleys. After Anniv. $14-$27. Save 25% on every basic & fashion style in bright Fall colors. 14.99-25.99 Every Heet Knit Top. After Anniv. $20-$35. 25% off our entire stock-a wide variety of great styles! 10 . 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