The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 27, 1989 - Page 7
lacocca surprises
engineering class
Rainforest week
as issues still smolder
by Donna Woodwell
Daily Staff Writer
Chrysler Chair Lee Iacocca paid a
surprise visit to an Engineering class
yesterday, after taking part in a dedi-
cation ceremony for the recently re-
named Lee Iaccoca Lecture Hall at
the College of Engineering on North
Students in the "Work Organiza-
tions" class had simply been told "a
guest speaker from the automotive
industry" would be paying a visit to
their class. Teaching assistant Matt
Brown expressed surprise at meeting
such a "big celebrity" and said "there
wasn't anyone in the classroom who
didn't know who (Iaccoca) was."
Iacocca sat on a table in the front
,of the room and fielded students'
questions for about 15 minutes.
Prof. Jeffrey Liker said "he came
across as a real person" despite the
presence of President James Duder-
stadt and Dan Atkins, the interim
dean of the College of Engineering
in the room.
Students in the class have re-
cently been comparing Japanese and
American management techniques,
and many of their questions focused
on their coursework.
But Brown said he learned more
from Iacocca's advice on how to be
successful in business and industry.
Iacocca stressed going "back to ba-
sics" and remarked on the importance
of developing "people skills" such as
teamwork and communication,
working hard, and allowing employ-
ees to work on projects that interest
But Engineering junior Paul
Bombach was not so impressed.
"The talk (Iaccoca) gave was nothing
remarkable, just a watered-down
statement which would offend no
one," he said.
Iacocca harped on the same theme
of "going back to the basics" in a
20-minute speech given at a lun-
cheon at the Slusser Gallery at the
North Campus Art and Architecture
Iacocca received a standing ova-
tion at the conclusion of his speech.
Lee laoccoca, chair of Chrysler
Corporation, paid a surprise visit
to an engineering class yesterday.
laoccoca answered student's
questions, but refused comment
on the Zsa Zsa Gabor and Jim
Baker sentencings.
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by Britt Isaly
To wrap up the celebration of
World Rainforest Week, the Rainfor-
est Action Movement (RAM) and
Earth First will sponsor a mass tree
planting tomorrow atthe Pinckney
Recreation Area, located 20 miles
north of Ann Arbor.
Twenty-five countries around the
globe have been celebrating the
world's rainforests all week with
worldwide actions like a tropical
timber boycott.
Bill Froderer, a rainforest advo-
cate and former international banker,
said locally RAM is "finishing up
with a strong series of discussions...
and we're finishing up on a more
positive note with the tree-planting
on Saturday."
Earlier this week, Froderer deliv-
ered a speech along with Robert
Treemore on the deforestation of the
Pacific Northwest.
Rainforest advocates contend that
many people do not realize the large
number of U.S. industries and busi-
nesses which destroy thousands of
acres of rainforest land per year. One
example is Burger King, which in
the past has turned rainforests into
grazing fields for cattle, Froderer
"There is a great, distinct beef
connection. Forests in Burger King's
case are being deforested in Costa
Rica," he said. "Costa Rican ranch-
ers bid for the (rainforest) land and
then fetched a good price on the U.S.
Froderer mentioned that there are
similar circumstances worldwide
with other products like coffee, co-
coa, oranges, palm oil, and peanuts.
One recent victory that Froderer
attributed to the workings of RAM
concerned the wasteful use of land in
Indonesia by the Scott Paper com-
"Scott Paper had plans to develop
about a million and a half acres of
rainforest in Indonesia. They were
going to cut down all the trees, plant
Eucalyptus, and make toilet paper,"
he said.
Earth First plants
trees in Pinckney
"(But) Scott Paper pulled out (of
Indonesia) as of October 13th and
said... that they wanted to begin to
use recycled fiber on their toilet pa-
per here. They should be applauded
for that."
In the United States, RAM is
also concerned with Alaska's Ton-
gass National Forest, which faces
the threat of deforestation. Froderer
said many government officials be-
lieve that selling unprocessed logs to
by Amy Quick
Remember when Mom used to
make you eat your asparagus because
children were starving in other coun-
tries? Or people in the Fishbowl
warned you about the hazards of the
deforestation of rain forests in
You probably answered, "Yeah,
but I'm in the United States and that
doesn't affect me here."
But Earth First, an international
environmental organization with a
local branch in the Pinckney area,
believes the large global problems in
the news affect everyone, even at the
local level. Because of this belief,
they are taking action.
At one time the Pinckney Recre-
ation Area was a hilly green park,
but now it's being slowly destroyed,
said University School of Natural
Resources graduate Barry Lonik, a
leader of the Pinckney chapter. Off
road vehicles such as dirt bikes,
three-wheelers, and similar vehicles
have illegally overrun the park, tear-
ing up the grass and destroying the
thinning soil. Lonik described the
destruction as "a huge scar on the
To combat this, the Pinckney
Earth First members will begin
planting trees and grass, as well as
picking up trash and doing a general
area clean up, at 11 a.m. tomorrow
at the Pinckney Recreation Area.
Members see the effort as a good
way to conclude World Rain Forest
Week, which ends tomorrow.
Lonik expects approximately 40
Earth First members and concerned
local residents to help with the clean
"We want to take a
hard-line stance and
say 'No, we've taken
enough of this."
- Barry Lonik
Natural Resources Grad
up, which is being funded by the
state. The group also plans to erect
more guard rails to keep vehicles
from entering the park.
Earth First was created 10 years
ago by David Bower, a former high-
ranking Sierra Club official. A
branch was not founded in this area
until last February, when a speech
given by Bower sparked interest,
Lonik said.
"(Earth First members) are dis-
turbed at the destruction of the
planet, and dissatisfied with the way
major environmental groups handled
issues," Lonik said. "(Other groups)
were more willing to compromise,
but that will get us nowhere, or at
least only 5 percent of what we re-
ally need."
Lonik added: "We want to take a
hard-line stance and say 'No, we've
taken enough of this."'
Japan is a viable way to reduce the
U.S. Trade deficit.
RAM hopes the Senate will vote
to preserve the Tongass by perma-
nently protecting wildlife areas.
When asked about the objectives
of. RAM advocates, Froderer said:
"We all have a common objective.
We want to see the resources used
sustainably, protectively, perma-
nently (and) in some cases (with a)
rational forest management plan."
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