C OPINION Tuesday, October 24, 1989 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan MSA President attacks the Peace and Justice Commission: Support student solidarity 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor MI 48109 Vol. C, No. 35 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, anifletters do not necessqrily represent the opinion of the Daily. Should you already be on rent strike? Fight your landlord NEED THE rent to make the re- pairs." "You saw what it looked like before ypu signed the lease." "I'm taking a loss on this place as it These are the kinds of excuses land- lords use to convince tenants that re- pairs and maintenance are unnecessary, impossible, or must be delayed indef- initely. Even more astounding is that many tenants actually believe that the landlord is not responsible for mainte- nance short of a major catastrophe. The excuses work in spite of the facts. Of the 48 buildings inspected by the City of Ann Arbor Housing Bureau during July and August 1989, only 13 passed. (Statistics from the Housing Bureau Report on multiple occupancy and rooming dwellings.) Moreover, this is a small part of the actual buildings needing repairs just to meet the housing code. The city hous- ing inspectors are lenient and for the most part cite only blatant violations. Out of 76 complaints in the same two months the city issued only 18 tickets. Cleaning which still has not been completed, peeling paint, leaky faucets, loose or non-locking windows, drains which don't drain, appliances or fur- nishings in poor condition - these constitute routine maintenance which a landlord should take care of. The best procedure is to write a letter explaining the problem and what should be done to fix it. If this does not solve the problem then then tenants have several choices. The first is to repair and deduct; tenants can make the necessary repairs them- selves or pay someone else to do it and deduct the cost (including the fair mar- ket value of the labor) from the rent. If the landlord objects, he or she should be presented with copies of the letter requesting repair. The money cannot be deducted from the security deposit since it was required to keep the dwelling in tenantable condition. The alternative, if the tenants do not want to make the repairs or do not have time, is to go on rent strike. It is legal in Ann Arbor to withold rent if needed repairs have not been made in a reason- able time. The tenants should pay their rent into a separate savings account and inform the landlord in writing of their intention to pay rent into this escrow account until all repairs have been made. Again, the landlord cannot con- fiscate the security deposit because the money in the account is disputed funds, not unpaid rent. In general, the more serious the problem the quicker it should be repaired. No heat in the winter is very serious and tenants in this situation should not be paying rent. Ann Arbor has a special weatheriza- tion ordinance called WARM to protect tenants who pay their own heat bill. Tenants who pay their own heat are entitled to weatherstripping and caulk- ing and attic insulation. Even though WARM was passed in 1985, many houses still do not have adequate weatherizing. Everyone has a right to clean, tenantable housing in good condition. This cause is advanced when student- tenants, however transitory, stand up for their rights and insist that the land- lords provide fair housing for fair rent. By Ingrid Fey Last Friday afternoon the Michigan Stu- dent Assembly (MSA) Peace and Justice Commission found out that MSA Presi- dent Aaron Williams was in the process of petitioning for a referendum to appear on the November MSA elections ballot, to ask students to vote whether or not they wish to see the Peace and Justice Com- mission continue as part of MSA. Although Williams failed to collect the necessary number of signatures,the action requires an analysis of his motives and tactics. While Williams has long made it known that he disapproves of the Com- mission, the consistent support which the majority of representatives in the Assem- bly has given to the Commission has driven him to seek its elimination through deceptive and underhanded political tactics. Not only did he begin the circulation of these petitions without notifying a single Peace and Justice Commission member, but he bases his arguments on blatant dis- tortions of the truth. Williams wrote (on MTS, Oct. 19, 1989), "The only purpose for the PEACE & JUSTICE Commission is to work on issues which concern El Salvador, Nicaragua, or other third world countries. Whatahave they done recently? They sponsored trips to both El Salvador and to the West Bank. However, they used your money which is paid to MSA to do this..." First of all, the purpose of the Peace and Justice Commission is to educate students at the University of Michigan about issues of peace and justice. In the past such is- sues have included military research on campus, apartheid, the controversy sur- rounding a code of non-academic behavior, women's issues, and the California grape boycott - all this in addition to the for- mation of a sister university relationship with the University of El Salvador and is- sues dealing with the "Third World." Contrary to Williams' implications, the Peace and Justice Commission does not send any of "your money" to support events or groups outside of the University. All of the Commission's budget goes into