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October 30, 1989 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-30

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rally to
BERLIN (AP) - At least
20,000 East Berliners observed a
'minute of silence Sunday for those
killed while attempting to flee over
the Berlin Wall, the first such public
,mourning since Communist
'authorities built the wall in 1961.
The observance came as the East
Berliners gathered in a downtown
square for a rally called by Mayor
Erhard Krack to discuss reform.
Similar meetings were organized in
!,(he southern cities of Leipzig and
Karl-Marx-Stadt as part of a
-government effort to stop activists
ffrom staging protests to voice their
In East Berlin, microphones were
provided for speakers from the
crowd, one of whom called for a
pinute of silence.
"We have to remember those who
lost their lives in the minefields and
along the barbed wire and in the
waters of the Spree River just
because once in their lives they
wanted to see another part of the
world," said an unidentified man.
West German human rights
groups say 191 people were killed
trying to flee East Germany from
1961 to 1988.
The East Berlin dialogue session
outside the old city hall was
* 'sponsored by the city's Communist
leadership. It quickly became an
emotional forum in which
Communist leaders were called to
account for a host of misdeeds and
: The leaders were called to task on
privileges accorded to Communist
officials and were asked to respond to
demands for election reforms and
allegations of police brutality
'against peaceful pro-democracy
4protesters earlier this month.
Communist officials in recent
-days have appealed to protesters to
attend government-organized
rdialogue sessions rather than taking
to the streets to demand change.

The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 30, 1989 - Page 3
LASC walk
raises money
for El Salvador

by Terri Jackson
The Latin America Solidarity
Committee (LASC) and its support-
ers took steps yesterday to aid El
Salvador's movement for democracy
and to push for an end of the United
States' funding that nation's current
The committee held a 10-kilome-
ter walk-a-thon to raise money for
community projects in El Salvador,
which the group says the govern-
ment is not providing.
The walk-a-thon was the first
LASC has sponsored, but 47 similar
events across the United States in
the past month have raised $130,000
for the war-torn country, said com-
mittee member Rob Hickey, a Resi-
dential College senior.
"We want people to understand
that the U.S. is directly responsible
for the war in El Salvador," said
Martha Panschar, a steering commit-
tee member of LASC. "The United
States sends over $1.5 million a day
to El Salvador."
Pam Nadasen, a recent University
graduate who spent six weeks in El
Salvador over the summer as a
Michigan Student Assembly dele-
gate, was the keynote speaker at a
rally prior to the walk-a-thon. "The
right-wing fascists in MSA, Wash-
ington D.C., and in El Salvador are
reaping benefits from the widespread
ignorance of citizens in the U.S.,"
she said.
"We are no longer going to sit

back apathetically," Nadasen added.
"We have to demand accountability
from the American government to
the American people."
LSA sophomore Liza Herzog,
who participated in the rally, said
she learned about the situation in El
Salvador in her "Biology and Human
Affairs" class. "It doesn't help know-
ing about things unless you act
upon them," she said.
Christa Cywinski, an LSA junior
who joined the walk-a-thon, said she
was participating in the walk be-
cause she was conscious of the is-
sues, and it seemed like an easy way
to "do the right thing." "Besides, it's
a good day to walk," she said.
Demonstrator Gina Schreiber, a
student at Forsythe Junior High
School, was adopted from El Sal-
vador at birth. She said she only
knows about her native country from
what she sees on television and said
she would like to see the fighting
end. "I've raised $169," she said.
About 50 people who had col-
lected pledge money and several
other walkers gathered on the Diag
for the rally. They then marched to
the office of U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell
(R-Michigan), who has voted for aid
to the El Salvador government sev-
eral times.
The group also walked past the
offices of the Ann Arbor News,
which LASC members said has had
poor coverage of El Salvador. The
walk-a-thon concluded on the steps
of the Michigan Union.

LSA junior Eric Reicen talks with Alpha Epsilon Pi member Dan Bonowitz
Awareness Day at the AEPi fraternity house yesterday.

during workshops for Greek Sexual

Greeks attend awareness day

by Joanna Broder
"It is realistic to expect your sex-
ual partner to tell you about a sexu-
ally transmitted disease."
After listening to this statement,
about 40 members of fraternities and
sororities made their way towards
"strongly agree" and "strongly dis-
agree" posters at either end of a room
at Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity yes-
After shuffling and laughing a lit-
tle, participants became serious.
Then, from all corners of the room,
they voiced their opinions, and a true
interchange of ideas emerged.
This was the scene at the Safer
Sex Seminar, one of the five work-
shops offered during the First An-
nual Greek Sexual Awareness Day.
The event, which came during the
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center's Sexual Assault
Awareness Week, was sponsored by
AEPi, the Interfraternity Council

