OPINIoN Page 4 Thursday, October 26, 1989 The Michigan Daily A} beie MIdligan BaivU Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. C, No. 37 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. What's upwth S&Ls In suppI W HY ARE so many savings and loans going under? The nightly news answer: because they're financial di- nosaurs. The right answer: misman- agement and corruption, with a large government share in both. Lincoln Savings started the decade a a biggish, conservative S&L-paying 6.5 percent to savers, and making its money with home mortgages. Like most of its peers, Lincoln drifted into some speculative markets when Reagan deregulated S&Ls in 1981. But it wasn't until Charles Keating bought the business in 1984, that Lincoln be- gan to throw its customers' money into high-risk deals and, predictably, to lose it. This past April, Lincoln Savings was seized by the government and placed in receivership (the bankruptcy process for S&Ls). Taxpayers will as- sume Lincoln's debts, which amount to $2.5 billion. Change the names, and this much of the story could fit any S&L; the gov- ernment will spend more than $10 bil- lion on bailouts this year. But there's more to tell. It is becoming apparent that the disaster at Lincoln could have been avoided. In 1986, the San Francisco office of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board investigated Lincoln, found $135 mil- lion in losses, and recommended it be seized to protect savers. Suddenly, Washington muckety-mucks stripped the branch office of its authority. Pres- sure may have come from Alan Greenspan, who was a paid consultant for Lincoln during Keating's first years - nothing is proven. But it is known that he had donated over a half-million dollars each to five influential senators, Financial aid and theY including Alan Cranston and the chair of the Senate banking committee, Michigan's Donald Riegle. They in turn used their peddled influence to keep the investigation closed until this year. In the meantime, Lincoln went $1.5 billion further into debt. On the day before the seizure was announced, Keating sold an additional $250 million in worthless shares to investors, money current laws don't allow them to recover. No doubt someone had tipped him off. Riegle, who has given back Keating's gifts to reestablish his disinterest, is now campaigning to have the government pay for Keating's last crime. Almost all of the obvious angles of the case are being covered: customers are suing Keating, the government is charging him with fraud, the San Francisco office has filed against its Washington bosses. The only part missing is that the bribed senators have not yet been named in any investiga- tion. That situation can't last long, since The New York Times has called for the Senate Ethics Committee to hire a spe- :ial counsel to review allegations of in- fluence peddling in the Senate. That will take care of the obvious angles. But the roots of S&L collapse run deeper. Reagan's deregulation was the start of the problem; it must end. More than that, the whole system of hands- off management of the financial indus- try is a proven failure; the few rules are regularly circumvented by bankers with deep pockets. It is time to bring the mess under the rule of law. war on drugs: By Melvyn Amos Avis Maria Paul Lefrak On Saturday September 23, 1989 a union trial was conducted by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) International Union. The trial was an appeal from Judy Levy who is seeking reinstatement as the Bargaining Chair of AFSCME Local 1583, the largest University of Michigan campus union. Levy was elected to that position in 1987 in an unprecedented land- slide. The Daily covered this trial in an article entitled "Ex-Union Bargaining Chair Faces Appeal," (Daily, 9/25/89.) This article presented the trial as a fairly technical af- fair revolving around whether or not Levy had the right to use a copy of a seniority list outside of the union office, and whether she had disobeyed a local execu- tive board decision. On the surface this is indeed what the trial was about. Just below the surface lies a political context involving a long his- ort of w tory of activism and efforts to squelch it. In fact, the outcome of this trial will have profound implications for the struggle for social justice among workers on this cam- pus. We are writing, as members of AF- SCME 1583, to provide some of the con- text that was lacking in your article. Levy has worked for years in the Mem- bership Action Committee (MAC) of AFSCME to forge an alliance of Univer- sity workers and students capable of wag- ing an effective fight against racism and for social justice at the University. Levy not only makes herself available twenty- four hours a day to union members, she spends time actively supporting the strug- gles of students and of workers not repre- sented by AFSCME. On June 15, 1989 Levy was suspended from office by a ruling from a statewide AFSCME Council 25 hearing. This was the third effort to have Levy removed through a set of bogus charges. The September 23 trial was an appeal to an In- ternational hearing. This time the petty dictators of the local union tried to hide their political motives, but just barely. Levy is charged with keeping a copy of a 'orkers union seniority and address list in her po$- session. These are lists which any respop- sible Bargaining Chair should use on a daily basis to answer questions, investS-g gate discrimination complaints, and con- duct grievance hearings. With no concetn for the membership, the local executive board intentionally passed an order that Levy should leave the lists with the local president. Under these conditions Levy could not do her job, and the executive board knew this. They knew Levy would not comply with this illegal order that that this would give them a pretext for a new set ofO charges. The purge of Levy would be a blow against workers and students who are fighting for social justice on this campus. A decision on the September trial is due by early November. We ask that students and workers write letters of support to: Gerald McEntee, President AFSCME International AFL-CIO 1625 L Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Amos and Lafrak are University workers and active in AFSCME Local 1583. ..1....:...:..:::....::\:............