sponsoring films, speakers, panel discus- sions, workshops, and other educational events which directly benefit students on this campus. All material and financial aid which the commission sent to various groups was raised specifically for those purposes through benefit dances, residence hall material aid campaigns and the like. Williams moves beyond simple distor- tion of truth to actual lying when he im- plies that the Peace and Justice Commis- sion independently sponsored "trips" to El Salvador and to the West Bank using "your money which is paid to MSA." While the Commission did present pro- posals for these student delegations, it had no control over the allocation of funds. The entire student assembly voted to fund these fact-finding missions from the MSA budget and not from the Peace and Justice Commission's own budget.. Here This division also ignores the concerns: which unite students on this and other, campuses and require collaboration for their resolution. Thus, Williams will not endorse providing solidarity for students suffering repression in another country, when there are already "so many problems on this campus which need to be ad- dressed" (MTS 10/19) -even when those students are being killed for trying to solve similar problems in their own coun- tries. The Peace and Justice Commission ded- icates itself to emphasizing both the or-I ganic links between student groups on campus and elsewhere and the inseparabil- ity of many campus issues from those important within a larger social context. This year we are planning a film series which will attempt to illustrate these con- 0 'Williams will not endorse providing solidarity for students suffering repression in another country when there are al- ready "so many problems on this campus which need to be ad- dressed" (MTS 10/19) even when those students are being killed for trying to solve similar problems in their own coun- tries.' Williams deliberately misrepresents facts in order to slander the Peace and Justice Commission, a commission which aims its projects at the students on this campus. Williams' concerted effort to get rid of the Peace and Justice Commission is not simply a part of his push towards "fiscal responsibility." It also reveals his desire to prevent the Commission from organizing events on campus; events which he does not view as pertaining to students because they do not reflect his own personal polit- ical priorities. Williams consistently attempts to im- pose these personal priorities on others by classifying issues as "on-campus" and "off-campus" - categories which are both artificial and discriminatory. Such a divi- sion ignores the interests of minority and women's groups, which, because of both the nature of the oppression they face and the broad changes which they seek to cre- ate within society, cannot be confined simply within the perimeters of the Uni- versity campus. nections by covering such themes as racism, military spending, the environ- ment, and sexism. We are also planning a, week of speakers, workshops, theater pre- sentations, and films focusing on the rela- tionship between art and social change: 4 This event will provide a forum for a broad coalition of student organizations while educating students about the way in which art may contribute to movements for social change. The Peace and Justice Commission does not question the legality of Williams' ac- tion, for he has every right to petition for a referendum. But, even though he did not succeed in securing the 1,000 signatures' needed to place a referendum on the : November ballot, the Peace and Justice Commission continues to question both the secretive way in which he planned the petition and the distortions of truth he employed to justify this action. Ingrid Fey is the Chair of the Peace and Justice Commission. Delegation to El Salvador serves important function: Broaden stdnorizons" HUD's unjust return HE DEPARTMENT of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been Pocked by one scandal after another for the past year. While federal funds have been slashed, senators have been using fed- eral money to finance the homes of family members and campaign con- tributors. More money has been lost than was demanded by people for the homeless at the march in Washington this month. Sam Pierce, the Secretary of HUD, denies any knowledge of these affairs. These actions are indica- live of the United States government's disregard for the needs of the poor and its failure to combat institutionalized discrimination. ; In 1965, President Johnson estab- lished HUD as a cabinet post. Johnson declared, "the old, the poor, and the discriminated against are increasingly concentrated in city ghettos... leaving the central city to battle against im- mense odds." HUD spearheaded the construction of public housing projects in cities from New York to Detroit to Los Angeles. As ineffective as HUD ever was at relieving the crises of our inner cities, over the past eight years, the situation further deteriorated. HUD, like every other department that presides over so- cial programs, has seen a drastic de- crease in funds. Public housing is now in a state of decay and homelessness has been increasing at a frightening rate. Much of the remaining money has been lost in innumerable and well-doc- umented scandals. In 1988 alone, a federal audit shows a record loss of $4.2 billion in insurance mortgages to the Federal Housing Administration of