(IFC), the Panhellenic Association,
and SAPAC.
LSA junior Eric Reicen, chair of
Greek Sexual Awareness Day and
IFC treasurer, said because Greeks
make up more than 15 percent of the
University population, they should
have some specific involvement in
Sexual Assault Awareness Week.
Mike Head, a junior in Alpha
Sigma Phi, said the University's
Greek system has always had a bad
reputation. He said the day's work-
shops would set a good example for
the rest of the University and make
the positive elements of the Greek
system evident.
About 200 members of the Greek
system attended the event, including
representatives from 19 sororities
and 16 fraternities. The day consisted
of five workshops relating to sexual
issues and a keynote speech by
SAPAC Director Julie Steiner.
"Getting people to talk about

these issues is the most important
thing we can do," Steiner said. "It's
a first step. People will talk to their
friends and they'll be the snowball
effect. That's what counts."
Andrea Adler, a senior at Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority, agreed. "We're
participating in this so we can bring
all this information back to our
house and have our own work-
shops," she said.
The groups sponsored the day to
openly discuss and promote aware-
ness of sexual assault. Participants
learned about sexism in advertising
and sexually transmitted diseases.
In a seminar on sexism in adver-
tising, students and SAPAC facilita-
tors systematically listed and at-
tacked common stereotypes of men
and women. Peer educators conveyed
the idea that the gender gap was clos-
ing and said men and women possess
both feminine and masculine traits.

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today





Philosophy Club - 7 p.m. in
2220 Angell Hall
Asian American Association -
7-8 p.m. in the Trotter House
UM Women's Club Lacrosse -
9-11 p.m. at the Tartan Turf
Michigan Student Assembly
Women's Issues Committee -
6 p.m. in Union Rm. 3909
Anorexia/Bulimia Support
Group - 6:30-8 p.m.; call 668-
"The Synthesis and Character-
ization of Pillard Hydrota-
clites" - Dr. Mark Drezdon of
Amoco speaks at 4 p.m. in
Chem. 1640
"The Dilemmas of Privatiza-
tion: Legal and Political Issues
Facing Poland" - Prof.
Stanislaw Soltysinski of the
Adam Mickiewicz University of
Poznan Poland; 7:30 p.m. in 250
Hutchins Hall (the Law Quad)
"Michelet's Gospel of Revolu-
tion" - Prof. Lionel Grossman
of Princeton speaks at 8 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheater; part
of a lecture series on the French
"Biology and Immunology of
Squamous Cell Carcinoma" -
Thomas Carey speaks at 3:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe-
Guild House Writers Series -
Charles Ordowski and Peggy
Moller; 8:30 p.m. at the Guild
"Piano Stool Metallacycles"

Safewalk - the night-time walk-
ing service is open seven days a
week from 8:00 p.m. to 1:30
a.m.; 936-1000
Northwalk - North campus
night-time walking service, Rm.
2333 Bursley; 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
or call 763-WALK
"Ojibwa Basket Making: The
Tradition Lives On" - the ex-
*hibit is on display from 9-5 at the
U-M Exhibit Museum
ECB peer writing tutors -
available at Angell-Haven and 611
Computing Centers from 7 to 11
p.m.; Sunday through Thursday
Safewalk - the night-time walk-
ing service is open seven days a
week from 8:00-11:30; 936-1000
Northwalk - North campus
night-time walking service, Rm.
2333 Bursley; 8 p.m.- 1:30 a.m.
or call 763-WALK
Introduction to Computer
Communication - 3-5 p.m. in
the 611 Computer Center
CP&P Programs - Choosing
Your Major from 4:10-5 p.m. in
CP&P Rm. 1; Resumes: When
You Think You Have No Experi-
ence from 4:10-5 p.m. in CP&P
Conference Rm.; Considering an
Advanced Degree: A Look at
Where, What & How from 6-7:30
p.m. in Union Kuenzel Rm.;
Great American Insurance Co.
Employer Presentation form 7-8
p.m. in the Union Pond Rm.
Pre-Interviews - Hyatt Tech.
Center from 6:30-8:30 in 1311
EECS; Chevron from 4:30-6:30
in 1010 Dow
"Ojibwa Basket Making: The
Tradition Lives On" - the ex-
hibit is on display from 9-5 at the
U-M Exhibit Museum
Free Tutoring - all lower-level

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