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YW% .Y:.1.. Letter..t:"the Ed"'.h":..14'1:.1....'44....:1.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:........:. ...:..:::':'.: .1... .......... .................... . . ........ ..... . .*... . .*****. ... . ... * . * . *.. ......:*.*: Selective enforcement FOR THE past six months, students receiving Pell Grants - federal, need- based support for education - have had to sign a pledge that they will not use the money to buy drugs. Like most war on drugs proposals, the scheme sounds fair on a first hearing. Like the rest of Bush's plans, it does not really affect the middle and upper classes and is intended to create fear rather than actually decrease drug use. The plan is unenforceable. 30,000 students have signed a pledge promising not to misuse their federal support, but, financial aid officers say, there is no way to find out if they're keeping their word. Making sure stu- dents are as economically independent as they claim is already too much playing detective, they say. Since the officers won't spend their time reading police blotters, the De- partment of Education, which came up with the plan, promises to provide them with computerized files of crimi- nal records. To their credit, the officers refuse to take part in such violations of privacy, no matter how easy Washing- ton makes it for them. Privacy isn't the only right being threatened. Pell Grants are given ac- cording to need. With the pledge, stu- dents receiving aid can be punished twice for the same crime of buying drugs. In addition to potential criminal charges, these students face up to five years in prison and $10,000 in fines as punishment for breaking their pledge. At a minimum, they will be thrown out of school. As the United Nations has affirmed, education is a right, not a privilege. Students who cannot afford the grow- ing costs of education already face enough obstacles. By making them "more responsible" for drug use than the small number of students whose parents can afford to pay for school they are further excluded from higher education. The plan is worse than unfair. With proportionately little federal money going to preemptive efforts, drug treatment and education, the Bush war on drugs is designed to remain a half- step behind the problem. When the logic starts with blaming the victims, the best one can hope for is to create a climate of fear surrounding drug use in the name of providing a disincentive. This is precisely what the pledge plan aims at. Bush's call for mandatory drug test- ing at all institutions that are to receive federal funding presents a clear threat to accessible education. Sources in the Department of Educations have men- tioned the possibility of backing up the Pell Grant pledge with a testing pro- gram, if they can. Aside from the seri- ous problems with drug testing, like failing scores caused by aspirin or birth control pills, instituting the test means demanding a different standard of be- havior for students who are trying to get an education against incredible eco- nomic odds. Student activists concerned about laws like this that don't apply equally to all have staged protests at Berkeley, and their efforts are supported here. Practice what you preach To the Editor: I have a simple request. Please give your readers an ex- planation as to why the Daily is not printed on recycled newsprint. It is easy for us readers to conjure up the image of "hypocrite" when it comes to the Daily's rhetoric and ac- tions regarding closing the re- cycling loop. However, I trust there are good reasons for the apparent incongruities, and I look forward to seeing a full explanation in print. -Andy Duncan October 25 Daily needs to check facts To the Daily: This letter is in response to the article entitled "U adds 45 new minority to faculty," (Daily 10/2/89.) It states, "Of the faculty hired, 21 are Black, 15 are Asian-American, and 9 are Hispanic." The number of Native American faculty hired is completely omitted. As re- sponsible reporters, you are ob- ligated to report the facts - including the fact that there were no Native American fac- ulty hired. Asreaders we want articles that contain accurate informa- tion - the omission of an en- tire ethnic group is not accu- rate. It is also insulting to Na- tive Americans to be omitted from an article that specifically concentrates on minorities. Furthermore the term minority includes all four ethnic groups: African-Americans, Asian- Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans. It is time for the Daily to print accurate informa- tion and become responsible reporters. We trust that the Daily will correct this problem in the fu- ture. (10/12/89)) that under the pro- posed capital gains tax reduc- tion, strenuously pushed by the Bush administration, 80 per- cent of the benefit of this move will go to the 1 percent of Americans earning over $100,000 a year and fully 60 percent to those few making over $200,000. Do tax breaks for the rich create large