HUD. The appointment of Pierce as secre- tary is a striking example of the patron- izing attitude that those with political power have towards the country's un- der-represented groups. While slashing funds for public housing, President Reagan appointed a rich man from a wealthy suburb of Long Island who, would supposedly stay in touch with the needs of HUD's recipients because he is Black. Pierce's actions at HUD show the opposite. While the new Administration has eliminated numerous HUD programs as a result of the scandal, they have proposed no new ones. Bush is also implementing a drug program that would allow HUD tenants to be evicted from their homes if they are suspected of dealing drugs. Housing is a right and not a privi- lege. If our government were serious about upholding the equality of all peoples it would guarantee every homeless person decent housing. Un- likely. By Kathryn Savoie The University of El Salvador (UES) is a university under siege. On June 26, 1980, the Salvadoran military invaded the San Salvador campus with tanks and heavy artillery, murdering 50 students and ransacking laboratories, libraries and other equipment. From 1980 to 1984, the uni- versity was closed, under occupation by Salvadoran armed forces. On September 13, 1988, a peaceful university protest by students, faculty and staff to demand that the government appropriate the university budget - guaranteed by the Constitution but never fully appropriated - was at- tacked by riot squads of the National Po- lice. More recently, on May 25,1989, in re- sponse to a major offensive against the military garrison of the First Infantry Bat- talion, soldiers of the First Battalion en- tered the nearby campus of the University of El Salvador. They captured several stu- dent leaders, charging them with organiz- ing the attack on the military garrison. And in July of this year, Rene Cruz, secretary general of the General Associa- tion of Salvadoran University Students, was captured and held by military forces. So what do such brutal events at the University of El Salvador have to do with those of us here at the University of Michigan? First of all, the University of IL V'A .i Salvador is our sister University. This relationship, established in 1988 by the Michigan Student Assembly's Peace and Justice Committee, is intended to increase awareness on campus about the appalling human rights violations in El Salvador, and the U.S. role in supporting the gov- ernment responsible for them. Were you aware, for example, that the U.S. government has supplied over $3.6 billion to the government and armed forces of El Salvador since 1980? Were you aware that U.S. assistance to El Salvador last year accounted for more than half of that countries national budget? Yes, the United States government, in its infinite generosity with our tax dollars, supplied 55 percent of El Salvador's national bud- get. U.S. aid to El Salvador currently amounts to $1 million per day, and the majority of that goes, directly or indi- rectly, to the armed forces. So, one may argue, this doesn't have anything to do with students at the Uni- versity of Michigan. And it certainly isn't a student issue. I would argue that it is. We at the University have a responsibility as U.S. citizens for what is going on in El Salvador. We are responsible for the fact that University of El Salvador students must be more concerned with escaping re- pression than getting an education. Guarded at every entrance by soldiers armed with machine guns and clad in cam- ouflage - some with their faces camou- flaged with black, white and brown paint to escape recognition - the campus looks more like a military installation than an institute for higher education. The United States provides training to the military, which is responsible for widespread and systematic violations of human rights. The United States provides helicopters, machine guns, and other mili- tary equipment which the Salvadoran gov- ernment is using against its own citizens.. Our government expresses concern for human rights, but continues to fund a government in El Salvador, lead by the ARENA party, which, in the words of a 0 former U.S. Ambassador "is a violent Fascist party modeled after the Nazis." ARENA, lead by President Alfredo Cris- tiani, controls all branches of the Salvado- ran government. Its policy, like that of previous administrations, is to eliminate citizen opposition by mass murder and ter- ror. We as students of the University of Michigan should be concerned about what is going on in El Salvador, not just be- cause students would be drafted to fight there if the U.S. involvement escalates. And not just because UES is our sister University. We should be concerned be- cause the actions of our government reflect on all of us. We are, either through our, tax dollars or our silence, complicit in the repression of Salvadorans by their gov- ernment. We have the right, and therefore the responsibility, to speak out against our government. Salvadoran students, liv- ing in a police state supported by our gov- ernment, don't have that choice. In speak-. ing out against the injustices of their gov- ernment, they risk repression or death. There are those who oppose MSA funds: being spent to send delegates to El Sal- vador. This has nothing to do with us at: the University, they argue. This is not a: "campus issue." But we do not come to a: university community to isolate ourselves:* * ~ .W L2 ~