OPINION Wednesday, October 25, 1989 Page 4 The Michigan Day, r Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan The reality of bulimia Vol. C, No. 36 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Condemned to repeat S IX YEARS ago today, 4200 U.S. Marines crashed ashore on the beaches ,of Grenada, an island whose entire population could fit inside U. of M. stadium. The press, for the first time in U.S. history, was barred from the is- land during the invasion and its imme- diate aftermath. Instead, the networks gave us President Reagan assuring us that "America was standing tall again." In truth, however, Reagan's greatest hour stands as yet another example of Washington's historic penchant for violating the sovereignty of small nations, especially those in that "American Lake" known by most of the world as the Caribbean Sea, that have the audacity to speak with a voice and mind of their own. Six years later, ostensibly offering another example of how the U.S. pro- motes democracy in the Caribbean, the Bush Administration is offering Washington's longest-held colony, Puerto Rico, a referendum on its fu- ture. By designating it a referendum :rather than a plebiscite, the United .States sidesteps its refusal to comply with United Nations Resolution 1514 (XV). This resolution requires the re- moval of all foreign troops prior to a ':plebicite and Congress' transfer of ,sovereign power to the people of ;Puerto Rico. Ignoring these require- ments, Bush pretends interest in the Puerto Rican people's opinion, without allowing them any power of decision. The Reagan Administration justified :the Grenadan invasion with the tradi- tional appeal to "national security," .pointing to an airstrip that the .Grenadans were building as a potential "launching pad" for the Soviet Union. But Grenada had been planning this airstrip for twenty-five years. It was ,underwritten by the World Bank and .Great Britain, not, as Reagan claimed, ;the Eastern Bloc. It was designed to :boost Grenada's tourism- and mili- tary experts assessed it as far too small to live up to Reagan's hype about So- viet bogeys. But Reagan's hype was ,enough to unleash an invasion that fired 20 millimeter rounds from AC- 130 gunships and "accidentally" :bombed a mental hospital, killing eighteen. The Reagan Administration launched the Grenadan invasion from Puerto Ri- .can military bases. The United States .claims its sixteen bases on the island 'are necessary because withdrawing troops would mean abandoning the Caribbean to the Soviets and Cubans. But Puerto Rico's real military advan- tage to the U.S. is as a location from which to invade other Caribbean coun- tries, like Grenada, and as a source of soldiers to serve in the Washington's wars. The U.S. made the Puerto Rican people U.S. citizens in 1917, just in time to draft Puerto Rican men to fight in World War I. Since then, a dispro- portionate number of Puerto Ricans, like members of all communities of color, have been casualties in U.S. wars. The U.S. military advantage in the Caribbean complements and reinforces a comparable economic advantage there. The real threat posed by Grenada was the success of its socialist econ- omy and the contrast between that suc- cess and Reagan's failing Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI). Maurice Bishop's new Jewel Movement re- duced unemployment from fifty to twelve percent, reduced illiteracy to under two percent, doubled the number of homes with potable water, and in- troduced free health care and a heavily subsidized housing program for work- ers. Meanwhile, unemployment in the jewel of Reagan's CBI, Jamaica, was climbing to thirty percent and workers in another CBI "beneficiary," the Do- minican Republic, were making twenty-five dollars a week for U.S. multinationals. Approximately one third of the Puerto Rican population live below poverty level. This is in part due to failed economic policies, like Operation Bootstrap, which destroyed the islands agrarian economy and left thousands of workers unemployed. Petroleum industries, whicheprovided few employment opportunities, caused extensive damage to the island's envi- ronment and the health of its inhabi- tants. United States' experimentation with policies of population control made more than one third of Puerto Ri- can women of childbearing age sterile. Despite the U.S. government attempts to control the economy and the popula- tion, more than half of Puerto Rico's population requires federal economic aid. Maybe this is because U.S. multi- nationals' profits in Puerto Rico are seven times larger than all federal sub- sidies to the island combined. Puerto Rico and Grenada both demonstrate how this drive for profits fuels Washington's historic willingness to violate the integrity of nations in its self-styled "backyard." Forty percent of U.S. corporate profits in all of Latin America come from Puerto Rico; Grenada's "threat of a good example" offered an alternative to this exploita- tion which might have compromised those profits and the system upon which they were premised. If Washington is condemned to repetition in the Caribbean - a region it has invaded scores of times from 1898 to the present - it is less because of any historical amnesia concerning the past and its lessons than as a consequence of a very consistent - and consciously repeated - brutal economic logic. By Christina Fong Every day in University residence halls gallons of vomit are found in trashcans on some women's halls. Although eating disorders receive remarkably little attention in the mainstream media and social