enough investment incentives to justify the tax revenue loss? In 1987, about half of new capital came from tax-free pension funds. Of the other half, most came from foreign investors, who do not pay U.S. income tax, or corpo- rations, endowments and insti- tutions unaffected by the rate change. Only ten percent of capital investment came from individual investors, those who would benefit from this bill. Furthermore, the best year ever for new venture capital was 1987, the first year that capital gains were taxed at the same rate as other income. Rather than a tax break for the rich, perhaps we should be investing in our human capital: combating illiteracy, substance abuse, inadequate health and child care. Where we most des- perately need a break is in our spending on destruction: sup- porting death squads in El Sal- vador and guerrillas killing un- armed peasants in Angola, destabilizing Nicaragua, prop- ping up dictatorships in Hon- duras, Guatemala, and Zaire, subsidizing the irresponsible logging of our national forests and the replacement of family farms by agribusiness. Maybe we could all use this kind of a break. -Terrance Hanna October 23 Kotcher calls it quits To the Daily: I was happy to hear of the debate concerning my article in Consider, "Look who's for seg- regation now!" Unfortunately it appears as though my words were not taken as I had intended them to be. Certainly not the first time that has happened, but maybe the last. What I'm leading up to is that I have resigned as chair of "College Republicans" and "Conservative Coalition", and thought that now was the ap- propriate time to make that in- fnrmation nih1ic_ I have trned My former fellow College Republican Officers however, some of whom were not used to working with me and thus were unfamiliar with my ways, felt that this brashness was inappropriate behavior for a C.R. chair. They desire a C.R. organization which will not step on anyone's toes. I per- sonally think this is the wrong direction for the C.R., but I re- spect their opinion, and wish them well. Looking back, I have no regrets, and many fond memories. In conclusion, this fall has seen the retirement of two well known campus political figures. Zach Kittrie, who did his best not to offend anyone, and Glenn Kotcher, who did his best to offend many. Like Zach, I'll be concentrating on my studies full time - a rare treat for us both! -Glenn Kotcher October 13 Why fund delegation? To the Daily: The Michigan Student Assembly is in debt, but it's funding spring vacation for members of the Latin American Solidarity Committee. What's wrong with this picture? In her recent editorial, "Broaden Student Horizons" (Daily, 10/24/89)), Kathryn Savoie implicitly provides what may well be the quintessential testimonial to the irrelevancy of MSA's Peace and Justice Committee. While her editorial purports to defend the committee's recent excursion to El Salvador, ninety percent of it is composed of information that could be found by reading a copy of Newsweek. There is no striking, new evidence that the committee uncovered as a result of sending its delegation to Central America. The other ten percent is composed of assertions about what 'we' have responsibility for, and what the role of the University should be in relation to the world at large. I agree that people should be aware of how their government spends their tax dollars. And I agree that the funds should be responsibly employed in a manner consistent with the desires of the taxpayers. However, in principle, the same line of analysis would suggest that truly a wise investment, the members are incapable of producing anything but 'a reiteration of what was already known about U.S. policy toward El Salvador? Savoie 's editorial exemplifies such shortcomings. Savoie's only direct argument, though she states it in a variety of ways, is that "we do not come to a university community to isolate ourselves from the* reality of the world." And, again, I concur. But one must wonder what sending a small delegation to El Salvador has to do with isolating ourselves from the world, especially when the project fails to add to the student body's knowledge of Salvadoran politics in any manner. Apparently, the oly# useful thing that the delegation brought back is the photograph printed with Savoie's editorial. But even if a picture is worth a thousand words, is it worth nearly $4,000? Keep MSA money where it belongs: on campus, and funding projects that benefit the entire studet body. -Adam DeVore October 13 U.S. still bans books To the Daily: I applaud the Graduate IEi- brary's exhibit featuring boojs that have been banned. An irn portant point which must be remembered, however, is that many of these classics are still banned today throughout the United States. Censorship in public schools has risen dramatically in the 1980s. Huckleberry Finn is still banned today in many high schools, including, irodi-i- cally, Mark Twain High School.The Catcher In The Rye is another example of a classic currently banned in school districts nationwide. Book banning is a tool used by pressure groups to keep ma- terial they don't like out of stu- dents' minds. For instance, in 1984, The Diary of Ane Frank was banned by a Tei nessee school district becaue "it promotes religious toler- ance." Heaven knows we wouldn't want that! All people should recognize that only be being able to read all books will they be able to live as educated individuals and to make informed decisions. As the Supreme Court has said many times, an idea may no* -Delro Harris Kevin Ramon John Feng Barry Eng Augustin Irizarry-Rivera Laurence L. Wu Joon Kang Angela Powell Opinion Page Letter Policy I