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October 30, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-30

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Inside women's athletics
Michigan hockey drops two
'M' football coverage



Timbuk3 has a new prescription

Date rape is more than a women's issue

k iuulai
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom

Vol. C, No. 39

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 30, 1989

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by Kristine LaLonde
Daily Administration Reporter
The 10 members of the new student advi-
sory committee on the University's anti-dis-
crimination policy face a momentous task:
they must decide what an incongruous stu-
dent body wants to see in such a policy.
The committee will have
Daily no mandate from student
News groups to fall back .on;
Analysis instead, it must sift through
a myriad of opinions and
ideologies to make concrete suggestions to
give the administration.
The students must also overcome the dis-
parate views within the committee itself.
Committee members hold positions in
groups ranging from University Christian
)utreach to the Lesbian and Gay Men's
tights Organizing Committee (LaGROC).

policy panel

faces difficult


"We're all human bein'gs and human be-
ings are entitled to the same rights regardless
of what they believe," said committee mem-
ber Arnold Lumsdaine, a member of Univer-
sity Christian Outreach. "Everyone has cer-
tain preconceived notions, but I think every-
one has a common ground."
Tracy Ore, president of Rackham Student
Government and a member of LaGROC,
agreed that the members must find common
ground. "We have to put aside our own per-
sonal agendas and have a group agenda," she
Even if the committee does succeed in
coming up with a set of suggestions, the
University may override any recommenda-
tions it makes. The committee's status as an
advisory rather than decisive body disturbs
many of its members.

"I think any policy that affects students
should be decided on by students," said Nick
Mavrick, a committee member and chair of
the Michigan Student Assembly's Student
Rights Committee. "The administrators
don't have the same perspective (as stu-
"I'm not optimistic about working with
the administration on this policy," he said.
"They haven't shown good faith in the past.
Their effort has been really superficial."
Shirley Clarkson, assistant to University
President James Duderstadt, is organizing the
student advisory committee.
"It's the president's responsibility to
establish policy, but he wants a broad range
of opinion to help him develop the policy.
In the end it's his responsibility, and he
can't delegate it to anyone," Clarkson said.

Clarkson said the co-chairs of the
committee, Nick Mavrick and Delro Harris,
will meet with the president for the first
time this week. The committee has yet to
Still, University officials say they will
consider student input. "It's a student policy,
and we firmly believe that students should
have a voice," said Executive Director of
University Relations Walt Harrison.
Ore said she is concerned that administra-
tors can disregard the committee's advice and
still say they included student input in the
"They're only doing this because if they
didn't, (students) would make a big stink,"
Ore said of the administration. "(The com-
mittee) was set up as a distraction."

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garages on

by Mike Sobel
Daily Staff Writer
Five Ann Arbor fires, which
started early yesterday morning in a
heavily student-populated area,
caused two garages to burn to the
ground and several cars to explode,
fire officials said.
Charles Torrey, chief of the Ann
Arbor Fire Department, said it took
"all the resources of the department"
to combat the fires, which occurred
within a block of each other where
S. Forest, Oakland and Church
Streets intersect.
Three dumpsters and two garages
were set on fire between 2:00 and
2:30 a.m., Torrey said, adding that
no houses caught fire and no one
was injured. About 200 people
emerged from area houses topwatch
the events.
Student witnesses have speculated
that the fires were caused by arson.
Ann Arbor Police Lt. Craig Roder-
ick would not comment on such
charges,'saying a police investiga-
tion will begin today.
LSA junior Jeff Schlusser, who
lost his S. Forest house's garage to
the fire, said the police called him
yesterday afternoon to confirm they
believe it to be arson.
LSA senior Laura Weidig, who

lives on Oakland across from one of
the burned-down garages, said she
witnessed that fire.
"Our cable went out and then we
heard a pop," she said. "At first we
just figured it was a party... then we
saw the flames and the fire trucks
and the people." She said a dumpster
fire had been started behind her own
apartment building.
Brad Walworth, an engineering
senior, lives on Church between two
of the garage fires. "I heard a pop or
a boom and saw the fire leaping over
the house... then I saw another one
behind us... I thought that one was
more dangerous to us so I woke ev-
eryone up," he said.
LSA seniors Richard Learner and
Howard Katz watched yesterday as
the fire burned down the garage of
their Church St. house. Two of their
housemates' cars, they said, were de-
Katz reported that he saw some-
one rush in and out of their house
during the fire. "Someone ran into
our house to loot," he said. Learner
said the 35-foot flame was not
caused accidentally: "It was arson,"
he said.
Jim Schecter, a University alum-
nus who was visiting friends across
See FIRE, page 2

Above: A member of Sigma Delta Tau wraps her arm around a Kappa Alpha Theta member in a struggle for the ball during the mudbowl Saturday. The
morning ended in victory for Kappa Alpha Theta, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon triumphed over Phi Delta Theta. Below: Michigan's Tony Boles accepts
applause following his sideline-running, 91-yard touchdown. Boles made three touchdowns during the game.
romp over
Boles gains 156 yards; .4...'
Thompson held to 90
by Richard.Eisen 1 y rd ;
Daily Football Writer r
Michigan tailback Tony Boles had entered the game
with hardly no spotlight at all. Most of the light was
cast on Indiana tailback and Heisman Trophy candidate
Anthony Thompson, who was on the verge of
breaking the NCAA career rushing touchdown record.
But the Michigan defense took care of Thompsona
while Boles took care of Michigan, rushing for 156
yards and three touchdowns in the Wolverines' 38-10
homecoming victory. In addition to Boles, tailback
Allen Jefferson ran well, gaining 96 yards in only 8
"We're better. We're improving," Michigan coach
Bo Schembechler said. "We're, a good offensive team.
We've got backs that can go all the way and if you
jump those receivers, they'll run right by you."
Boles ran for touchdowns of 91, 23, and 16 yards as
quarterback Michael Taylor passed for 43 and 18-yard
touchdown strikes.
But the main story was Anthony Thompson's
inability to run the ball successfully against Michigan.
"We wanted to come out and shut Thompson
down," Michigan linebacker Alex Marshall said. "We
didn't want him to come out and break the NCAA
record on us."

More than 70,000

rally in S.
CROWN MINES, South Africa
(AP) - More than 70,000 Blacks
chanting in triumph welcomed freed
leaders of the outlawed African Na-
tional Congress yesterday at the
largest anti-government rally in the
country's history.
"Today, the ANC has captured
center stage in South Africa," said
Walter Sisulu, 77, the group's
former general secretary, from a
podium erected beneath huge ban-
ners of the ANC and the South
African Communist Party. He and
six ANC colleagues were freed un-
conditionally from prison October
15. All but one had spent at least 25
years in prison.
Virtually every aspect of the
rally, including repeated praise for
the ANC's guerrilla campaign,-vio-
lated security laws, but police kept
their distance.
Government-run television re-

blocks nearby and searched vehicles,
but few security force personnel were
visible at the stadium itself.
Sisulu said his movement would
never abandon its guerrilla campaign
unilaterally but would consider sus-
pending violence and entering talks
if the government freed all political
prisoners, legalized the ANC and
lifted the 40-month-old state of
"To date, we see no clear indica-
tion that the government is serious
about negotiation," said Sisulu, who
urged intensified economic sanc-
tions. "All the utterances are vague."
The government gave permission
for the rally to take place, part of an
attempt by President F.W. de Klerk
to promote Black-white negotiations
on a new constitution. But a magis-
trate had warned organizers that
speakers should avoid promoting
ANC aims.



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