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October 27, 1989 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-10-27

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Fall fashion:

All that's
By Marilyn Kitzes
Since the new school year is al-
ready in full swing, most fashion-
conscious students already know
what's "hot", "hip", "cool", and
"now" in the world of clothes. For
those of you that don't, or possibly
didn't care enough to find out, here's
your golden opportunity to become
somewhat in vogue.
Suede is a big item this fall -
especially in jackets and shoes. The
fringed suede coat is making a
comeback, working well with the
fashion industry's latest obsession
with the Wild West. While suede
jackets can often be costly, used
clothing stores do offer an inexpen-
sive, and fashionable alternative. In
fact, resale clothing around campus
is more popular than ever due to a
revival in the '60's era clothing
look. Vintage vests and jackets and
blazers are turning up everywhere-
even in department stores and bou-
tiques, where the price tag is signifi-
cantly raised compared to stores that
specialize in used clothing.
Basic fall plaid patterns are preva-

lent in everything from skirts to
coats. Blanket coats and shawls are a
fresh variation on the traditional
coat. Colorful Navajo prints, also
seen in conjunction with the West-
ern theme, are catching on with de-
signers and retailers for a warm, win-
tery look.
Jeans are wider in the leg and
baggier than last year. Thick belts
are again worn high-waisted allow
for a "paper bag" effect. The wider
leg seems to be the trend in many
pants designed this season, replacing
last year's tapered look.
In a very 'Londonesque' mode,
shoes are bigger, more bulky and
rounder in the toe this season - a
more dramatic version of the typical
oxford. Some of the most attractive
shoes are suede, using rich neutral
colors in wine, forest-green, and
For those wild enough to take the
plunge, animal prints are decorating
clothes, belts, shoes, and other ac-
So, there you have it, the latest
in fashion. Go ahead, be hip.

Thank you to our fashion
coordinators for helping put together
the clothing and shots:
Laura Counts - Theater page
Pam Berg - Administration page
Karen Dwarka - MSA page

Bridget Fordham - Faculty page
Dana Glen - Greek page
Marilyn Kitzes - Accessories.
Thank you also to all our models
for taking time out from their busy
schedules to help us.

Notable figures around campus
show us what's new in failfashion

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