science, they are a serious problem for women on college campuses. Approximately ten to thirty percent of college age women suffer from an eating disorder. Meanwhile, only 1 in 390 men between the ages of 13 and 30 have eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia have no known medical causes. Rather, many be- lieve they occur as a result of intense pres- sure on women to be unreasonably thin. For some reason women don't like their bodies - the lucky ones are never satis- fied with the way they look but still feel reasonably confident. Others starve them- selves because they feel that before all else - before being happy, before learning and living, before thinking for themselves - they must live up to certain physical ex- pectations placed on them by society. Women are assessed primarily on the basis of how they look. Many of them be- lieve that the only way to gain acceptance, love, or success is to be unrealistically thin. All women are affected by the unreal- istic standards of beauty dictated to them by advertisements and Hollywood. Even professional women get the message that their success hinges upon a lean angular appearance. Anorexia and bulimia are re- sults of this overemphasis on the external appearances of women. Bulimia, described as a disease of isola- tion, is generally accompanied by low self-esteem and self-hate. Bulimia is char- acterized by repeated episodes of eating large quantities of easily digestible food (binging) followed by intense guilt and self-deprecation, then self-induced vomit- ing (purging). Many victims also use strong laxatives and diuretics in efforts to lose weight. They frequently experience large weight fluctuations. Women who suffer from bulimia are typically aware of their eating irregularities. They try to make their binging as inconspicuous as possible. Anorexia is characterized by an intense fear of being fat that continues as the vic- tim loses weight. Victims often lose more than 25 percent of their body weight. They have such distorted body images that even when they are emaciated they believe they are fat. They tend to deny that they have irregular, dangerous eating habits. The thinner she is, the more beautiful she is, the better she is. And, of course, shots have to be touched up before they go out. Many models have underweight, arti- ficially constructed bodies. The women 4n the magazines do not exist. They are a fan- tasy. Real life women cannot possibly look like that, at least not for more tharna few moments here and there when the wind in blowing right. 4 The victims of anorexia and bulimia are considered patients with an emotional dis- order - a disease. The blame and burden of solving the problem is placed on themn. Our society has done nothing to correct the source of the problem. The fashion and fitness world have made small shifts tcaa stronger female image, but the ideal ,- male beauty is still thin and weak. Thre has been no move to deemphasize the ip- portance of a woman's physical appea- ance. 'The fashion and fitness world have made small shifts to a stronger female image, but the ideal female beauty is still' thin and weak.' I o 'PW I the more likely she is to marry a "good" man. Is it surprising that a person would be reluctant to depend on herself when her entire sense of self-worth is based on her looks? If she's intelligent, strong or inde- pendent as well, that's a bonus, but such qualities are rarely, if ever, seen as the most valuable traits in a woman. Harmful female stereotypes put pressure on women to change their bodies, cover their faces, alter their height, even change their mannerisms in vain efforts to be like the fashion models. The women in magazines, however, are fictional people. Hundreds of photos are taken to get a few shots worthy of printing. Even the best The pervasiveness and severity of eatilg disorders in women should trigger widescale concern about the social posi- tion of women in our society. Yet, few social problems of this magnitude receive so little attention. With enough education and public pressure our society could free women from weak role models. Let us All encourage women to rely on their on competence, intelligence, confidence 4d assertiveness to gain respect and power. Only then will the collective self-esteem of women rise to a point where women can accept the bodies they were born with. Christina Fong is a resident advisor. Change the recogniti( by Brian Taylor Linda Kurtz, in her column of October 17, "Don't fund discrimination," is right; the crux of the Cornerstone Christian Fel- lowship recognition issue does not rest di- rectly on CCF's right to a belief, but on its right to qualify membership upon agreement with their beliefs. She is also correct in her interpretation of MSA code; CCF's membership policy is clearly in violation of the MSA discrimination clause, which prohibits even the mainte- nance of a membership policy discrimina- tory of creed. The flaw in her case against Cornerstone, however, is in the clause it- self, which needlessly jeopardizes the in- tegrity of every ideological group recog- nized by MSA. The purpose of MSA, as the governing body over student organizations, is to promote an open forum accessible to all students. The forum is facilitated by access to University meeting space, access to the diag for rallies, and minor financial sup- port. These facilities are available to groups of students who unite fo: a particu- lar activity or cause. MSA di-i not want to let just anyone into the fcrum, though, and so it created the recogrii)I, process. Among the qualificatior.s fer