a OPINION Monday, October 30, 1989 The Michigan Doilysl } i w t re £wbrtgau ailyg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Not just a Vol. C, No. 39 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Market mani pulati ons ON OCTOBER 13, the Dow Jones In- dustrial Average dropped 6.9 percent. After the traders lost confidence in the New York Market, the ramifications were felt around the world. Soon after, stock prices fell by 12.8 percent in West Germany and by 8 percent in Great Britain. Three days later, prices on the Dow miraculously went up 3.4 percent. A primary cause of this seem- ingly indecipherable economic fluctua- tion is the profession of speculation it- self. The corporations involved in the Dow Jones industrial average did not decrease their real value 6.9 percent in one day and increase it by 3.4 percent on another. What changed was the monetary value of certain pieces of pa- per that represent shares of ownership in companies. The cost of owning these often-times infinitesimal pieces of a corporation can change by that amount quite easily thanks to the bro- kers and traders who buy and sell them. These speculators generally try to justify their profession in two ways. First, they claim to analyze the econ- omy to determine how money should be invested. Second, they claim to protect the stockholder by making management responsible so that the corporation is run efficiently. If this is not done, the brokers and traders can facilitate a corporate takeover. These arguments are largely falla- cious. If the real value of these com- panies, and the value of their produc- tion, didn't drop drastically on Friday and increase again on Monday, then there should have been no drop and rise in their paper value. A sound anal- ysis by the power brokers, in the inter- est of the average investor, would not have permitted this speculation. Additionally, these "financial wiz- ards" are in no way protecting the in- terests of their clients. Most investors on Wall Street and other stock markets have little capital. A loss of this amount - 6.9 percent - can wipe out all their holdings in one day. The work of these brokers, traders, and their support network of lawyers and computer analysts has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years as more and more people spend time try- ing to figure out how to gamble with paper to make money. For example, between 1964 and 1985, while interna- tional production, excluding Eastern Europe, multiplied by a factor of eight, international banking activity in those markets grew by a factor of 130 (Monthly Review, May 1989). Unlike a farmer who grows grain, a machinist who works in a factory, a doctor who cures the sick, or a teacher who educates people, these paper ma- nipulators produce nothing of tangible valuable to society. They can increase the value of a stock while workers in the corporations whose stock is traded are laid off at the same time. Clearly, those in this parasitic profession can do as much or more to hurt the economy as they can to help it. While the public has become accus- tomed to thinking that socialism as in- efficient because of the bureaucrats who are ineffective in planning their economies, it is clear that capitalists have paper shufflers of their own. Michele Kassarjian This letter is addressed to three men whose conversation I happened to overhear in the Betsey Barbour cafeteria on Wed. Oct 25. They were making fun of an ad- vertisement for a sexual assault prevention workshop: I was outraged when I heard what you said. I couldn't believe the girls sitting with you didn't say a thing. They just sat there with confused smiles on their faces. I was furious because what you said under- mined all that the men and women of SAPAC have been trying to teach us this past week, that date rape is more of a problem than people realize. What you said makes everyone's efforts to educate us about date rape (and ultimately stop it) in vain, as if you never heard a word they said. Let me ask you this: Do you think any of your friends has ever been raped? Or, even more importantly, do you think any of your friends (or even you) has ever been guilty of rape? I would bet the answer to women's first question is Yes, even if they in the sh r told you. Likewise, I would say Yes room, in ie second question; for every person It's no 1 there is someone who did it. the imps xonder how one of you women sitting public, t you would have reacted, had she been might of d. I know that if I were her I would free spec been deeply hurt by your insensitiv- this is n Well, I was hurt by what you said. you to u >ecause I have been raped. Your words may fee Jeep. They said to me that you didn't with the much stock in what we've been say- Some dc Your words said you weren't willing who is s4 issue adows of the Arb, but in his dorm his bed. )t that I want to get across to you rtance of watching your words in because you don't know who you ffend. You do have the right to ch. I want you to understand that ot just a woman's issue. I want nderstand that although you now A that you have no need to deal issue of rape, some day you will. ay you will be holding a woman creaming in anguish, whether she 0 'Your words hit deep. They said to me that you didn't take much stock in what we've been saying. Your words said you weren't willing to care much about your friend's pain, a stranger's pain, my pain.' to care much about your friend's pain, a stranger's pain, my pain. My guilt, my suffering. You weren't willing to care about the crime that was committed against me, something that didn't happen be a dear friend, a cousin, a sister, a daugh- ter. Or maybe worse. If you don't hear these words and understand what they mean, the next rape committed on this campus may be caused by you. THE TMUSEUMNMEru/,^ -Th C& GEINCLA INTI7 CAPITAL GAII'15ESTIMATE - r TAX !