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October 27, 1989 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-27

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You would think that MSA President Aaron Williams and
Campus Governance Chair Susan Langnas could put aside
their politics for just a few hours. You would hope that after
they escaped the political forum, and draped themselves in
the hottest new clothes, they could put their ideas behind
Well, they did...sort of.
"I was concerned that women wouldn't be objectified in
the modelling. The issue of women in advertising penetrated
my mind continually," Langnas said. "Women models, a lot
of times, are used in ways that are very negative and I didn't
want to be used that way."
Williams viewed the shoot as a chance to show another
side from the one that makes the Daily news pages.
"It shows that the student government is out there,"
Williams said. "It helps students put a name with a face.
People may like me, people may hate me, but its good that
they know who they are talking about, first and foremost."
Williams also fulfilled a campaign promise he made. "I've
been telling people all summer that the MSA fashion line
was coming, and it came," he said.

Photos by Julie Hollmctn




Above: Susan wears Jacobson's black and white cardigan ($88); Liz Claiborne
wool slacks ($23); Jacobson's white mock turtleneck sweater ($48). All clothing
available at Jacobson's
Top right: Susan wears black vest ($42); white rayon shirt ($40); black hat ($20);
black pants ($85); mustard shorts ($33).
Aaron wears red vest ($30); white shirt ($45); leather belt ($30); black pants
($44). All clothing available at Urban Outfitters.
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Left: Susan wears Wrapper tapestry top ($66); Jacobson's black slacks ($38). Aaron wears Jed paisely
sweater vest ($44); Defiance white and black shirt ($35); Union Bay slacks ($35).
Right: Aaron wears Union Bay patterned sweater ($64); Jacobson's black turtleneck ($18); Bugle Boy slacks ($35).
All clothing available at Jacobson's.

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