recogni- tion is the discrimination clause. The clause was intended to prohibit groups from the forum who would exclude vari- ous people's groups. After all, the purpose of the forum was to encourage student par- ticipation. To allow a group into the fo- rum which was going to exclude people based on their color, or sex, or religious belief ran counter, it seemed, to the fo- rum's purpose. Tne clause achieves or.e wortlj aim. People of all natures should be ae to par- ticipate in any facet of the forumr.. There is no restriction in the abstract on how a Black or a white, a man or a woman, an Asian or a. African can believe or act. The clause achieves nothing, however, when it proaibits membership discrimina- tion in ideological groups on the basis of ideology. A violation of this segment of the clause can only take on- form: someone applies for membership in an ideological group, though he or sire firmly disagrees with their creed. Yet suich a case does not further promote access to the forum. If he or she wants to participate in the forum, he or she can do so through an ideological group he or she agrees with. He or she has no need to gain membership in a group he or she stands in clear oppo- sition to. Ideological groups are a boon to the open forum, for they serve individuals in the forum. And, as unions of individuals, they are themselves more sophisticated members of the forum able to contribute more to it. They are a unique product of open forums, evolving out of growing parties of individuals united to study and promote a common cause; this becomes their creed. Yet when the clause forces such groups to grant membership to individuals antag- onistic to their creed, they destroy their reason for being. The clause forces them to cease as a party of individuals united for a cause and to become merely miniature open forums interested in debating a cer- tain focus of issues. Such mini forums are valuable, but MSA needs not destroy the union of ideological groups to create )n clause them. Rather, it needs to protect the union of such groups who's health is now beiug jeopardized by the clause. Such groups have a necessary right to qualify membr- shi1 upon agreement with their cause. j The one virtue of the clause as it per- tains to ideological groups is that it has never had to be used; no one has ever forcefully t:ied tc gain membership in .n ideological organization they firmly dip- agreed with. We have thus had little reasn to remove the monster inherent in the clause, for it sleeps. There has been no case to stir him, no case, that is, until I.aGROC blew the hypothetical whist e on CCF. Now the beast has awakened and threatens not only CCF, but any ideological group that someone takes :a fancy to prosecuting. And even if tie group can escape campus with their li * they will be forever exiled from the foru$. If MSA does not kill the beast they sacrifice everyone's safety. MSA may not have sympathy far CCF's fate, but in failing to protect the , they fail to protect the necessary right Of all ideological groups. And for their co#- science's sake, in killing the beast, they will not damage the rights of individuals. The death of the beast can only serve to enrich the open forum. Kill the beaz.& Change the Clause. Give ideological groups the necessary right to qualify membership on acceptance and practice pf their creed. Bryan Taylor is an LSA junior and a member of InterVarsity Christidn Fellowship and the opinion staff of toe Daily. toe4 V 414 :.Y:". t" ':titi'":: 'h:":V..V.1 ...L ". :";:"::;:!:::!::!:ti":'::!:!:; ': :": f:; : :;:;: :!: :":"::"::: ::":::"::":::!::":":'::"': :,:Y::;::;:::;': . ... ..:": : t' t t' ": : t": ': "': t': :":::: ":. .t :::. :. ::::. :.:..:.Y"::.hh".":.hY:.. . ..YY.. .. 1. 4Y" 4 ". ::1h":": A1hL1.. . . .T.1". ..1......1 ..Y V. YhL'.".YL" ".1". 4":" h". h.4 h4YY:... 1 . L.0..... " ... . ,".:::: ::: . "': '":" ! , ". , :" "":' .".:;:.}'".. "..".".: :': !:ti " .";"!:'" "":":l: .!::'.' ":": } " ,. , '::; '!.'.' .ti{ .'. !:V.;"!':'""' "{:{.: } t:::::":, :' : " !. ':":'.:.: 1:. """::!} :":':" Y:!: " ""t ,''."." t:;'y }: i::titi:i i:ti.......... . Memorial for battered women To the Daily: While 58,000 U.S. soldiers were killed during the 17 years of U.S. intervention in Viet- nam (1959-1975), 51,000 U.S. women, of all races and classes, were killed by the men who "loved" them. On October 21, in honor of BrotherPeace, an international day for men to break the si- learn violence through compet- itive sports, images of violent men in the media (John Wayne, Rarbo, Conan, Clint Eastwood), glorification of war, and all too often, their fa- thers. The recent acquittal in Florida of a man accused of rape, simply because the sur- vivor was wearing "seductive clothing" and should have known that a man "can't con- trol his sexual urges" illus- trates that men's violence is still condoned by society. Violence against women is our cultural norm. In the all sexual assaults are perpetu- ated by men). The men who commit these violent acts are not deranged psychopaths liv- ing in underclass neighbor- hoods. These are men who live away with it." Now, more than ever, men must learn non-via- lence. In Ann Arbor, there are :a number of ways for men to gpt involved in ending men's vi- lence. For men who want as- sistance stopping their violence within a relationship, Catholic Social Services provides cou$- seling through their progran Alternatives to Domestic A- gression (662-4534). For men interested in discussing arid learning about these issues 4r participating in activities sup- porting men's non-violence ande i