\ lFOR ZLU M M PE . CENT AL #q{ BILLION y f QI00,00 DEAP BUDGET 111F W.A. PADA DEFICI -= -(cx YR PlcrulsZ a s Meaningless takeovers 01 THE STOCK MARKET crash of Octo- ber 13 and its subsequent recovery re- vealed the power structure in the econ- omy of the United States. An examina- tion of these events shows who the big players are, and how the ordinary citi- zen is a victim of economic manipula- tions beyond his or her control. The precipitating cause of the stock crash was the failure of bankers to loan money to pilots and managers trying to buy the United Airlines Corporation (UAL). Wall Street was stunned, and UAL stock crashed. Bankers and stock analysts became nervous when they realized that attempts to acquire stocks similar to UAL might also fail to re- ceive bank support. Takeovers, and the threat of takeovers, have become such a crucial factor on Wall Street that the whole market was forced to react negatively when the UAL deal fell through. Speculators who held stocks in other companies, hoping to cash in on future takeovers, sold their stocks when they found out that the bankers were unwill- ing to back the UAL deal. Finding a way to get one company to buy another has become a distinctly 1980s job. People in their twenties make fabulous six-digit incomes doing it. Their efforts usually accomplish nothing more than a change in name and a change of leadership. When the dust clears, nothing has been pro- duced, but someone has made huge profits. The central bank of the United States government - the Federal Reserve - is also a key player in these acquisi- tions. The Reserve's president is ap- pointed by the U.S. president, but in practice the Federal Reserve is quite au- tonomous and largely politically unac- countable. The Fed people are bankers themselves - experts in playing by the rules of the profit-driven system. After October 13, a handful of bankers in the Federal Reserve decided to make $2 billion in cash available to the public. They did this apparently to stop the stock market from dropping further, and they succeeded. By assuring speculators that the Fed would allow large loans for stock pur- chases to continue, the Fed gave them the confidence they needed to push stock prices back up 3.4 percent on Oc- tober 16. Due to a lack of capital, small in- vestors are less able to take advantage of sudden drops in stock prices, while large speculators get bargain-basement prices before the market goes back up. Those who can afford to take a loss make a killing at the expense of the lit- tle stock-holder. The so-called free enterprise system and free market in the United States is not an entirely random affair. Collusion between the government and large- scale speculators serves only to make the rich richer. Letters to the editor - Sexual orientation is not an ideology To the Daily: The following comments are in response to Brian Taylor's article in the Opinion section on October 25 entitled "Change the recognition clause." Mr. Taylor's complaint was directed against the clause in the All- campus Compiled Code, Chap- ter 42, paragraph 13, which specifically prohibits registra- tion by the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) of student groups which discriminate on the basis of sexual preference. In Mr. Taylor's words, this clause "needlessly jeopardizes the integrity of every ideologi- cal group recognized by the MSA." He argues further that "the clause achieves noth- ing...when it prohibits mem- bership discrimination on the basis of ideology." As well as I can remember, an ideology is defined as the set of ideas reflecting the needs and aspirations of a social group or organization. I suppose you can dress discrimination in less harmful clothes by calling it an "ideology," but if the ideas that reflect the aspirations of a so- cial group in any way threaten or exert the potential to threaten the civil rights, equal- ity and dignity of any other groups the necessary right to qualify membership on accep- tance and practice of their creed." Should this be under- taken unconditionally, regard- less of the nature of the creed? The policy of this university (albeit interim) states that dis- crimination based on race, reli- gion, ethnic group, creed, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation or physical handicap is unacceptable. Unacceptable, whatever it's called. -Mary Lassaline October 27 and discrimination. This is not a matter ideology, any more than being Black or Jewish is matter of ideology. The Uni- versity of Michigan commu- nity has chosen to protect gay men and lesbians along with other minority groups. MSA's discrimination clause simply reflects this fact. Most funda- mentalist Christians do not ap- prove of this, just as most members of the Klan do not approve of civil rights protec- tion based on race. To some ears that sounds ex- treme and perhaps unfair, but it of "ideological differences." Gay men and lesbians are not ideologies, we are real peo- ple who live and study on this campus. Unfortunately the ma- jority of us are not out of the closet and known to other peo- ple. We hide due to fear of ha- rassment and persecution, which is all too common at the University. Dozens of us walk by Preacher Mike each time he stands on the Diag shouting his attacks against our "homosexual lifestyle." Be- cause we are less visible than other minorities, it is easier to dehumanize us into an abstract concept of a lifestyle or politi- cal ideology. Mr. Taylor is absolutely rights when he claims that a "monster" has reared its head on our campus. He errs when he states that it was once asleep in the form of MSA"s discrimination policy. This beast is not some MSA rule, and surely it has never slept; it is the specter of hatred harass- ment, and even murder that has come upon thousand s of gay men and lesbians in our soci- ety. Now it comes to us again, tie ter% ...-r a :- i ra :meo, MSA discrimination policy should stand To the Daily: Brian Taylor, in his Opinion column of October 25, has presented an argument that is little more than an attempt to justify anti-gay bigotry on this campus. "Kill the beast," he urges us, referring to MSA's discrimination clause. He states that "people of all natures should be able to participate in any facet of the forum," and he is not. Homophobia (the irra- tional fear and hatred of Gay Men and Lesbians) is as deeply rooted in our culture as racism. We have progressed as a soci- ety to the point where very few people espouse overt racism, yet sadly this is not the case for homophobia. What if Cornerstone Christian Fellow- ship had refused to allow Blacks full membership in its